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目的:比较不同热处理方式对牛奶中乳清活性蛋白的影响。方法:以奶场牛乳、巴氏杀菌乳、超高温瞬时灭菌(UHT)乳和蒸汽侵入式直接杀菌(INF)乳4种不同热处理方式的牛奶作为研究对象,观察4种牛奶活性蛋白含量及热处理后牛奶中美拉德反应产物含量等的变化情况;采用SEM、FTIR、荧光光谱分析仪和Malvern纳米粒度仪分析微观结构。结果:4种热处理牛奶中,奶场牛乳的乳清蛋白含量最高,INF杀菌乳与巴氏杀菌乳中乳清蛋白含量和美拉德反应产物含量相当;UHT灭菌乳的粒径及其乳清蛋白极性环境均显著增加;4种牛奶乳清蛋白二级结构中无规则卷曲逐渐增加,乳清蛋白结构从有序向无序转化。结论:蒸汽侵入式直接杀菌对乳清活性蛋白的损伤程度小于超高温瞬时灭菌,与巴氏杀菌相当,且此方法处理的牛乳保存期高于巴氏杀菌乳。  相似文献   

超高压为一种新的食品加工技术,近年来引起了国内外的广泛关注。以生牛乳作为参照,比较了不同超高压处理条件及巴氏杀菌乳、UHT灭菌乳的理化性质,包括pH、酸度和白度,以及牛乳中的脂肪酸含量。结果表明,不同的加工方式对pH和酸度没有显著影响,而压力升高会减少牛乳的透光性,牛乳颜色偏黄,表现为L*值降低,总色度增加,高于巴氏杀菌乳和UHT灭菌乳。超高压和热处理对个体脂肪酸的影响各不相同,总的饱和脂肪酸在不同的加工方式作用下含量相差很小,不饱和脂肪酸总量在超高压作用明显增加,而在热处理后含量显著减少。  相似文献   

目的: 分析不同巴氏杀菌处理下绵羊乳蛋白的结构变化,同时以牛乳为对照,比较二者差异性。 方法 :分别以低温长时巴氏杀菌(65 ℃ 30 min)、高温短时巴氏杀菌(85 ℃ 15 s)和超巴氏杀菌(121 ℃ 5 s)对绵羊乳、牛乳进行杀菌处理,探究巴氏杀菌处理对绵羊乳和牛乳总蛋白及乳清蛋白二级结构的影响。 结果: 3种巴氏杀菌处理均会影响绵羊乳总蛋白和乳清蛋白二级结构,改变乳蛋白原空间结构;相比总蛋白,乳清蛋白二级结构稳定性受热处理影响更大(P<0.05,超巴氏杀菌处理对绵羊乳总蛋白与乳清蛋白二级结构影响最大,乳清蛋白变性程度最大。绵羊乳与牛乳在3种巴氏杀菌处理方式下蛋白二级结构的变化规律略有差异。 结论: 3种巴氏杀菌处理下低温长时巴氏杀菌绵羊乳蛋白结构及组成变化最小,且绵羊乳总蛋白与乳清蛋白二级结构的变化规律与牛乳略有不同,在绵羊乳液态奶加工时应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

热加工是杀灭牛乳中致病微生物的有效途径,但对牛乳的成分和性质也会产生影响。以F1和F2两个工厂的巴氏乳和超高温瞬时杀菌乳(UHT)为研究对象,原料乳作为对照,研究了热处理之后牛乳理化性质的变化。结果表明巴氏乳和UHT乳中脂肪、蛋白质、乳糖以及固形物的总量与原料乳中的基本一致,但巴氏和UHT热处理造成了乳中维生素C的损失以及泛酸含量的升高。游离氨基酸总量在F1和F2之间差异显著(P0.05),但是它受热处理方式的影响不显著。巴氏杀菌和UHT热处理对于乳粒径的影响不显著。牛乳的黏度和感官特性受巴氏和UHT热处理的影响显著,两个工厂UHT乳的黏度均较大。F1工厂UHT乳的风味得分较高,而F2工厂的巴氏乳风味得分更高。  相似文献   

