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李娜  高颂华 《包装工程》2023,44(4):87-98, 122
目的 构建文化遗产类AR中用户使用意愿模型,探究影响用户使用文化遗产类AR产品的主要因素。方法 基于技术接受模型与心流理论,通过扎根理论的质性研究方法引入临场感、交互性和美学质量三个用户感知因素为外部变量,构建文化遗产类AR中的用户使用意愿理论模型,探讨相关因素与用户使用意愿的映射关系。根据理论模型设计量表进行实证检验。结果 文化遗产类AR中的美学质量、临场感与交互性是衡量用户使用意愿的重要指标;并且用户在文化遗产类AR中对系统的感知有用、易用与心流体验正向影响其使用意愿。结论 心流体验、美学质量、感知易用性、感知有用性、交互性、临场感的关联度由大到小依次影响用户在文化遗产类AR中的使用意愿,是文化遗产类AR中用户使用意愿提升的关键,为文化遗产类AR的设计创新研究提供指引。  相似文献   

杨惠珺  谭婷 《包装工程》2022,43(24):287-293
目的 为提高顾客对秦绣文创产品的满意度,使设计人员准确掌握秦绣文创产品顾客需求,优化秦绣文创产品设计。方法 基于S-O-R理论,构建秦绣文创产品顾客购买意向影响因素理论模型,剖析文化价值、创新价值、价格价值三个维度的感知价值、顾客满意度和购买意向的相互影响关系。通过设计量表和调查问卷进行实证调研,进而运用结构方程模型加以论证。结论 文化价值、创新价值是秦绣文创产品顾客购买意向的关键影响因素,能辅助设计师从顾客需求入手提高顾客满意度,为秦绣文创产品设计优化提供了一定的理论参考及建议。  相似文献   

虚拟现实等新技术的广泛应用,使科学博物馆发展进入智能新时代,用户体验设计成为主流设计理念,使智能互动式展览成为科学博物馆进入智能新发展的重要表征。本研究基于统一技术采纳与使用第二代扩展模型理论,结合用户特点,对因变量和调节变量进行调整,提出科学博物馆智能互动式展览用户接受影响因素模型,探讨用户接受智能互动式展览的意愿及其影响因素。研究发现,绩效期望、努力期望、社会影响因素、促进因素、娱乐需求均对使用意愿有显著的正向影响;使用意愿对使用行为有显著的正向影响,并从有用性和易用性、社会影响、内容质量等方面提出了提升智能互动展览设计效果的相关建议。  相似文献   

田崑  宣雯霞  魏文静  陈江 《包装工程》2023,44(18):293-302
目的 为了提高用户对健康科普视频的持续使用意愿,使设计人员准确掌握健康科普视频的用户需求,优化健康科普视频设计与开发。方法 基于C-A-C理论,构建健康科普视频、情绪唤醒和用户持续使用意愿的理论模型,应用结构方程模型论证健康科普视频中博主形象气质、专业性、信息质量、互动质量因素与用户情绪唤醒和持续使用意愿的路径关系。结果 健康科普视频中博主形象气质、专业性、信息质量、互动质量对用户情绪唤醒和持续使用意愿具有正向影响作用。结论 健康科普视频博主形象气质、专业性、信息质量、互动质量作为影响用户情绪和持续使用意愿的关键因素,能够帮助设计人员从用户视角提高用户情绪唤醒和持续使用意愿,为健康科普视频的设计和创新提供理论和实践参考。  相似文献   

王铮  邓嵘  蒋乾灵 《包装工程》2022,43(20):202-211, 255
目的 在全民健身的大背景下,研究影响用户持续使用健身移动软件的主要因素,探究APP的设计方法,优化用户使用流程。方法 从设计的角度出发,发放问卷302份,利用结构方程模型的方法,从感知娱乐性、感知易用性、感知有用性、感知价值(感知质量/表现价值)、满意度五个方面,分析其与持续使用的内在关联并构建相关理论模型。结果 根据路径研究发现:用户的价值感知和满意程度是主要影响用户持续使用APP的因素,感知价值也是用户满意程度的主要衡量指标。同时,软件的实用性和趣味性是用户进行感知判断的主要考虑因素,并且用户对软件易用、趣味和实用程度的感知会相互影响。结论 健身软件在界面设计、内容呈现、互动设置等方面应保证实用、有趣、易用。  相似文献   

