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Although most disasters are not entirely unexpected and therefore can, to varying degrees, be mitigated for, the UK construction sector does not play a sufficiently integrated role in disaster risk management. Research is reported on the development of a knowledge database and decision support framework to enable more effective disaster risk-management strategies from a construction perspective. A survey of UK professionals involved with disaster risk-management activities (i.e. emergency planning, constructing, urban planning, insurance) indicates that knowledge and awareness of integrated approaches is poor, and the construction sector as a key stakeholder and potential resource is not being used sufficiently. Key recommendations to improve the construction sector in the process are as follows: construction-related stakeholders need to become more involved in groups such as Local Resilience Teams and Forums; risk and hazard awareness training needs to be integrated systematically into the professional training of architects, planners, engineers, developers, etc.; and the construction sector should embrace and pre-empt regulatory changes regarding resilient construction requirements.

Bien que la plupart des catastrophes ne soient pas complètement inattendues et que, dans des proportions variables, elles puissent par conséquent être atténuées, l'industrie britannique du bâtiment ne s'implique pas suffisamment dans la gestion des risques de catastrophes. Il est rendu compte de recherches sur le développement d'une base de connaissances et d'un cadre de soutien à la prise de décision afin de rendre des stratégies de gestion des risques de catastrophes plus efficaces du point de vue de l'industrie du bâtiment. Une enquête auprès des professionnels britanniques impliqués dans les activités de gestion des risques de catastrophes (à savoir, planification des mesures d'urgence, construction, aménagement urbain, assurances) indique que le niveau de connaissances et de sensibilisation en matière d'approches intégrées est faible, et que le secteur du bâtiment en tant que partie prenante essentielle et ressource potentielle n'est pas suffisamment utilisé. Les principales recommandations pour améliorer le secteur du bâtiment sont les suivantes: il faut que les parties prenantes liées à l'industrie du bâtiment soient plus impliquées dans des groupes tels que les Equipes et les Forums Locaux de Résistance (Local Resilience Teams and Forums); il est nécessaire que les formations de sensibilisation aux risques et aux dangers soient systématiquement intégrées dans la formation professionnelle des architectes, des urbanistes, des ingénieurs, des promoteurs, etc., et le secteur du bâtiment devrait adopter facilement et anticiper les changements de réglementation relatifs aux obligations de résistance des constructions.

Mots clés: secteur du bâtiment, atténuation des catastrophes, plans en prévision des catastrophes, gestion des risques de catastrophes, inondations, risques naturels, résistance, Royaume-Uni  相似文献   

基于韧性城市理论的灾害防治研究回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韧性城市提供了一种新的思路和理论体系来解决稳定发展需求和城市内外部干扰不可预测性之间的矛盾,并在城市灾害防治领域展开了一系列理论研究和实践应用.对韧性概念起源和理论发展进行了梳理,比较和辨析了城市韧性和灾害韧性的概念和研究边界,概括了当前灾害韧性研究进展和研究热点,详细介绍了适应性循环的扰沌模型和韧性城市规划基本范式,依据已有研究总结出韧性城市规划范式的基本研究策略.基于文献综述对韧性评价的研究进展进行评述,并对比分析了当前广泛应用的两个评价体系,总结了其优缺点.从区域、城市和社区三个层级系统分析了韧性城市理论在区域与城市规划及防灾领域中的应用,依据对已有研究综合分析,探讨了城市灾害韧性研究的三个发展趋势.  相似文献   

毛华松  张立立  罗评 《风景园林》2019,26(7):96-100
研究表明,山地城市雨洪与滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害密切相关,而提升雨洪灾害的适灾能力建设已成为应对山地城市次生灾害频发的迫切诉求。以灾害链相关理论为支撑,围绕致灾因子、孕灾环境、承灾体3个灾害链关键要素,分析、归纳山地雨洪的灾害链及其链式的灾害演化关系和灾变路径,并在此基础上提出“灾害链断链”和“城市空间减灾”2个层面的雨洪减灾规划策略,从而达到降低雨洪灾害链频次,减少灾情放大,增大城市安全性的目的;进而以巫山早阳组团城市设计为例,探讨雨洪减灾规划策略的实践应用,以期为山地城市防灾减灾能力建设提供相应的理论指导与实践借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了2项城市规划设计的国际性实践操作案例.通过2项案例探讨了景观规划、景观都市主义以及可持续性和可具弹性方面之新举措,对这些内容背后存在的理论体系进行了回顾和揭示.在此基础上,针对实现具有可持续性和弹性的社会城市化过程所面临的巨大挑战,提出了规划和设计上新的理论方法以及新的实践操作范式.  相似文献   