采用氨基酸自动分析仪,通过柱后衍生的方法,对超高压杀菌乳中的游离氨基酸进行测定,并且与原乳、巴氏杀菌乳、超高温瞬时杀菌乳进行比较。结果表明:虽然适当的加热处理可以增加游离氨基酸的含量,但是随着加热温度的不断升高,会破坏或损失部分游离氨基酸。但是牛乳经过超高压杀菌处理以后,除丙氨酸和胱氨酸未检出,且超高压杀菌处理以后的天门冬氨酸的含量略低以外,其余游离氨基酸均可检出,而超高压杀菌牛乳中游离氨基酸的含量最高,巴氏杀菌乳中的含量次之,超高温瞬时杀菌乳中的含量最低。  相似文献   

姜雪  于鹏  肖杨  蔡涛  王辉  任璐 《食品科技》2015,(4):99-102
超高压技术可有效地杀灭微生物,在保证生物安全性的同时保留乳中的营养成分。以巴氏杀菌乳作为参照,比较了不同超高压处理条件对牛乳中微生物、白度以及维生素的影响。结果表明,当压力为300 MPa、保压时间为5 min时,可有效杀灭致病菌,并且达到与巴氏杀菌乳一致的微生物指标。压力升高会导致牛乳的酪蛋白胶束发生变化,因而减少牛乳的透光性,使得L*值降低,总色度增加,牛乳颜色偏黄。同时300 MPa、5 min的处理条件可有效地保留乳中Vc、VB1以及VB2的含量,但是当压力继续升高,只有VB2受到的破坏程度较小,仍存在于乳中。  相似文献   

超高压杀菌技术对牛乳品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验研究了超高压(UHP)冷杀菌技术对牛乳品质的影响。在350~600MPa 的超高压下对牛乳采用连续加压、交变加压方式及栅栏技术处理一定时间后,测定其微生物指标和理化性质的变化情况,并与巴氏杀菌技术进行比较。结果表明:压力越高,保压时间越长,交变次数越多,杀菌效果越好;采用栅栏技术对牛乳中的微生物具有更有效的杀菌作用,其中相同浓度的(终浓度100mg/L)ε-聚赖氨酸较Nisin具有更强的杀菌效果;利用SDSPAGE电泳研究了不同杀菌方式对牛乳总蛋白的影响,发现经UHT、巴氏和500MPa 交变处理的牛乳与鲜牛乳相比其总蛋白电泳图谱靠近负极方向第一条谱带消失,第二条谱带颜色变浅,由此推测经上述处理后牛乳中有一些蛋白质的亚基发生了解离,而经400MPa 交变处理的牛乳与生鲜牛乳的总蛋白电泳图谱相似;超高压处理过的牛乳营养成分与鲜牛乳相比,苏氨酸、VA、VC 在超高压处理中受到的破坏明显比巴氏杀菌小得多,特别是苏氨酸和VA几乎完全被保留下来,而VC 含量也要比巴氏奶高出25% 以上,对于VB1、VB2,检测数据也表明,超高压灭菌对其破坏要比巴氏灭菌小,其含量分别比巴氏杀菌牛乳高出9.5% 和2.6%;与巴氏杀菌乳相比,超高压杀菌有助于延长牛乳的保质期,扩大牛乳的销售半径。  相似文献   

