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Recent studies show that the Shewhart median chart is widely used for detecting shifts in a process, but it is often rather inefficient in detecting small or moderate process shifts. In order to overcome this problem, a Synthetic chart can be used. This chart outperforms the Shewhart‐type chart because it uses the information about the time interval between two consecutive nonconforming samples. In this paper, we propose and study the Phase II Synthetic median control chart. A Markov chain methodology is used to evaluate the statistical performance of the proposed chart. Moreover, its performance is investigated in the presence of measurement errors, which are modelled by a linear covariate error model. We provide the results of an extensive numerical analysis with several tables and figures in order to show the statistical performance of the investigated chart, for both cases of measurement errors and no measurement errors. Finally, an example illustrates the use of the Synthetic median chart.  相似文献   

Measurement error is often occurred in statistical process control. The effect of a linearly covariate error model on the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) median and cumulative sum (CUSUM) median charts is investigated. The results indicate that the EWMA median and CUSUM median charts are significantly affected in the presence of measurement errors. We compared the performance of the EWMA median and CUSUM median charts by using Markov chain method in the average run length and the standard deviation of the run length. We concluded that the CUSUM median chart for small shifts and the EWMA median chart for larger shifts are recommended. Two examples are provided to illustrate the application of the EWMA and CUSUM median charts with measurement errors.  相似文献   

A common assumption for most control charts is the fact that the process parameters are supposed to be known or accurately estimated from Phase I samples. But, in practice, this is not a realistic assumption and the process parameters are usually estimated from a very limited number of samples that, in addition, may contain some outliers. Recently, a median chart with estimated parameters has been proposed to overcome these issues and it has been investigated in terms of the unconditional Average Run Length (ARL). As this median chart with estimated parameters does not take the “Phase I between‐practitioners” variability into account, in this paper, we suggest to revisit it using the Standard Deviation of the ARL as a measure of performance. The results show that this Standard Deviation of the ARL–based median chart actually requires a much larger amount of Phase I data than previously recommended to sufficiently reduce the variation in the chart performance. Due to the practical limitation of the number of the Phase I data, the bootstrap method is recommended as a good alternative approach to define new dedicated control chart parameters.  相似文献   

In the literature, many control charts monitoring the median is designed under a perfect condition that there is no measurement error. This may make the practitioners confusing to apply these control charts because the measurement error is the true problem in practice. In this paper, we consider the effect of measurement error on the performance of the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart combining with the variable sampling interval (VSI) strategy. A linear covariate error model is supposed to model the measurement error. The performance of the VSI EWMA median control chart is evaluated through the average time to signal. The numerical simulation shows that the measurement errors have a negative influence on the proposed chart.  相似文献   

In quality control applications, the control chart is a powerful tool but its performance is adversely affected by the contamination from either the inspector or the measuring device leading to measurement errors. In this paper, we investigate the performance of the AEWMA median chart with measurement errors, and a methodology is proposed to obtain the optimal parameters by considering a linearly covariate error model. Several figures and tables show that, with the existence of measurement errors, the efficiency of the AEWMA median chart can be strongly affected, but this negative effect can be compensated by taking multiple measurements at each sample point. Comparisons with the Shewhart and the classical EWMA schemes confirm the superiority of the AEWMA scheme for detecting a wide range of shifts in the case of precise and imprecise data. An example is provided to illustrate the use of the AEWMA median chart with measurement errors.  相似文献   

As a useful tool in statistical process control (SPC), the exponential control chart is more and more popular for monitoring high-quality processes. Considering both known and estimated parameter cases, the one-sided exponential cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts are studied in this paper through a Markov chain approach. Because the shape of the run length (RL ) distribution of the one-sided exponential CUSUM charts is skewed and it also changes with the mean shift size and the number of Phase I samples used to estimate the process parameter, the median run length (MRL ) is employed as a good alternative performance measure for the charts. The optimal design procedures based on MRL of the one-sided exponential CUSUM charts with known and estimated parameters are discussed. By comparing the MRL performance of the chart with known parameters with the one of the chart with estimated parameters, we investigate the effect of estimated process parameters on the properties of the chart. Finally, an application is illustrated to show the implementation of the chart.  相似文献   

Evaluating the effect of measurement errors on either adaptive or simultaneous control charts has been a topic of interest for the researchers in the recent years. Nevertheless, the effect of measurement errors on both adaptive and simultaneous monitoring control charts has not been considered yet. In this paper, through extensive numerical studies, we evaluate the effect of measurement errors on an adaptive (variable parameters) simultaneous multivariate control chart for the mean vector and the variance-covariance matrix of p quality characteristics assumed to follow a multivariate normal distribution. In order to do so, (a) we use eight performance measures computed using a Markov chain model, (b) we consider the effects of multiple measurements as well as the error model's parameters, and (c) we also consider the overall performance of this adaptive simultaneous chart including the chart parameters values optimization, which have never been considered so far for this scheme. At last, a real case is presented in order to illustrate the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