In this paper we examine the current state of play with regards to the security of smart city initiatives. Smart city technologies are promoted as an effective way to counter and manage uncertainty and urban risks through the effective and efficient delivery of services, yet paradoxically they create new vulnerabilities and threats, including making city infrastructure and services insecure, brittle, and open to extended forms of criminal activity. This paradox has largely been ignored or underestimated by commercial and governmental interests or tackled through a technically-mediated mitigation approach. We identify five forms of vulnerabilities with respect to smart city technologies, detail the present extent of cyberattacks on networked infrastructure and services, and present a number of illustrative examples. We then adopt a normative approach to explore existing mitigation strategies, suggesting a wider set of systemic interventions (including security-by-design, remedial security patching and replacement, formation of core security and computer emergency response teams, a change in procurement procedures, and continuing professional development). We discuss how this approach might be enacted and enforced through market-led and regulation/management measures, and then examine a more radical preventative approach to security.  相似文献   

The range and variety of the career of Sir Raymond Unwin should be evidence of its permanent significance, but the same diversity has often inhibited a full understanding of his contributions. It has not been well enough realized, for example, that in depending upon Howard, Hinton, Carpenter, Ruskin, and Morris for much of his inspiration, he belonged well within a larger context of British social and artistic thought. World War I also brought on u change in the circumstances of his career, identifying him as an individualistic artist-architect before, and a governmental leader und technician afterward. Nevertheless, consistent themes run through both phases, among them the absolute right of public amenity, the priority of the community as a social ideal over the city as a physical reality, the house as the basis for sound planning because of its importance to family life, and the desirability of separating the concerns of land layout from those of building design. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he believed that tradition was an indispensable stimulus to creativity.  相似文献   

This review examines two new socio-ecological imperatives that have the potential to reshape planning practice and policy: urban climate governance and governance for resilience. The roots of the new imperatives lie in international city collaborative networks funded by philanthropy organisations that operate at city scale. City networks operating at the metropolitan scale raise issues for Australian cities with distributed governance. This practice review considers the early manifestation of both imperatives in what might be termed ‘policy experiments’ in Australia’s two largest cities: the new climate governance framework emerging through the City of Sydney’s collaboration with the C40 network and the resilience regime being shaped by the City of Melbourne’s partnership with Rockefeller Foundation’s Resilient 100 program. Whilst our early analysis has accentuated the positive to some degree, pointing to different, if preliminary, forms of success in both Sydney and Melbourne, the limits and frustrations that present in both contexts cannot be discounted. Urban planners in many world cities and regions will need to consider and possibly absorb these new agendas of urban climate governance and governing for resilience driven by international city collaborative networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, a flash flood that occurred in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina in 2008 is used to investigate the existence of spatial spillovers from natural disasters in geographically-linked areas. In order to do so, we estimated a Difference-in-Differences model that explicitly allows for the existence of spatial interactions within affected and unaffected regions. Our results show that municipalities directly affected by the flood suffered an 7.6% decrease in GDP per capita in the year of the disaster. Three years after the flood, however, GDP per capita rebounded back to pre-disaster levels in all sectors but the Agricultural sector. Finally, our spatial estimations show that spillovers exist and are economically relevant.  相似文献   

