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大量动物实验和流行病学研究表明,过量的食盐摄入是导致血压升高的主要因素之一。人群干预研究和发达国家的减盐行动表明,人群中减盐是预防高血压最具成本效益的措施。本文总结了减盐防控高血压的科学证据和国际减盐行动,指出了我国开展减盐防控高血压工作的必要性。  相似文献   

正全球已有超过一半的国家启动了全国性减盐指南或行动,中国现在也成为其中之一。使用酵母抽提物最高可降低食品中的40%食盐含量。我国首次提出食品工业减盐策略2018年4月18日,中国疾,病预防控制中心营养与健康所和中国营养学会召开《中国食品工业减盐指南》研讨会,公布了相关减盐策略,这也是我国首次推出食品工业减盐策略。  相似文献   

高盐摄入是影响饮食最主要的风险因素,高钾膳食可以防止高血压和心血管疾病的发生,减盐计划具有很高的成本效益,所以世界各国都应实施或加快实施。因此这篇综述提供了盐与血压、其潜在的生理机制及心血管疾病相关的健康证据,并且我们简要介绍一下减盐行动所带来的成本效益分析及世界各地在减盐行动中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

张卫 《中国食品》2015,(4):106-107
随着低盐成为市民健康生活的新标准,餐饮企业也正向这一要求靠拢。1月27日,庆丰包子铺宣布将在全国290家庆丰包子门店同步推出用盐量减少6%的“减盐冬笋酱肉包”。除了庆丰包子铺,鸿宾楼、砂锅居、东方饺子王等其他15家企业也一同参与了此次“减盐行动”,为百姓餐桌提供少盐、绿色、健康的菜品。“减盐行动”已势在必行目前我国居民每人每天平均食盐摄入量高达12克,是我国《居民膳食指  相似文献   

由中国疾病预防控制中心制订的《中国减盐行动》10年计划近日在上海市启动,以期在10年内将居民食盐日均摄人量在现有6~7克的基础上降至3克左右,同时,通过开展各种减盐活动,促进低钠高钾代用盐等技术和措施的推广普及,减少高血压、心血管疾病和其他与盐相关疾病的发生,改善全民健康水平。  相似文献   

干腌肉制品因其独特的风味而深受消费者的喜爱,但较高的含盐量制约了其进一步发展。随着人们对适度低盐饮食的关注,如何在保证产品品质和安全性的同时实现减盐的目的成为该领域的研究热点。本文在分析钠盐含量与干腌肉制品品质关系基础上,从钠盐替代物、真空/超高压/超声波/脉冲电场等新型腌制技术、增强咸味感知技术3 个方面综述当前的低盐加工策略及技术,并探讨不同减盐方法的减盐机制、咸味感知机理以及对产品品质特性的影响,指出现有研究和技术的局限性,以期为低盐干腌肉制品的研发提供一定的理论和技术参考。  相似文献   

NaCl具有增强食品风味、改善食品质地、抑制微生物生长、延长食品货架期等功能性质。但摄入过量的食盐会增加患高血压、骨质疏松和心脑血管疾病的风险。因此合理控制钠盐的摄入量并寻求合适的钠盐替代品在肉制品生产加工领域至关重要。文章综述了现有的肉制品中减盐策略,总结了现有的钠盐替代品种类、特性及其替代效果,以及超声波、超高压等新兴技术在减盐肉制品中的应用,旨在探求经济有效的钠盐替代策略,为未来低盐肉制品生产提供理论依据和发展方向。  相似文献   