The VSI chart has been investigated by many researchers under the assumption of known process parameters. However, in practice, these parameters are usually unknown and it is necessary to estimate them from the past data. In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of the VSI chart in terms of its average time to signal in the case where the process parameters are known and in the case where these parameters are estimated. We also provide new chart constants taking into account the number of phase I samples. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The AEWMA chart is an Adaptive EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average)–type chart that combines the Shewhart and the classical EWMA schemes in a smooth way. Its performance has been studied under the assumption that there is no measurement error in the quality characteristic. In this paper, we investigate the performance of the AEWMA chart when measurement errors exist using a linearly covariate error model. The presence of measurement errors with a linearly increasing measurement error standard deviation is also investigated. It turns out that, with the existence of measurement errors, the efficiency of the AEWMA chart can be strongly affected, and the negative effect can be compensated by taking multiple measurements at each sample point. Comparisons with the classical EWMA scheme confirm the superiority of the AEWMA scheme in detecting a wide range of shifts even in the presence of measurement errors. An example is provided to illustrate the use of the AEWMA chart with measurement errors.  相似文献   

Control charts are usually investigated under the assumption of known process parameters. In practice, however, the process parameters are rarely known and they have to be estimated from different Phase I data sets. The properties of control charts with estimated parameters are usually investigated with the unconditional average of the average run length. Control chart's performance is known to vary among practitioners because of the use of different Phase I data sets. Considering the between‐practitioners variability in control chart's performance, the standard deviation of the average run length is developed to reevaluate the properties of the synthetic chart with estimated parameters. Because of the limited amount of Phase I data in practice, the bootstrap method is used as a good adjustment technique for the synthetic chart's parameters.  相似文献   

Synthetic-type charts are efficient tools for process monitoring. They are easy to design and implement in practice. The properties of these charts are usually evaluated under the assumption of known process parameters. This assumption is sometimes violated in practice, and process parameters have to be estimated from different phase I data sets collected by different practitioners. This fact causes the between-practitioners variability among the properties of the synthetic-type charts designed for each practitioner. In fact, the shape of the run length distribution of the synthetic-type charts changes with the mean shift size. As a good alternative, the median run length (MRL) metric is argued to evaluate the properties of different control charts. In this paper, the MRL is used as a measure of the synthetic X¯ chart's performance, and the conditional MRL properties of the synthetic X¯ chart with unknown process parameters are investigated. Both the average MRL ( AMRL) and the standard deviation of MRL ( ◂⋅▸SDMRL) are used together to investigate the chart's properties when the process parameters are unknown. If the available number of phase I samples is not large enough to reduce the variability of the in-control MRL values to an acceptable level, a bootstrap-type approach is suggested to adjust the control limits of the synthetic X¯ chart and to further prevent many unwanted lower in-control MRL values.  相似文献   

In the literature, median control charts have been introduced under the assumption of no measurement error. However, measurement errors always exist in practice and may considerably affect the ability of control charts to detect out‐of‐control situations. In this paper, we investigate the performance of Shewhart median chart by using a linear covariate error model. Several figures and tables are presented and commented to show the statistical performance of Shewhart median control chart in the presence of measurement errors. We also investigate the positive effect of taking multiple measurements for each item in a subgroup on the performance of Shewhart median chart. An example illustrates the use of Shewhart median chart in the presence of measurement errors. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variable sampling interval exponentially weighted moving average median chart with estimated process parameters is proposed. The charting statistic, optimal design, performance evaluation, and implementation of the proposed chart are discussed. The average of the average time to signal (AATS) criterion is adopted to evaluate the performance of the proposed chart. The estimated process parameter‐based VSI EWMA median (VSI EWMA median‐e) chart is compared with the estimated process parameter‐based Shewhart median (SH median‐e), EWMA median (EWMA median‐e), and variable sampling interval run sum median (VSI RS median‐e) charts, in terms of the AATS criterion, where the VSI EWMA median‐e chart is shown to be superior. When process parameters are estimated, the standard deviation of the average time to signal (SDATS) criterion is used to evaluate the AATS performance of the VSI EWMA median‐e chart. Based on the SDATS criterion, the minimum number of phase‐I samples required by the VSI EWMA median‐e chart so that its performance is close to the known process parameters VSI EWMA median chart is recommended.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that Shewhart median ( ) chart is simpler than the Shewhart chart and it is robust against outliers, but it is often rather inefficient in detecting small or moderate process shifts. The statistical sensitivity of a Shewhart control chart can be improved by using supplementary Run Rules. In this paper, we propose the Phase II median Run Rules type control charts. A Markov chain methodology is used to evaluate the statistical performance of these charts. Moreover, the performance of proposed charts is investigated in the presence of a measurement errors and modelled by a linear covariate error model. An extensive numerical analysis with several tables and figures to show the statistical performance of the investigated charts is provided for both cases of measurement errors and no measurement errors. An example illustrates the use of these charts.  相似文献   

