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随着互联网技术日益成熟,恶意程序呈现出爆发式增长趋势。面对无源码恶意性未知的可执行文件,当前主流恶意程序检测多采用基于相似性的特征检测,缺少对恶意性来源的分析。基于该现状,定义了程序基因概念,设计并实现了通用的程序基因提取方案,提出了基于程序基因的恶意程序预测方法,通过机器学习及深度学习技术,使预测系统具有良好的预测能力,其中深度学习模型准确率达到了99.3%,验证了程序基因理论在恶意程序分析领域的作用。  相似文献   

Nowadays malware is one of the serious problems in the modern societies. Although the signature based malicious code detection is the standard technique in all commercial antivirus softwares, it can only achieve detection once the virus has already caused damage and it is registered. Therefore, it fails to detect new malwares (unknown malwares). Since most of malwares have similar behavior, a behavior based method can detect unknown malwares. The behavior of a program can be represented by a set of called API's (application programming interface). Therefore, a classifier can be employed to construct a learning model with a set of programs' API calls. Finally, an intelligent malware detection system is developed to detect unknown malwares automatically. On the other hand, we have an appealing representation model to visualize the executable files structure which is control flow graph (CFG). This model represents another semantic aspect of programs. This paper presents a robust semantic based method to detect unknown malwares based on combination of a visualize model (CFG) and called API's. The main contribution of this paper is extracting CFG from programs and combining it with extracted API calls to have more information about executable files. This new representation model is called API-CFG. In addition, to have fast learning and classification process, the control flow graphs are converted to a set of feature vectors by a nice trick. Our approach is capable of classifying unseen benign and malicious code with high accuracy. The results show a statistically significant improvement over n-grams based detection method.  相似文献   

One of the main trends in the modern anti-virus industry is the development of algorithms that help estimate the similarity of files. Since malware writers tend to use increasingly complex techniques to protect their code such as obfuscation and polymorphism, anti-virus software vendors face problems of the increasing difficulty of file scanning, the considerable growth of anti-virus databases, and file storages overgrowth. For solving such problems, a static analysis of files appears to be of some interest. Its use helps determine those file characteristics that are necessary for their comparison without executing malware samples within a protected environment. The solution provided in this article is based on the assumption that different samples of the same malicious program have a similar order of code and data areas. Each such file area may be characterized not only by its length, but also by its homogeneity. In other words, the file may be characterized by the complexity of its data order. Our approach consists of using wavelet analysis for the segmentation of files into segments of different entropy levels and using edit distance between sequence segments to determine the similarity of the files. The proposed solution has a number of advantages that help detect malicious programs efficiently on personal computers. First, this comparison does not take into account the functionality of analysed files and is based solely on determining the similarity in code and data area positions which makes the algorithm effective against many ways of protecting executable code. On the other hand, such a comparison may result in false alarms. Therefore, our solution is useful as a preliminary test that triggers the running of additional checks. Second, the method is relatively easy to implement and does not require code disassembly or emulation. And, third, the method makes the malicious file record compact which is significant when compiling anti-virus databases.  相似文献   

Today’s security threats like malware are more sophisticated and targeted than ever, and they are growing at an unprecedented rate. To deal with them, various approaches are introduced. One of them is Signature-based detection, which is an effective method and widely used to detect malware; however, there is a substantial problem in detecting new instances. In other words, it is solely useful for the second malware attack. Due to the rapid proliferation of malware and the desperate need for human effort to extract some kinds of signature, this approach is a tedious solution; thus, an intelligent malware detection system is required to deal with new malware threats. Most of intelligent detection systems utilise some data mining techniques in order to distinguish malware from sane programs. One of the pivotal phases of these systems is extracting features from malware samples and benign ones in order to make at least a learning model. This phase is called “Malware Analysis” which plays a significant role in these systems. Since API call sequence is an effective feature for realising unknown malware, this paper is focused on extracting this feature from executable files. There are two major kinds of approach to analyse an executable file. The first type of analysis is “Static Analysis” which analyses a program in source code level. The second one is “Dynamic Analysis” that extracts features by observing program’s activities such as system requests during its execution time. Static analysis has to traverse the program’s execution path in order to find called APIs. Because it does not have sufficient information about decision making points in the given executable file, it is not able to extract the real sequence of called APIs. Although dynamic analysis does not have this drawback, it suffers from execution overhead. Thus, the feature extraction phase takes noticeable time. In this paper, a novel hybrid approach, HDM-Analyser, is presented which takes advantages of dynamic and static analysis methods for rising speed while preserving the accuracy in a reasonable level. HDM-Analyser is able to predict the majority of decision making points by utilising the statistical information which is gathered by dynamic analysis; therefore, there is no execution overhead. The main contribution of this paper is taking accuracy advantage of the dynamic analysis and incorporating it into static analysis in order to augment the accuracy of static analysis. In fact, the execution overhead has been tolerated in learning phase; thus, it does not impose on feature extraction phase which is performed in scanning operation. The experimental results demonstrate that HDM-Analyser attains better overall accuracy and time complexity than static and dynamic analysis methods.  相似文献   

