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英国Mordaunt—Short最近推出了全新的Carnival(嘉年华)系列家庭影院扬声器产品。该系列定位于入门级家庭影院及立体声扬声器,具有较高的性价比,可以提供全频率的卓越音响效果,是普通家庭打造立体声Hi—Fi音乐欣赏或家庭影院的理想之选,而且可以方便地进行搭配和混合。  相似文献   

Hi—Fi立体声音响系统属于双声道系统,系统工作时只需使用左右两个扬声器箱;而家庭影院系统则属于多声道系统,为了达到逼真的现场效果,它通常有左、中、右和环绕四个声道,整个系统使用五个扬声器箱,因此,若要在Hi—Fi系统基础上建立家庭影院,如何将原有的双声道放声系统改造成多声道放声系统是问题的关键。这里向大家介绍一种经济实惠的配置方案,它只需在原有双声道系统的基础上增添一  相似文献   

邱永胜 《电子世界》1996,(11):8-8,5
<正> 九十年代,家庭影院风靡全球,在我国,家庭影院热也在不断升温,因而THX家庭影院扬声器系统越来越受到人们的关注。本文介绍国外六款优秀的THX扬声器系统,它们都是美国《国际声频视频》杂志(Audio Video Interna-tional)评选的1995年获Hi—Fi大奖的产品。这些产品性能优良,风格独特,外形华丽,声音完美,所有音箱均为全防磁设计,堪称能逼真重现电影院的音响气势的扬声器系统。 1.THX Cinema Series扬声器系统(5750美元) 这种由英国B& W公司生产的THX系统曾在1995年连续第三年获Hi—Fi大奖。它不但性能优良,而且外貌独特。该系统的前置影院监听扬声器(1000美元/个)使用三个D’Apoli-  相似文献   

当家庭影院产品悄然走进千家万户的时侯,家庭影院的概念也逐渐被人们所接受。但是,这个概念所包含的基本内容及质量要求等问题,对于产品的设计、检验及消费者对于商品的挑选,都是十分有意义的。一般来说,家庭影院由含多声道电影声场声信号的视听节目源、视音频放大器和能再现被称为家庭影院多声迹电影声场的家庭听音扬声器系统组成。家庭影院是以多声道环绕声为基础的,重放Pro-Logic和AC-3环绕声是目前实现家庭影院的必要条件。因此,家庭影院用组合扬声器系统不同于Hi-Fi扬声器系统,前者着重于重放多通道声音产生的氛围,后…  相似文献   

矩阵动圈扬声器是电声技术前沿科技,采用了“电动扬声器高保真技术”,实现了电声性能一流水平。如此优良的产品性能是在降低原材料和工时消耗的条件下取得的。已制造成功系列扬声器、音箱、音板工业化样品,小型音响样板工程。以普通广播扬声器成本实现了Hi-Fi音响效果,是极具发展前景的产品。矩阵动圈扬声器@朱树同  相似文献   

主流之外的另类精品——平面扬声器我们接触的品种繁多的的Hi—Fi音箱中,绝大多数是采用动圈式扬声器的,这是市场上最主流的产品,它们的形态主要是球项或者锥盆形式的;另外还有一类是平面扬声器,其中包括很多人都知道的静电式(Electrostatic)扬声器、铝带式(Ribbon)以及电磁平板式(Planar—Magnetic)扬声器;这三种平面扬声器以其独树一帜的造型、工作原理和声音特色而受到诸多发烧友的追捧。  相似文献   

线材是伴随着现代Hi—Fi产品一同成长和进步的。在几十年前的古董高阻喇叭年代,扬声器对于线材的敏感度没有现今的这么高,线材也不会成为瓶颈。但随着Hi—Fi技术的迅速提高,20世纪90年代的黄金时期前后,线材作为Hi—Fi系统里无论如何也不能绕过的传输途径.其重要和价值慢慢被广大发烧友所认知.各大线材厂商开始如雨后春笋般地蓬勃发展起来。  相似文献   

听说过用木头制作的扬声器吗?恐怕没有吧!可是世上的事千奇百怪.日本JVC公司还真是用樱桃木制成了不错的扬声器锥盆.而且声音相当好,这样说吧,其声音质量之好。可以令许多知名音箱制造厂家的低价音响系统相形失色。JVC的EX—A1就是世界第一款采用木质锥盆扬声器为其主要特色的Hi—Fi音响系统。  相似文献   

