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林资源 《机电技术》2020,(1):37-40,49
针对锻造铝合金车轮企业实现高质量、低成本、全生命周期管理和高性能精确成形的需求,探讨锻造铝合金车轮智能制造关键技术及其应用,包括:基于铝合金表面激光标刻的铝车轮追溯技术,其中实现锻造铝合金车轮三维尺寸在线测量技术,打通车轮产品制造全生命周期数据管理;研究先进传感技术实现车轮产品质量数据的全周期采集,研究基于物联网和工业互联网采集不同协议下的生产过程全流程数据的采集过程;基于大数据,研究了锻造铝合金车轮数据预测方法,并阐述了模型的意义。为锻造铝合金车轮企业实现智能制造提供有效途径。  相似文献   

铝合金车轮的生产工艺现在主要有两种,即铸造工艺和锻造工艺.目前,应用最普遍的是铸造铝合金车轮,约占到铝车轮产品总量的95%.锻造铝合金车轮较铸造铝合金车轮机械性能更高、质量更轻、抗疲劳性更好,但由于工艺复杂、设备投资大、生产成本高;因而还没有得到大面积推广应用.随着汽车行业对轻量化、安全性、节能环保等需求的日益重视,锻造铝合金车轮正被汽车领域广泛关注;并被高端轿车、载货卡车和商用客车等车型生产企业采用. 2012年,苏州久工自动化科技有限公司率先为美国铝业(ALCOA)车轮事业部苏州工厂设计并建造了在中国境内第一条柔性全自动化智能锻造铝轮毂生产线,此条生产线被客户评价为是其在全球最先进、品质最好的一条全自动化柔性智能制造生产线,除了满足客户对产品品质的苛刻要求外,并且能够充分保证并提高设备的使用效率、生产效率、工程设计效率,协助客户ERP系统对资源进行精确控制,实现精确生产,减少原材料和成品库存,进而对每个轮毂的完整产品工艺及现场信息进行全程纪录,实现对产品的全过程跟踪及追溯.  相似文献   

通过对φ500车轮轮缘和轮毂采用分体锻造后再加工组焊成整体的制作工艺研究,解决了车轮整体锻造困难和铸造车轮废品率高的难题,大大提高了产品质量,延长了车轮的使用寿命,为轮类产品制造提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

2013年4月9日,“2013年中国青岛铝合金车轮热加工技术论坛”在青岛国际会展中心举办。在论坛上,中国汽车工业协会车轮委员会副秘书长王孝东回顾了2012年中国铝车轮行业,并对2013年铝车轮行业的发展做了展望。会后,王孝东就铝车轮发展现状与趋势向本刊记者做了进一步的介绍。《汽车零部件》:我国铝车轮行业发展现状如何?王孝东:随着我国汽车市场的快速发展,不断引进技术,铝合金车轮的制造和应用也迅猛发展起来。1988年,我国第一家铝合金车轮企业——戴卡铝轮毂制造有限公司成立。  相似文献   

<正>为了深入地探讨铝车轮生产工艺改进问题,推进技术进步,CAW铝车轮质量协会于2015年9月9日在上海组织召开了"2015年上海国际铝车轮制造工艺技术论坛"。此次论坛由CAW铝车轮质量协会副秘书长陶华强主持,来自铝车轮及部分相关上下游企业、单位主要负责人、主管人员和行业主流媒体共150余人参加此次会议。作为一年一度的铝车轮行业盛会,铝车轮行业论坛在上海已经成功举办了3届。本届论坛的主题是"创新、交流、分享、共  相似文献   

<正>2014年9月11日,"2014年铝车轮行业高峰论坛"在上海光大会展中心国际大酒店成功举办。本届论坛由中国汽车工业协会车轮委员会副秘书长王孝东主持,上海达纯环保科技有限公司承办。共有100多人参加了本次高峰论坛。参会成员主要来自于车轮行业的铝车轮生产企业、铝车轮设备制造企业和行业主流媒体等。本届论坛的主题是"创新、交流、分享、共赢"。论坛分为主题演讲、新技术介绍和交流互动三个环节。在主题演讲方面,王孝东副  相似文献   

2013年11月29日,“海峡两岸轮毂产业创新研讨会”在江苏泗阳成功举办。该研讨会特邀请中国汽车工业协会车轮委员会副秘书长王孝东主持,海峡两岸轮毂产业创新研讨会组委会承办。参会成员主要来自于铝车轮生产企业、铝车轮设备制造企业和行业主流媒体等,超过200多人参加了本次研讨会。  相似文献   

