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可口可乐 尽管是许多负面报道的对象,但可乐仍然是当今最流行的碳酸饮料类型,拥有前几年无法比拟的市场地位。最近,可乐的竞争聚焦在不同口味的香精上。这反映在对香草可乐和柠檬可乐投入高额的生产资本上。  相似文献   

饮料业如此绚烂缤纷,今后的趋势究竟有如何?倍受争议的碳酸饮料应该何去何从?来自Drink Tec的报告给我们指明了方向。软饮料:健康型碳酸饮料这几年软饮料饱受肥胖症的指责,销量下跌,生产商动足脑筋,在传统的配方中尝试各种新方案。其中最大的创新成果应该就是今年夏天可口可乐和百事可乐推出的低卡路里可乐C2  相似文献   

凉茶与可乐的战争之说,从一开始就充满了争议。 一个是起源于广东一带的“药茶”,因茶饮料罐装王老吉品牌而红遍全国,一个是全球碳酸饮料的巨头可口可乐。这两者为何被扯在一起?它们之间真的有较量吗?  相似文献   

事件源起 炎炎夏日,各种饮料畅销,碳酸饮料由于其丰富的品种及多样的口味,更是受到追求新鲜刺激的青少年的喜爱。可是,在市场销量最大的可乐类饮料中,可口可乐旗下的零度可乐却是非不断。日前,委内瑞拉政府就以不利公众健康为由,下令在本国禁售零度可乐,  相似文献   

<正> 新年伊始,上海家乐福超市赫然出现了一种新品牌可乐——美国可乐。与穿着“大阿福”的可口可乐并驾齐驱地摆在货架上,而同样是红色包装的新可乐引起了消费者的兴趣:这是不是可口可乐的“盗版”呢?  相似文献   

郭灵洁 《中国食品》2009,(14):34-36
2008年初.可口可乐在上海新推出一款无糖碳酸饮料“零度”(ZERO).随后.有关其含有的阿斯巴甜成分可能导致偏头痛甚至致癌的说法.通过网络迅速传播。日前.委内瑞拉有关部门对设在该国的可口可乐分公司进行检查.要求对所有在委内瑞拉销售的“零度”可口可乐产品实行召回.并保证不再销售这种产品.原因是“这种可乐含有对人体有害的成分”。  相似文献   

<正>根据可口可乐近期公布的第二季度次财报显示,可口可乐宣布从8月开始美国地区将不再生产零度可乐。但可口可乐并没有放弃无糖可乐,而是用无糖可乐(Coke Zero Sugar)取代零度可乐。虽然,零度可乐去年的销量还增长了3.5%,但其自2006年推出以来的收益并没有挽回健怡可乐(Diet Coke)销量下滑的局面,在过去的一年里可口可乐也一直都在探索它的替代品。  相似文献   

<正>目前市场中碳酸饮料的销售情况出现了低迷,对于这种情况来讲主要是因为人们健康识的增强,同时一些健康饮品的出现也给碳酸饮料市场带来了一定的压制。可口可乐碳酸饮料业务下滑据有关报道称,今年可口可乐的碳酸饮料业务整体不是很乐观,销售业绩出现了比较明显的下降,利润的下滑将使可口可乐进行大规模的裁员,此次裁员将会是15年来规模最大的一次。可口可乐被曝未来几周内将在全球范围裁员至少1000-2000个职位。可口可乐中国公司相关负责人证实,裁员计  相似文献   

正随着人们健康意识的增强,碳酸饮料销量下滑已是不争的事实,这从百事可乐和可口可乐两大可乐巨头的业绩报表上就可以看出。据尼尔森的数据调查显示,2015年已经是碳酸类软饮料销售额连续第11年下滑。碳酸软饮料所面临的严峻挑战目前碳酸软饮料产业所面临的最大挑战来自于消费者以及公共卫生机构就  相似文献   

一 日本饮料的现状和“新领域饮料”1 碳酸饮料大宗商品销势下降作为中心的可乐系列和透明碳酸饮料近4~5年大幅度下降。果汁碳酸饮料降落到50%,另一方面,加乳碳酸饮料.小瓶碳酸饮料、碳酸水等,市场规模虽小但增长率很大。从碳酸饮料市场总体来看,由于两个大项(可乐系列和透明碳酸饮料)的降落影响,比高峰时候落20%以上。这说明产品换代的困难,  相似文献   