中国营养科学大会:减盐能否与美味共存本刊讯(记者逯文娟)5月15日,第十一次全国营养科学大会在杭州召开,此次以"饮食与健康国际化趋势:减盐与美味共存"为主题的分会场研讨会由中国营养学会主办,联合利华家乐品牌和联合利华饮食策划联合协办。会议邀请了国际营养科学联合会主席Ibrahim Elmadfa教授,中国营养学会荣誉理事何志谦教授,中国疾病预防控制中心减盐及慢病防控领域的专家马吉祥主任和施小明处  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的人开始关注高盐饮食带来的心脑血管相关疾病的风险,食品减盐策略有助于健康。文章采用麻辣火锅底料为研究对象,以咸味强度和喜好度为响应值设计响应面,探讨食品风味辣、麻及鲜的添加量对产品咸度的影响,优化得到一款减盐不减咸的麻辣火锅底料配方。结果表明:当辣味物质添加量为2.08mL、麻味物质添加量为2.37mL、鲜味物质添加量为4.36g时,火锅底料咸度显著提升,为16.2分,与市售麻辣火锅底料咸度相近。检测结果表明优化后的低盐麻辣火锅底料含盐量为(1278±0.5)mg/100g,约为市售相近咸度麻辣火锅底料含盐量的30%,且产品的接受度良好。模型验证结果表明数据可靠,具有较好的实际应用价值,为减盐食品加工和研究提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

<正>《中国居民营养与慢性病状况报告(2015)》指出"2012年全国18岁及以上成人中,高血压患病率为25.2%,糖尿病患病率为9.7%,高胆固醇血症患病率为4.9%。"居民慢性病发病率高的现状也引起了国家的重视。2017年7月,国务院办公厅印发了一份《国民营养计划(2017-2030)》,这份计划中特别提到了吃动平衡行动:"积极推动全民健康生活方式行动,广泛开展以"三减三健"(减盐、减油、减糖,健康口腔、健康体重、健康骨  相似文献   

食盐减控研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭秀云  张雅玮  彭增起 《食品科学》2012,33(21):374-378
食盐作为生活中重要的调味料,是食品加工中必不可少的添加成分。而过多的食盐摄入会引起高血压、心血管疾病等,这已引起人们的广泛重视,因而降低食盐的摄入迫在眉睫。本文综述各国食盐摄入情况、高钠饮食的危害、减盐的主要措施以及世界各国的减盐现状,并对各种减盐措施的发展前景作出展望。  相似文献   

食盐是常用的食用调味品,高盐(钠)饮食带来的高血压、心血管疾病等健康问题日趋严重,但直接减盐或使用盐替代品往往会使食品感官品质下降.饮食中的钠主要来源于加工食品,其中食品胶体是钠的重要来源.如何对现有的食品胶体体系进行结构设计,保留现有风味的同时减少钠的摄入,成为当前研究的热点.本文从食品基质角度出发简述了咸味感知机理...  相似文献   

盐——中医学及现代医学的研究与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析研究中医学和<本草纲目>中对盐的医疗作用的研究;介绍盐作中药的药理作用,盐对中药炮制作用;综合归纳传统中医学和现代医学中,盐的保健、治疗、强身、美容作用,通过现代医学药理实验,以口服外用两种手段,进行抗炎、镇痛实验,证明盐具有消炎、镇痛作用,为进一步开发"生活用盐"(保健、治疗、健身、美容用盐),提供医学实验依据.  相似文献   

Globally, the average daily dietary salt intake is more than double the recommended level. Given the major role that salt plays in the development of cardiovascular disease, it is important to reduce total salt intake. Key sources of salt in the diet include commercially prepared or manufactured food products and discretionary salt added by consumers during cooking and consumption. Therefore a significant lowering in the current salt intake requires a shift in both commercial foods and consumer behaviour. In terms of commercial foods, the challenge is to achieve further reductions in the salt content while maintaining good taste, stability and texture to ensure consumers will like (or even prefer) these reformulated products. However, a change in consumer behaviour is also required to ensure that lower salt products are accepted and that consumers do not add salt back during cooking. Consumer behaviour change in this area remains complex and has received relatively little attention so far. It is hard for consumers to estimate their salt intake and, while most campaigns focus on raising awareness of reducing salt, this awareness may not always lead to action. The development of scalable and effective salt-reduction behaviour change interventions requires a more in-depth understanding of the relevant consumer behaviours and their determinants, as well as the development of practical behaviour change techniques and facilitators (e.g., provision of appealing lower salt products). Moreover, to speed up the salt reduction progress from ‘awareness’ to ‘action’, key stakeholders need to take responsibility and agree on actions for executing product reformulation and creating consumer behaviour change programmes. This review is intended to inform and support the ongoing development of effective action-oriented global strategies for salt reduction.  相似文献   