A similarity metric method of obfuscated malware using function-call graph   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Code obfuscating technique plays a significant role to produce new obfuscated malicious programs, generally called malware variants, from previously encountered malwares. However, the traditional signature-based malware detecting method is hard to recognize the up-to-the-minute obfuscated malwares. This paper proposes a method to identify the malware variants based on the function-call graph. Firstly, the function-call graphs were created from the disassembled codes of program; then the caller–callee relationships of functions and the operational code (opcode) information about functions, combining the graph coloring techniques were used to measure the similarity metric between two function-call graphs; at last, the similarity metric was utilized to identify the malware variants from known malwares. The experimental results show that the proposed method is able to identify the obfuscated malicious softwares effectively.  相似文献   

针对基于特征码的恶意代码检测方法无法应对混淆变形技术的问题,提出基于关键应用编程接口(API)图的检测方法。通过提取恶意代码控制流图中含关键API调用的节点,将恶意行为抽象成关键API图,采用子图匹配的方法判定可疑程序的恶意度。实验结果证明,该方法能有效检测恶意代码变体,漏报率较低。  相似文献   

Malware has considerably increased recently, posing a serious security danger to both people and enterprises. In order to distinguish and stop the negative effects of malware, a variety of machine and deep learning approaches have been used to detect it. However, while extracting malware features, the feature-to-feature spatial hierarchy is not taken into account by the existing techniques and as a result, information is lost during the pooling operation. Hence, a modified capsule deep neural network was developed in which discriminative features are extracted from three channel image derived from malware binary with considering feature-to-feature spatial hierarchy. Also, conventional capsule deep neural network is modified by adding a global average pooling layer before fully connected layer thereby classified the dataset as malicious or benign without any loss of information. Moreover, these malwares were not accurately classified based on their families using existing variants of convolutional neural network (CNN) since malware family variants can modify due to minute changes in malware binaries. Hence, a hybrid deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) and long-short-term memory (LSTM) has been utilized that determine minute changes in malware binaries using LSTM without vanishing gradient issue and effectively perform malware family classification using DCNN. As a result, the proposed approach successfully identifies malware in executable files and categorizes malware into families with 98.5% accuracy.  相似文献   

利用恶意代码所具有的相同或相似的行为特征,提出一种基于模型检测技术的程序恶意行为识别方法。通过对二进制可执行文件进行反汇编,构建程序控制流图,使用Kripke结构对程序建模,利用线性时序逻辑描述典型的恶意行为,采用模型检测器识别程序是否具有恶意行为,并在程序控制流图上对该恶意行为进行标注。实验结果表明,与常用的杀毒软件相比,该方法能更有效地发现程序中的恶意行为。  相似文献   

To evade malicious content detection, malware authors use packers, binary tools that instigate code obfuscation. By using executable packers, modern malware can completely bypass personal firewalls and antivirus (AV) scanners.Reverse engineering (RE) has become an important approach to analyzing a program's logic flow and internal data structures, such as system call functions. Security researchers and AV products must be able to unpack and inspect the payloads hidden within the packed programs using RE tools.  相似文献   

To devise efficient approaches and tools for detecting malicious packages in the Android ecosystem, researchers are increasingly required to have a deep understanding of malware. There is thus a need to provide a framework for dissecting malware and locating malicious program fragments within app code in order to build a comprehensive dataset of malicious samples. Towards addressing this need, we propose in this work a tool-based approach called HookRanker, which provides ranked lists of potentially malicious packages based on the way malware behaviour code is triggered. With experiments on a ground truth of piggybacked apps, we are able to automatically locate the malicious packages from piggybacked Android apps with an accuracy@5 of 83.6% for such packages that are triggered through method invocations and an accuracy@5 of 82.2% for such packages that are triggered independently.  相似文献   

