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以《中国名菜谱·湖南风味》为统计参考,量化分析湖南名菜的辣味特征。同时,基于对湖南省代表性食谱中含辣食品的构成以及湖南省辣味食品人均消费情况的参考分析,综合归纳出湖南名菜辣味的整体特征。采用高效液相色谱法分析测定各调味料中辣椒素、二氢辣椒素的含量,并结合辣度计算和菜谱计重原则,统计出湖南各类名菜的辣度特征。研究表明:辣椒素类物质在所有添加含辣椒素类物质的菜肴中的平均辣度为1.474°,辣椒素类物质在所有菜肴中的平均辣度为0.264°。在湖南辣味菜肴中,"酸辣"味型所占比例最大。  相似文献   

食品中辣味物质的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辣味是食品中一种重要的味道,赋予了食品独特的风味.文章对食品中辣味的来源、辣味产生的机理、辣度的评价方法、食品中辣味的控制、辣椒素类物质的稳定性做了综述.  相似文献   

川菜菜品的辣味物质分析与辣度分级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高效液相色谱法测定部分川菜菜品中辣味物质(辣椒素及二氢辣椒素)的含量,根据高效液相色谱分析结果结合感官评价进行辣味分级。根据辣度的强弱分为5级(特辣,辣椒素类物质含量≥0.291 8 g/kg)、4级(辣,辣椒素类物质含量0.092 4~0.291 8 g/kg)、3级(中辣,辣椒素类物质含量0.019 5~0.092 4 g/kg)、2级(微辣,辣椒素类物质含量0.001 95~0.019 5 g/kg)、1级(不辣,辣椒素类物质含量<0.001 95 g/kg)5 个等级。在123 个样品中,1级样品占39.84%,2级样品占18.70%,3级样品占26.83%,4级样品占12.20%,5级样品占2.44%。实验还分析了辣椒及其制品对样品辣味的影响,样品的辣味不仅与辣椒及其制品的种类和使用量有关,还与加工方式、原料大小、加工温度、调味料等密切相关。  相似文献   

研究麻辣火锅底料辣度的分级方法,将消费者的辣度等级评定意见与麻辣火锅底料中辣味主要成分辣椒素类物质含量结合划分辣度等级,将辣度等级分为微辣、低辣、中辣、高辣、特辣、暴辣6个,使用高效液相色谱仪(荧光检测器)检测麻辣火锅底料中辣椒素类物质的含量,各辣度等级对应的辣椒素含量为:0.00509~0.0164,0.0389~0.0962,0.0940~0.189,0.201~0.789,0.596~1.351,1.895~5.323g/kg。参考众所周知的酒精度各低、中、高度酒的代表度数,取12°代表微辣,36°代表低辣,45°代表中辣,52°代表高辣,65°代表特辣,75°代表暴辣,麻辣火锅底料的辣度命名为"李氏辣度",各辣度等级辣椒素类物质含量(W)换算成李氏辣度(LSU)的公式为:LSU=10.369ln(W)+65.264,相关系数R2为98.17%,并划定微辣为9°~29°,低辣为30°~39°,中辣为40°~49°,高辣为50°~59°,特辣为60°~69°,暴辣为≥70°。将不容易被消费者认知的辣椒素类物质含量换算成便于消费者理解的度数,可以使消费者更能理解和选择适合的辣度。  相似文献   

目的 明确麻辣火锅底料中麻辣风味的物质含量与感官强度的关联性, 构建麻辣风味与咸度之间的数学模型。方法 采用理化及感官分析方法对6个麻辣火锅底料产品的麻辣鲜咸4种主要呈味物质含量及典型感官风味特性展开分析, 结合Stevens函数解析4种呈味物质的物理量与感官强度的关联性, 最后构建产品麻辣物质含量与咸度的线性回归预测模型。结果 火锅底料产品中的辣椒素类物质、酰胺类物质含量与产品的辣度和麻度之间存在良好的Stevens函数拟合度, 同时构建了火锅底料产品咸度与产品中辣椒素类物质、酰胺类物质和盐含量自然对数值的线性回归预测模型(R2≈0.96)。结论 麻辣火锅底料中麻辣物质含量与辣度和麻度间的关联性符合心理物理学模型, 同时对产品咸度具有显著影响。研究结果可为麻辣物质在食品复杂体系中减盐相关研究及后期低盐产品研制提供数据支撑和应用思路。  相似文献   