温韬  初笑男 《包装工程》2022,43(10):80-90
目的 以电子竞技用户为研究对象,探究心流体验的测量维度,揭示心流体验各维度对感知价值(享乐价值和功利价值)和用户黏度的影响机制,并从心流体验的专业视角,探索电竞产品的设计思路。方法 通过文献研究、专家访谈和问卷调查先后进行预调研和正式调研,用所获数据进行分析和结构方程建模。结果 电子竞技用户的心流体验维度由时间感异常、自我意识丧失和控制感构成。心流体验对感知价值中的享乐价值维度具有显著的正向影响;感知价值对用户黏度具有显著的正向影响;心流体验对用户黏度不具有显著的正向影响。结论 电子竞技用户的心流体验主要通过享乐价值间接地正向影响用户黏度,心流体验中仅有一个维度(自我意识丧失)可以通过功利价值正向影响用户黏度。  相似文献   

李家璠  邓嵘  蒋乾灵 《包装工程》2023,44(2):148-157
目的 持续使用意向是用户持续性保持某行为的直观投射,也是APP用户黏度的直观表现。研究健身APP用户黏度的影响因素,有助于用户健身体验的优化。方法 利用文献研究法在信息系统持续使用模型的基础上,引入社会认知理论中自我效能、社会影响等变量建立APP黏度影响因素假设模型。对233名用户进行数据搜集,并对数据进行信度效度分析,通过结构方程模型衡量各变量关联程度,从双理论角度,将各变量作为健身APP系统设计的因素。结果 直接影响用户黏度的要素有:自我效能、感知有用性与满意度,间接因素体现为社会影响与便利条件。结论 根据各因素导向,提出了旨在增强健身APP用户黏度的整体性设计策略:即以易得性、胜任性、反馈性、意外性、社群性五大原则指导设计。  相似文献   

移动应用粘性的行为意向研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
付久强  孙远波 《包装工程》2016,37(22):87-91
目的研究移动应用用户的吸引与保留机制,探索粘性因素的影响与构成关系。方法通过文献研究,归纳移动应用用户粘性形成的相关可能因素,这些因素将作用于用户对软件的态度,而态度是影响并决定用户粘性行为意向的关键变量。通过理论模型的构建,验证粘性因素与用户行为的关系。结论研究发现在用户粘性形成的过程中,对移动应用用户粘性行为意向产生直接影响的因素,包括沉浸体验、总体满意、习惯与平台服务属性。而在学术界被广泛讨论的转换成本与替代品吸引力对于用户粘性的形成总的影响并不具有显著性。另外,研究还根据这些影响因素,针对软件设计与开发提出了促进黏性形成的设计方法。  相似文献   

目的 针对目前用户体验交互模态单一、获取用户需求的主观性强、对潜在需求挖掘不充分的问题,从用户多模态行为出发,探索用户体验设计的新方法。方法 对多模态交互方式进行梳理,从用户KANO需求模型出发,挖掘能引发用户兴奋的潜意识需求,建立用户行为和思维模型并绘制用户旅程地图,结合鞋品定制平台案例进行交互设计应用与验证。结果 在非语言交互视角下,建立鞋品定制平台的用户心智模型和行为模型,绘制体现多模态情绪变化的用户体验地图,并最终提出非语言交互用户体验设计标准。结论 将非语言交互方法融入用户潜意识行为交互设计,可以更有效地感知产品使用过程中用户情绪的变化,探索交互环境等因素对用户“感知-行为-体验”设计模式的影响,为非语言交互设计方法在定制服务类产品设计中的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

郑宏明 《人类工效学》2009,15(3):22-25,71
整合了以往的计划行为模型、技术接受模型、交易成本分析,提出了网上购物扩展的计划行为模型(ETPB),并对该模型用结构方程进行了验证。结果发现,开放性人格通过网上购物行为控制正向影响网上购物意向,信任倾向分别通过网上购物交易成本、主观参照正向影响网上购物意向。对于大学生来说,开放性人格对网上购物意向有间接正向影响,而信任倾向、网上购物风险对网上购物意向没有显著的影响;对在职人员来说,信任倾向通过网上购物交易成本间接正向影响网上购物意向,网上购物风险对网上购物意向有直接正向影响,而开放性人格对网上购物意向不存在显著的间接影响。  相似文献   

吴嘉妮  朱丽萍  李永锋 《包装工程》2023,44(24):206-216
目的 针对人口老龄化问题,从老年人在线学习平台使用意愿及其影响因素入手,结合现有学习平台的特征,探求老年人在线学习平台的设计策略,进而增强老年人的使用意愿,使在线教育的价值得以体现。方法 首先,以文献研究为基础,结合扩展技术接受模型与创新扩散理论构建使用意愿影响因素假设模型;其次,选取研究对象进行问卷调研,并对数据进行信效度分析;最后,运用结构方程模型分析老年人在线学习平台使用意愿的主要因素和内在因果关系。结果 感知有用性与兼容性直接影响用户的使用意愿;感知易用性、感知自主性、内容质量则间接影响用户的使用意愿。结论 根据各因素导向,提出增强老年人在线学习平台用户体验设计策略,包含有效性原则、简易性原则、胜任性原则、一致性原则,以期为在线学习平台的适老化设计与改造提供有效依据。  相似文献   