The proportion of packed malware has been growing rapidly and now comprises more than 80 % of all existing malware. In this paper, we propose a method for classifying the packing algorithms of given unknown packed executables, regardless of whether they are malware or benign programs. First, we scale the entropy values of a given executable and convert the entropy values of a particular location of memory into symbolic representations. Our proposed method uses symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX), which is known to be effective for large data conversions. Second, we classify the distribution of symbols using supervised learning classification methods, i.e., naive Bayes and support vector machines for detecting packing algorithms. The results of our experiments involving a collection of 324 packed benign programs and 326 packed malware programs with 19 packing algorithms demonstrate that our method can identify packing algorithms of given executables with a high accuracy of 95.35 %, a recall of 95.83 %, and a precision of 94.13 %. We propose four similarity measurements for detecting packing algorithms based on SAX representations of the entropy values and an incremental aggregate analysis. Among these four metrics, the fidelity similarity measurement demonstrates the best matching result, i.e., a rate of accuracy ranging from 95.0 to 99.9 %, which is from 2 to 13  higher than that of the other three metrics. Our study confirms that packing algorithms can be identified through an entropy analysis based on a measure of the uncertainty of the running processes and without prior knowledge of the executables.  相似文献   

近些年来,层出不穷的恶意软件对系统安全构成了严重的威胁并造成巨大的经济损失,研究者提出了许多恶意软件检测方案。但恶意软件开发中常利用加壳和多态等混淆技术,这使得传统的静态检测方案如静态特征匹配不足以应对。而传统的应用层动态检测方法也存在易被恶意软件禁用或绕过的缺点。本文提出一种利用底层数据流关系进行恶意软件检测的方法,即在系统底层监视程序运行时的数据传递情况,生成数据流图,提取图的特征形成特征向量,使用特征向量衡量数据流图的相似性,评估程序行为的恶意倾向,以达到快速检测恶意软件的目的。该方法具有低复杂度与高检测效率的特点。实验结果表明本文提出的恶意软件检测方法可达到较高的检测精度以及较低的误报率,分别为98.50%及3.18%。  相似文献   

网络空间中充斥着大量的恶意代码,其中大部分恶意程序都不是攻击者自主开发的,而是在以往版本的基础上进行改动或直接组合多个恶意代码,因此在恶意程序检测中,相似性分析变的尤为重要。研究人员往往单一种类的信息对程序相似性进行分析,不能全面地考量程序的有效特征。针对以上情况,提出综合考虑动态指令基本块集合的语义特征和控制流图的结构特征的程序相似性分析方法,从语义和结构两个维度对恶意程序相似性进行分析,具有较高的准确度和可靠性。  相似文献   

基于图像相似性的Android钓鱼恶意应用检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在移动互联网日益兴盛的今天,攻击者已开始通过移动应用的形式来实施网络钓鱼,而现有的网络钓鱼检测方法主要针对网页钓鱼,无法应对这一新的安全威胁。钓鱼恶意应用的一个显著特点是通过构造与目标应用相似的界面来诱骗用户输入敏感信息。基于这种视觉相似性,提出了一种面向Android平台的钓鱼恶意应用检测方法。该方法通过动态技术截取被检测应用的人机交互界面,利用图像哈希感知算法计算其与目标应用界面的图像相似度。如果相似度超过阈值,则识别被检测应用程序为钓鱼恶意应用。实验表明,该方法可以有效检测Android平台上的恶意钓鱼应用程序。  相似文献   

One of the major problems concerning information assurance is malicious code. To evade detection, malware has also been encrypted or obfuscated to produce variants that continue to plague properly defended and patched networks with zero day exploits. With malware and malware authors using obfuscation techniques to generate automated polymorphic and metamorphic versions, anti-virus software must always keep up with their samples and create a signature that can recognize the new variants. Creating a signature for each variant in a timely fashion is a problem that anti-virus companies face all the time. In this paper we present detection algorithms that can help the anti-virus community to ensure a variant of a known malware can still be detected without the need of creating a signature; a similarity analysis (based on specific quantitative measures) is performed to produce a matrix of similarity scores that can be utilized to determine the likelihood that a piece of code under inspection contains a particular malware. Two general malware detection methods presented in this paper are: Static Analyzer for Vicious Executables (SAVE) and Malware Examiner using Disassembled Code (MEDiC). MEDiC uses assembly calls for analysis and SAVE uses API calls (Static API call sequence and Static API call set) for analysis. We show where Assembly can be superior to API calls in that it allows a more detailed comparison of executables. API calls, on the other hand, can be superior to Assembly for its speed and its smaller signature. Our two proposed techniques are implemented in SAVE) and MEDiC. We present experimental results that indicate that both of our proposed techniques can provide a better detection performance against obfuscated malware. We also found a few false positives, such as those programs that use network functions (e.g. PuTTY) and encrypted programs (no API calls or assembly functions are found in the source code) when the thresholds are set 50% similarity measure. However, these false positives can be minimized, for example by changing the threshold value to 70% that determines whether a program falls in the malicious category or not.  相似文献   