This paper can be considered as an extension of the work of Tran et al (for monitoring compositional data using a multivariate exponentially weighted moving average MEWMA-compositional data [CoDa] chart) by taking into account potential measurement errors that are known to highly affect production processes. A linearly covariate error model with a constant error variance is used to study the impact of measurement errors on the MEWMA-CoDa control chart. In particular, the influence of the device parameters (σM,b), the number of independent observations m, and the the number of variables p are investigated in terms of the MEWMA optimal couples (r,H) as well as in terms of their corresponding ARLs. A comparison between the Hotelling-CoDa T2 and the proposed chart is made in order to show that the MEWMA-CoDa chart is more efficient in detecting shifts in the presence of measurement errors. A real-life example of muesli production, using multiple measurements for each composition, is used to estimate the parameters and also to demonstrate how the MEWMA-CoDa can handle measurement errors to detect shifts in the process.  相似文献   

Fast initial response (FIR) features are generally used to improve the sensitivity of memory-type control charts by shrinking time-varying control limits in the earlier stage of the monitoring regime. This paper incorporates FIR features to increase the sensitivity of the homogeneously weighted moving average (HWMA) monitoring schemes with and without measurement errors under constant as well as linearly increasing variance scenarios. The robustness and the performance of the HWMA monitoring schemes are investigated in terms of numerous run-length properties assuming that the underlying process parameters are known and unknown. It is found that the FIR features improves the performance of the HWMA monitoring scheme as compared to the standard no FIR feature HWMA scheme, and at the same time, it is observed that the simultaneous use of a recently proposed FIR feature and multiple measurements significantly reduces the negative effect of measurement errors. An illustrative example on the volume of milk in bottles is used to demonstrate a real-life application.  相似文献   

The np‐control chart has been used to monitor the conforming fraction in process production, and it is assumed that no classification errors occur during the inspection process. Increases in the sample size and/or the number of repeated classifications of the inspected items can reduce the impact of the classification errors. In this paper, an np ‐control chart is proposed, and the monitored statistics are based on the results of independent repeated classifications with classification errors during the inspection process. The aim of the proposed control chart is to have the same performance as a control chart without classification errors. Numerical examples illustrate the proposal. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The run sum X ¯ control chart is usually investigated under the assumption of known process parameters. In practice, process parameters are rarely known and they need to be estimated from an in‐control Phase I dataset. However, different practitioners use different numbers of Phase I samples to estimate the process parameters. As a result, the commonly used performance measure, ie, the average run length becomes a random variable. In this study, we present a run sum X ¯ control chart with estimated process parameters and use the standard deviation of the average run length to evaluate the average of the average run length performance of the run sum X ¯ chart when process parameters are estimated. Based on the standard deviation of the average run length criterion, the number of Phase I samples required by the estimated process parameter–based run sum X ¯ chart to have an average of the average run length performance close to that obtained under the assumption of known process parameters is recommended.  相似文献   

The majority of the existing literature on simultaneous control charts, i.e. control charting mechanisms that monitor multiple population parameters such as mean and variance on a single chart, assume that the process is normally distributed. In order to adjust and maintain the overall type-I error probability, these existing charts rely largely on the property that the sample mean and sample variance are independent under the normality assumption. Furthermore, the existing charting procedures cannot be readily extended to non-normal processes. In this article, we propose and study a general charting mechanism which can be used to construct simultaneous control charts for normal and non-normal processes. The proposed control chart, which we call the density control chart, is essentially based on the premise that if a sample of observations is from an in-control process, then another sample of observations is no less likely to be also from the in-control process if the likelihood of the latter is no less than the likelihood of the former. The density control chart is developed for normal and non-normal processes where the distribution of the plotting statistic of the density control chart can be explicitly derived. Real examples are given and discussed in these cases. We also discuss how the density control chart can be constructed in cases when the distribution of the plotting statistic cannot be determined. A discussion of potential future research is also given.  相似文献   

In practice, measurement errors exist and ignoring their presence may lead to erroneous conclusions in the actual performance of control charts. The implementation of the existing multivariate coefficient of variation (MCV) charts ignores the presence of measurement errors. To address this concern, the performances of the upward Shewhart-MCV and exponentially weighted moving average MCV charts for detecting increasing MCV shifts, using a linear covariate error model, are investigated. Explicit mathematical expressions are derived to compute the limits and average run lengths of the charts in the presence of measurement errors. Finally, an illustrative example using a real-life dataset is presented to demonstrate the charts’ implementation.  相似文献   

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