超高温瞬时灭菌(ultra-high temperature treatment,UHT)是常用的牛乳杀菌技术,可分为直接式与间接式处理,其中直接式UHT技术由于成本高在乳品行业使用较少。近年来,随着消费者对牛乳营养物质和风味需求的升级,直接式UHT技术由于升温速度快、风味及营养成分损失少的优点,再次受到广泛关注。对比了浸入式和喷射式2种直接式处理技术对牛乳理化性质、活性乳清蛋白含量和挥发性化合物含量的影响。结果表明,浸入式UHT乳较喷射式UHT乳的平均粒径、失稳系数和黏度值均更小,但乳清蛋白变性率高。通过2种萃取方法——箭型固相微萃取法和溶剂辅助萃取法,结合气相色谱-质谱联用仪的分析结果,共在UHT乳中检测出59种挥发性化合物,其中,浸入式UHT乳中检测出50种,喷射式UHT乳中检测出52种。浸入式UHT乳中的酮、醛和脂肪酸类化合物比喷射式UHT乳中占比低,而酯类和醇类化合物占比高。主成分分析结果表明,浸入式UHT乳和喷射式UHT乳可根据挥发性化合物进行区分,说明不同的直接式UHT工艺可能对UHT乳风味产生影响。研究结果表明:若生产奶味更重的UHT乳,可选择喷射式UHT;若生产蒸煮味轻、异味少,且贮藏更为稳定的UHT乳,可选择浸入式UHT。研究结果旨在对乳品企业选择恰当的热杀菌工艺,生产货架期长、营养成分高、风味良好的UHT乳提供数据支撑与理论参考。  相似文献   

牛乳中的乳清蛋白主要包括β-乳球蛋白、α-乳白蛋白、牛血清白蛋白和免疫球蛋白。在牛乳加工过程中,热处理会使乳中乳清蛋白发生变性,影响了乳清蛋白的结构和活性,进而降低了牛乳的营养价值。本文对乳业发达国家液态乳的主要加工方式以及热处理过程对4种乳清蛋白的影响进行了综述。  相似文献   

以牛乳乳清蛋白为研究对象,探究不同热加工工艺(72 ℃/15 s、75 ℃/15 s、80 ℃/15 s、85 ℃/15 s)对巴氏杀菌乳乳清蛋白中3 种活性蛋白(α-乳白蛋白、β-乳球蛋白和乳铁蛋白)的影响,以及测定并分析杀菌温度对各样品菌落总数和嗜冷菌的影响。结果表明:随着热加工强度的提升,牛乳中的菌落总数随之减少,当杀菌温度在80 ℃以上时牛乳中的菌落总数小于10 CFU/mL;当杀菌温度在72 ℃以上时样品中的嗜冷菌数均小于10 CFU/mL;72 ℃/15 s 和75 ℃/15 s对α-乳白蛋白、β-乳球蛋白和乳铁蛋白影响较小,当杀菌温度达到80 ℃以上时,巴氏杀菌乳中的α-乳白蛋白、β-乳球蛋白和乳铁蛋白含量显著下降(P<0.05)。综上,热加工的时间和温度与乳清蛋白的关系密切,72~75 ℃/15 s 的热加工工艺能更好地保留乳清蛋白中的3 种活性蛋白。  相似文献   

吕瑜峰  庞广昌  史津 《食品科学》2005,26(9):141-143
利用同工酶电泳法分析巴氏奶与超高温灭菌奶中的过氧化物酶(POD),乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PDH),结果表明:奶品经过85度以上的灭菌处理后过氧化物酶,乳酸脱氢酶的活性基本丧失,而6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶在巴氏奶中还有较强的活性,在经过超高温灭菌后其活性也基本丧失。因此,奶样中6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶活性的有无可以对巴氏奶和超高温灭菌奶进行鉴别。  相似文献   

Whey extracts were obtained from pasteurized, UHT-treated and in-bottle sterilized milks. After acidic precipitation of casein the concentration of protein, NPN, lactose, lipid, calcium, magnesium and potassium was determined. Among the parameters examined, protein content was significantly reduced in the whey extracts from UHT-treated and in-bottle sterilized milks compared with that from pasteurized milk, while lactose content was increased. Calcium extracted in whey was at least 80% of total calcium of the milk. The total calcium to protein ratio of whey was increased as a function of the thermal treatment of milk, while ionic calcium was about 50% of total calcium in all whey extracts. In vitro protein digestibility was found to be significantly lower in whey from UHT-treated and in-bottle sterilized milks than in that from pasteurized milk. Parallel estimation of the percentage of ionic calcium and of the solubility of proteins in the pH range 2-10 indicated that calcium was not involved in the pH-dependent solubility of proteins extracted in the whey, the extent of solubility being essentially a function of the thermal treatment of milk. The results suggest that calcium was not responsible for the formation of soluble protein macroaggregates with impaired digestibility that are present in whey from milk subjected to heat treatment of increasing intensity.  相似文献   