<正> 每年4月到10月,又是啤酒企业市场大战的时刻。很多企业今年再次面临因原料上涨而生产成本提高的困境:啤酒涨价是自寻死路;不涨价又是等待死亡,真是左右为难啊! 我国啤酒所需的大麦等原料还继续大部分依靠进口,原料成本没有优势可言。而国际啤酒巨头挟其强势品牌、丰厚资金、先进营销理念的凶猛之势,在中国拼命抢占地盘。  相似文献   

A series of trials was conducted to determine the ruminal degradation of nitrogenous compounds and dry matter of soybean meal, wet brewers grains, and dried brewers grains. In situ and in vitro estimates of degradation were positively correlated but yielded different absolute values for measures of ruminal degradation. Ruminal digestion of protein, predicted from in situ data, was 42, 73, and 83% for brewers dried grains, brewers wet grains, and soybean meal. Drying of wet grains at either 50 or 150 degrees C increased resistance to ruminal digestion equally. Measurements of flow of dry matter and nitrogen of feed origin to the duodenum were made in vivo for diets containing either brewers dried grains or soybean meal. Negative apparent digestibility of nitrogen in the rumen for a 13% crude protein, brewers dried grains ration indicates the potential for using a non-protein nitrogen supplement with this ration. Resistance to digestion of nitrogen from brewers dried grains occurred only in the rumen. Amino acid patterns delivered to the small intestine and digestion of duodenal contents were similar for diets containing brewers dried grains or soybean meal.  相似文献   

Forty four multiparous Holsteins, 114 +/- 28 days in milk (32 kg/day, 3.4% fat), were fed a basal diet of 12% crude protein and 20% acid detergent fiber for 10 days, then stratified by milk production into four groups. Cows were randomized to one of nine diets in a 3 X 3 factorial in which basal was supplemented with dried brewers grains, wet brewers grains, or soybean meal to supply in the diet 14.5, 16.0, and 17.5% crude protein. Eight cows remained on basal during the 50-day trial. Basal contained: 14% alfalfa silage, 27% ensiled ground-corn, 53% corn silage, and 6% vitamin-mineral mix. Milk production (kg/day) for cows fed dried brewers grains (29.4) and wet brewers grains (28.9) was higher than soybean meal (26.2) and basal (23.1). Milk production was different for diets with high (29.6) vs. low (27.8) and medium (27.2) protein. Dry matter intake (as percent of body weight) was 3.7, 3.5, 3.3, and 2.9 for dried brewers, wet brewers, soybean meal, and basal, respectively. Milk protein percent and milk fat percent differed for protein source. Rumen fluid ammonia nitrogen for combined 2, 4, and 6 h post-feeding, was (mg/100 ml) 10.4 for dried brewers, 14.9 for wet brewers, and 18.0 for soybean meal and increased from 13.2 to 15.4 with increased protein. Plasma urea tended to follow patterns of rumen ammonia. Dried brewers grains had lower apparent nitrogen digestibility but equal nitrogen balance, indicating more efficient metabolic use than soybean meal.  相似文献   

采用二次通用旋转试验设计,对黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger sp.)固态发酵啤酒糟生产纤维素酶的条件进行了优化,并建立了纤维素酶随啤酒糟与棉粕的配料比、料水比和发酵时间变化的二次回归方程。利用该方程探讨了各因子对纤维素酶的影响。结果表明,各因子对纤维素酶的影响顺序为:配料比>发酵时间>料水比,而因子的交互作用不显著。利用统计优选法寻优,确定了最优发酵条件:啤酒糟与棉粕的配料比7:3,料水比1:1.5,发酵时间66 h,滤纸酶活最高值为782.4 u/g。  相似文献   

Fructose is utilised slower than glucose when the two sugars are fermented separately. This phenomenon occurs in a growth promoting medium as well as in brewers wort when using the brewing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The use of a fructose adjunct in wort at concentrations of 2% w/v and above, may result in residual concentrations of fructose to remain at the end of fermentation and consequently taint the beer with a sweet off-flavour. Glucose and fructose have no effect on maltose utilisation. Thus they do not exert catabolite repression on the maltose membrane transport system in the particular brewing strain of S. cerevisiae under investigation, when fermented in brewers wort.  相似文献   

