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徐俊东 《中国陶瓷》2008,44(3):63-65
明代德化瓷塑大师、瓷圣何朝宗的瓷塑艺术具有独特和永恒的艺术魅力,它达到了中国古代瓷塑艺术成就的高峰。何朝宗鬼斧神工的瓷塑艺术将宗教精神、人生哲学、审美情趣融入德化的白瓷,创造出了一件件不朽的瓷塑艺术品,他的艺术风格一直影响到数百年后的今天。现存福建泉州海交馆的何朝宗瓷塑艺术代表作品《渡海观音》,就是一尊何氏精湛的雕塑艺术语言和艺术家心目中的“世上独一无二的艺术珍品”。何朝宗的瓷塑艺术凝铸着一个时代的智慧,它将永恒的闪耀着灿烂的光辉。  相似文献   

前期研究发现,添加木块填料可有效弱化管式反应器中的振荡行为,并推测其机理可能与酵母细胞的固定化、酵母细胞生长微环境的改变和管式反应器中稀释速率的改变三方面因素有关。本文实验证明了木块填料反应器的稀释率的改变不是导致振荡弱化的主要原因。进一步研究表明:一方面,与其他填料体系相比,木块填料体系不仅维持了较高的生物量浓度,而且维持了较高的细胞活性,从而具备了弱化振荡的前提条件;另一方面,与无填料体系培养出的酵母细胞相比,木块填料体系培养的酵母细胞具有较高的乙醇耐受性,从而弱化了乙醇浓度变化导致的发酵参数的大幅度波动。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在中国现代陶艺的快速发展的道路上,积累了不少问题,其中一些问题是中国特有的,它是中国当代艺术在国际化潮流中不可避免的遭遇,例如现代主义和后现代主义在移植时的前后衔接的尴尬,本土化、后殖发主义的影响等.  相似文献   

采用混合法制备磷钨酸质量分数不同的Y型分子筛负载催化剂,利用傅立叶红外光谱和X射线衍射仪表征了催化剂的表面酸性和结构,并用催化法脱除芳烃中微量烯烃的烷基化反应考察其催化性能.结果表明,220 ℃焙烧的磷钨酸为Keggin结构,550 ℃焙烧的磷钨酸为Dawson结构,Dawson结构的磷钨酸催化烷基化反应的性能优于Keggin结构的磷钨酸.随着磷钨酸量的增加,催化剂中B酸量先增加后减少,L酸量减少.550 ℃焙烧的磷钨酸质量分数为5%的催化剂具有较好的催化活性和较长的寿命.  相似文献   

"你好,欢迎欢迎!".作为拉法基瑞安水泥的CEO,华顾思微笑着向<中国水泥>的记者们一一握手打招呼,尽管他的发音还带着外国的语调,但听起来非常亲切.陪同我们采访的公司负责企业传播的副总裁乔天云告诉记者,与我们见面之前,华顾思刚刚从法国总部开会回来.他的工作很忙,日程安排满满的,许多时间都是在国内国际航线上度过的.但他依然神采奕奕,目光敏锐,嘴角带着可亲的笑容.华顾思热情随和,采访中始终带着微笑,有时还开个玩笑.他给<中国水泥>记者的印象--身材魁梧,天庭饱满,浓而密的眉毛下面有一双睿智的眼晴,这是一位具有很强亲和力和感染力的企业领导人.  相似文献   

1 对蒸骨制胶过程的认识 蒸骨制胶的过程也就是用蒸汽使骨料块在密封的锅内受热、受压,使骨质疏松,由生胶质热解转变为可溶解于热水的动物胶质(习惯上称之为"骨胶")的过程.  相似文献   

硬度是衡量超硬材料烧结体的主要特性之一.然而目前国内外还没有超硬材料烧结体硬度测量的统一的标准.文章通过硬度计测量标准块的硬度值总结如下:施加相同力而采用不同形状的压头所得结果不同,采用相同的压头而施加不同的力所得结果也不一样;随着施加负荷的增大,压痕周围产生的破碎形变也在增大,这将影响测量值的准确性.因此,压头的形状和所施加的负荷是影响硬度值的一个重要因素.通过分析得知,在测试中应采用努普压头并且施加小负荷的力.[1,3]  相似文献   

