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Diphenylzinc, alone or in combination with water and butanone as coinitiators, was used as a polymerization initiator system for a variety of lactones at varying temperatures. The resulting data indicate that the course of the polymerization is greatly influenced by the lactone structure, as well as by the molar ratio of coinitiator to diphenylzinc. When used alone, diphenylzinc exhibited high activity as an initiator in δ‐valerolactone polymerizations, although it was less efficient when used in the β‐butyrolactone and the β‐propiolactone polymerizations. Activity in the polymerization of β‐lactones was increased by adding small amounts of butanone or water. It was also observed that the diphenylzinc–butanone combination was more effective than the diphenylzinc–water mixture in the polymerizations of β‐butyrolactone and β‐propiolactone. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The microbial transformation of l‐menthol ( 1 ) was investigated by using 12 isolates of soil‐borne plant pathogenic fungi, Rhizoctonia solani (AG‐1‐IA Rs24, Joichi‐2, RRG97‐1; AG‐1‐IB TR22, R147, 110.4; AG‐1‐IC F‐1, F‐4, P‐1; AG‐1‐ID RCP‐1, RCP‐3, and RCP‐7) as a biocatalyst. Rhizoctonia solani F‐1, F‐4 and P‐1 showed 89.7–99.9% yields of converted product from 1 , RCP‐1, RCP‐3, and RCP‐7 26.0–26.9% and the other isolates 0.1–12.0%. In the cases of F‐1, F‐4 and P‐1, substrate 1 was converted to (?)‐(1S,3R,4S,6S)‐6‐hydroxymenthol ( 2 ), (?)‐(1S,3R,4S)‐1‐hydroxymenthol ( 3 ) and (+)‐(1S,3R,4R,6S)‐6,8‐dihydroxymenthol ( 4 ), which was a new compound. Substrate 1 was converted to 2 and/or 3 by RRG97‐1, 110.4, RCP‐1, RCP‐3 and RCP‐7. The structures of the metabolic products were elucidated on the basis of their spectral data. In addition, metabolic pathways of the biotransformation of 1 by Rhizoctonia solani are discussed. Finally, from the main component analysis and the differences in the yields of converted product from 1 , the 12 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani were divided into three groups based on an analysis of the metabolites. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
本文首先给出了一种新的2.5D 实体表示法,然后在此基础上提出了“原型”的概念。原型法的思想运用在结构库的管理中主要体现在它将模具结构与构成这种结构的零件之间的强联系变成弱联系,结构库面向的对象是一个具有整体性和可运算性的结构原型。这样的原型结构库基本上达到了通用性与开放性的要求。  相似文献   
Poly[2‐methoxy‐5‐(2′‐ethyl‐hexyloxy)‐para‐phenylene vinylene] (MEH‐PPV)/silica nanoparticle hybrid films were prepared and characterised. Three kinds of materials were compared: parent MEH‐PPV, MEH‐PPV/silica (hybrid A films), and MEH‐PPV/coupling agent MSMA/silica (hybrid B films), in which MSMA is 3‐(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate. It was found that the hybrid B films could significantly prevent macrophase separation, as evidenced by scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, the thermal characteristics of the hybrid films were largely improved in comparison with the parent MEH‐PPV. The UV‐visible absorption spectra suggested that the incorporation of MSMA‐modified silica into MEH‐PPV could confine the polymer chain between nanoparticles and thus increase the conjugation length. The photoluminescence (PL) studies also indicated enhancement of the PL intensity and quantum efficiency by incorporating just 2 wt% of MSMA‐modified silica into MEH‐PPV. However, hybrid A films did not show such enhancement of optoelectronic properties as the hybrid B films. The present study suggests the importance of the interface between the luminescent organic polymers and the inorganic silica on morphology and optoelectronic properties. