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人工合成甜味剂的特点及其发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
甜味剂是一类能赋予食品甜味的食品添加剂,按其来源可分为天然甜味剂和人工合成甜味剂,其中人工合成甜味剂又分为磺胺类、二肽类、蔗糖衍生物三类。人工合成甜味剂由于在人体内不进行代谢吸收、不提供热量或因为其用量极低而热量供应少且甜度是蔗糖的几十倍至几千倍,又被称为非营养型甜味剂或高倍(高甜度)甜味剂。目前,我国经全国食品添加剂标准化技术委员会审定,由卫生部批准实施的食品添加剂使用卫生标准GB2760中允许使用的人工合成甜味剂共计7种,其中在市场上比较常见的有糖精钠、甜蜜素、安赛蜜、阿斯巴甜、三氯蔗糖等。  相似文献   

<正>欧洲食品安全局发表研究报告认为,此前颇有争议的甜味剂阿斯巴甜对食品安全无害。人造甜味剂阿斯巴甜由化学家在1965年研制溃疡药物时发现。由于它甜度高、热量低,被广泛使用在饮料、甜点、糖果、奶制品和药品等之中。此前有研究发现,阿斯巴甜可能与孕妇流产和某些癌症有关。欧洲食品安全局表示,该机  相似文献   

长期以来,食糖作为食品甜味剂,不论是国内,还是国外年消费量都很大。但这种食品添加剂,会导致人类某些疾病发生,不利于人类健康。因此开发低热量,高甜度及非营养型的甜味剂,对满足食品发展和调整饮食结构尤为重要,且适宜国际食品发展潮流。而三氯蔗糖和阿斯巴甜便是这类理想的高效甜味剂。1、三氯蔗糖:呈白色粉状,极易溶于水和乙醇。其甜度为蔗糖的600倍,且甜味纯正。属非营养型强力甜味剂,不易为人体吸收,是甜味剂发展潮流产品。目前三氯蔗糖已广泛应用于饮料、乳制品、蜜饯、糕点、冰淇淋等食品加工中。这种新型的营养甜…  相似文献   

正孩子不喜欢吃水果?英国营养学家警告说,这可能是因为他们从小习惯了零食中人造甜味剂阿斯巴甜的味道。阿斯巴甜上世纪80年代开始获准使用,甜度是蔗糖的大约200倍,但由于几乎不含卡路里,被广泛用于数以千计种类的食品和饮料,包括无糖饮料、燕麦片、口香糖等。牛津大学饮食与人口健康专业教授苏珊·杰布说,不少家长为了避免孩子摄入过多卡路里,总是选择那些用甜味剂代替糖  相似文献   

一种新型高倍甜味剂-双甜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿斯巴甜作为低热量、高甜度、非营养性甜味剂,却具有热不稳定性和在水溶液中的稳定性受溶液的pH影响大等缺点,使其在应用上受到一定的限制.通过把阿斯巴甜和AK糖反应转化成盐,以改善其物理性质和稳定性,从而得到一种新型甜味剂.本文介绍了新型高倍甜味剂双甜的性能、制备方法以及发展前景.目前双甜的主要合成方法是在水为介质的酸性条件下将阿斯巴甜和AK糖反应,并通过高效液相色谱(HPLC)、核磁共振(HNMR)和红外光谱(IR)对双甜的组成进行分析和研究.双甜在甜度、稳定性以及溶解速度等方面性能突出,能为食品工艺学家提供比阿斯巴甜和AK糖混合物更为优秀的改善制品品质的性能.  相似文献   

<正> 目前,食品市场上作为商品的主要甜味剂有糖精、蔗糖、甜叶菊苷、甜蜜素、阿斯巴甜等,其中阿斯巴甜以其口感纯、热量低、安全性高的优点尤受各国食品专家的赏识和推崇。 两年前,味之素(香港)有限公司(Ajinomoto)在中国推出阿斯巴甜。据味之素(香港)经理加藤忠宽(Tadahiro Kato)说:‘阿斯巴甜的甜度约为砂糖的200倍。我们在中国的客户主要把阿斯巴甜应用于果汁及饮料中,而在欧美,阿斯巴甜应用得较普遍的是可乐饮料。’  相似文献   

冯治平  刘玲 《食品科技》2012,(1):235-238
以新型高效的高甜度甜味剂阿斯巴甜和安赛蜜与低浓度蔗糖复配,通过正交实验筛选出适用于植物蛋白饮料的高品质复合甜味剂。以甜味剂的质量百分比浓度表示的最优复合配比为:阿斯巴甜0.0236%、安赛蜜0.0129%、蔗糖0.5%,该复合甜味剂中各甜味剂间有非常好的协同增效作用,甜度高,成本低,在饮料工业生产中有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