从内胎生产所用设备的性能和操作对内胎质量的影响进行了阐述.着重介绍了内胎生产所用设备的结构、工艺流程及经常出现的质量缺陷、造成的原因和防治办法.对内胎生产具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

景德镇的高温颜色釉瓷器以其丰富多彩的釉色、精致完美的器物、风格迥异的造型、清亮耀眼的光泽,而成为世界工艺美术史上一颗闪烁着夺目光华的明珠.本文从颜色釉的形成和发展、颜色釉的工艺特色以及颜色釉的运用及创新等方面作了些浅显论述,以求证颜色釉的灿烂成就.  相似文献   

中国古代民间陶瓷的丰厚文化遗存再现了其悠远的历史,它庞大的产量不仅曾服务历代民众而且大额外销,在各个历史时期,民间陶瓷造型、装饰、工艺等的成就卓然。它的传统深植于民众之中,是历史传承积累的智慧和经验,也是现代陶瓷文化民族性的渊源以及发展的原动力。  相似文献   

The suitability of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) in examining a wood-coating interface was evaluated using a clear coating system. A comparison of the images of the wood-clear coating interface obtained using CLSM and light microscopy (LM) showed a marked superiority of CLSM in revealing the details of the physical nature of the interaction between the clear coating and the wood cell walls in the surface layer. The most distinct advantage of CLSM was in its ability to clearly resolve penetration of the coating into very fine cracks in cell walls, details not obtainable with LM. The information presented here demonstrates that CLSM has the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of the physical aspects of an interaction between the wood and coating at the interface.  相似文献   

柴琳  刘斌  杨文哲  陈爱强  邹同华 《化工进展》2019,38(7):3065-3071
目前关于液滴蒸发后沉积图案的研究主要集中于描述其物理现象的变化,但是对于蒸发过程中导致沉积图案形成的受力分析少有研究。影响纳米流体液滴蒸发沉积图案的主要因素是与液滴接触的底板温度和纳米颗粒的质量浓度。本文选用4种不同温度(30℃、47℃、64℃和81℃)的玻璃载玻片作为底板,采用粒径为20nm的3种质量分数(0.05%、0.1%和0.2%)的Al2O3-H2O纳米溶液来研究纳米流体液滴在固体表面上蒸发后沉积图案的形成机理。实验结果表明,随着溶液质量分数的增加和底板温度的升高,咖啡圈效应越来越明显,且内环结构也逐渐清晰可见。其中咖啡圈效应由底板温度和溶液质量分数共同影响。溶液质量分数和底板温度都与马兰戈尼(Marangoni)效应呈正相关性,但由停滞点和Marangoni效应产生的内环结构,受底板温度的影响更大。  相似文献   

通过水模型实验,使用饱和氯化钾溶液制作的冰样模拟重型废钢,研究其在底吹气体搅拌反应器中的运动、融化及溶质的混匀规律。探究了单孔吹气模式下的液面高度、双孔吹气方式下的气体流量等因素对其的影响。结果表明,单孔吹气时,液面高度较低时(液面高度与直径比为0.42),气柱发展不充分,容器内环流较弱,盐球在气柱上下往复运动,融化较为缓慢。随着液面高度增加(液面高度与直径比为1.04),盐球随着环流运动,融化过程加快,按照98%标准得到的KCl的混匀时间甚至低于融化时间。双孔吹气时,A孔气体流量0.8 m3/h不变,B孔气体流量为0.5和1.0 m3/h时,盐球从吹气孔A上方加入后,在容器底部停留一段时间,在60~70 s之后才运动到顶部,沿着环流运动;B孔流量增加至1.5 m3/h时,盐球不会在底部停留,随气柱运动到吹气流量大的一侧的羽流区,其融化过程较快。在双孔吹气方案中,也发现了KCl的混匀时间低于融化时间的规律,这和融化末期盐球质量较小,释放的盐分较少有关。在本研究中,双孔吹气对盐球融化的促进作用不如单孔吹气且流量较大的方案。  相似文献   

