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带关键字搜索的公钥加密(PEKS)是一种有用的加密原语,它允许用户将在加密数据上搜索的功能委托给不可信的第三方服务器,而不影响原始数据的安全性和隐私性。但是,由于缺乏对于数据的加密以及解密能力,PEKS方案不能单独进行使用,必须与标准的公钥加密方案(PKE)相结合。因此,Baek等人在2006年引入了一种新的加密原语,称为结合PKE和PEKS的加密方案(PKE+PEKS),它同时提供了PKE和PEKS的功能。目前,已有文献提出了几种PKE+PEKS方案。然而,他们都没有考虑关键字猜测攻击的问题。本文提出一个新的高效且能够抵抗关键字猜测攻击的PKE+PEKS方案,与已有方案相比,该方案在性能上有很大的提升,并且在生成关键字和数据密文时,不需要使用双线性对,极大地降低了计算和存储成本。安全性分析表明,本文中所提出的方案能够满足密文隐私安全性、陷门不可区分性和抗关键字猜测攻击的安全性。效率分析表明,本分提出的方案更加高效。  相似文献   
Shale gas, as an important unconventional resource, has drawn global attention. It is mainly composed of adsorption gas and free gas. Adsorption gas content could play an important guiding role on both the selection of favorable perspective area and the exploration and exploitation of shale gas resources. In order to accurately measure adsorption gas content, a new approach was established to predict the adsorption isotherm of methane on shale. Based on the simplified local-density (SLD) method, both the adsorption isotherms of illite, illite/smectite mixed-layer, cholorite and type III kerogen and the total shale rock could be well fitted. The fitting results show good coincidences with the true experimental test data, which proves the method is reasonable and dependable and the prediction results are effective and credible. In addition, the good simulation results show that the SLD parameters can reflect the pore structure characteristics and corresponding adsorption characteristics of the shale samples, which can be used for the quantitative characterization of shale pore system.  相似文献   
Ji  Chengang  Yang  Chenying  Shen  Weidong  Lee  Kyu-Tae  Zhang  Yueguang  Liu  Xu  Guo  L. Jay 《Nano Research》2019,12(3):543-548

We present a new scheme for visibly-opaque but near-infrared-transmitting filters involving 7 layers based on one-dimensional ternary photonic crystals, with capabilities in reaching nearly 100% transmission efficiency in the near-infrared region. Different decorative reflection colors can be created by adding additional three layers while maintaining the near-infrared transmission performance. In addition, our proposed structural colors show great angular insensitivity up to ±60° for both transverse electric and transverse magnetic polarizations, which are highly desired in various fields. The facile strategy described here involves a simple deposition method for the fabrication, thereby having great potential in diverse applications such as image sensors, anti-counterfeit tag, and optical measurement systems.

Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 (x?=?0–1) ceramics were prepared through conventional solid-state method. This paper focused on the dependence of microwave dielectric properties on crystal structural characteristics via crystal structure refinement, Raman spectra study and complex chemical bond theory. XRD spectrums delineated the phase information of a spinel structure, and structural characteristic of these compositions were achieved with the help of Rietveld refinements. Raman spectrums were used to depict the correlations between vibrational phonon modes and dielectric properties. The variation of permittivity is ascribed to the Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 average bond covalency. The relationship among the B-site octahedral bond energy, tetrahedral bond energy and temperature coefficient are discussed by defining on the change rate of bond energy and the contribution rate of octahedral bond energy. The quality factor is affected by systematic total lattice energy, and the research of XPS patterns illustrated that oxygen vacancies can be effectively restrained in rich oxygen sintering process. Obviously, the microwave dielectric properties of Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 compounds were obtained (εr= 12.18, Q×f?=?170,130?GHz, τf?=??53.1?ppm/°C, x?=?0.2).  相似文献   
作为太赫兹技术中的重要组成部分,太赫兹脉冲焦平面成像一经问世就引起了行业内的广泛关注,人们引入了各种方法去提升此成像技术的测量性能,同时也尝试将此成像技术应用于不同的工业和基础研究领域。本文综述了近年来人们对太赫兹脉冲焦平面成像的技术改良和应用研究,包括提升成像系统的空间分辨率、信噪比、信息获取能力,以及将此成像技术应用于光谱识别检测、超表面器件功能验证、太赫兹特殊光束测量、太赫兹表面波观测等,希望该综述能够推动太赫兹脉冲焦平面成像的进一步技术革新和应用拓展。  相似文献   
张传刚 《水利电力机械》2006,28(4):16-17,45
一般灌区内很多水利工程都位于野外,设备误操作、乱操作、破坏和盗窃现象经常发生,影响水利工程正常运行。将自制感应器和防盗锁应用到水闸中,节省了大量资金,起到了明显的效果。  相似文献   
垦71井区三维VSP资料波场分离方法应用研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
张卫红  陈林  高志凌 《石油物探》2006,45(5):532-536
三维VSP资料是多偏移距VSP资料,资料中多种类型的波叠合在一起形成复杂波场。从复杂波场中分离出单一的保幅反射波波场是三维VSP波场分离的重要工作。常规二维VSP波场处理方法单一,难以适用于复杂的三维波场处理。针对三维VSP资料的波场特点,以分离上行反射P波为例,将单一波场分离方法加以适当组合,对垦71井区三维VSP实际资料进行了应用研究。结果表明,波场分离处理中叠加消去法和中值滤波相结合以及F—K滤波和中值滤波相结合的方法克服了单一方法的缺陷,波场处理后获得了波组特征明显、波场清晰单一的上行反射P波保幅波场,取得了较好的波场分离效果。  相似文献   
能源给人类带来光明,能源给社会进步提供了动力,尤其是进入21世纪以来,能源的可持续发展己成为直接影响世界经济社会可持续发展的决定性因素之一。中国政府高瞻远瞩地提出到2020年要实现国民经济翻两番和建设节约型社会的目标,描绘了支撑这一发展目标的十分宏伟的能源发展战略,使人振奋,也对我国钢铁产业的发展提出了更高的要求,作为长期以来与我国  相似文献   
介绍一种基于变频调速控制的全自动定量包装机,结构简单,组态灵活,性价比高,可广泛应用于食品饲料等行业,现场运行实践证明其通用性好,准确度和可靠性高、速度快、稳定性好。并论述变频器控制系统的设计及使用中的注意问题。  相似文献   
抽油机变频调速的若干现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
变频器产生的最初用途是速度控制,但它还有显著的节能作用.应用变频调速,可以大大提高电机转速的控制精度.使电机在最节能的转速下运行.遗对作为能耗大国的中国来说至关重要,应用前景广阔。从本期开始.“变频器与节能”专栏将陆续邀请国内外知名专家反厂商向广大读者介绍变频器节能的原理和具体应用.希望使更多读者认识和了解变频器在节能方面发挥的重要作用。[编者按]  相似文献   
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