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地球环境东京会议94年10月26日通过了《东京宣言》 《东京宣言》指出,人口与环境问题是密不可分的。人口的急剧增长已对环境与发展造成巨大的压力,环境的恶化使贫困加剧,人口的增加和贫困的加剧又会进一步破坏环境。因此,  相似文献   

理解水利因素对区域贫困的影响是理解减贫机制,进行针对性贫困治理的基础。采用水利及经济社会统计数据,构建水贫困测度指标体系,揭示水贫困时空演变规律,明晰水贫困主导因素类型。研究结果表明:67%的县区水贫困状态减轻,存在吕梁山区水贫困带,北山—六盘山水贫困带和陕南秦巴山区水贫困带三种类型;水贫困主导因素具有明显差异,陕北多为资源环境使用支配型和设施滞后型,关中为多因素综合为主导类型,陕南多为资源设施环境主导型。  相似文献   

吕娟 《中国水利》2003,(6):59-61
截至2000年底,我国尚有17%的人口处于贫困状态,他们创造的GDP仅占全国的7%。这些贫困地区占据着1/4的国土面积,大多处在水旱灾害频发地区,贫困与灾害在这里形成了恶性循环。上世纪下半叶,我国政府开展了大规模的水利工程建设,一定程度上抑制了水旱灾害损失的增长,大大缓解了贫困地区的贫困状况。但是,随着经济社会的高速发展及社会环境的不断改变,水旱灾害与消除贫困又出现了新的问题,我国的防洪抗旱减灾工作面临着新的挑战,加强非工程防洪措施建设,建立完善的工程与非工程防洪抗旱综合减灾体系,是防洪抗旱减灾事业发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

水贫困指数在河西走廊三大内陆河流域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水贫困指数提供了一种简单、易行的水资源评价方法,它通过资源、途径、能力、利用和环境5个方面来定量评价区域水资源的相对水平。运用主客观组合赋权法确定各分指标的权重,对河西走廊三大内陆河流域的水贫困指数进行了研究。结果表明:黑河流域、疏勒河流域、石羊河流域的水贫困指数分别为39.4、66.0、36.6,评价结果与客观情况基本相符。  相似文献   

水库移民家庭因搬迁安置,其正常收入和发展被迫暂时性中断,容易出现入不敷出的贫困问题。从定义支出型贫困的概念、发生机制与测度方式出发,并利用河南省某水库的监测评估数据进行实证分析,从中发现,支出型贫困较收入贫困多存在于水库移民群体中;就近后靠安置的水库移民单项贫困发生率均低于城镇化安置,却更多地处于至少两项以上的贫困状态中;支出型贫困脆弱性的测量结果显示非贫困户未来也有可能因为搬迁安置带来的风险而陷入支出型贫困;外部风险、家庭禀赋和安置地社会环境对于移民户的贫困脆弱性均有显著的影响。  相似文献   

邢芳 《山西水利》2004,20(2):49-50
水土流失是引起环境移民的一个重要原因。阐述了我国水土流失的现状,产生原因及危害,提出了环境移民缓解贫困,人口,环境之间矛盾的一种手段,其长期和艰巨的任务是加强水土流失防治与治理。  相似文献   

吕娟 《中国水利》2003,(3):59-61
截至2000年底,我国尚有17%的人口处于贫困状态,他们创造的GDP仅占全国的7%。这些贫困地区占据着1/4的国土面积,大多处在水旱灾害频发地区,贫困与灾害在这里形成了恶性循环。上世纪下半叶.我国政府开展了大规模的水利工程建设,一定程度上抑制了水旱灾害损失的增长,大大缓解了贫困地区的贫困状况。但是,随着经济社会的高速发展及社会环境的不断改变,水旱灾害与消除贫困又出现了新的问题,我国的防洪抗旱减灾工作面临着新的挑战,加强非工程防洪措施建设,建立完善的工程与非工程防洪抗旱综合减灾体系,是防洪抗旱减灾事业发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

基于熵权TOPSIS法的大连市水贫困评价及障碍因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水贫困理论为基础,从资源、设施、能力、使用和环境5个方面构建了大连市水贫困评价指标体系,采用熵权TOPSIS法对大连市2006—2015年的水贫困状况进行综合评估,并通过障碍度模型剖析阻碍水贫困问题解决的障碍因子。结果表明:研究期内大连市水贫困状况逐步好转,综合评价值从0.249上升到0.314;水贫困最严重的地区是金州区、旅顺口区和长海县;影响全市水贫困的普遍性障碍指标依次为公共厕所量、自来水受益村数、建成区绿地覆盖率、地表水供给量、地下水供给量和年末从业人员比例。障碍因子的诊断揭示水贫困治理的短板因素,有利于促进大连市水资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