<正>2015年6月13日至15日和7月8日至10日,铝车轮质量协会分别组织乘用车铝车轮和商用车铝车轮参加了第十二届中国武汉国际汽车后市场博览会暨武汉国际汽车升级及改装展览会和第十一届中国国际铝工业暨上海国际工业材料展览会。"合抱群生,共同发展"是铝车轮质量协会组团参展的口号。同时,这个口号也是铝车轮行业现状下铝车轮行业企业的共同呼声。一直以来,从价格战内耗到伪劣产品充斥市场,让本来已经微利的铝车轮生产企业雪上加霜。尤其是在售后市场,铝车轮改装乱象让消费者难以辨明是非。铝车轮质量协会作为行业组织  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的迅速发展,有限元分析技术在机械设计中得到了越来越广泛的重视和应用。通过有限元分析技术,可以预先发现设计中潜在的问题,增强产品可靠性,并可实现缩短产品开发周期,降低开发成本等。本文介绍了在铝车轮产品设计开发中,通过应用I-DEAS软件对铝车轮的结构强度进行有限元分析,搭建一个连接产品设计与制造的验证平台。  相似文献   

中美轮胎战硝烟正浓,欧盟又要拿中国制造的铝合金轮毂开刀了。按照欧盟此前给中国的照会。14日欧盟将正式对我国出口欧盟的汽车铝车轮发起反倾销调查。一旦裁决反倾销成立,欧盟将连续5年对我国出口到欧盟的铝车轮加征最高33%的关税。  相似文献   

Grinding is the most suitable process for manufacturing good quality diamond tools. In this paper, diamond wheels have been studied. From the grinding of polycrystalline diamond (PCD) insets, the effects of certain factors such as the bonding material, the grit size and structure of a diamond wheel have been investigated. It is concluded that vitrified bond diamond wheels are the most suitable for grinding PCDs and the recommended grit size is mesh number 1000, which can get a good surface quality within an appropriate time. The wheel structure is another important factor. Rougher wheels (mesh #800, #1000) with the softer grade scale P yield a higher material removal rate (MRR) than scale Q. However, a finer wheel (mesh #1200) needs a tougher structure to promote its grinding ability and to have a higher MRR.  相似文献   

针对现有超大规模集成电路基板加工中存在的效率低问题,提出一种免除砂带张紧装置,消除砂带横向振动影响,达到柔性砂轮磨削效果的新型砂轮,新型砂结合了砂带磨削加工效率高,发热低的优点及砂轮磨削精度高和设备简单的条件,解决了集成电路基板高效磨削的问题,通过和树脂砂轮的对比实验表明,柔性砂轮对石英基板上仍良好的磨削性能。  相似文献   

超高速陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮关键制备技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
砂轮制备技术是实现超高速磨削的关键之一.本文介绍了超高速陶瓷结合剂砂轮的特点,综述了超高速陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮的关键制备技术,分析了我国CBN磨料、砂轮结构、陶瓷结合剂、砂轮制备工艺等的研究现状,最后展望了超高速陶瓷CBN砂轮的研究及应用前景.  相似文献   

The grinding cost of metal matrix composite materials is more due to low removal rates and high rates of wear of super abrasive wheels. This electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID) technique uses a metal-bonded grinding wheel that is electrolytically dressed during the grinding process for abrasives that protrude continuously from super abrasive wheels. This research carries out ELID grinding using various current duty ratios and conventional grinding of 10% SiCp reinforced 2,124 aluminium composite materials. Normal forces and tangential forces are monitored. Surface roughness of the ground surface, Vickers hardness numbers and metal removal rate (MRR) are measured. The results show that the cutting forces in the ELID grinding are unstable throughout the grinding process due to the breakage of an insulating layer formed on the surface of grinding wheel and are less than conventional grinding forces. A smoother surface can be obtained at high current duty ratio in ELID grinding. The micro-hardness is reduced at high current duty ratio. In ELID, the MRR increases at high current duty ratio. The results of this investigation are presented in this paper.  相似文献   


Grinding processes require a high energy input per unit volume of material removed, which is converted to heat at the grinding zone, resulting in increased force and wear. In the present study, the influence of grinding parameters like work speed and depth of cut on grinding forces and energy was studied. An attempt has been made to study the forces and energy involved while grinding aluminium alloy (A356)/silicon carbide (SiC) composite material with different grinding wheels. Experiments were carried out on a surface grinding machine. Three different types of wheels like SiC, cubic boron nitride (CBN) and diamond wheels were used. The grinding forces increased with increase in depth of cut and work speed. SiC exhibited high grinding force compared to the CBN wheel. In the case of the diamond wheel, it was even less. The specific grinding energy was highest for the diamond wheel followed by CBN and SiC wheels. The specific grinding energy decreased with increase in depth of cut and work speed.  相似文献   

