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在"互联网+"时代,运营商正经历着轰轰烈烈的互联网转型变革。针对传统IT基础设施不能满足企业互联网转型需要的问题,文章分析优先进行IT基础设施互联网化的必要性,研究IT基础设施相关新技术,提出IT基础设施架构建议和业务开通流程改造建议,通过实践验证了规划建议的可行性,为IT基础设施互联网化规划提供建设性参考。  相似文献   

6月底,惠普在京举办了“适应性IT基础设施缔造下一代数据中心”的客户研讨会,会上,惠普企业计算及专业服务集团全球执行副总裁A n n Livermore女士、惠普全球副总裁兼中国惠普执行副总裁余振忠与中国众多行业的企业代表一道,共同探讨了以适应性IT基础设施构建“下一代数据中心”的信息化发展趋势,同时展示了惠普以创新科技和专业服务为基础,帮助客户规划、建设、集成、管理适应性IT基础设施,并以此缔造企业追求的“下一代数据中心”的蓝图与实力。“动成长”战略解决企业当前业务需求当前,随着企业信息化的深入,IT、互联网与通信的进一…  相似文献   

在互联网时代,数据量激增,数据分析需求剧增.传统IOE架构不论性能和成本都难以为继,对IT基础设施的管理和维护工作难度急剧增加.同时,企业业务互联网运营转型,对IT系统的灵活、敏捷、可靠、低成本运营的需求大幅增加.  相似文献   

“精简IT,敏捷商道”。在云时代,华为IT产品线聚焦IT基础设施,有力推动企业简化IT系统,焕发业务敏捷活力。华为基于客户价值不断创新,提供服务器、存储、云计算系列产品以及数据中心解决方案。同时秉承开放合作的理念,与英特尔、SAP等500多家合作伙伴携手,提供覆盖全行业的IT解决方案,帮助客户构筑先进、高效的IT平台,提高客户内部运作效率和业务效率,与客户共同成长。  相似文献   

介绍了互联网环境下传统电信IT所面临的挑战,在借鉴优秀互联网公司IT建设经验的基础上,分析了传统电信企业与互联网企业在商务模式、业务特征以及对IT的定位和要求上的差异,提出了适合电信企业自身发展特点的IT互联网化的目标架构及演进策略,并对目标架构落地实施的配套举措进行了分析。  相似文献   

聚焦移动互联网给电信运营商带来的经营战略、业务模式等方面的挑战,重新审视了电信行业在新发展要求下的IT(信息技术)内涵及其价值观,并从规划角度诠释了在新价值观下,信息化能力转化为业务与服务能力同企业战略的关联,以及驱动力与IT能力之间转换映射的分析方法.  相似文献   

李鹏 《通信世界》2010,(48):40-41
"十二五"规划即将出台,软件服务业作为七大重点领域之一,已经纳入到工信部的既定日程。同时,在云计算、移动互联网、物联网等快速发展的大环境下,包括电信运营商在内的各大行业企业对信息化建设的要求越来越高,相对以往IT服务只需要支撑业务发展所不同的是,当前的IT服务更是要匹配业务发展的速度,并和业务进行无缝融合。为此,中国IT服务市场的领军企业华胜天成于12月16日召开主题为"IT服务与业务发展融合之道"的2010中国IT服务峰会,与各界合作伙伴共同探讨云计算环境下的IT服务变革之道。  相似文献   

随着IT技术的快速发展和社会的进步,我国各行业的信息化程度也在不断的提高。信息化过程大致可以分为四个阶段:手工管理阶段、标准化阶段、整合管理阶段、自动化管理阶段。IT运维管理从无章可循到有规则的管理,然后到对已有IT基础架构的优化性管理,再到对IT运维的战略性管理,实现动态化、自动化,使基础设施管理促进业务的发展。与此同时,保障企业关键业务,提升客户对IT系统管理状况的感知度的要求也不断的凸显出来。  相似文献   

IT平台是指信息技术平台,对企业而言,是指信息技术基础设施,主要包括了:网络基础设施和服务器以及数据存储系统设施,在IT平台基础之上才有了企业的业务以及应用系统。本论文通过对IT平台概念的阐述,以及明确组织管理体系的要求,根据一些管理的实例,来说明IT平台在组织的管理体系中的应用。  相似文献   

康普企业解决方案,美国康普旗下业务部门,提供一系列完整的网络基础设施解决方案,帮助各种规模、行业和IT预算的企业客户充分利用各种业务和技术机遇。  相似文献   

以我国中小型企业数据存储服务与灾备状况的调查为研究背景,结合国内外数据存储服务与灾备发展趋势和应用现状,从企业宕机成本、灾备投入、数据服务外包的促进与制约因素等多方面探讨了我国企业第三方数据存储与容灾备份服务的现实状况,通过分析灾备市场,提出第三方数据存储与灾备服务的未来发展建议。  相似文献   

在完成"双改"后,有线电视行业开始将关注点转向数字电视增值服务,但对于面向互联网的IT增值服务关注不够.事实是IT服务和IT服务外包在迅猛地发展,即使电信行业也开始向"综合信息服务提供商"转型.有线行业在经营好自己"花园围墙"的时候,应该考虑如何将自己传统的业务与新兴的IT服务结合起来,"兼容"互联网,依托开放的技术、丰富的内容、优质的服务谋求更大的发展.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a new network computing paradigm based on IP architecture, and its potential lies in new ICT business applications. For the majority of operators and enterprises, the main task associated with cloud computing is next generation data center transformation. This will ensure cloud computing becomes more widespread among enterprises, institutions, organizations, and operators. Cloud computing not only provides traditional IT resource usage and application services, but also supports full resource usage and application services such as IT, communications, video, mobile, and Internet of Things using a converged network infrastructure. Key cloud computing technologies include unified fabric, unified virtualization, and unified computing system. The formation of an open industry alliance and promotion of open technology standards will be critical for the future development of cloud computing.  相似文献   