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The power sector in India at present comprises of five separate regional electricity grids having practically no integrated operation in between them. This study analyses the utility planning, environmental and economical effects of integrated power sector development at the national level in which the regional electric grids are developed and operated as one integrated system. It also examines the effects of selected CO2 emission reduction targets in the power sector and the role of renewable power generation technologies in India. The study shows that the integrated development and operation of the power system at the national level would reduce the total cost including fuel cost by 4912 million $, total capacity addition by 2784 MW, while the emission of CO2, SO2 and NOx would be reduced by 231.6 (1.9%), 0.8 (0.9%), 0.4 (1.2%) million tons, respectively, during the planning horizon. Furthermore, the study shows that the expected unserved energy, one of the indices of generation system reliability, would decrease to 26 GWh under integrated national power system from 5158 GWh. As different levels of CO2 emission reduction targets were imposed, there is a switching of generation from conventional coal plants to gas fired plants, clean coal technologies and nuclear based plants. As a result the capacity expansion cost has increased. It was found that wind power plant is most attractive and economical in the Indian perspective among the renewable options considered (Solar, wind and biomass). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Bestehen ausreichende Anhaltspunkte für die Hochwassergef?hrdung, ist die Gemeinde verpflichtet, sich durch Nachforschungen Gewissheit über das Vorliegen oder Nichtvorliegen eines Hochwasserabflussgebietes gem § 38 Abs 3 WRG zu verschaffen. Liegt ein solches vor, hat sie gem § 12 Abs 1 Z 2 krnt GplG dieses im Fl?chenwidmungsplan ersichtlich zu machen. Erteilt die Gemeinde eine Baubewilligung ohne diese von der Erteilung einer wasserrechtlichen Bewilligung abh?ngig zu machen, haftet sie für die Kosten der Bauführung, die bei gesetzes-konformer Vorgangsweise unterlassen worden w?re.  相似文献   
Formation of aluminium titanate (AT) has been achieved at low temperature through sol-gel process using boehmite and titanium hydroxide as precursors by controlling the particle size at nanoscale followed by in-situ peptisation. The formations of AT phase, particle size distributions, sintering and thermal expansion characteristics, and microstructural features have been reported. DTA and XRD analysis have been performed to confirm the formation of AT. A 94% relative density was obtained for aluminium titanate sintered at 1550 °C with controlled grain size in the range of 2-3 μm.  相似文献   
In this paper we show that by the analysis of 2D images collected with a laboratory X-ray microdiffractometer it is possible to non-destructively evaluate the structure, the microstructure, and the preferred orientation of films. In particular, the structural analysis of Co/Au multilayers on Si(1 0 0) deposited at different Ar pressures are reported and discussed.  相似文献   
A study of nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction with methane (CH4) and propene (C3H6) in the presence of oxygen (5%) over Ag/Al2O3, Rh/Al2O3 and Ag–Rh/Al2O3 catalysts, with Ag and Rh loadings of 5 wt% and 0.05 wt% respectively, has been performed. From the results, it was observed that the Ag–Rh bimetallic catalyst was the most active for both nitrous oxide removal (more than 95%) and hydrocarbon oxidation. This high activity seems to be connected with a synergistic effect between Ag and Rh. The findings from X‐ray diffraction and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies showed also, that there were no strong interactions (eg alloying) between Ag and Rh. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Exchange and oxidation of C16O were investigated at 450°C on 18O-predosed Rh and Pt catalysts supported on A12O3, CeO2 and CeO2-Al2O3. In all cases, a rapid exchange of C16O with the surface can be observed. CO oxidation leads to C16O2, C16O18O and C18O2. Significant formation of C16O2 is due to the relatively high 16O coverage in reaction resulting from the C16O exchange and from an exchange between O surface species and 16O internal atoms. Hydrogen is also formed via a water-gas shift reaction (CO + surface OH) in higher proportion on CeO2-containing catalysts than on A12O3. Chlorine inhibits all the reactions (exchange, oxidation and WGS) and particularly the internal exchange.  相似文献   
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