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由于无线信道的多径衰落引起的符号间干扰(ISI)极大地影响了接收端的信号质量,为了对抗ISI引起的信号畸变,通常要在接收端进行信道均衡。该文分析了基于MMSE-DFE的Turbo均衡原理并提出两种低复杂度的改进算法。仿真结果表明,这两种算法性能良好。  相似文献   

用于盲接收的turbo均衡与迭代信道估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Turbo均衡是一种将信道均衡和差错控制译码联合迭代处理的均衡机制,与传统的均衡器相比,能在更低的信噪比条件下克服严重信道失真导致的符号间干扰(ISI)。该文提出一种用于盲接收的turbo均衡和迭代信道估计方案,不依赖于训练序列或发送符号的先验知识,采用初始盲均衡处理来启动迭代信道估计和turbo均衡。在该方案中,初始盲均衡算法的选择是十分关键的,它需要在恶劣的信道条件为后续迭代处理的启动提供足够的先验信息。该文根据turbo均衡的特点,选择了超指数算法作为初始盲均衡。仿真结果表明,该文提出的用于盲接收的turbo均衡方案是有效的。  相似文献   

同步CDMA系统中的迭代多用户检测技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张勇  于秀兰 《信息技术》2003,27(1):34-37
迭代多用户检测技术是Turbo译码算法中的精髓“迭代思想”的又一个应用 ,它结合了turbo码的译码和多用户检测的研究 ,成为目前通信领域研究的热点。结果表明 ,多次迭代后 ,系统性能将得到很大提高 ,接近单用户的性能。  相似文献   

一种改进的单载波频域迭代均衡算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
改进了传统频域迭代均衡算法中相关系数的计算.仿真发现,在数字电视地面广播信道,提出的算法以更低的复杂度获得了比已有算法更好的性能.  相似文献   

在MIMO OFDM系统中,为了对抗同天线干扰及由于保护间隔不足而引起的码间干扰和载波间干扰,该文给出了一种基于MMSE的Turbo子载波均衡器。在该算法中,软输入软输出(SISO)的子载波均衡器与软输入软输出(SISO)解码器通过迭代进行软信息交换。仿真结果表明,与非迭代的子载波均衡器相比,该文给出的Turbo子载波均衡器能够有效利用时间和空间分集,使系统性能得到了改善。  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive decision feedback equalizer (DFE) based multiuser receiver for code division multiple access (CDMA) systems over smoothly time-varying multipath fading channels using the two-step LMS-type algorithm. The frequency-selective fading channel is modeled as a tapped-delay-line filter with smoothly time-varying Rayleigh-distributed tap coefficients. The receiver uses an adaptive minimum mean square error (MMSE) multiuser channel estimator based on the reduced Kalman least mean square (RK-LMS) algorithm to predict these tap coefficients (Kohli and Mehra, Wireless Personal Communication 46:507–521, 2008). We propose the design of adaptive MMSE feedforward and feedback filters by using the estimated channel response. Unlike the previously available Kalman filtering algorithm based approach (Chen and Chen, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 49:1523–1532, 2001), the incorporation of RK-LMS algorithm reduces the computational complexity of multiuser receiver. The computer simulation results are presented to show the substantial improvement in its bit error rate performance over the conventional LMS algorithm based receiver. It can be inferred that the proposed multiuser receiver proves to be robust against the nonstationarity introduced due to channel variations, and it is also beneficial for the multiuser interference cancellation and data detection in CDMA systems.  相似文献   

吴晓富  凌聪  吕晶 《电子学报》2001,29(9):1192-1194
本文提出了编码符号串扰信道的两种迭代判决反馈均衡(DFE)算法.采用Turbo原则将卷积码Viterbi译码后的判决经重编码、交织后反馈到前端的判决反馈均衡部分,每次迭代时由于DFE中判决反馈部分来自于经Viterbi译码后的重编码值(因而更可靠),经多次迭代后,系统误码率能得到显著提高.由于采用了DFE算法及迭代硬判反馈结构,系统复杂度较低,从而具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