文章分别从环境、能力、设施、资源、使用以及设施5个方面利用水贫困理论建立了综合评价指标体系,并利用熵权法改进的TOPSIS法综合评估了2008-2016年大连市水贫困状况,利用障碍度模型深入的剖析了障碍因子。研究表明:大连市水贫困在2008-2016年呈现出逐渐好转的发展趋势,然而不同区域的上升幅度存在一定差异;其中长海县、旅顺口区为该区域最严重的水贫困区域。科学、合理的诊断出大连市水贫困治理障碍因子,对于促进水资源的优化配置及可持续利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王晓平 《中国水利》2007,(24):I0046-I0049
黄土高原的地貌环境在世界上独具特色,黄土高原的土壤侵蚀和环境问题更为世人所关注。严重的水土流失导致这里生态恶化,人民生活贫困:吃水难、行路难、种田难、发展难。为改善这里的生态与环境和当地群众的生产、生活条件,我国在黄土高原地区实施了一系列以改善生态与环境、减少入黄河泥沙、  相似文献   

从“区际”区位、自然条件、发展起点、人力资源、制度创新和市场机制等6个方面探讨和分析三峡库区贫困的成因;把三峡库区贫困的战略意义放在长江开发开放,中国经济起飞的大战略框加中审视。进而,又通过对三峡库区反贫困思路的梳理,进一步揭示了三峡库区贫困的本质性特征,并提出了以制度创新、推进改革,强化人力投资为重点的战略措施。  相似文献   

Tian  Fuyou  Wu  Bingfang  Zeng  Hongwei  Ahmed  Shukri  Yan  Nana  White  Ian  Zhang  Miao  Stein  Alfred 《Water Resources Management》2020,34(5):1725-1741

Water is fundamental to human well-being, social development and the environment. Water development, particularly hydropower, provides an important source of renewable energy. Water development is strongly affected by poverty, but only few attempts have been made to understand the links between water development and poverty from a global water development point of view. In this work, this linkage was explored using reservoir construction, hydroenergy and water use data along with six derived indicators. We used association rule mining and classification and regression trees (CART) to identify the links. Random forests were employed to search for factors sensitive to poverty. This study shows that the reservoir density is significantly related to poverty, and reservoir densities are lower in countries with higher poverty rates. Countries with a higher use of small hydropower (SHP) systems are generally more prosperous as follows: an SHP utilization rate above 27% corresponds to a poverty rate below 4.9%. The ratio of water utilization, water availability per capita (WAPC) and reservoir density were essential for the prediction of the poverty class. All three ratios could be related to poverty alleviation as they enable the identification of the potential for water resource development and their constraints. This study concludes that water development in poor countries needs to receive more attention.


为厘清水资源约束条件下四川省各市州产业可持续发展适宜模式,通过构建四川省水贫困评价指标体系,采用均衡法赋权,应用水贫困指数(Water Poverty Index,WPI)模型计算2006-2013年全省21个市州的水贫困指数,并基于地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)技术等,对全省及各市州水贫困时空格局等进行了研究。结果表明:(1)受2008年"5·12"汶川特大地震影响,2008-2011年全省水贫困全面、均衡改善的态势受阻;灾后水利重建、水利精准扶贫等工作的推进,使得全省各市州2006-2013年WPI平均值呈波动下降趋势,水资源管理能力的提升和水环境的改善对缓解水贫困起到了关键作用。(2)21个市州处理水贫困的能力差别较大,且差距逐渐拉大;成都市和雅安市为极微水贫困区,攀枝花市、广元市、阿坝州、甘孜州和凉山州为微水贫困区,泸州市、绵阳市、乐山市、眉山市和宜宾市为中度水贫困区,自贡市、德阳市、南充市、巴中市、资阳市为强水贫困区,遂宁市、内江市、广安市、达州市为极度水贫困区。(3)四川省水贫困问题的解决,应从强化水贫困意识、提升高效用水能力,科学优化配置水资源、提高保障率,严格水资源管理、调控产业结构及生产模式,系统管控水安全风险,提升水管理能力、加大政府财政投入、积极推进水权改革,增强水利扶贫力度、助推扶贫攻坚等方面加大工作力度。  相似文献   