Scoville感官评定法测定辣椒辣度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对辣椒中辣味成分的组成、辣椒素的性质及功能、国内外辣椒辣度的研究概况以及评价方法等进行了综述。主要研究了辣度的Scoville感官评定法,并与HPLC法测定的辣度结果进行比较,结果表明,用感官评定法测得干辣椒样品的辣度与HPLC法结果在同一辣度级别。  相似文献   

辣味食品辣度量化分级技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文针对贵阳地区消费人群对辣味食品辣度的感官评价进行了调查,定量分析了不同辣度辣味食品中辣椒碱的含量,依据感官辣度和辣味食品中辣椒碱的含量,对辣味食品的辣度进行了量化,并分为4级:1级(微辣;辣椒碱含量<0.30%)、2级(中辣;辣椒碱含量0.30%~0.50%)、3级(辣;辣椒碱含量0.50%~0.70%)、4级(很辣;辣椒碱含量>0.80%)。在考虑辣椒原料综合利用的基础上,设计了定量添加辣椒精以生产不同辣度辣味食品的工艺路线。  相似文献   

目的:通过对GB/T 21266-2007中辣椒素和二氢辣椒素检测的色谱条件的优化,建立快速有效的测定菜点中主要辣味成分的方法。以实地采样的浙江绍兴、杭州、宁波、温州四地的代表菜品为实验对象,测定各地菜品中辣味成分的含量,从而分析浙江地区食品的辣味特征。方法:超声波辅助甲醇-四氢呋喃(1∶1)提取样品中的辣椒素、二氢辣椒素,然后采用高效液相色谱法测定辣味物质含量。结果:确定色谱流动相为甲醇∶水(70∶30),流速为0.8 m L/min,检测波长为280 nm。辣椒素的回归方程为Y=6636.7X+1221,相关系数R2=0.9999。二氢辣椒素的回归方程为Y=6338.9X-3758,相关系数R2=0.9999。浙江100道菜品中使用辣椒及其制品的菜肴所占比例为13%,浙江菜品整体辣度为0.143。结论:该方法快速准确可靠,可用于浙江菜品辣椒素、二氢辣椒素的含量测定。浙江菜品整体辣度很弱。  相似文献   

辣椒素类物质是辣椒果实中“辣味”的来源,辣椒素类物质通过刺激神经末梢,在神经末梢上和某些分子反应产生生物电脉冲,激活人体神经中的辣椒素受体通道,然后将信号传导到大脑,产生辣味感觉(以下简称辣味)。研究发现,辣味与味觉之间存在协同或抑制作用,不同浓度的辣椒素类物质与味觉的相互作用也不同,因此,本文对辣椒素类物质的种类、化学性质及应用进行概括,阐述辣味的产生,即辣椒素激活辣椒素受体通道的生物学机制,同时探讨辣味与酸味、甜味、苦味、咸味以及鲜味的相互作用,指出目前辣味与味觉相互作用及其潜在影响机制研究方面存在的不足,并展望未来的研究方向,以期为辣味产业的进一步发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

辣椒素类物质是表征辣椒辛辣刺激的活性成分,是开启"辣味感觉之门"的钥匙,即辛辣感的来源。辣椒素类物质通过与口腔的相互作用,使得TRPV1被辣椒素激活,细胞内钙离子增加,触发神经末梢,释放神经肽类,最终引起大脑皮层痛觉形成,从而产生辣味感觉。研究发现,辣椒素对味觉存在一定的损伤,辣椒素可能通过减少味蕾数量,改变味觉转导或味觉受体细胞兴奋性,从而直接或间接对味觉神经传递进行抑制,造成相关味觉细胞与神经的损伤。本文综述辣味对味觉的调节、损伤机制以及新型辣椒素-味觉交互技术的研究现状,探讨其潜在影响机制研究的不足,并展望未来研究方向,以期为辣椒素在食品中的应用以及避免辣椒素造成的损伤提供参考。  相似文献   