号角扬声器诞生于20世纪20年代,早年用于剧院扩声,之后逐步进入到Hi—Fi家用音响领域。由于号角的扩声作用,使扬声器效率提升达数十倍,使扬声器在很小的振幅下可发出相当高的声压,从而抑制了失真,获得更加线性的频率响应。从发声原理上讲,号角扬声器不存在锥盆扬声器的能量损耗,具有优良的瞬态特性和阻尼特性。随着号角开口面积的增大,频率下限相应降低,开口较大的号角其低频可平直下到500Hz以至300Hz.只要加一只大口径低音扬声器,就可以满足全频的需求。在实际还原表现上,号角扬声器声音直接、音场开阔、定位清晰、空间感强,能够更真实地再现音乐现场。[编者按]  相似文献   

高保真音乐重放用的Hi—Fi音箱和家庭影院的主声道音箱其性能要求是不一样的,Hi—Fi音箱不但至少要有60Hz~15000Hz±2dB的重放频响,更为重要的是能够真实地再现演奏现场的深度感,高度感及宽度感,理想的扬声器系统应当达到让人们忘记了它们的存在的地步。而家庭影院用的主音箱虽然对信号还原的保真度不如Hi—Fi音箱所要求的那么高,但是它要求在重放超低音时有足够声压,因为影片中往往有一些诸如爆炸声撞击声或雷声  相似文献   

A review is given of the progress in electrophotographic science and technology in Western Europe during the years 1967 to early 1971. University research work is mainly directed towards two areas: 1) the electrical and physical properties of photoconductors, such as selenium, chalcogenides, oxides, and organic materials; and 2) the sensitization of these photoconductors. Industrial research teams report on the preparation of electrophotographic layers on development and on image evaluation. A bibliography including scientific papers and patents published on this subject during said period completes this review.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术、控制技术、通信技术及信息技术的飞速发展,人们对生活、办公环境安全性、舒适性的要求日渐增长,智能建筑应运而生。楼宇自动化控制系统是智能建筑的一个重要组成部分。通过结合具体的智能楼宇控制工程项目,在介绍系统概况的基础上,给出了系统的总体设计方案及子系统的监控方案,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

The authors describe the development trends and results of millimeter-wave systems in Japan in such fields as communication, radar, and measurement systems. The applications included are the W-40G waveguide transmission communication system, an automobile traffic control system using the 60-GHz band, a collision avoidance radar system for an automobile, a plasma electron density measuring system, and satellite communication. The authors describe the development of devices such as high-power FET amplifiers, traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs), IMPATT amplifiers, low-noise amplifiers, and monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) devices used in constructing the millimeter-wave systems  相似文献   

Systems are currently being designed for higher reliability and greater economy. Larger transmission capacity is required to meet a rapid increase in recent communication demands instigated by the introduction of video and information communications facilities. More flexibility, to deal with the variety of communication modes to come, and smaller hardware dimensions, to overcome situations caused by the high population density, seem to be particularly sought in the communication technology of Japan. Research and development concentrate on these objectives. The following is an explanation of the present state of the art and general trends in this country.  相似文献   

A review of the basic research and industrial development of display devices in Western Europe during the years 1968 to early 1973 will be given. The display types considered are: 1) active displays such as cathode ray tubes, light-emitting diodes, electroluminescence cells, and gas discharge devices, and 2) passive displays such as laser displays, light valves, and ferroelectric and liquid-crystal devices.  相似文献   

Assessment of design implications due to degradation of CMOS devices is increasingly required in the latest technologies. This paper presents selected topics relevant to realize an efficient design-in reliability methodology in the latest generation CMOS technologies. NBTI is discussed in terms of characterization using On-The-Fly (OTF) methodology. Extension of OTF method is discussed using bias patterns to gain insights into NBTI under analog operation. A reliability simulation methodology is discussed against requirements for optimization and integration within an existing design flow. The features of this methodology are illustrated using some simple design examples.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed to investigate whether switching phenomena are observable in ion-irradiated GaAs. It is found that the V/I characteristics of H2+-and N+-irradiated layers show both negative resistance and switching from a high resistance to a low resistance state. Ion irradiation may thus be a useful method of fabricating switching devices.  相似文献   

Poon  O. 《IEE Review》1988,34(8):301-305
Before the establishment of the People's Republic, China was a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society plagued by foreign interventions and internal power struggles. It was against this background that the electrical industry went through its infancy. Today, the People's Republic of China is facing an acute energy shortage, posing a problem which must be quickly overcome if the country's rapid industrialisation is to continue as planned. The author presents a brief history of power generation in China from 1949 to 1983 and examines possibilities for the future  相似文献   

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