Realization of the cloud computing infrastructure requires access to data anywhere, anytime at any device at a sufficient perceived quality of service. Many Western European countries, such as Denmark, have a high percentage of individuals (inhabitants and companies) that has access to broadband internet via cable, satellite and mobile. This gives a unique position in roll-out and deploying intelligent cloud based services that can be applied for a number of purposes, but where lack of sufficient capacity/quality and IT readiness will be barriers in realization of the “Global Information Multimedia Communication Village (GIMCV)”. Broadband is here defined as more than 2 Mbps. In this paper, the combination of e-commerce, cloud computing and broadband infrastructure has our focus, and its unique possibilities for the overall IT society. However, it is also about a significant number of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) that today applies manual billing systems or Excel like systems in combination with severe lacks of sufficient IT skills. This means that the most commonly used systems are the ones requiring the most of our time. Therefore, the move for the SME towards e-commerce and electronic processes has a significant economical potential for the SMEs. E-commerce and other internet based services will simplify their business, and hence allow the SMEs to focus on their core business which was their raison d’être. In addition to this can be added other fundamental IT systems that will help their business, but that is outside the scope of this paper. Furthermore, this paper focuses on infrastructural barriers and cloud computing; not only focusing on bandwidth, but also the entire issue of service offering. Services offered via cloud computing solutions will minimize the SMEs investment in own hardware (HW), software (SW) and maintenance. The focus is also the upgrade to a superior infrastructure that provides the platform for efficient cloud computing, for e-commerce, and beyond.  相似文献   

云计算概念、模型和关键技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
云计算指IP技术架构下的网络计算,其本质是ICT业务的一种新的应用方式。绝大数企业和运营商的数据中心的改造将是云计算未来发展的主要任务:使云计算技术更为普遍和更为广泛地为绝大部分企业、机构、团体和运营商服务。云计算技术将不仅提供传统意义的IT资源和应用服务,而且将支持包括IT、通信、电视、移动和物联等一切互联网技术融合后的资源使用和业务应用。云计算发展的关键技术主要有统一交换构架、统一虚拟化和统一计算系统,云计算发展的战略推手将是组建开放产业联盟和推动开放技术标准。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) infrastructure is the foundation of information sharing, storage, and processing upon which the entire business depends and it changes not only inner organizational structures but also outer competitive conditions. An IT infrastructure that possesses elements unique to a particular organization and difficult to duplicate can produce competitive advantage. To achieve this advantage, not only the inner integration of technology, personnel and business process in a firm is needed, but also a platform for electronic commerce is required. The purpose of this study is to establish the whole concept framework for IT infrastructure, based on competitive advantage, and to propose ideas about the construction of IT infrastructure system.  相似文献   

云计算技术的出现让企业面临着新的选择和决策.在优势和风险并存的情况下,企业如何从云环境中获取和管控所需要的IT服务是亟需研究的问题.文中基于云服务的特点,对企业的云服务管理要素进行了分析,参考ITIL(Information Technology Infrastructure Library,信息技术基础架构库)理论,提出了云环境下对服务匹配和服务实施过程的管控方法.最后构建了面向企业的云服务管理模型,以供企业进行云环境下的IT建设时参考.  相似文献   

新一代运营支撑系统体系结构及关键技术分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目前运营支撑系统已经成为各大运营商争相发展的重点,新一代的运营支撑系统日益成为电信企业整体信息战略的重要组成部分,本文着重分析NGOSS各组成部分在整体框架结构中的作用,以及它们之间的逻辑关系,在此基础上分析eTOM模型的最新发展动向;同时结合当前软件技术的发展现状,介绍NGOSS中各项关键技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Operational risk management is a reflection of the need for enterprises to demonstrate that they are prepared for all eventualities, through monitoring day-to-day operational risks. IT is an area that is critical to modern enterprises and consequently carries with it the capacity to cripple those same enterprises — business disruption as a result of IT failure is a major area of operational risk. Modern IT in many enterprises, especially large ones such as BT, is distributed and heterogeneous. This presents challenges to collecting and correlating management, monitoring and audit data in a timely manner. It also highlights the need to take an end-to-end view, with data collected from a number of sources and presented as an integrated picture of the health of a business solution. In an eBusiness environment, there is also a need to manage, monitor and audit the IT interfaces with customers, suppliers and partners. This paper looks at operational risk in an IT context and provides an overview of the contribution made by systems and applications monitoring to successful operational risk management. This paper has concentrated on using monitoring to address the downside of risk and reflects a culture in many organisations to eliminate or minimise risk. However, risk has an upside whereby an enterprise can gain competitive advantage through ‘right setting’ risk tolerance — this advantage can only be gained when the organisation begins to understand and articulates its risk appetite. Monitoring can contribute significantly to the upside through supplying the information required to manage and control the risk exposure to perform within the accepted risk appetite, facilitate risk taking and imbue a better risk culture in the organisation.  相似文献   

张青  刘春 《电信科学》2011,27(8):112-116
随着移动互联网的不断发展,移动增值业务作为信息消费的主体,成为各大运营商越来越重要的经营收入来源和业务增长点。相对于传统电信业务,移动增值业务产品具有小众群体性、多样性、营销不易定位等特点,从而增加了营销的难度。通过分析现有移动增值业务营销模式及存在的问题,提出了一种面向多种移动增值业务场景和全流程闭环管理的IT支撑模式,为移动增值业务营销提供了一种全新的、融合的IT支撑思路和手段。  相似文献   

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