Behavior‐based detection and signature‐based detection are two popular approaches to malware (malicious software) analysis. The security industry, such as the sector selling antivirus tools, has been using signature and heuristic‐based technologies for years. However, this approach has been proven to be inefficient in identifying unknown malware strains. On the other hand, the behavior‐based malware detection approach has a greater potential in identifying previously unknown instances of malicious software. The accuracy of this approach relies on techniques to profile and recognize accurate behavior models. Unfortunately, with the increasing complexity of malicious software and limitations of existing automatic tools, the current behavior‐based approach cannot discover many newer forms of malware either. In this paper, we implement ‘holography platform’, a behavior‐based profiler on top of a virtual machine emulator that intercepts the system processes and analyzes the CPU instructions, CPU registers, and memory. The captured information is stored in a relational database, and data mining techniques are used to extract information. We demonstrate the breadth of the ‘holography platform’ by conducting two experiments: a packed binary behavior analysis and a malvertising (malicious advertising) incident tracing. Both tasks are known to be very difficult to do efficiently using existing methods and tools. We demonstrate how the precise behavior information can be easily obtained using the ‘holography platform’ tool. With these two experiments, we show that the ‘holography platform’ can provide security researchers and automatic malware detection systems with an efficient malicious software behavior analysis solution. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

毛蔚轩  蔡忠闽  童力 《软件学报》2017,28(2):384-397
现有恶意代码的检测往往依赖于对足够数量样本的分析.然而新型恶意代码大量涌现,其出现之初,样本数量有限,现有方法无法迅速检测出新型恶意代码及其变种.本文在数据流依赖网络中分析进程访问行为异常度与相似度,引入了恶意代码检测估计风险,并提出一种通过最小化估计风险实现主动学习的恶意代码检测方法.该方法只需要很少比例的训练样本就可实现准确的恶意代码检测,较现有方法更适用于新型恶意代码检测.通过我们对真实的8,340个正常进程以及7,257个恶意代码进程的实验分析,相比于传统基于统计分类器的检测方法,本文方法明显地提升了恶意代码检测效果.即便在训练样本仅为总体样本数量1%的情况下,本文方法可以也可达到5.55%的错误率水平,比传统方法降低了36.5%.  相似文献   

底层虚拟机混淆器(OLLVM)是一个著名的代码混淆工具,除了用于保护商业软件的安全外,也被恶意代码的开发者所利用,以此增加分析难度。为便于安全研究人员对ARM恶意程序进行分析,提出并实现了基于动态分析的OLLVM自动化反混淆方法。对于虚假控制流,根据不透明谓词的内存特征监控内存读写并利用动态污点分析技术识别虚假控制流来完成反混淆;对于控制流平坦化,通过动态运行程序并记录基本块的执行顺序来完成反混淆;同时利用多执行路径构造来提高代码覆盖率,最后通过指令修复还原基本块之间的关系。实验结果表明,该方法可准确消除可执行程序中因混淆产生的条件分支,且反混淆后得到的程序其运行结果与未混淆的程序保持一致,能有效完成对ARM混淆程序的反混淆工作。  相似文献   

Detection of rapidly evolving malware requires classification techniques that can effectively and efficiently detect zero-day attacks. Such detection is based on a robust model of benign behavior and deviations from that model are used to detect malicious behavior. In this paper we propose a low-complexity host-based technique that uses deviations in static file attributes to detect malicious executables. We first develop simple statistical models of static file attributes derived from the empirical data of thousands of benign executables. Deviations among the attribute models of benign and malware executables are then quantified using information-theoretic (Kullback-Leibler-based) divergence measures. This quantification reveals distinguishing attributes that are considerably divergent between benign and malware executables and therefore can be used for detection. We use the benign models of divergent attributes in cross-correlation and log-likelihood frameworks to classify malicious executables. Our results, using over 4,000 malicious file samples, indicate that the proposed detector provides reasonably high detection accuracy, while having significantly lower complexity than existing detectors.  相似文献   

Most of malware detectors are based on syntactic signatures that identify known malicious programs. Up to now this architecture has been sufficiently efficient to overcome most of malware attacks. Nevertheless, the complexity of malicious codes still increase. As a result the time required to reverse engineer malicious programs and to forge new signatures is increasingly longer. This study proposes an efficient construction of a morphological malware detector, that is a detector which associates syntactic and semantic analysis. It aims at facilitating the task of malware analysts providing some abstraction on the signature representation which is based on control flow graphs. We build an efficient signature matching engine over tree automata techniques. Moreover we describe a generic graph rewriting engine in order to deal with classic mutations techniques. Finally, we provide a preliminary evaluation of the strategy detection carrying out experiments on a malware collection.  相似文献   

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