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陈国龙 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》1994,6(2):136-142
本文介绍了一种在微机上实现的印制板自动布线方法──多级线探索法及其编程方法。这种方法是基于完备布线算法的概念,通过分析李氏算法和传统线探索法的不足之处而得到的。虽然它也是一种线探索法,但有较传统线探索法更强的探索能力,不需要结合李氏算法而能单独完成布线任务,是一种较理想的算法,通过实验获得了较为满意的效果。 相似文献
To confirm the reliability of the theory of phase equibria of multicomponent polymer 1/multicomponent polymer 2 systems (i.e. quasi-binary systems) and the method of computer experiment based on this theory (Brit. Polym. J., 23 (1990)285; 23 (1990)299; Polym. Int., 29 (1992)219), could point curves (CPC), two-phase volume ratios ( R ) and critical solution points (CSP) have been determined experimentally for the quasi-binary mixtures of poly(ethylene oxide) (M¯w = 647, M¯w/M¯n = 1.15; M¯w and M¯n, the weight-average and numberaverage molecular weights, respectively) and poly(propylene oxide) (M¯w = 2028, M¯w/M¯n = 1.08; and Mw = 2987, Mw/Mn = 1.13). The hydroxyl end groups of both polymers were methoxylated in advance by the Cooper & Booth method (Polymer, 18 (1977)164). The thermodynamic interaction parameter between both polymers, χ12, and the concentration dependence parameters for the above quasi-binary systems were determined by the method proposed in a previous paper (Brit. Polym. J., 23 (1990)299). CPC, R and CSP values calculated on the basis of the theory are in good agreement with the values determined experimentally. 相似文献
We establish a numerically feasible algorithm to find a simplicial approximation A to a certain part
of the boundary of the set
of stable (or Hurwitz) polynomials of degree 4. Moreover, we have that
. Using this, we build an algorithm to find a piecewise-linear approximation to the intersection curve of a given surface contained in
4 with
. We have also devised an efficient computer program to perform all these operations. The main motivation is to find the curve of nondegenerate bifurcation points in parameter space for a given 2-parametric Hopf bifurcation problem of dimension 4. 相似文献
本文主要根据大多数企业存在各种软件各自独立运行,各软件之间数据不能相互共享,一些旧软件或不适用的软件与目前主流操作系统不兼容等问题,分析问题并用接口和整合方法解决,此平台利用云计算技术,解决大多数企业建设信息平台投资大的问题,同时方便企业使用和维护. 相似文献
介绍了云计算与物联网的主要技术特点,阐述了两种技术在供应链管理中的应用,最后指出了应用该技术需要注意的问题及实现技术带来的价值。 相似文献
主要探索用EOS/MODIS极轨卫星监测闪电的可行性,应用大气和云辐射原理以及云中水滴mie散射的原理,从EOS/MODIS的中红外通道及热红外通道中提取夜间强对流云团产生的闪电信息,并可由强对流卫星云图的云顶温度确定可能出现冰雹的区域,对减灾、预警提供宏观信息。 相似文献
为进一步提升异构云数据中心网络(DCN)动态管理的科学性,在总结当前主流研究局限性的基础上构思一种基于全局相对最优化的绿色虚拟算法.算法综合考虑虚拟机迁移过程中可能涉及到的诸多客观因素,通过科学地规划时间门限、主机筛选策略、以及精度比较机制对虚拟机实施高效的迁移.数据考察表明,所部署的算法不仅可快速精确地物色到最适宜的... 相似文献
黄振 《电力信息与通信技术》2021,(3):98-106
随着电力市场化改革的全面推进、新能源持续的高比例发展以及电动车的爆发式增长,借鉴互联网技术支撑大规模复杂系统的平台化支撑经验,文章提出了以平台化的方式支撑电力调度领域适用数字化新基建的3个转型方向,并介绍相关方案应用于实践的探索.首先梳理当前中国电力调度数字化转型的可行性分析,包括内涵、现状、可行性分析及3个挑战.然后... 相似文献
Unscented Kalman filtering in the additive noise case 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
LIU Ye YU AnXi ZHU JuBo & LIANG DianNong College of Electronic Science Engineering National University of Defense Technology Changsha China Science College 《中国科学:信息科学(英文版)》2010,(4)
The unscented Kalman filter(UKF) has four implementations in the additive noise case,according to whether the state is augmented with noise vectors and whether a new set of sigma points is redrawn from the predicted state(which is so-called resampling) for the observation prediction.This paper concerns the differences of performances for those implementations,such as accuracy,adaptability,computational complexity,etc.The conditionally equivalent relationships between the augmented and non-augmented unscente... 相似文献