Whey extracts were obtained from pasteurized, UHT‐treated and in‐bottle sterilized milks. After acidic precipitation of casein the concentration of protein, NPN, lactose, lipid, calcium, magnesium and potassium was determined. Among the parameters examined, protein content was significantly reduced in the whey extracts from UHT‐treated and in‐bottle sterilized milks compared with that from pasteurized milk, while lactose content was increased. Calcium extracted in whey was at least 80% of total calcium of the milk. The total calcium to protein ratio of whey was increased as a function of the thermal treatment of milk, while ionic calcium was about 50% of total calcium in all whey extracts. In vitro protein digestibility was found to be significantly lower in whey from UHT‐treated and in‐bottle sterilized milks than in that from pasteurized milk. Parallel estimation of the percentage of ionic calcium and of the solubility of proteins in the pH range 2–10 indicated that calcium was not involved in the pH‐dependent solubility of proteins extracted in the whey, the extent of solubility being essentially a function of the thermal treatment of milk. The results suggest that calcium was not responsible for the formation of soluble protein macroaggregates with impaired digestibility that are present in whey from milk subjected to heat treatment of increasing intensity.  相似文献   

采用Q Exactive组合型四极杆Orbitrap质谱仪配合Proteome Discoverer 2.2软件,筛选出牛乳中α-乳白蛋白和β-乳球蛋白的热负荷特征肽段,研究其含量与加热温度的关系,用于不同热处理方式牛乳的鉴别。研究发现,乳清蛋白质变性程度和本研究筛选出的热负荷特征肽段的含量存在相关性。随热处理温度升高和时间延长,热负荷特征肽段的含量均增加显著,当加热温度超过乳清蛋白质变性温度后,热负荷特征肽段的含量不再变化。当热处理温度超过80 ℃时,肽段3#的含量明显增加,经不同热处理的市售巴氏杀菌乳和超高温灭菌乳样品中肽段1#~6#的含量均具有极显著差异(P<0.01)。因此,基于超高效液相色谱-串联质谱仪测定方法结合主成分分析模型,本研究可为热处理牛乳质量控制和品质评估提供技术支持。  相似文献   

采用5种常用热杀菌方式处理关中羊乳,即低温长时巴氏杀菌(65 ℃/30 min)、高温短时巴氏杀菌(72 ℃/15 s)、超巴氏杀菌(95 ℃/5 min)、高温高压灭菌(121 ℃/20 min)和超高温瞬时灭菌(137 ℃/7 s),在测定蛋白沉淀率、酒精稳定性、pH、红度值、粘度和脂肪球变化基础上,结合内源荧光光谱和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分析,探究热杀菌处理对关中羊乳品质的影响。结果表明,高温高压灭菌羊乳蛋白沉淀率最高、酒精稳定性最差、pH明显下降、红度值明显增大,但5种杀菌方式对粘度没有显著影响(p>0.05);羊乳脂肪球经巴氏杀菌和超巴氏杀菌后,表观直径略微增大,而高温高压灭菌和超高温瞬时灭菌,尤其是高温高压灭菌则导致其明显变小;荧光光谱表明,高温高压灭菌羊乳蛋白结构改变最大,内源荧光强度剧烈升高;电泳显示,巴氏杀菌(65 ℃/30 min和72 ℃/15 s)对羊乳酪蛋白和乳清蛋白影响较小,超巴氏杀菌(95 ℃/5 min)乳清蛋白开始变性、聚集或部分降解,高温高压灭菌和超高温瞬时灭菌,尤其是高温高压灭菌则使乳清蛋白明显降解甚至消失,酪蛋白出现聚集和解聚。结果表明,高温高压灭菌和超高温瞬时灭菌,尤其是高温高压灭菌对关中羊乳品质影响较大,超巴氏杀菌影响次之,而巴氏杀菌则对其影响较小。  相似文献   

