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A new method for the isolation of glucose repression-insensitive mutants in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pinus was developed. The method is based on screening of small suspension samples derived from 2-deoxyglucose-resistant colonies for alcohol oxidase activity. Alcohol oxidase activity was evaluated by determination of formaldehyde excreted by cells. Mutants with glucose non-repressible alcohol oxidase and catalase synthesis were obtained. All mutants grew poorly on D -xylose compared to the wild type, whereas growth on L -arabinose was similar to the wild type. Changes in the glucose transport system were suggested to be responsible for altered growth characteristics and defective glucose repression.  相似文献   
The physical properties of the capsular polysaccharide of Rhizobium Trifolii (CPS) were investigated. Viscosity measurements provided information about the hydrodynamic volume of single coils, the perturbation of solvent flow and the shear-thinning behaviour of concentrated solutions. Changes in chain geometry and the development of an intermolecular network as a function of temperature were monitored using the techniques of optical rotation and dynamic oscillation. Finally, analysis of calorimetric thermograms elucidated the type of interactions between CPS and the bacterial levan. Overall, the Rhizobium polysaccharide was found to form thermally-reversible gels at an extremely low 'minimum critical gelling concentration' (co∼ 0.35gl-1). At temperatures above the gel melting point (∼ 48°C), however, the compact polymer coils entangled at comparatively high concentrations (about 60 times higher than co). In the presence of a highly branched levan, the thermal stability of ordered CPS structures increased as a consequence of thermodynamic incompatibility between the two polymers.  相似文献   
Alfalfa juice was extracted from plants during the graving phases of the first and second crops. The alfalfa juice was dried and solute concentrations were measured periodically during the process using freezing point depression (FPD) as an indicator. Solute/solvent weight ratios were calculated from the freezing point depression of fresh unconcentrated 'uice extracted from both firsc and second crops. At the time of harvest, tie FPD was a function of this ratio. The first and second crops behaved distinctively different during the drying process, with the second having a larger soluce concentration and a greater FPD at a given moisture content. The appearance of preci itate during the drying process and the general1 large FPD makes this materiay a questionable product for drying vitg low temperature processes.  相似文献   
本文研究了超滤在明胶生产中的应用,超滤作为初级浓缩是可行的。同时,对超滤设备、超滤膜与工艺条件作了讨论。  相似文献   
通过简要介绍利用声学多普勒水流剖面仪(ADCP)回波强度估算悬移质含沙量的基本原理,结合梧州水文站的应用实例,利用ADCP的回波强度数据和现场采集的水样含沙量建立相关关系,根据相关关系由回波强度反演估算的水体悬移质含沙量验证了利用ADCP的回波强度估算悬移质含沙量的可行性。应用于梧州水文站的实践表明,左河道推算的系统误差为-0.1%,右河道推算的系统误差为1.5%。这种方法具有不扰动流场、测量剖面同步性较好、数据空间分辨率较高的优点,与传统的取样过滤称量法相比,计算效率显著提高。  相似文献   
通过产业集聚的EG指数对中国各省份信息服务业的空间集聚程度进行研究,得出集聚程度比较显著.在此基础上,找到这一服务业的两个相关指标,利用产业集中度CRn判断出信息服务业主要集中于北京、广东等六个地区,然后对两指标数据进行无量纲化处理,加权求和得到新的综合指标,最后对这一新指标进行了系统聚类分析,得知这一产业主要集中在北京和广东两个地区.  相似文献   
根据炉渣结构的共存理论和相图,推导了CaOB2O3和FeOFe2O3B2O3渣系的热力学计算模型。结果表明:(1)理论计算的CaOB2O3渣系的作用浓度NCaO及NB2O3与实测的活度aCaO及aB2O3一致;(2)理论计算的FeOFe2O3B2O3渣系的氧化能力NFetO与实测的炉渣FetO的活度值相符合。这说明本文提出的热力学计算模型是合理的。  相似文献   
The goal of this work is to obtain optimal hole shape for minimum stress concentration in two-dimensional finite plates using parameterized geometry models. The boundary shape for a hole is described by two families of smooth curves: one is a “generalized circular” function with powers as two parameters; the other one is a “generalized elliptic” function a and b are ellipse axes) with powers as two parameters and one of the ellipse axes as the third parameter. Special attention is devoted to the practicability of parameterized equations and the corresponding optimal results under the condition with and without the curvature radius constraint. A number of cases were examined to test the effectiveness of the parameterized equations. The numerical examples show that extremely good results can be obtained under the conditions with and without curvature radius constraint, as compared to the known solutions in the literature. The geometries of the optimized holes are presented in a form of compact parametric functions, which are suitable for use and test by designers. It is anticipated that the implementation of the suggested parameterized equations would lead to considerable improvements in optimizing hole shape with high quality.  相似文献   
The first measurement of a turnover rate with respect to surface intermediate concentration in a high pressure heterogeneous catalytic reaction is reported. By using infrared-visible sum frequency generation to study the hydrogenation of ethylene on Pt(111), it was found that the surface concentration of -bonded ethylene, the key reaction intermediate, represented approximately 4% of a monolayer. Thus the absolute turnover rate per surface adsorbed ethylene molecule is 25 times faster than the rate measured per platinum atom. To explain these results, we propose a model of weakly adsorbed ethylene intermediates reacting on atop sites.  相似文献   
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