主要介绍了日本高倍甜度甜味剂——阿斯巴甜、甜菊甙、三氯蔗糖和安赛蜜等的市场动向。  相似文献   

阿斯巴甜的安全性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿斯巴甜作为一种食品甜味剂,现在在食品工业中比较常见.然而自从其进入市场以来,对它的评价一直都是褒贬不一.本文针对阿斯巴甜安全性研究的情况加以综述,以便人们更加全面的认识阿斯巴甜.  相似文献   

<正> 进入21世纪,食品将朝着口味清淡化、低热量、低胆固醇、高纤维、高蛋白质等方向发展,而甜味剂,特别是高质量高强甜味剂,对食品工业的发展发挥着重要的促进作用。一般来说,高强甜味剂的理想化要求是具备使用安全性;良好的甜味特性,没有不良的口感与后味;适当的溶解度与稳定性;价格便宜,在等同甜度下的价格低于蔗糖等。阿斯巴甜是一种接近于理想要求的高强甜味剂,在食品工业中发挥着其他甜味剂无法替代的作用,有着广阔的市场潜力。  相似文献   

食品用复合甜味剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了食品用甜味剂及其复配的相关知识,指出复合甜味剂是市场发展的必然结果,高品质、营养性、安全性是未来甜味剂的发展趋势.  相似文献   

甜味剂发展概况   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
姜彬  冯志彪 《食品科技》2006,31(1):71-74
甜味剂是目前广泛应用的食品添加剂,以其品种多样、用途广泛深受各食品生产厂家欢迎。概述常见甜味剂的种类及其应用情况,分析当前甜味剂尤其是高倍甜味剂的开发和应用所面临的主要问题,指出低热量营养型甜味剂和更高甜度的甜味剂是当前甜味剂的发展方向。  相似文献   

饮料中甜味剂的应用与食品安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全问题已经成为了一个普遍的社会问题,其中有很多的食品安全问题是由于非法添加造成的。甜味剂作为一种常用的添加剂,几乎涵盖了所有的食品,我国批准使用的甜味剂有15种。随着生活水平的不断提高,人们更加重视生命健康与饮食安全,因此需要科学的渠道,让人民大众了解食品添加剂与食品安全。通过调查各种甜味剂在榆林市市场上大部分饮料中的使用情况,本研究主要对5种常用甜味剂(甜蜜素、安赛蜜、阿斯巴甜、糖精钠、三氯蔗糖)的使用情况、存在的安全问题、如何规范使用等进行了概述。以期让消费者科学的了解甜味剂与食品安全,同时在食用或购买食品时更加有科学的依据。  相似文献   

Recently, increased demand for low-calorie products and foods with alternative sweeteners has gained special attention. Intense sweeteners avoid the problems of health risks associated with caloric sweeteners. This paper presents information about the technical characteristics of the more widely used artificial sweeteners and the possibility of their application in low-calorie yogurts.  相似文献   

