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《欧洲风景公约》:关于"文化景观"的一场思想革命   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
麦琪·罗  韩锋  徐青 《中国园林》2007,23(11):10-15
《欧洲风景公约》对欧洲的景观有了一个较之从前更为全面的理解。这个公约所包含的思想已开始反映在欧洲各国政府、环境机构以及欧洲大多数对景观感兴趣的相关团体的工作中。景观没有必要划分为"自然的"或"文化的"2类,因为欧洲所有的景观都已经或多或少地受到人类的影响。因而",文化景观"的术语显得过于累赘,所有欧洲景观都具有不同程度的文化性。然而,对景观进行分类仍然是个复杂的问题。不同的个人、组织和文化往往依据自身对自然长期的、不同程度的干预和联想发展出自身的价值。《欧洲风景公约》不期望一种景观价值凌驾于另一种之上,事实上《,欧洲风景公约》认识到,与那些通常被标识为具有全球重要性的景观一样,地方的和退化的景观对于社区或文化、社区居民或外来的造访者具有同样的重要性。这个公约在全欧洲的政府中将"普通"景观与"特殊"景观同等对待,这是具有革命性的创举。  相似文献   

《全球风景公约》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导言 <全球风景公约>旨在为各国风景园林协会制定自己的风景公约提供一个框架,作为对所有分享风景的社会群体之承诺.该公约由2部分组成:第一部分,公约的目的和意义;第二部分,供各风景园林协会在构建各自国家风景公约内容时借鉴和使用的大纲.  相似文献   

为应对环境恶化对经济发展和人民生活水平带来的挑战,欧盟通过保护地、环境评价、生态系统修复、多领域协同等风景园林规划实践,来保护、修复和提升风景品质;同时,密切关注风景变化,以便动态地调整风景规划政策.整体上看,欧盟的风景园林规划综合实践途径是通过政策法规和财政手段来保障风景规划的实施,同时,以风景驱动城市与经济发展,鼓...  相似文献   

在全球环境问题日趋严峻的今天,风景园林行业在改善环境方面的重要作用日益得到认可.由IFLA提出的全球第一部<全球风景公约>无疑将会对全球的风景园林行业起到重要的统一、协调和约束的作用.首先介绍了该公约产生的背景、主旨、术语定义和框架体系,然后提出该公约的特点,包括首创性、宣示性、前瞻性和可实施性,还有对现代风景园林行业的作用和影响,最后,预测了该公约将会对我国风景园林行业产生的影响.  相似文献   

在IUCN伞球自然保护系统中,中国的风景名胜区在人口、体制、资金、文化、利益主体、地域关系上有很多独特性,风景旅游游憩与社区发展是当前风景名胜区面临的众多矛盾的直接动因,对保护与发展适宜度缺乏科学评价标准是目前众多矛盾难以解决的根本原因之一;从基于审美价值的规划理论方法走向基于自然科学价值、历史文化价值、审美价值、游憩价值等全面的综合规划与管理.是实现风景区可持续管理的关键,也是对风景科学与风景区规划理论和方法的深化.可持续管理制度是保持风景区保护与发展动态平衡的重要机制,游憩适宜性评价、生态影响评价、社区可持续性评价、可持续管理规划、风景动态监控系统是风景区日可持续管理的5个关键技术.  相似文献   

我国风景名胜区规划和管理的问题与对策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
蔡立力 《城市规划》2004,28(10):74-80
揭示并分析当前中国风景名胜区规划和管理所面临的问题及其产生的原因。主要问题有现实与理想的相悖、统一与多头的尴尬、规划与实施的背离、保护与利用的两难和所有与占有的神离。导致的主要原因是缺乏对风景名胜区的准确认识和相关法规政策、管理、规划不完善等。基于国家行政主管部门的改革和调整来探讨改善风景名胜区规划和管理的对策,提出了提高规划定位、明确管理定性、实行分类指导的方法和多项具体举措。  相似文献   

