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The operation of a hybrid tracking (HT) phase-locked loop (PLL) in radio-frequency interference (RFI) is considered. Results from a perturbation analysis for the loop phase error in continuous-wave (CW) RFI are found to compare favorably with results obtained by digital computer simulation. These results, together with simulation results for wide-band (in comparison to the loop bandwidth) RFI, indicate that loop structures which track both on the signal carrier and modulation components are advantageous in RFI plus Gaussian noise backgrounds. 相似文献
This paper considers a system that couples several phaselocked loops (PLL's) to improve carrier tracking performance. The system coherently combines the received carrier signals at geographically separated ground antennas to increase the total effective aperture. It automatically aligns the received carrier's phases to enhance received carrier signal-to-noise ratio. The tracking performance of this system is being assessed in terms of rms phase jitter. 相似文献
This paper deals with a tracking-loop-type approximation to the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator of the carrier phase in a suppressed-carrier vestigial sideband (VSB) data-transmission system. Two different tracking loops are considered, the one resembling a Costas loop, the other a data-aided receiver (DAR). The performance of these circuits is analyzed in the presence of thermal noise and intersymbol interference, and the results are compared with those relevant to a conventional scheme wherein a pilot tone is used to reconstruct the carrier at the receiver. 相似文献
Ever since carrier was developed for trunk usage, carrier for subscriber use, either over wire or radio, has been considered as a means for providing telephone service in rural areas. Starting with the Bell System development of its"M" type power line carrier, there have been 34 years of progress and subscriber carrier is now a reality. It is now beginning to become widely accepted in the telephone industry. Every year improvements in the state of the art are made. There is little doubt today that more and more subscriber carrier on wire lines and radio will be used in future years. This concise paper includes the history of the development of subscriber carrier and radio in the Telephone Program of the Rural Electrification Administration (REA). Also, the authors attempt a prognosis of what will happen in the next ten years (or longer). Suggestions are made for improvements still deemed necessary in equipment of this type. 相似文献
针对同阶二元偏移载波调制卫星导航信号,提出一种高效新算法解决信号跟踪中的模糊性。分析了同阶二元偏移载波调制原理、信号跟踪模糊性及解决方法,利用本地扩频码与接收信号的相关函数特点,构建了码跟踪环路鉴相曲线,选择了合适的相关间距作为符号判决,联合构成鉴相器,推导了算法设计的正确性,给出了实现架构。仿真结果表明,码相位捕获误差±0.9个码片内均可正确跟踪。该方法可进一步应用于全球卫星导航系统新体制信号的接收处理。 相似文献
QAM全数字接收机载波相位恢复环路 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文着重研究全数字QAM接收机中载波恢复环路的设计,采用快慢两个数字环路来进行载波恢复,慢环路由锁频器(Frequency Detector),锁频锁相器(Phase and Frequency Detector)等组成,快环路由相痊解旋器和锁相器(Phase Detector)组成,仿真结果表明,在AWGN条件下,两个环路的环路参数设置存在一个最佳点,当两个环路工作在这个最佳点附近时接收机能够很好的进行载波频率,相位的恢复,相位噪声对接收机性能的影响最小,最后,给出了在不同信噪比下的最佳环路参数表。 相似文献
This paper analyzes the performance of a phase-locked loop driven by the photodetector current in an optical receiver. The variance of the phase-errors of the loop is found as a function of the relevant system parameters. The results are in good agreement with experimental data obtained via computer simulation. 相似文献
It is becoming increasingly popular in the design of suppressed carrier receivers, which employ Costas loops for earrier reconstruction, to hard-limit the output of the in-phase channel. Doing so allows replacement of the analog multiplier, which forms the loop error signal, with a chopper-type device which typically exhibits much less dc offset. The false lock behavior of such a hard-limited loop was recently investigated and shown to be quite different from that of the conventional Costas loop without the hard limiter. This paper presents the companion, analysis of the tracking performance of the hard-limited loop and assesses the penalty, if indeed it is a penalty rather than an improvement, in this performance relative to the conventional Costas loop with an analog third multiplier. In particular, for the case ofRC arm filters and NRZ data, the squaring loss (or equivalently the linear loop tracking jitter) is evaluated and illustrated as a function of the ratio of arm filter bandwidth to data rate and data signal-to-noise ratio. Superimposed on these numerical results will be the corresponding ones for the conventional Costas loop. As a finale, the equivalence in operation of the Costas loop with hard-limited in-phase channel and a baseband modulation carrier reconstruction loop referred to as a demod/ remod loop is discussed. 相似文献