本文在活齿传动原理的基础上,应用运动转化理论,形成了活齿传动内齿圈齿形的范成加工原理。根据此原理设计出通用的活齿传动内齿圈齿形加工装置(或称活齿传动内齿圈齿形加工附件)。它的突出特点是可以作为附件加装在现有的滚齿机上,用比较简单的圆柱铣刀(粗加工)或磨具(精加工)加工参数可以任意选择的内齿圈齿形。为进一步普及和推广活齿传动的应用创造有利条件。  相似文献   

The designing of twist drill flutes (as well as that of end mills and of some combined tools) cannot be separated from the way they are manufactured. The aim of this paper is to present an intuitive direct method for modelling, simulation and manufacturing of the drill flutes with different shapes using conical grinding wheels with standardized shapes. The mathematical approach is described, which enables us to determine the flute profile in a section perpendicular to its axis as well as the manufacturing parameters. The grinding wheel has an initial position with respect to the cylindrical work piece, which is described using four parameters (Denavit Hartenberg parameters). We have presented algorithms in pseudocode that produce the flute shape and that compute the optimum parameters of the wheel position in the manufacturing process. Subsequently, a software application based on the aforementioned model is able to create visualizations of the flute shape. The analysis of the flute shape has enabled us to understand the influence of the geometrical parameters and the position of the grinding wheel on the resulting product in the grinding process. The order in which these parameters are to be set is also specified. We have built atlases of maps presenting the influence of the geometrical parameters and the position of the grinding wheel in the grinding process upon the shape of the flute. The validity of the method is proven by the agreement of the computed values with the input and output data produced by experiment. The proposed method allows helical flutes to be generated solely by using cylindrical and conical grinding wheels of standard shapes.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional finite element analyses has been carried out using DEFORM 3D software on multi-stage hot forming of railway wheels involving the processes of upsetting, forging, and punching of wheels. Thermal analysis related to heating the blank in furnace and all intermediate heat transfer stages between deforming operations have been conducted. Rigid viscoplastic finite element method has been utilized for coupled thermo-mechanical analysis of the processes. Modeling of punching the wheel bore has been carried out using Cockcroft and Latham fracture criterion. Evolution of thermo-mechanical parameters at selected points within the workpiece has been studied in detail. The method of simulating the effects of various process parameters has been explained using relevant mathematical relations. This study shows that design, optimization, and analysis of process perturbations for multi-stage railway wheel manufacturing process can be done efficiently in three-dimensional finite element simulations instead of conventional time and cost intensive trials. It might be necessary to use the results of finite element analysis in shop-floor to enhance productivity and reduce wheel rejection.  相似文献   

轮毂是汽车中的重要零部件,既要具有高承载能力,又要满足整体外观个性化设计要求,其设计与开发中也主要体现了此设计理念,因此其制造企业要想赢得市场,提高产品的竞争力,必须改变原有的紧靠设计经验开发轮毂的传统的设计开发模式。本文以有限元分析软件ANSYS和三位造型软件UG为工具,建立了与轮毂实际的弯曲疲劳试验、径向疲劳试验、冲击试验相等效有限元分析模型,对轮毂的可靠性进行预测,为轮毂产品的设计开发人员提供设计依据。  相似文献   

Coarse-grained wheels can realize high efficient grinding of optical glass. However, the serious surface and subsurface damage will be inevitably introduced by the coarse-grained wheels. In this paper, the grinding damage of a copper-resin bond coarse-grained diamond wheel with grain size of 150μm was investigated on optical glass BK7. The wheel was first properly trued with a metal bond diamond wheel, then pre-dressing for the wheel and grinding experiments are carried out on a precision grinder assisted with electrolytic in process dressing (ELID) method. The surface roughness (Ra) of ground surface was measured using an atomic force microscope (AFM) and the surface topography were imaged by a white light interferometer (WLI) and the AFM. The subsurface damage level of ground surface was evaluated by means of both MRF spot method and taper polishing-etching method, in term of the biggest depth of subsurface damage, distribution of micro defects beneath the ground surface, the cluster depth of subsurface damage, relationship between subsurface damage (SSD) and PV surface roughness (SR), propagating distance and pattern of cracks beneath the ground surface. Experimental results indicate that a well conditioned copper-resin bond coarse-grained diamond wheel on a precision grinder can generate good surface quality of Ra less than 50nm and good subsurface integrity with SSD depth less than 3.5ε for optical glass BK7.  相似文献   

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