李正  裴欣 《风景园林》2021,28(7):69-75
伴随着公路建设、汽车普及和城市扩张,山地风景道项目在全球范围内普遍出现,满足都市乘客对旅途景观品质的需求。不同利益相关者就如何处理风景道与山地景观之间的关系存在分歧,需要通过合作规划与管理进行协调,但现有相关研究尚未针对具有不同活动类型、建设强度、治理主体和土地权属的都市山地风景道进行深入分析。洛杉矶在都市山地合作治理方面对美国其他城市乃至全球产生了示范效应,以紧邻洛杉矶市中心的圣莫妮卡山为案例,分析相关法规条例、研究报告、规划方案和设计导则,探讨汽车导向型山地风景道的合作规划与管理模式。研究发现:圣莫妮卡山地风景道建设具有明显的阶段性特征,涉及基础设施建设、地产开发、风景旅游、生态保护4种相互矛盾的外部需求。鉴于这些外部需求对山地景观造成的干扰,相关治理主体之间形成了3种基于廊道管控的风景道合作规划与管理模式。研究结果表明:这些合作模式有利于制衡不同外部需求,明确各方权责,构建能够适应充满变化性和复杂性的都市环境的韧性山地景观。  相似文献   

王馨梓  毛华松 《风景园林》2022,29(9):135-141
中国园林发展进程中的第三次转折发生在近代,展开近代风景审美特征及其社会动力机制的研究,对深入理解风景审美的近代化进程有积极意义。基于《良友》画报,以报道体裁和风景类型建立近代风景图文史料库,总结近代风景在审美主体、审美表达和审美对象上的延续与嬗变:1)在审美主体上,画报以教育文化为宗旨并组建精英化编写群体,推动了近代风景审美的发展和大众化;2)在审美表达上,诗画结合的意境表达仍是画报的重要表达方式,但受西方思想与新技术的影响,报道采用客观理性的图像文字,激发了风景审美的理性化倾向;3)在审美对象上,画报仍高度关注传统文化,但在近代化进程中,风景审美对象表现出多样化的特征并被赋予教育、健康与民族意识的意义。对近代风景审美特征的挖掘有助于深化对近代风景营建思想的认识,可为识别和保护近代风景资源与遗产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张志强  郑曦 《中国园林》2022,38(7):133-138
以《东庄图》和《拙政园三十一景图》中的城墙景观为研究对象,采用图像和园林历史情境互证的方法,通过由图到园和由园及城的系统分析,解译了这2套园林绘画中城墙形象出现的画理依据、造园因素和城市风景文化情结,认为城墙形象在沈周和文徵明为代表的吴门画派的园林题材绘画作品中具有指示园林地望的作用,同时城墙也是当时城内和城外园林的重要借景对象;随着城市的功能转移,城墙周围的城市边缘区域对于园林的布局起到空间的牵引作用,究其原因与被内外城河环绕区域丰富的园艺空地和良好的水运交通分不开,最终形成了半村半城的园林和城市的空间耦合关系。旨在为苏州古城历史上形成的园林和城市风貌关系的传承和保护有所助益。  相似文献   

住房和城乡建设部、国家发改委近日联合发出《关于切实加强城市照明节能管理严格控制景观照明的通知》。  相似文献   

Implementation of the European Landscape Convention requires new tools that link ecological, social and cultural dimensions in practical planning. Here, we propose connectivity as a conceptual tool to include different dimensions into landscape and spatial planning. We present a short review of the connectivity concept in relation to ecological, social and cultural dimensions and illustrate it by examples from a real landscape planning case.  相似文献   