食盐是人们生活中不可或缺的调味料,过多地食用食盐会引起高血压、心血管等疾病。本文介绍了低钠盐食品的相关标准,概述了各国食盐的摄入量情况,介绍了市场上现有的低钠盐产品的现状,并综述了国内外的一些降血压实验的研究,以期为研究低钠盐食品(包括低钠盐肉制品)提供参考。  相似文献   

食盐体制改革将至,体制改革将会引起盐行业的市场结构变化,寡头垄断的市场结构是一种均衡结构,不同的食盐企业需要通过对外部环境和内部资源进行分析来制定不同的发展战略以应对政策变化带来的风险,正确的战略定位有利于企业的生存和发展,有利于企业趁早采取行动成为市场领导者或及早转向以免投资受损,市场化风险要求食盐企业进行正确的发展战略定位。  相似文献   

In recent years high sodium intake has raised growing concern worldwide. A widespread reduction of salt concentration in processed foods has been claimed as one of the most effective strategies to achieve a short-term impact on global health. However, one of the major challenges in reducing salt in food products is its potential negative impact on consumer perception. For this reason, gradual salt reduction has been recommended. In this context, the aim of the present work was to present a consumer-based approach to salt reduction, using bread as case study. Two consumer studies with a total of 303 consumers were carried out. In the first study, four sequential difference thresholds were determined through paired-comparison tests, starting at a salt concentration of 2%. In the second study, 99 consumers performed a two-bite evaluation of their sensory and hedonic perception of five bread samples: a control bread containing 2% salt and four samples with reduced salt content according to the difference thresholds determined in the first study. Survival analysis was used to determine average difference thresholds, which ranged from 9.4% to 14.3% of the salt concentration of the control bread. Results showed that salt concentration significantly influenced consumer overall liking of the bread samples. However, large heterogeneity was found in consumer hedonic reaction towards salt reduction: two groups of consumers with different preference and hedonic sensitivity to salt reduction were found. Results from the present work confirm that cumulative series of small salt reductions may be a feasible strategy for reducing the sodium content of bread without affecting consumer hedonic perception and stress the importance of considering consumer perception in the design of gradual salt reduction programmes.  相似文献   

在盐矿山生产老区,井下盐层溶腔已经大面积连通,部分顶板出现垮塌,区域内孔隙发育地层已经与盐腔产生通道,因此在这种区域内钻井施工时,极易在盐层顶板附近发生井漏、井涌等突发性事故。罗60井则为一次成功的施工经验。  相似文献   

近年来我国制盐产业快速发展,原盐产量持续增长,已经是全球制盐产能和产量最大的国家。其中,井矿盐工业发展尤为突出,几乎占据国内盐业的半壁江山。根据目前整个盐业发展情况来看,我国井矿盐生产规模的快速发展的同时也出现了某些制约产业升级的结构性矛盾。"它山之石,可以攻玉",借鉴国外经验就井矿盐工业发展的现状及前景做了初步分析,指出了盐业发展过程中存在某些不确定因素以及行业内部应关注的一些焦点问题,并对我国井矿盐工业持续发展提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

A representative leather tannery industry in a Latin American developing country has been studied from an environmental point of view, including both technical and economic analysis. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) methodology has been used for the quantification and evaluation of the impacts of the chromium tanning process as a basis to propose further improvement actions. Four main subsystems were considered: beamhouse, tanyard, retanning, and wood furnace. Damages to human health, ecosystem quality, and resources are mainly produced by the tanyard subsystem. The control and reduction of chromium and ammonia emissions are the critical points to be considered to improve the environmental performance of the process. Technologies available for improved management of chromium tanning were profoundly studied, and improvement actions related to optimized operational conditions and a high exhaustion chrome-tanning process were selected. These actions related to the implementation of internal procedures affected the economy of the process with savings ranging from US dollars 8.63 to US dollars 22.5 for the processing of 1 ton of wet salt hides, meanwhile the global environmental impact was reduced to 44-50%. Moreover, the treatment of wastewaters was considered in two scenarios. Primary treatment presented the largest reduction of the environmental impact of the tanning process, while no significant improvement for the evaluated impact categories was achieved when combining primary and secondary treatments.  相似文献   

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