综述了纳米填料/橡胶复合体系在熔融态或高弹态贮存停放过程中,影响其结构形态变化的因素,以及贮存停放对复合体系流变性能、物理机械性能和导电性能的影响,并评述了相关的理论模型。纳米填料/橡胶复合体系在熔融贮存过程中的结构变化主要受橡胶的黏度、填料特性及其用量、填料与橡胶之间的相互作用以及加工性能的影响。填料网络结构的絮凝程度强化使复合体系流变性能、动态力学性能降低,但导电性能提高。相关的填料聚集动力学和填料絮凝模型大部分是唯象模型。  相似文献   

Soiling and soil removal from cotton fabrics that had been chemically modified by mercerization and carboxymethylation were studied using electron microscopy and radiotracer techniques. The distribution of lard soil in specimens before and after laudering was determined by means of chemical tagging with osmium tetroxide. Both the chemical and physical changes of the cotton resulted in differences in soiling and soil removal of lipid soil. Mercerization and carboxymethylation of cotton swell the cotton fiber, decrease the crenulation and the lumen, and smooth the fiber surface. These finishes also increase the pore volume and thus the chemical accessibility of the fibrillar structure. In addition, carboxymethylation causes changes in the chemistry of the fiber by increasing the carboxyl group content. These structural changes reduce the amount of soil deposited in the lumen of the fiber, particularly for the carboxymethylated cotton. They also increase soil removal from the crenulation and the interfiber spaces in the yarn bundle. Soil removal from fiber surfaces and from within the fiber—both lumen and secondary wall—was highest for the carboxymethylated cotton, and mercerization also enhanced lipid soil removal. The results of this experiment indicate that chemical accessibility and hydrophilicity of the fiber structure influence both soil deposition and soil removal of lipid soils. Soil removal of these modified cottons is enhanced by multiple mechanisms: (i) the decrease in small crevices and the crenulation or small capillary along the fiber, (ii) the increase in pore volume that enhances chemical accessibility and thus detergency within the fiber structure, (iii) the increase in hydrophilicity that enhances soil removal from the surface by the roll-up mechanism, (iv) the increase of mechanical action due to enhanced swelling of the carboxymethylated cotton, and (v) the reduction of soil redeposition on carboxymethylated surfaces.  相似文献   

聚电解质静电沉积改性制备高性能反渗透膜   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘美玲  刘军  王琴  谈勇  李保安 《化工学报》2018,69(2):830-839
利用次氯酸钠溶液对商品反渗透膜表面进行氯化处理,然后将聚阳离子电解质壳聚糖通过静电吸附作用沉积在RO膜的表面,系统地研究了氯化过程的pH、氯化时间、次氯酸钠浓度、壳聚糖浓度及其沉积时间对膜性能的影响,以制备出高通量、高截留率的RO膜。在压力1.55 MPa、原料液温度(298±1)K的条件下,测定RO膜处理2000 μg·g-1氯化钠溶液的水通量和截留率。结果表明,当pH=9、氯化时间为30 min、次氯酸钠浓度为1000 mg·L-1时,水通量较原膜提高了约19.89%,截留率略有提高;当壳聚糖浓度为0.1%(质量分数)、沉积时间为30 min时,改性膜的接触角降低到34.88°,亲水性提高,水通量较氯化后的RO膜几乎保持不变,为60.55 L·m-2·h-1,截留率达到了99.56%。经过氯化和沉积改性后的RO膜水通量和截留率均得到了提高。  相似文献   