沿海和三角洲地区持续面对潮汛引发的洪水、冲淤失衡等挑战。以威尼斯潟湖与鹿特丹三角洲为例,探讨和寻找了此类地区长期存续的发展方式。调研两城的城水关系发展,关注不同时期冲淤变化及其对城市区位和空间结构的影响,考虑当前和未来影响冲淤平衡的可能性,得出3个结论:1)更好地顺应自然趋势和利用区域水系统的变化,增强城市化景观的韧性并且从根本上修复生态系统,此目标达成的关键是恢复区域水系统稳定的冲淤平衡;2)上述根本性改变的前提是港口经济和航运业的彻底重组;3)城水关系发展历史表明潟湖、三角洲和河口不同的自然系统在城市中发挥作用的方式存在差异。对城水关系演变的关注可令公众强烈意识到冲淤平衡稳定对城市景观的重要性,研究经验可供其他河口、三角洲或潟湖城市借鉴。  相似文献   

Municipal amalgamations have historically accounted for a substantial reduction in the number of councils in Australia. Proponents of municipal consolidation typically argue that substantial economic benefits will inevitably flow from fewer, larger municipal councils. This article seeks to evaluate the validity of the generic case for council amalgamation in Australia.  相似文献   

目前,我国很多城市都在大规模进行地下空间的开发利用,随着地下空间开发利用的深入,城市地下空间的排水与防洪功能的重要性也日益凸显,但目前尚无成熟有效的地下空间防洪标准可供参考。本文介绍了国内外地下空间排水与防洪功能的现状,指出我国城市地下空间防洪排水的重要性,并结合山地城市的特点,分析地下空间防洪排水的主要影响因素,对山地城市已运行的防排水系统的特点进行研究,总结山地城市地下空间防洪排水的策略,并提出具体的改进建议,为预防和减少城市地下空间的洪涝灾害事故提供借鉴和参考,对平原城市地下空间的排水与防洪也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article and the commentaries which accompany it centres on a reflection by consultant-academic Nathaniel Lichfield on his work on planned development and the evaluation of the impacts of such development, over a career spanning the past 60 years. His work, in the UK and across the world, had a formative influence on generations of planners brought up on his texts. In this presentation, David Adams sets the context of his contribution. The heart of the article is a reflective synthesis by Lichfield on his own work from his first major contribution in 1956, to its evolution in the 1960s into the technique of the Planning Balance Sheet, and later, Community Impact Evaluation. His starting point is that there can be urban and regional planning which does not lead to physical development on the ground and there can be such development on the ground that has not been influenced by government led urban and regional planning. Neither of these is planned development. This takes place when the two are fused together in practice: the development and the government led planning. It is this simple concept, with particular emphasis on its economics, which was treated at length in the Economics of Planned Development (1956). In order to fully describe the concept, the book's contents are summarized in the first half of this article following an introduction of the background. Following the publication of the book, Lichfield's professional and academic work took him in many directions, much of which fell loosely under the ambit of the economics of planned development. His contributions were not written up as sequels to the book but rather in related books, papers and articles under an array of topics. He terms these 'the children of EPD'. They are described in the second half of the article, grouped in relation, as appropriate, to each of the main themes of the 1956 book and extensions of it. Lichfield's article is followed by three commentaries. The first, by Mike Teitz, positions his work and its later development in the changing context of the times. The second, by Barrie Needham, provides some critical thoughts on how well the concept of 'planned development' travels transnationally into different institutional contexts. The third, from consultant-planner Alan Wenban-Smith, himself working on policy evaluation in the UK, explores the practical and methodological robustness of Lichfield's concepts. Overall, the piece provides an input to reflections on the relation between state and market in the development process and on the evaluative stance the state should take to its interventions.  相似文献   