该文针对高斯分布假设条件下逐符号检测均衡器的不足,提出了一种基于序列检测的块判决辅助Turbo均衡器(Turbo-BDAE)。新算法利用译码全信息估计发送序列,提高了序列估计的可靠性,引入软判决可以降低硬判决引起的错误扩散,同时结合序列检测为均衡器输出的后验概率(APP)估计提供了更可靠的信息。仿真表明,该均衡器在保持相近复杂度的同时,进一步提升了均衡系统性能,优于逐符号LMMSE均衡器和硬反馈BDFE。  相似文献   

This paper proposes techniques for simultaneous cancellation of intersymbol and interchannel or multi-access interference (ISI and ICI) that shows up in several multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) communication channels. Correlation and kurtosis based optimization criteria are derived for multi-channel decision feedback equalizers (MC-DFE) and compared with the popular Godard algorithm (CMA) and the minimum mean-square error in a decision directed mode (MMSE-DD). The proposed adaptive algorithms are easily extended to a scenario with more than two users with the computational complexity increasing linearly with the number of inputs. Simulation results show that the algorithms converge to the global minimum in a blind environment with channels that introduce moderate distortion.  相似文献   

本文研究在同步MC- CDMA系统中的上行链路中的均衡技术。接收机采用多用户检测和译码相结合的迭代检测技术;其中,串行干扰消除用于多用户检测,一个SISO译码器用于信道译码。仿真给出在不同的均衡策略下如ORC、EGC、MRC、MMSE,迭代检测接收机的性能  相似文献   

未来OFDM系统将工作在高载频、高容量、高移动速率的条件下,传统的单抽头频域均衡器将不再适用。该文基于双选择性信道的ICI分析,提出了一种用于OFDM系统的频域Turbo均衡(Frequency-domain Turbo Equalization, FTE)算法。仿真表明该算法具有BER性能好,计算复杂度低的优点,能够很好地抑制ICI。  相似文献   

针对低复杂度的块迭代频域判决反馈均衡算法在迭代过程中对判决误差概率设置不够合理的缺陷,提出一种改进的块迭代频域判决反馈均衡算法,该算法通过在迭代过程中合理的设置判决误差概率,从而提高系统的性能。与低复杂度的块迭代频域判决反馈均衡算法相比,该算法能够获得更好的性能,并且具有较低的复杂度。  相似文献   

We derive and compare several linear equalizers for the CDMA downlink under frequency selective multipath conditions: minimum mean-square error (MMSE), zero-forcing (ZF), and RAKE. MMSE and ZF equalizers are designed based on perfect knowledge of the channel. The downlink specific structure involves first inverting the multipath channel to restore the synchronous multi-user signal transmitted from the base-station at the chip-rate, and then correlating with the product of the desired user's channel code times the base-station specific scrambling code once per symbol to decode the symbols. ZF equalization restores orthogonality of the Walsh-Hadamard channel codes on the downlink but often suffers from noise gain because certain channel conditions (no common zeros) are not met; MMSE restores orthogonality only approximately but avoids excessive noise gain. We compare MMSE and ZF to the traditional matched filter (also known as the RAKE receiver). Our formulation generalizes for the multi-channel case as might be derived from multiple antennas and/or over-sampling with respect to the chip-rate. The optimal symbol-level MMSE equalizer is derived and slightly out-performs the chip-level but at greater computational cost. An MMSE soft hand-off receiver is derived and simulated. Average BER for a class of multi-path channels is presented under varying operating conditions of single-cell and edge-of-cell, coded and un-coded BPSK data symbols, and uncoded 16-QAM. These simulations indicate large performance gains compared to the RAKE receiver, especially when the cell is fully loaded with users. Bit error rate (BER) performance for the chip-level equalizers is well predicted by approximate SINR expressions and a Gaussian interference assumption.  相似文献   

单载波频域均衡(SC-FDE)系统能有效地对抗频域选择性衰落信道。块迭代判决反馈均衡(IBDFE)是单载波频域均衡系统中一种有效的非线性均衡算法,但是其计算复杂度较高,且复杂度与迭代次数成正比。鉴于此,提出一种改进算法,在改进算法中,将接收信号经过MMSE均衡得到发送信号估计值作为传统算法反馈支路输出,前馈支路结构保持不变。对比传统IBDFE算法,迭代被取消,故降低了计算复杂度。对传统IBDFE算法和改进IBDFE算法性能进行比较,实验结果证明:改进IBDFE算法性能在与传统IBDFE算法性能相似的条件下降低了计算复杂度。  相似文献   