近年来,随着消费者对健康产品的需求,天然甜味剂成为食品加工中重要加工原料,主要原因是其高甜度、低热量、低升糖的特点。消费者认知的提升及企业对产品的不断开发共同促进了天然甜味剂在我国的发展。天然甜味剂不仅可以应用于食品生产,还具有调节肠道菌群、抗氧化、美白、保护神经、抗癌、抗病毒、抗糖化和抗糖尿病等功能活性,但我国对于此方面的开发和利用还不慎广泛。该研究将重点围绕几种典型天然甜味剂的功能活性进行综述,并对其在乳制品、饮料、焙烤食品、海产品等食品加工中的应用现状深入探讨,以期为天然甜味剂的扩大开发应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to determine what effect, if any, the blending of sweeteners has on the time to maximum sweetness intensity of sweeteners. In this study that is comprised of three separate experiments, trained panelists evaluated the time to maximum sweetness intensity of sweeteners tested in both binary and ternary combinations. Sixteen sweeteners that varied widely in chemical structure were evaluated. Sweetener blends containing the protein thaumatin had the latest time to maximum sweetness intensity. As a group, blends containing neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, alitame, stevioside, rebauadioside-A, or neotame had later times to maximum sweetness intensity than blends with sugars and sugar alcohols. Many sweetener blends exhibited times to maximum sweetness intensity that fell intermediate between the earliest and latest of its constituent self-mixtures. These data indicate that the time to maximum sweetness intensity of “late” sweeteners can be shortened by blending with earlier onset sweeteners.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the sensory characteristics and relative sweetness of tagatose, an emerging natural low-calorie sweetener with various functional properties, compared to other sweeteners (sucrose, sucralose, erythritol, rebaudioside A), over a wide range of sweetness commonly found in foods and beverages (3% to 20% sucrose [w/v]). A total of 34 subjects evaluated aqueous solutions of the 5 sweeteners for the perceived intensities of sweetness, bitterness, astringency, chemical-like sensations, and sweet aftertaste, using the general version of the Labeled Magnitude Scale. The relationship between the physical concentrations of the sweeteners and their perceived sweetness (that is, psychophysical functions) was derived to quantify the relative sweetness and potency of the sweeteners. The results suggest that tagatose elicits a sweet taste without undesirable qualities (bitterness, astringency, chemical-like sensations). Out of the 5 sweeteners tested, rebaudioside A was the only sweetener with notable bitterness and chemical-like sensations, which became progressively intense with increasing concentration (P < 0.001). In terms of perceived sweetness intensity, the bulk sweeteners (tagatose, erythritol, sucrose) had similar sweetness growth rates (slopes > 1), whereas the high-potency sweeteners (sucralose, rebaudioside A) yielded much flatter sweetness functions (slopes < 1). Because the sweetness of tagatose and sucrose grew at near-identical rates (slope = 1.41 and 1.40, respectively), tagatose produced about the same relative sweetness to sucrose across the concentrations tested. However, the relative sweetness of other sweeteners to sucrose was highly concentration dependent. Consequently, sweetness potencies of other sweeteners varied across the concentrations tested, ranging from 0.50 to 0.78 for erythritol, 220 to 1900 for sucralose, and 300 to 440 for rebaudioside A, while tagatose was estimated to be approximately 0.90 times as potent as sucrose irrespective of concentration. Practical Application: The present study investigated the sensory characteristics and relative sweetness of tagatose, an emerging natural low-calorie sweetener, compared to other sweeteners. Study results suggest that tagatose elicits a sweet taste without undesirable qualities over a wide range of concentrations. Tagatose produced about the same relative sweetness to sucrose across the concentrations tested, while the relative sweetness of other sweeteners was highly concentration dependent. The present data provide a general guideline when considering the use of tagatose and other sweeteners in foods and beverages.  相似文献   

The global rise in obesity, type II diabetes, and other metabolic disorders in recent years has been attributed in part to the overconsumption of added sugars. Sugar reduction strategies often rely on synthetic and naturally occurring sweetening compounds to achieve their goals, with popular synthetic sweeteners including saccharin, cyclamate, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, sucralose, neotame, alitame, and advantame. Natural sweeteners can be further partitioned into nutritive, including polyols, rare sugars, honey, maple syrup, and agave, and nonnutritive, which include steviol glycosides and rebaudiosides, luo han guo (monk fruit), and thaumatin. We choose the foods we consume largely on their sensory properties, an area in which these sugar substitutes often fall short. Here, we discuss the most popular synthetic and natural sweeteners, with the goal of providing an understanding of differences in the sensory profiles of these sweeteners versus sucrose, that they are designed to replace, essential for the effectiveness of sugar reduction strategies. In addition, we break down the influence of these sweeteners on metabolism, and present results from a large survey of consumers’ opinions on these sweeteners. Consumer interest in clean label foods has driven a move toward natural sweeteners; however, neither natural nor synthetic sweeteners are metabolically inert. Identifying sugar replacements that not only closely imitate the sensory profile of sucrose but also exert advantageous effects on body weight and metabolism is critical in successfully the ultimate goals of reducing added sugar in the average consumer's diet. With so many options for sucrose replacement available, consumer opinion and cost, which vary widely with suagr replacements, will also play a vital role in which sweeteners are successful in widespread adoption.  相似文献   

Sweetness Adaptation of Some Carbohydrate and High Potency Sweeteners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sip-and-swallow procedure designed to provide stimulation resembling normal drinking was employed to investigate adaptation to sweetness and sourness over time in a model beverage system. Intensity judgements were made using magnitude estimation. Adaptation to sweeteners (sucrose, HFCS, sucralose and aspartame) alone and in blends was evaluated. Different degrees of sweetness adaptation were observed. Sucrose and HFCS displayed less adaptation than the high potency sweeteners, sucralose and aspartame. Blends containing two high potency sweeteners adapted to a greater degree than the individual components. Blends containing a carbohydrate and a high potency sweetener showed less adaptation than those containing two high intensity sweeteners. Sourness adaptation was not demonstrated.  相似文献   

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