<正> 在2001年12月,青岛朝日饮品有限公司建成投产。当时,这一消息带来的轰动,甚至超过了所有数额巨大的啤酒收购风波。 仅仅几个月,青岛的老对手——燕京也传出即将进入茶饮料领域的消息。目前,厂房设备等硬件设施已经基本就绪,年内即可投产。 来自茶饮料的诱惑 两大啤酒品牌几乎同时进入茶饮料市场,一方面,表明了茶饮料近年来的发展势头,给两个急于拓展经营范畴、多元化  相似文献   

Soils, and therefore crops, deficient in selenium in the Northeastern United States are well-known. Brewers grains containing barley grown on high-selenium western soils should serve as an efficient supplementary source of the element in cattle rations. In this study, beef cattle were fed a diet containing brewers grains for six months and their concentration of selenium in blood was compared to a control group of cattle fed a comparable diet but without brewers grains. The concentration of selenium in the blood of the cattle receiving brewers grains increased significantly (p < 0.01) from an initial level of 12.15 ± 2.74 (average ± standard deviation) micrograms/100 mL to 22.88 ± 3.54 at the end of the feeding period. The control group showed a nonsignificant increase from 15.35 ± 2.29 to 16.19 ± 2.08. There was no significant (p > 0.05) increase in average rate of weight gain between the two treatment groups.  相似文献   

该文采取纤维素酶处理啤酒糟,旨在酶解啤酒糟中的纤维素。采用直接滴定法测定啤酒糟酶解液中的还原糖含量,通过单因素试验初步研究不同料液比、酶解时间、反应初始pH值、酶解温度、纤维素酶添加量等因素对酶解液中还原糖含量的影响。在此基础上,采用三因素三水平的正交试验优化其工艺条件。结果表明,纤维素酶酶解啤酒糟的最佳工艺条件为反应初始pH 6.0,酶添加量2.5%,酶解时间4 h。此时,酶解液中的还原糖含量为3.65 mg/mL。  相似文献   

Two basic glycoproteins homologous with thaumatin- and pathogen-related proteins of the PR-5 family were isolated from grain of brewers barley cultivar. The proteins inhibit fermentation and respiration of brewers yeast and exert a lethal effect on the yeast cells. In addition a significant release of cell constituents was registered. All these effects are dose dependent and tend to saturation at higher dosage. These results suggest that cell membrane damage causes the impairment of vital cell functions. Tracing these proteins in the course of the brewing process revealed that thermal treatment at the mashing stage of brewing leads to their disappearance due to denaturation.  相似文献   

The physical structure of fodder beets, raw potatoes, ensiled pressed sugar beet pulp, ensiled brewers grains, and corn cob silage was evaluated in diets containing concentrates and either corn silage or grass silage as the roughage source. In one series of experiments, the chewing activity of eight cows was measured over 4 d. The beet pulp and fodder beets were added to the two roughage sources at two ratios [20:80 and 35:65, dry matter (DM) basis]. Potatoes, brewers grains, and corn cob silage were fed in a fixed amount (5 to 6 kg of DM) with corn silage. The chewing indexes (eating and ruminating time per kilogram of DM ingested) for fodder beets and beet pulp averaged 34.3 and 32.3 min/kg of DM, respectively, and were hardly affected by the nature of the roughage or by the inclusion ratio. The chewing indexes for potatoes, brewers grains, and corn cob silage were 23.7, 56.6, and 41.6 min/kg of DM, respectively. In another series of experiments using 8 to 11 cows, the ratio of roughage to concentrates was lowered weekly by 5 percentage units, and the critical rough-age portion of the diet was determined (i.e., the amount just before a lack of physical structure was observed). The roughage source was either fed alone or supplemented with about 4 kg of DM of the experimental feed. The critical roughage portion of the diet decreased when the experimental feeds were added; the decrease was greatest with ensiled pressed beet pulp and was lowest with corn cob silage.  相似文献   

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