Inorganic/organic hybrid materials have considerable promise and are beginning to become a major area of research for many coating usages, including abrasion and corrosion resistance. Our primary approach is to prepare the inorganic phase in situ within the film formation process of the organic phase. The inorganic phase is introduced via sol-gel chemistry into a thermosetting organic phase. By this method, the size, periodicity, spatial positioning, and density of the inorganic phase can be controlled. An important aspect of the inorganic/organic hybrid materials is the coupling agent. The initial task of the coupling agent is to provide uniform mixing of the oligomeric organic phase with the sol-gel precursors, which are otherwise immiscible. UV-curable inorganic/organic hybrid systems have the advantages of a rapid cure and the ability to be used on heat sensitive substrates such as molded plastics. Also, it is possible to have better control of the growth of the inorganic phase using UV curing. It is our ultimate goal to completely separate the curing of inorganic and organic phases to gain complete control over the morphology, and hence optimization of “all” the coating properties. Thus far, it has been found that concomitant UV curing of the inorganic and organic phases using titanium sol-gel precursors afforded nanocomposite coatings which completely block the substrate from UV light while maintaining a transparent to visible light. Also, it has been found that the morphology of the inorganic phase is highly dependent on the concentration and reactivity of the coupling agent. Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, October 27–29, 2004, in Chicago, IL.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamina is the main component of the nuclear cytoskeleton that maintains the integrity of the nucleus. However, it represents a natural barrier for viruses replicating in the cell nucleus. The lamina blocks viruses from being trafficked to the nucleus for replication, but it also impedes the nuclear egress of the progeny of viral particles. Thus, viruses have evolved mechanisms to overcome this obstacle. Large viruses induce the assembly of multiprotein complexes that are anchored to the inner nuclear membrane. Important components of these complexes are the viral and cellular kinases phosphorylating the lamina and promoting its disaggregation, therefore allowing virus egress. Small viruses also use cellular kinases to induce lamina phosphorylation and the subsequent disruption in order to facilitate the import of viral particles during the early stages of infection or during their nuclear egress. Another component of the nuclear cytoskeleton, nuclear actin, is exploited by viruses for the intranuclear movement of their particles from the replication sites to the nuclear periphery. This study focuses on exploitation of the nuclear cytoskeleton by viruses, although this is just the beginning for many viruses, and promises to reveal the mechanisms and dynamic of physiological and pathological processes in the nucleus.  相似文献   

姚翰林  辛忠 《化工学报》1951,73(8):3518-3528
以碳酸钙水相合成为模型反应,借助对流动反应过程的放大观测,从沉淀悬浮液的流变特性分析了液相沉淀反应在毫米级管式微通道中的流动行为特征以及通道堵塞的过程机理。结果表明,碳酸钙-水悬浮体系的黏度在低剪切速率下随固含率的增加而飙升,而反应通道堵塞的本质可归因于在壁面和流动主体区形成了固含率较高的局部高黏区,使流动性严重恶化。提高反应的流速加快了壁面沉积层和沉淀颗粒团聚体的形成,反而加快了堵塞;其中团聚体的形成远快于沉积层的积累,使团聚体的“架桥”虽晚于沉积层出现,却成为管路堵塞的主要因素。基于破坏流动壁面和主体的局部高黏区,设计了两种新型的微通道反应器模型,有可能为解决反应通道堵塞这一难题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The reactors of Taylor‐Couette type are relatively recent application in the engineering processes field. The stability and the flow structure in this device are examined under the effect combined of the free surface and the fluid's height in annular space. The exploitation of the flow regimes is carried out according to the number of Taylor for various values of aspect ration Γ. By means of ultrasonic velocimetry (UPV) we determine axial average velocity profile and the axial wavelength. We also carry out the spectral analysis by Fourier's fast transform of the fluctuations associated with the average velocity values in order to analyze the flow structure. We particularly aim for checking the presence or the absence of the azimuth wave according to the filling height and the rotational velocity imposed. We highlight the effects of free surface and aspect ratio on the conditions of appearance of the second instability ( wavy mode). The analysis of the fluctuation shows that the appearance of the azimuth wave regime (Wavy mode) is delayed when the aspect ration decreases. Below a critical value noted Γc = 10, the azimuth wave regime is not observed any more.  相似文献   

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