Blockchain technology (BT) is expected to bring a revolutionary paradigm shift in the manner the transactions are carried in the supply chains. BT provides better visibility and transparency by removing the disadvantages of trust related issues in a supply chain. In this paper, we advance the literature on BT and its adoption in the supply chain by developing, and statistically validating a model for understanding the user perceptions on BT adoption. The model is based on the integration of three adoption theories- technology acceptance model (TAM), technology readiness index (TRI) and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Based on a survey of 181 supply chain practitioners in India the proposed model was tested using structural equation modelling. The study found that the TRI constructs- Insecurity and discomfort have an insignificant effect on the perceived ease of use and usefulness. Perceived usefulness, attitude, and perceived behavioural control affect the behavioural intention. Subjective norm has a negligible impact on behavioural intention. This is one of the preliminary studies on BT adoption in supply chain and the findings imply that the supply chain practitioners perceive BT adoption free of efforts and would help them to derive maximum benefits for improving the supply chain effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study develops a theoretical model that highlights the determinants of actual social media (SM) usage for travel planning by combining theoretical frameworks from the marketing, psychology and information systems literature. The data was collected through field as well as online survey in India. An online survey questionnaire link was shared on different social media platforms and social networking sites. Besides, field visits were carried out to collect data in-person through face-to-face interviews. The final sample consists of 539 observations. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was applied to validate the hypothesized relationships among constructs. The results suggest that technological convenience and perceived enjoyment influence the perceived ease of using SM for travel planning. In turn, perceived ease of use impacts perceived usefulness, along with media richness. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, along with trust positively influence intentions to use SM for travel planning, while perceived risk inhibits those intentions. However, trust increases perceived usefulness and mitigates perceived risk. Importantly, intentions exert a strong impact on actual use. This study contributes to the literature by presenting and validating a theory-driven framework that unveils the factors influencing actual usage of SM for travel planning. The proposed theoretical framework emphasizes the key relationships among factors and provides a research basis for development in other contexts.  相似文献   

Using the technology acceptance model and diffusion of innovations theory, this study evaluated the intention of consumers to use chatbots on smartphones for shopping. Chatbot is a relatively new technology and is expected to dominate mobile commerce and shopping applications in future. Hence, this study aimed to determine the association of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, price consciousness, perceived risk, trust, and personal innovativeness with attitude and intention to use chatbots for shopping. Respondents were asked to fill a questionnaire after using a Facebook e-commerce chatbot that was specifically created for this study. In total, 350 responses were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results indicated that attitude toward chatbots was considerably influenced by the variables perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, price consciousness, perceived risk, and personal innovativeness. However, intention to use was directly influenced only by trust, personal innovativeness, and attitude. Mediation analysis indicated that full mediation occurs through the attitude variable for most direct relationships. Moderation analysis by using age, gender, and prior experience with mobile shopping applications indicated considerable differences between the groups in terms of the strength of certain relationships and the mean responses between the variables.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity and adoption of health/fitness apps, more research attention is needed to examine users' behavior in order to promote sustained usage of the apps. The purpose of this study is to understand health and fitness app users' decision-making process by integrating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Investment Model (IM). Three hundred forty-six responses were collected from health and fitness app users in China. A confirmatory factor analysis and a structural equation modeling analysis were conducted. Results show that continuance intention to use the apps is significantly affected by constructs included in the two models. Specifically, perceived ease of use of the apps has a positive effect on perceived usefulness, which further affects users' intention to continue using the apps. In addition, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the apps have significant effects on users' satisfaction, investment size, and quality of available alternatives, and these three constructs affect users' relationship commitment to the apps, which, in turn, influences users' continuing intention. The integrated model provides new insights into the app users' decision-making process and suggests practical implications for app providers, such as developing strategies to evoke and maintain users’ interest in their apps, keeping users satisfied by personalizing their experience, and designing features that keep users invested in the apps.  相似文献   

Given that the mobile wallet has become a disruptive innovation, especially in the Malaysian hospitality industry, this study investigates the adoption of mobile wallet in the hospitality industry among consumers. Different from the extant literature, this study extends the newly proposed mobile technology acceptance model with self-efficacy theory, critical mass theory, and flow theory to explain the behavioural intention to adopt. A self-administered questionnaire was utilised to collect data from mobile wallet users who have used a mobile wallet while dining out in restaurants and cafes. Other than technology self-efficacy and perceived critical mass, mobile usefulness, mobile ease of use, mobile self-efficacy, and perceived enjoyment were discovered to have a positive and significant association with the behavioural intention to adopt mobile wallet in the hospitality industry. The findings also suggested there were interrelationships between the constructs employed. Overall, the extended model was able to explain 61% of the variance in behavioural intention to adopt mobile wallet.  相似文献   

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