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依据避震疏散安全性和舒适性的"双约束"理论,通过对城市避震疏散空间等城市设施方面的调查取证和分析比较,并利用GIS软件分析和空间模拟的方法对都江堰老城区这一典型案例进行避震疏散空间布局和抗灾性能的分析,对城市土地利用规划中避震疏散空间合理布局的原则、规律和方法等问题展开一定的探索;并希望通过完善避震疏散空间系统的理论,为城市各项避震疏散空间的规划和建设提供一种相对系统的评价体系和评价方法,为城市编制抗震防灾规划贡献一份力量。  相似文献   

马春红 《山西建筑》2014,(21):25-26
以新疆阜康市为例,结合避震疏散系统的基本内容,对避震疏散场所进行了调查及评价,从避震疏散分区规划、场所规划、通道规划三方面分析了避震疏散规划编制技术,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

避震疏散场所的建设对抗震及构建安全城市具有非常重要的意义。目前我国避震疏散场所的规划体系尚不明晰且缺乏层次性。基于此,研究根据我国各层次规划的不同要求与特点,旨在构建一个基于不同规划层次的避震疏散场所体系框架,提出城市总体规划、控制性详细规划和修建性详细规划层面避震疏散场所的规划侧重点,并结合张家港市的实践,按照城市总体规划的层次要求,对中心、固定、紧急三级避震疏散场所进行总体布局和宏观控制,为未来城市避震疏散场所的规划实践提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

山地小城镇避震疏散通道震后连通 性直接关系到受灾群众能否安全转移、救灾 工作能否顺利展开。本文以地震高发的滇西 山地小城镇耿马傣族佤族自治县县城(下称 耿马县城)为研究对象,以沿街建筑易损性 灰色度评价测算各路段的连通概率值,分析 在不同地震烈度下避震疏散通道的连通性。 研究表明:耿马县城发生地震烈度为7度及 以下地震灾害时,整体避震疏散通道网络连 通度较好,随着地震烈度的增大,避震疏散 通道网络连通度下降,甚至有部分避震疏散 通道不能连通。因此,在地震灾害发生前, 应进行避震疏散通道的连通性的评估,并根 据评价结果有效布置救灾物资,加固改造连 通性差的避震疏散通道。  相似文献   

地震灾害是对城市发展和建设的严重威胁,抗震防灾是抵御地震灾害极其重要的措施和手段。地震来临时及震后,组织好居民避震疏散,是减少人员伤亡,降低生命财产损失十分有效的措施。本研究主要是运用GIS技术,实现对福州市全市及各个街道的避震疏散场所资源的分析、筛选和统计,通过缓冲区的GIS方法为管理部门审批控制性详细规划和修建性详细规划从抗震防灾的角度提供量化、科学的避震疏散场所控制指标,对城市公共安全规划编制具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

高中卫  李春慧  陆明环  张立洁 《规划师》2011,27(Z1):203-206
城市应急避震疏散场地的规划思路为:明晰现状应急避震疏散场地数量和分布情况,评价已有应急避震疏散场地抗震安全,核算单个场地面积和容纳人数,估算各个分区所有场地能容纳的人数总和,若满足需求,则对现有场地进行建设改造,若不满足需求,则要提出解决方案.城市应急避震疏散场地的规划选址应充分考虑场地的安全性、可通达性、场址类型和面...  相似文献   

避震疏散微机模拟在城市及企业抗震防灾规划中的应用葛学礼,朱立新(中国建筑科学研究院抗震所)陈庆民(中国船舶工业总公司渤海造船厂)一、前言抗震防灾规划是城市以及企业总体规划中的一个重要的分规划,而避震疏散规划则是抗震防灾规划的重要组成部分。有了完善、合...  相似文献   

在应对大范围、大规模的自然灾害与人为突发事件处置过程中,应急疏散发挥着不可替代的重要作用。应急疏散情形下,通常采用交通规划方法来生成疏散指令以保障疏散过程平稳有序,指令内容具体包括疏散人群的出发时间、疏散路径、疏散目的地等。实施交通管理的目的,则是针对应急疏散过程采用各种交通管理措施,以提高出行者对指令的合理服从,并实现疏散效率的最优化。本文首先分析突发事件应急疏散工作机理,从应急交通规划、应急交通管理与疏散主体之间的关系出发,揭示出行者行为对于应急疏散交通规划、交通管理的制约与影响作用。其次,从数学规划、交通仿真以及疏散过程不确定性这三个方面进行建模,论述了应急疏散交通规划研究现状。接着,从交通流预测控制、交通信息服务和车道反向控制等方面,综述了应急疏散交通管理研究现状。最后,对现有应急疏散交通规划和管理研究存在的问题进行评述,同时对未来研究趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

隧道交通是一个半封闭空间,一般长度较长,直通地面的出入口和疏散通道受规划限制,设置较少,而需要疏散的人员相对集中、携带物品较多,容易发生拥堵现象,消防救援条件更为不利。隧道内发生火灾后,如何尽快把旅客疏散到安全地带,如何确保旅客疏散安全通道的新风供给,并防止烟气蔓延,如何进行救援与疏散,是隧道防灾救援及安全疏散技术需要解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

"多规合一"是顺应发展潮流,也是制定城市人口疏散实施性规划的关键。本文在分析现有人口疏散规划现状的基础上,提出了实施城市人口疏散规划"多规合一"的实施途径。并对疏散场所选址规划进行了进一步的研究,构建了选址规划评价指标体系。  相似文献   