为提高符号间干扰(ISI)信道条件下信号接收的可靠性,该文研究单载波通信系统的多天线空间分集接收问题,提出一种迭代频域合成均衡算法。该算法推导先验信息条件下合成均衡器的频域传输函数,并借助快速傅里叶变换(FFT)实现合成均衡器系数和均衡滤波的高效计算。仿真结果表明,相比时域算法,该算法能够在不损失性能的前提下,大幅降低运算复杂度。与单载波频域均衡(SC-FDE)算法相比,该算法不需要在数据传输的结构中插入循环前缀(CP),提高频谱利用率,能够直接应用于现有单载波通信系统。  相似文献   

1IntroductionNext generation standards support high data rate ser-vices,in which users are only assigned a smaller-orderspreading code . This leads to a necessity for the tech-niques that suppress Inter-Chip Interference (ICI) aswell as Multi-Access Interference ( MAI) . The tradi-tional RAKE receiver experiences difficulty because theorthogonality decays when signal transmits over multi-path frequency selective fading channels . The RAKEreceiver cannot overcome the serious MAI and I…  相似文献   

In order to gain a better performance and reduce the computational complexity of the filter design in the underwater acoustic single carrier system, a new Iterative Block DFE ( IBDFE) is proposed, which operates iteratively on blocks of the received signal, and fully implements its filtering operations by Discrete Fourier Transforms ( DFTs ). Two design methods are considered for IBDFE: one is HD-IBDFE, and the other is SD-IBDFE. In this paper, the first one is adopted. In this scheme, hard detected data are used as input of the feedback, and filters are designed according to the correlation between detected and transmitted data. In the simulations and experiments, the method of the HD-IBDFE is introduced, and for comparison, the performance of H-DFE is shown, as well as that of ZF, MMSE and Matched-Filter-Bound (MFB). From the results of the simulations on a Rayleigh fading channel, it is easily found that on aver-age, the HD-IBDFE outperforms H-DFE. When the number of iteration is 4, HD-IBDFE outperforms ZF, MMSE and H-DFE by about 11dB, 5dB and 0.7dB respectively at BER= 10-4 . As for MFB, the HD-IBDFE still has a degradation of 1.6 dB. In addition, the experimental results in both experiment pool and shallow water also verify the achievement. The simulation and experiment results indicate that the IBDFE outperforms other equalization schemes. What狆s more, it exhibits a reduction of the computational complexity.  相似文献   

钟伟  毛志刚 《信号处理》2007,23(5):759-762
本文提出两种新的用于循环前缀(CP)不足时正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的迭代均衡方法。首先,我们提出并行迭代均衡(PIE)方法,该方法分别使用时域判决反馈方法和频域并行迭代方法来消除符号间干扰(ISI)和子载频间干扰(ICI)。为了改进PIE的性能,提出基于高斯-塞德尔迭代的串行迭代均衡(SIE)方法。在不增加计算复杂度的情况下,SIE具有比PIE更快的收敛速度。仿真结果表明,新方法可以在几次迭代后得到接近CP足够情况下的系统性能,PIE的性能与传统的迭代干扰消除方法相同,而SIE则提供好得多的收敛性能。  相似文献   

Turbo均衡是一种将Turbo原理和均衡技术结合起来的技术。他通过反复均衡和信道译码来提高接收机性能。针时瑞利衰落信道,采用基于线性滤波器的软输入/软输出均衡器来消除码间干扰,其系数由最小均方误差准则确定。译码器采用最大后验概率算法时卷积码译码。考虑到瑞利衰落信道为随机信道,用非相干检测时信道进行估计。接收机通过联合均衡和译码以充分利用已经获得的信息,实现信道估计及信道均衡与信道译码的迭代更新。仿真结果表明其性能不仅远远优于非迭代系统.而且在信噪比高于4dB时几乎可以完全消除符号间干扰的影响,与MAPSE相比其复杂度大大降低。  相似文献   

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