The total antioxidant capacity (hydrophilic plus lipophilic) of sixteen different commercial samples of pasteurized and ultra high temperature (UHT) treated milk was determined using the oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay using fluorescein as a fluorescent probe. A significant correlation between the percentage of fat and the value of the total antioxidant capacity was found in milk samples obtained from the same batch of raw milk. Analyses of the whole milk, whey and deproteinized milk showed that the major contributor to the total antioxidant capacity of whole milk was the casein fractions, while albumin was the major contributor to the total antioxidant capacity of whey protein. Hydrophilic antioxidant compounds, such as vitamin C and uric acid, were the main contributors to the total antioxidant capacity of the deproteinized milk. Significant differences in total antioxidant capacities were found between whey and deproteinized samples obtained from pasteurized and UHT-treated milk, the values being higher for the former.  相似文献   

Results of this study confirm that high temperature (118°C/15 min) and high pressure (400 MPa/5 min) processing of skim milk, skim milk ultrafiltration and ultracentrifugation fractions, and model milk salt solutions cause dramatic shifts in their colloidal and soluble Ca phospate equilibrium that affect their pH, dissolved Ca content, turbidity, and casein micelle microstructure. The relations between high temperature and high pressure processing-induced changes in the colloidal and soluble Ca phosphate equilibrium were evaluated in raw, pasteurized, and high temperature treated skim milk, ultrafiltration retentate and permeate of pasteurized skim milk, clear ultracentrifugation infranatant of pasteurized skim milk, and synthetic milk ultrafiltrates with and without lactose or Ca. The magnitude of the pH and dissolved Ca shifts caused by high temperature and high pressure processing was a function of casein micelle concentration. Ultrafiltration permeate exhibited the most drastic shifts in pH and dissolved Ca contents due to high temperature and high pressure processing. Although high temperature processing reduced the pH of ultrafiltration permeate from 6.59 to 6.03 and the dissolved Ca from 100% to 58%, high pressure processing reversed both of these changes. These changes in high temperature and high pressure processed milk, milk fractions, and model milk salt solutions were related to microstructural changes in the casein micelles as revealed by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

采用不同条件(压力、时间、样品温度)的超高压方式对鲜驼乳进行处理,并对超高压处理前后鲜驼乳的微生物、酸度、色泽以及滋味进行测定及分析。结果表明,超高压处理对鲜驼乳有着明显的杀菌效果,随着处理压力的增大,鲜驼乳中的菌落总数逐渐减少,其中600 MPa/5 min的超高压处理杀菌效果最好;经超高压处理后鲜驼乳的酸度降低,除了样品温度为20℃和60℃的处理外,其余各处理均使酸度显著降低(P<0.05);随着处理压力的升高、保压时间的延长及样品温度的升高,驼乳的色泽整体无明显变化;超高压处理后鲜驼乳的酸味、苦味和涩味显著降低(P<0.05),而咸味和鲜味显著上升(P<0.05),且基本味间存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

In this study, high pressure (HP)-induced denaturation of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-la) and beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) in dairy systems was examined. In both milk and whey, beta-lg was less baroresistant than alpha-la; both proteins were considerably more resistant to HP-induced denaturation in whey than in milk. HP-induced denaturation of alpha-la and beta-lg increased with increasing proportion of milk in mixtures of milk and whey. Addition of a sulphydryl-oxidising agent, KlO3, to milk or whey increased HP-induced denaturation of beta-lg, but reduced the denaturation of alpha-la. Denaturation of both alpha-la and beta-lg was prevented by adding a sulphydryl-blocking agent, N-ethylmaleimide, to milk or whey prior to HP treatment, highlighting the crucial role of sulphydryl-disulphide interchange reactions in HP-induced denaturation of alpha-la and beta-lg. Removal of colloidal calcium phosphate from milk also reduced HP-induced denaturation of alpha-la and beta-lg significantly. The higher level of HP-induced denaturation of alpha-la and beta-lg in milk than in whey may be the result of the abscence of the casein micelles and colloidal calcium phosphate from whey, which facilitate HP-induced denaturation of alpha-la and beta-lg in milk.  相似文献   

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