Workplace evacuation is a significant emergency response strategy and evacuation planning is mandatory for the emergency safety plan. It is known that the evacuation effectiveness depends directly on the effective location and functionality of the exit route, which includes exit access and exit discharge. Apparently, the exit doors location affect both these elements.The exit doors position is ruled by standards and regulations and depends on workplace use, building type, occupants’ number and type, etc. In underground constructions, the selection of the appropriate location of the exits is not easy. The land surface, the area topography and the fact that emergency exits are involved in the space’s ventilation, increase the engineers’ difficulty to design.The regulations mentioned above provide information about installing exits so that the workplace complies with the restrictions imposed. However, up to now a tool to help engineers select the best alternative combination of exits location for a given workplace does not exist.The purpose of this paper is to present a new software application that takes into account the basic parameters of exit routes regulations (such as distance, exit routes angle, dead end - common path of travel distance limitation) and therefore providing all the possible combination of exit doors location. In addition, each combination acquires an efficient grade through a mathematical function. That mathematical function has derived from a study on the evacuation affecting parameters and provides optimized results for exits location. Therefore, on one hand, the users may observe those combinations that comply with the standards restrictions and on the other hand, they can choose the best alternative.  相似文献   

Accurate data on evacuation activities are required under visually handicapped conditions to increase the certainty of the fire performance-based designs and evacuation calculation models. This study was to analyze human behavior characteristics and evacuation performance change through the experiments under evacuation environment where smoke influences visibility. The evacuation experiment was conducted in four different visibility conditions at underground facilities with 125 subjects. The individual evacuation activities of the subjects regarding the evacuation time, movement speed, way-finding and the evacuation routes were recorded and studied. Difference in visibility condition caused changes in evacuee’s movement speed and travel distance. The change in visibility condition by indoor ordinary lights caused significant change only in movement speed on flat floors. However, the change in visibility by smoke caused significant change in travel distance as well as movement speed. These changes in evacuation performance were different, depending on the spatial characteristic.  相似文献   

本文分析了地下空间由于其自身的特点 ,因而在防火和安全疏散方面存在的不利因素 ,提出了地下空间防火与安全疏散设计的目标和原则 ,并着重从概念性方面论述了非常规的疏散方法和疏散路线、防火分区与避难处、清晰易辩的空间布局、垂直疏散通道、标识与应急灯光等方面的设计要点和设计方法  相似文献   

通过对国内外体育场馆作为避难场所的现状调研分析,指出体育场馆建筑设计从整体规划、建筑选址、功能设计、交通疏散、结构安全、建筑造型六个方面,均应充分考虑其作为防灾避难功能空间来抵御地震等灾害的设计原则,最后阐述了体育场馆在城市防灾避难体系中的功能层级设置。  相似文献   

A multi-stage time-varying quickest flow approach (MSTVQF) is established to estimate the minimal clearance time for evacuating the occupants of a building in an emergency situation. As an optimization tool, MSTVQF is especially appropriate for building evacuation planning. It is capable of finding the most efficient movement pattern in a complex building and can provide valuable information for the management to establish effective emergency management strategies including setting evacuation routes and the departure schedule in phased evacuation. Moreover, it can also assist the building designers to identify bottlenecks in an escape system. By adopting MSTVQF for analysis, the time-varying properties of a network that has been resolved to represent a building can be modeled. Accordingly, it can be used to analyze the effect of blocked exits caused by the development of fire in an evacuation analysis.  相似文献   

Study of evacuation from fire is always focused on evacuation models, but rarely on evacuation experiments. This paper presents the results acquired from an announced evacuation drill of XIN LIAN XIN Store in China. There are two floors and five emergency exits in the building. Most of the customers knew there would be an evacuation drill before they entered the store, but they did not know the exact beginning time. The video of the whole evacuation process was recorded using television cameras installed in the store. The customers who evacuated from the store were asked to complete a questionnaire by researchers positioned outside the five exits. Analysis of the videotapes provided information on total evacuation time and actual number of customers who evacuated from the store. Questionnaires present the information on customer characteristics, primary behavior at alarm, pre-movement time and exit choice. The analysis results show that pre-movement time is an important part of evacuation process. Strengthening detector, alarm equipments and staff training are very effective and necessary for fire safety in China. These data can also be used as input parameters for evacuation models in performance-based fire protection design or validating the evacuation models' accuracy.  相似文献   

Effective evacuation routes in the case of a large-scale subway fire were studied. A serious problem in the subway fire is that the directions of smoke flow are coincident with those of evacuation toward the surface. Hence, it is necessary to design an evacuation route without interference from smoke. A disastrous fire broke out in the Jungangno subway station in Daegu, South Korea in 2003. Based on this case, the Jungangno subway station with three basement levels was used in Fire Dynamics Simulator model in this study. The influences of smoke, temperature, and toxic gases (carbon monoxide [CO] and carbon dioxide [CO2]) were computed at the evacuation staircases in the subway station with a fire source in the third basement floor (B3). The calculations showed that the evacuation staircases had high smoke density, temperature, and concentrations of CO and CO2 in the subway fire. Hence, these factors greatly affected all of the upward evacuation staircases due to the coincidence of the smoke flow and the evacuation routes. Therefore, our paper proposes a new subway station with a fourth basement floor (B4) having downward evacuation routes which are in the opposite direction to the smoke flow. The results of analysis show that these factors hardly affected the staircases from B3 to B4. We conclude that downward evacuation can be more effective than upward evacuation for a large-scale subway fire.  相似文献   

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