Absolute threshold and just noticeable difference (JND) were determined for the perception of pungency using chili pepper in aqueous solutions. Absolute threshold and JND were determined using 2 alternative forced-choice sensory tests tests. High-performance liquid chromatography technique was used to determine capsaicinoids concentration in samples used for sensory analysis. Sensory absolute threshold was 0.050 mg capsaicinoids/kg sample. Five JND values were determined using 5 reference solutions with different capsaicinoids concentration. JND values changed proportionally as capsaicinoids concentration of the reference sample solutions changed. Weber fraction remained stable for the first 4 reference capsaicinoid solutions (0.05, 0.11, 0.13, and 0.17 mg/kg) but changed when the most concentrated reference capsaicinoids solution was used (0.23 mg/kg). Quantification limit for instrumental analysis was 1.512 mg/kg capsaicinoids. Sensory methods employed in this study proved to be more sensitive than instrumental methods. Practical Application: A better understanding of the process involved in the sensory perception of pungency is currently required because "hot" foods are becoming more popular in western cuisine. Absolute thresholds and differential thresholds are useful tools in the formulation and development of new food products. These parameters may help in defining how much chili pepper is required in a formulated product to ensure a perceptible level of pungency, as well as in deciding how much more chili pepper is required in a product to produce a perceptible increase in its pungency.  相似文献   

Capsicum fruits are popular worldwide and are used in the cuisines of both the developing and the developed countries. With its different varieties, forms, and uses, the spice capsicum contributes to the entire gamut of sensory experience--color as finely ground paprika powder or extract in sausages, goulash, cheese, and snacks; both pungency and color as the many varieties of chillies used in Mexican, African, Indian, and southeast Asian cuisines; color, aroma, and mild pungency as the fresh green chillies used in many of the growing countries; and appearance, color, aroma, and texture as fresh fruit in salads and as a pickled and canned product. In three earlier parts in this series, the varieties, cultivation, and primary processing; the processed products, world production, and trade; and the chemistry of the color, aroma, and pungency stimuli have been reviewed. In this part, the evaluation of quality through instrumental determination of the causal components and the sensory evaluation of color, aroma, and pungency are discussed. Several methods for quantitative determination of the stimuli and the sensory evaluation of the responses to the stimuli are reviewed. The problems of sensory evaluation of color, aroma, and pungency, the dominant attributes for validation of the instrumentally determined values for carotenoids, volatiles, or particular fractions, and total and individual capsaicinoids are specifically discussed. Summarized details of selected instrumental methods for evaluating the stimuli, which are either validated by correlation to sensorily perceived responses or to adopted standards, are given along with representative data obtained for discussing the adequacy and reliability of the methods. Pungency as a specific gustatory perception and the many methods proposed to evaluate this quality are discussed. A recommended objective procedure for obtaining reproducible values is discussed, and a method for relating different panel results is shown. With such a method, highly significant correlations have been shown between estimated total capsaicinoids and the determined pungency. The estimation of total capsaicinoids by any simple, reliable method is shown to be adequate for quality control of pungency of Capsicum fruits.  相似文献   

基于高效液相色谱法结合感官评价结果,采用SPSS中的Fisher判别分析方式,对火锅底料进行辣度分级,得到麻辣火锅底料的辣度分级模型;研究熬煮过程中辣椒素类物质(capsaicinoids,Cap-S)的含量变化,得到其影响辣度分级的规律。结果表明,仅用感官评价对火锅底料进行辣度分级受感官评价人员的影响较大,结论准确度不高;若以火锅底料中Cap-S含量为分级标准,其正判率界值为24%>20%,可以很好地将辣度分为5 个等级,分级模型较为合理。火锅底料熬煮过程会影响Cap-S的迁移,Cap-S在油相和水相中处于动态平衡状态,同时调味料中的Cap-S逐渐迁移到汤底中,使得熬煮过程中辣度总是不断发生变化。高效液相色谱法结合感官评价结果对火锅底料进行辣度分级,可以很好地区分火锅底料的辣度,指导消费者购买合适的食品。  相似文献   