Adopted in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2000, the European Landscape Convention is aimed at promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscapes and organising European cooperation on landscape issues. It is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all dimensions of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and relates to natural, urban and peri-urban areas, whether on land, water or sea. It therefore concerns not just remarkable landscapes but also ordinary everyday landscapes and blighted areas. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the objectives of the Council of Europe: these seek to protect Europeans' quality of life and well-being, taking into account landscape, cultural and natural values. The member states of the Council of Europe signatory to the European Landscape Convention declared their concern to achieve sustainable development based on a balanced and harmonious relationship between social needs, economic activity and the environment. The cultural dimension is also of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adopted in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2000, the European Landscape Convention is aimed at promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscapes and organising European cooperation on landscape issues. It is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all dimensions of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and relates to natural, urban and peri-urban areas, whether on land, water or sea. It therefore concerns not just remarkable landscapes but also ordinary everyday landscapes and blighted areas. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the objectives of the Council of Europe: these seek to protect Europeans' quality of life and well-being, taking into account landscape, cultural and natural values. The member states of the Council of Europe signatory to the European Landscape Convention declared their concern to achieve sustainable development based on a balanced and harmonious relationship between social needs, economic activity and the environment. The cultural dimension is also of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention has encouraged member states to develop tools for landscape planning and management. Landscape character assessment is the most widespread approach. The aim of this paper is to identify the main trends in landscape unit delineation in Spain. For this purpose, 29 works are analysed by the Multiple Correspondence technique (MCA). Each work is characterised by a category of the variables: scale, type of extent, geomorphology, land matrix and visual boundaries. Results show that there is an implicit hierarchy in the way Spanish professionals are mapping landscape units. It is more apparent in variables related to geomorphology and less evident in variables related to land matrix. Regarding visual boundaries, they are not usually used at small scales and are more frequent at intermediate and large scales. The definition of clear criteria that allow comparable classifications and the increased consideration of cultural and perceptual factors is encouraged for future landscape character classifications.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to discuss the need for innovation in the landscape policies that were proclaimed by the European Landscape Convention (ELC), which promotes a change from policies stressing conservation to policies stressing a management approach to planning new landscapes. This change focuses on the need to define a new methodological approach to evaluate and promote landscape values as well as to define a process leading to shared values in reference to landscape. This article begins its research with the recent implementation of the ELC in some European Countries. On this basis, it presents an alternative definition of landscape, discusses the role of landscape evaluation, and identifies the different types of values involved in landscape.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to discuss the need for innovation in the landscape policies that were proclaimed by the European Landscape Convention (ELC), which promotes a change from policies stressing conservation to policies stressing a management approach to planning new landscapes. This change focuses on the need to define a new methodological approach to evaluate and promote landscape values as well as to define a process leading to shared values in reference to landscape. This article begins its research with the recent implementation of the ELC in some European Countries. On this basis, it presents an alternative definition of landscape, discusses the role of landscape evaluation, and identifies the different types of values involved in landscape.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) aims to promote landscape protection, management and planning and to organise European cooperation on landscape issues. The introduction of the ELC in 2000 created a need for further theoretical work within the field of landscape research, which has historically provided a weak theoretical basis for policy implementation. In this study, a relational approach was used to investigate the ongoing ELC implementation process in Sweden, illustrating government dynamics and highlighting efforts to transform discourses and practices. The conceptual framework used comprised three analytical components (policy community, policy meaning and strategy-making practice) and the relational approach was applied at national, regional and local policy levels. The results revealed both progress and obstacles to ELC implementation in Sweden and confirmed the usefulness of the relational approach.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention recognises the importance of public participation for landscape planning in order to capture local knowledge, sensitive issues and conflicts, boost exchanges of information and democratise the process. However, traditional public participation methods are frequently restricted to public exposure at the final stage of the planning process. New public participation movements call for a greater role for the people at all stages. The growing development of ICT and geospatial information technologies provides new means of improving the participation process. This paper describes the public participation procedure and the participation geographic information system used to develop the Landscape Inventory of Galicia, whose results were used for the characterisation of landscape types, the delimitation of special interest areas from the locations identified by citizens and the definition of special attention areas from the degraded areas located by population.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) highlights the landscape as an holistic concept, which is important for individual and social well being and for quality of life. Landscape questions tend today to fall between the responsibilities of different sectors of society. The implications of the Convention for giving 'landscape' a higher status in spatial planning are discussed. Important challenges for planning that need to be focused from a landscape approach are discussed: the growing urbanization; the development and new roles of the urban fringe areas; new infrastructure landscapes; the mental landscapes of tomorrow; an holistic approach to landscape ecological planning and environmental policies and the need for co-ordination of European planning issues that concern landscapes. Planning for good landscape qualities is not a new issue; many landscape architects and landscape planners have worked in the spirit of the ELC for decades. The importance of educating landscape architects and planners with an holistic approach is particularly addressed. Efforts for a more integrated landscape education, such as the European network LE:NOTRE, already exist and contribute to the implementation of the ELC.  相似文献   

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