In Nigeria, environmental problems are severe, particularly in the Niger Delta region of the country. In that region, crude petroleum activities damage the fertility of the soil, and destroy wildlife and the breeding ground for marine fishes because of the toxicity of oil and gas. Consequently, the indigenous people are impoverished, with attendant increase in environmental abuse occasioned by their struggle for survival. The various government programmes aimed at ameliorating their plight have failed due to inefficiency and corruption. The federal government is also thwarting efforts by Niger Deltans at resource control that would help to distribute equitably the oil resources of the region. This opposition to a derivation‐based redress to the development problems of Niger Delta is partly responsible for the anarchy that the region is experiencing. Unless the underlying problems are addressed, the Niger Delta will remain a source of instability for the Nigerian federation. Therefore, the oil of the Niger Delta needs exploitation in ways that advance the cause of development in Nigeria without compromising the environmental values of that region and the welfare of its people.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the social capital and economic resilience of Italian provinces during the Great Recession. It focuses on social economy organizations' internal and external relational dimensions to proxy forms of bonding and bridging social capital. Through an econometric analysis, I find that indicators depicting the diffusion of volunteering and cooperative employment are positively related to a measure of resilience, confirming the hypothesis that social capital can shape local reactions to crises. I also find a negative relationship between the local resilience and social cooperatives' density, highlighting how the latter indicator does not seize virtuous forms of social capital.  相似文献   

山地城市地质灾害防治规划思考:防治与利用一体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高山地城市地质灾害防治工作的科学性,引导山地城市建设健康发展,通过对山地城市地质灾害及其防治现状概况的分析,提出了地质灾害防治与利用一体化的思路,并对一体化的思路进行了详细分析论证。论述了什么是一体化概念,为什么要进行一体化,以及一体化可实现的保障技术。从城市规划的角度,建构了从不同规划阶段和不同规划区域研究地质灾害治理与利用的一体化体系,提出山地城市地质灾害治理与利用一体化的策略。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Conventional hazard mitigation and pre-disaster recovery planning processes typically begin with hazard scenarios that illustrate probable events and analyze their impacts on the built environment. The processes conclude with responses to the hypothetical disruption that focus on “hardening” buildings or structures or removing them from threatened areas. These approaches understate the importance of natural and social sources of adaptive capacity. Three “proof-of-principle” exercises designed to strengthen the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s Risk MAP (Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning) process in Washington State suggest how better to conduct hazard mitigation and recovery planning. Each begins with workshops where stakeholders identify built, natural, and social assets that contribute to human wellbeing (HWB) before introducing earthquake scenarios that affect HWB. Participants then identify assets that could facilitate adaptation to changed circumstances (a “new normal”). Participants discuss how these assets would achieve the goals of comprehensive community planning as well as hazard mitigation and recovery from disaster. Neighborhood-scale social organization emerges as an important priority.

Takeaway for practice: Asset-based approaches enable communities to better recover from disaster and adapt to a post-disaster “new normal.” By premising planning discussions on a more holistic set of assets, communities can balance physical recovery goals with qualities that help them to adapt to future change. Furthermore, thinking about recovering before an event actually occurs can enlarge the menu of mitigation strategies. Planning for adaptation can also help communities achieve many non-risk-related objectives.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of the sectoral structure on the economic resilience of Chilean regions during the shocks of the 1998 Asian and 2008 financial crises by employing cycle dissection, phase-differentiated spatially extended shift-share analysis, and regional analysis indices. Regions with more diversified structures exhibited better performance during the crises. Certain service sectors moderated the impacts of the crises in the resistance phases, and in turn, were drivers during the recovery phases. Remarkably, agriculture slowed the recovery of the southern regions. Some of these results were induced by the high demographic and economic concentration in the metropolitan region of Santiago.  相似文献   

Cities,regions and the decline of transport costs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The theoretical framework of urban and regional economics is built on transportation costs for manufactured goods. But over the twentieth century, the costs of moving these goods have declined by over 90% in real terms, and there is little reason to doubt that this decline will continue. Moreover, technological change has eliminated the importance of fixed infrastructure transport (rail and water) that played a critical role in creating natural urban centres. In this article, we document this decline and explore several simple implications of a world where it is essentially free to move goods, but expensive to move people. We find empirical support for these implications.JEL Classification: R12, R14, R23, R41, J30Glaeser thanks the National Science Foundation, the Taubman Center, and the Rappaport Institute for support and Jesse Shapiro for providing tremendous assistance. Kohlhase thanks Jia-Huey Ling and Anuja Krishnan for helpful research assistance.  相似文献   

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