Sensory Properties of Naturally Occurring Capsaicinoids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sensory evaluation of isolated natural capsaicinoids showed that there was a significant linear relationship between pungency and concentration. Detection thresholds were evaluated using an ASTM method. Pungency thresholds were calculated using the established relationships between pungency and concentration of individual compounds. Total pungency of a mixture of capsaicinoids was highly correlated with the sum of pungencies of individual capsaicinoids. Determination of the total pungency of Capsicum extracts can be accomplished by adding the pungencies of individual capsaicinoids upon multiplication of their pungency threshold values by their respective concentrations.  相似文献   

The spice capsicum, the fruits of the genus Capsicum (Family Solanaceae), is a very popular food additive in many parts of the world, valued for the important sensory attributes of color, pungency, and aroma. A large number of varieties are widely cultivated and traded. The characteristic carotenoids of the bright red paprika and cayenne-type chillies, the high character impact aroma stimuli, the methoxy pyrazine of green bell capsicum, the esters of ripe tabasco and the highly potent pungency stimuli, and the capsaicinoids of African and other Asian varieties of chillies, have been of great interest to chemists and biochemists. Research workers in other disciplines such as genetics and breeding, agriculture, and technology have been interested in this spice to develop new varieties with combinations of different optimal levels of the stimuli for the sensory attributes and to maximize production of storable products for specific end uses. Physiologists have been intensely studying the action of the highly potent pungency stimuli and social psychologists the curious aspect of growing acceptance and preference for the initially unacceptable pungency sensation. In the sequential review of all these aspects of the fruit spice Capsicum, the earlier two parts covered history, botany, cultivation and primary processing, and processed products, standards, world production, and trade. In Part III, the chemistry, the compositional variations, synthesis and biosynthesis of the functional components, the carotenoids, the volatiles, and the capsaicinoids are comprehensively reviewed.  相似文献   


While sensations of pungency are characteristic of food in all cultures, relatively little attention has been given to trying to understand the role these sensations play in our perception of, and preference for, foods and food flavors. This review provides an overview of research on the psychophysics of the sensory system responsible for perception of pungency (the trigeminal nerve), current views on how preference for pungency develops, and the qualities of common pungent food ingredients and their interactions with food flavors. It is argued that understanding the role that pungency plays in foods is essential to successful development of acceptable food flavors, especially for those markets in Asia in which pungency is a defining characteristic of the cuisine.  相似文献   

The study illustrates the temporal perception of bitterness and pungency in monovarietal autochthonous virgin olive oils stored up to 18 months. Samples were kept at 10 °C and 28 °C. Analyses were performed by a trained sensory panel utilising a time–intensity (TI) evaluation technique. A general analysis revealed an overall trend of decreased bitterness and pungency intensity and duration with storage in all the oils, primarily related to temperature of storage and in minor extent to the storage time. Bitterness was the dominant sensation in oils just after the production for all the analysis duration. In contrast, in the aged samples, bitter taste rapidly decreases, and pungency therefore becomes (although it is also decreasing) the prevailing sensation of the TI measurement. Moreover, the study revealed some differences in timing and duration of the sensory perception of both the attributes among oil samples, in relation to their varietal origin.  相似文献   

The spice Capsicum is the fruit of the cultivated species of the genus Capsicum (family, Solanaceae), C. annuum principally, and C. frutescens L. to a lesser extent. A third variety of C. annuum var. annuum fruits, the large-sized, fleshy bell capsicum is used as a fresh vegetable and valued for its aroma, color, and crisp texture, but with no pungency. This variety is not considered in this series of reviews covering primary processing, production, international trade, chemistry, and biochemistry of functional components--the red keto carotenoids, the aromatic volatiles and the pungent capsaicinoids in Parts I to III. The valid qualitative aspects correlating the specific components of capsicum and their sensory responses are critically covered in Part IV. In this the concluding part of the series of reviews, the significant preference of the spice for initially evoking an aversive response, its potent physiological and pharmacological effects, and the aspects of structure-activity relationships of the pungent stimuli of the capsaicinoids are reviewed. The beneficial effects particularly associated with long usage by some ethnic groups and its safe consumption levels, with a critical review of the studies on the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, the sensory system, thermoregulation, nutritional impacts, and an overview of the five series is also detailed.  相似文献   

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