Water poverty assessment is a complex problem involving multiple systems such as water resources, the economy, society, and the environment. Thus, it is necessary to employ a comprehensive model comprising a set of interdisciplinary indicators that encompass water-related aspects, as well as a conceptual framework to organize all indicators and variables. Firstly, we develop water poverty indicators for rural areas of China by introducing the Driving forces–Pressures–States–Impacts–Responses (DPSIR) model, based on causality. Then, the indicator system and structural equation model (SEM) are combined, and the partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) tests the hypothesis based on the causal relationship of the DPSIR model. Secondly, the weight of each variable is obtained using the modified model and structural equation software, and water poverty scores are calculated for each area. Exploratory spatial analysis of the results suggests that the distribution of water poverty in China’s rural areas displays low–low and high–high clustering. Policy makers should take advantage of the water resource situation in eastern and central regions to help the northwest, southwest, and southeast regions alleviate problems of water poverty.  相似文献   

水资源综合评价对实现社会、经济和环境的可持续发展具有重要意义。以水贫困指数为基础,建立了水资源安全综合评价指标体系,探讨了基于层次分析法的水资源安全模糊综合评价方法,并对中国主要流域和分区的水资源安全状况进行综合评价。结果表明:黄河、海河、淮河和长江流域水资源贫困指数较小,开发潜力较小,其它流域和分区水资源贫困指数较大,有一定的开发潜力。经对比分析表明,评价结果与事实基本相符,说明本文建立的层次模糊综合评价模型是可靠有效的,能为水资源规划、跨流域调水和水利工程运行提供较可靠的水文依据。  相似文献   

西部大开发中退耕还林(草)面临的挑战及其作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据中国西部森林的现状 ,采用生态学与地理学的方法 ,分析了因毁林开荒造成水土流失、洪涝灾害、沙尘风暴、干旱少雨、江河断流、物种减少等危害对国民经济发展所造成的影响 ,以及近几年所产生的一系列生态环境问题 .探讨了退耕还林 (草 )对我国的生态环境治理、西部持续发展、江河整治、国土整治综合措施运用、西部农民脱贫致富的作用 .  相似文献   

This paper analyzes irrigation-poverty linkages, and determines how and to what extent irrigation contributes to poverty alleviation, and whether there are any spatial patterns in poverty in irrigation systems. It also identifies conditions under which irrigation has greater anti-poverty impacts. The analysis is based on primary data collected during the 2000--2001 agricultural year, from four selected irrigation systems and rainfed areas in Java. The results indicate that irrigation has significant poverty reducing impacts. Poverty varies across irrigation systems and across locations within the systems. In general, crop productivity is relatively higher and poverty is lower in middle parts of the systems compared to head and tail parts. Further, locational differences in poverty are more pronounced in larger systems where locational inequities in water distribution and productivity differences are also high. Crop productivity, the size of landholdings and location of households are important determinants of poverty, in addition to demographic factors such as family size. The smaller the systems with well managed infrastructure, relatively equitable water distribution and diversified cropping patterns supported with market infrastructure, the greater the poverty reducing impacts of irrigation. Overall, the study findings suggest that improving the performance of irrigation systems by enhancing land and water productivity, diversifying cropping patterns and improving water distribution across locations would help reduce poverty in presently low productivity-high poverty parts of the systems.  相似文献   

农村水电在加快山区农民脱贫致富,促进农村经济社会发展,保护生态环境和节能减排等方面都发挥了重要作用。加强农村水电安全监管,确保农村水电站安全运行,是各级水行政主管部门的重要职责,也是充分发挥已建成小水电效益的重要方面。本文详细介绍了浙江省首次农村水电站安全管理年检工作开展情况及取得的成效,并就进一步加强浙江省农村水电安全监管,持续发挥农村水电效益提出了具体的工作目标。  相似文献   

This article details an application of Water Poverty Index (WPI) to evaluate state of water resources in the context of Nepalese river basins with a case study of Kali Gandaki River Basin (KGRB) located in western Nepal. Considering that water poverty issues and indicators to represent them are location-specific, selecting suitable indicators with due care of local context and data availability is essential to apply the WPI, a holistic tool for water resources planning and management. In this study, it suggests and describes a set of ten WPI indicators and twelve variables suitable in the Nepalese context. The selected set of indicators and variables is used to discuss water poverty situation in the study basin as a whole, spatial variation within the basin and variation at different spatial scales in the basin, that is, basin, sub-unit of the basin (district) and sub-unit of the district (Village Development Committee (VDC)). The study result shows that WPI varies widely (from 37.1 to 56.5) within the study basin suggesting the need of location-specific policy interventions. At different spatial scales, there is no clear trend; however, analysis of the WPI components shows higher resources and access at basin level; higher use, environment and capacity at sub-sub-unit of the basin level. Such variations suggest the need of scale-specific policy interventions and management plans to improve overall water poverty situation in the study basin. Overall, the WPI helped to examine the water poverty situation and recommend priority areas of policy interventions for the improvement of water-poverty situation in the basin.  相似文献   

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