The theory of decision-aided carrier tracking loops as developed by Lindsey and Simon is extended to include the effects of intersymbol interference. A major theoretical result is the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density function (pdf) of the phase error for a first-order tracking loop. This function is used to average upper and lower bounds on the demodulator error rate so that an estimate of the overall system error rate may be obtained. The modulation technique analyzed is double-sideband-pulse-amplitude pulse-amplitude modulation. Curves are presented which display the threshold performance of the system error rate at low modulation index. 相似文献
A new technique is proposed for carrying out amplitude modulation/demodulation. The scheme is power efficient in that it does not require the transmission of a separate carrier. Receiver complexity is limited in that phase locking circuitry is not employed. Performance is evaluated and shown to be better than that of Double Side-Band (envelope detection) for the broadcast transmission of speech. 相似文献
Chung Un Hwang Lee Joo Song 《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》1981,29(9):1337-1344
We present a reasonably complete account of an improved adaptive delta modulation (ADM) system called hybrid companding delta modulation (HCDM). The HCDM system that is far superior to continuously variable slope DM (CVSD) or constant factor DM (CFDM) is advantageous, particularly for speech coding. It employs both syllabic and instantaneous companding schemes. Performance analysis of the system has been done and verified by computer simulation. In getting the mathematical formula for HCDM granular noise, a new method based on amplitude distribution is proposed. Optimization of the system parameter values by simulation is also discussed. In addition, an efficient method of hardware implementation is considered. 相似文献
论文分析了OFDM系统中载波偏差引起的子载波干扰,设计了一种面向判决的载波跟踪环。仿真结果表明,环路在低信噪比时工作良好,接收机的误码率接近没有载波偏差时的性能。 相似文献
一种基于FPLL的载波跟踪算法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
介绍了一种基于锁频锁相环(FPLL)的载波跟踪算法.频率跟踪模块可以适应较大动态范围的频率变化,基于软件的数控振荡器(NCO)模块可以达到极高的频率跟踪精度.由于有锁频环的频率牵引,锁相环路滤波器可以设计得很窄,具有很好的抑噪性能,满足精确跟踪载波相位的要求.因此,该基于FPLL的载波跟踪算法可以适应信号存在较大的动态范围和噪声干扰的应用环境;同时,其鉴频鉴相算法表达式简单,易于用可编程数字器件实现. 相似文献
Wei-Lung Mao 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》2007,26(1):91-113
Carrier phase measurement is essential for high-accuracy measurement in kinematic global positioning system (GPS) applications.
For GPS receiver design, a narrow noise bandwidth is desired to decrease phase jitter due to thermal noise. However, this
bandwidth will deteriorate the capability of the tracking loop and result in cycle slipping. Based on bandwidth adjustment
criteria, a novel intelligent GPS receiver is proposed for solving the carrier phase tracking problem in the presence of
high dynamic environments. A phase error estimator is developed in the carrier loop to conduct the phase error signals; i.e.,
frequency and frequency ramp errors. Two kinds of fuzzy inference (FI)-based approaches, fuzzy logic control and adaptive
neuro-fuzzy control methods, that are simple and have easy realization properties are designed to perform rapid and accurate
control of the digital frequency phase-locked loop (FPLL). A new design procedure for kinematic GPS receiver development
is also presented. The computer results show that the FI-based receivers achieve faster settling time and wider pull-in range
than the conventional tracking loops while also preventing the occurrence of cycle slips. 相似文献