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啤酒后稀释工艺中稀释水的质量在很大程度上决定了最终产品的内在质量。由于地域,水源和装备的差异,在稀释水制备主民会有各自的情况,但最终目的是一致的,那就是做出与啤酒品质接近的稀释水,使啤酒保持应的有风格。本文对我厂稀释水设备系统实际运行中存在的问题进行分析,并探讨出措施。  相似文献   

1.前言啤酒酿造过程中钙离子含量的高低对酵母细胞的生长和凝聚有很大影响。通过在麦汁中添加不同浓度的钙离子(以添加CaSO_4计算钙离子浓度),比较出发酵过程中钙离子对酵母细胞凝聚性以及对发酵过程的影响。  相似文献   

我国啤酒企业正朝大规模、集团化发展,以规模效益进行竞争,如何以小投入,创出更高效益则成为各啤酒集团取胜景有效法宝。高浓发酵稀释利用较小投资,却能大大提高糖化,发酵效率的方法便越来越为啤酒企业所采用,生产出的啤酒亦愈来愈为消费者接受。如何使啤酒成品的指标恒定,风味一致,同时使产量发挥最大潜能,除精化,发酵工艺的控制外,稀释更是最关键工序。1原委对浓度的控制控制稀释啤酒的原麦汁浓度,关键是控制稀释时的酒水比,查找目前的有关资料,普遍采用根据稀释前后的原麦汁浓度来确定酒水比①(包括引进的啤酒稀释机),…  相似文献   

70年代(TheBrewer1997,No.2)美国推出了“高浓发酵、后稀释工艺”,采用高浓度麦汁进行发酵,在过滤前用充CQZ的无菌水稀释成12“BX或以下浓度的啤酒[1]。高浓发酵具有提高生产率、节约能源、啤酒风味和稳定性好、提高设备利用率的优点[2]。R.McCaig等对啤酒高浓酿造已进行了较全面和深入的研究。在我国,华光啤酒厂于80年代首先推出了高浓发酵后稀释工艺,现在已有许多厂家采用,目前国外关于高浓发酵的麦汁浓度已达到30“BX左右。但是,高浓发酵随着麦汁浓度的提高,酵母对浓度的适应性发生变化,如对影响发酵的各因素控制不当…  相似文献   

本文对啤酒高度浓度发酵后稀释酿造工艺进行探讨,主要讨论了高浓糖化、发酵和稀释过程及控制措施,结果表明,采取适合的啤酒高浓度发酵后稀释酿造技术,能有效地提高旺季产量、设备的利用率和降低成本。  相似文献   

高浓糖化后稀释啤酒技术,即采取提高麦汁糖化浓度,发酵后用处理水稀释制备啤酒的方法。它可以使发酵设备能力提高25~30%,产量增加四分之一以上。高浓糖化后稀释制备的啤酒,风味独特,口味纯正,保质期长,因此在实践中得到广泛推广和应用。一麦汁浓度控制及稀释比例选择酿制高浓度啤酒,首先必须制备高浓度麦汁。高浓度麦汁控制在多少度为宜?这是值得研究和探讨的。河北省邯郸市啤酒厂自  相似文献   

高沈啤酒稀释工艺是指糖化的高浓麦汁在发酵前或发酵后,与定量的无菌脱氧水混合至所需浓度的啤酒生产工艺。该工艺生产的啤酒清爽、口感纯正、杀口力强,非生物稳定性高,工艺、质量便于控制;可大幅度降低水、电、煤的消耗;提高设备利用率和劳动生产率,提高产量15%-50%。其缺点:(1)糖化收得率低;(2)成品CO2含量偏低;(3)溶解氧控制不好,易造成啤酒老化味;(4)必须控制稀释水中各离子含量。(孙悟)  相似文献   

原晓杰 《酿酒》2006,33(4):101-101
介绍了钙离子在啤酒中的作用:增酸,促进蛋白质结合,保护酶活性,为酵母提供矿物质,防止啤酒中的草酸钙沉淀;并说明了钙离子浓度的控制方法。  相似文献   

一、高浓度啤酒稀释技术的定义概括地讲,高浓度啤酒稀释技术就是在糖化生产高浓度麦汁,经过发酵和后酵贮藏,在啤酒灌装前加入稀释水,使之达到希望的原麦汁浓度和酒精含量。此项技术是目前国际上的先进技术,在我国的研究和应用虽只有十余年的历史,但已被很好地消化吸...  相似文献   

王涛 《啤酒科技》2014,(10):30-31
啤酒的过滤过程往往被视为是一个降浊度和稀释配比达到目标浓度的物理过程。随着近年来对影响啤酒风味的缺陷因素的不断研究,证实氧化老化对啤酒的非生物稳定性和风味稳定性也有很大影响。  相似文献   

溶解氧是影响啤酒质量的重要因素,过滤系统是目前控制溶解氧及抗氧化的重点。目前,过滤系统存在的溶解氧控制问题有:脱氧水制备量不足;CO2回收量不足,造成过滤或灌装车间用空气背压;添加硅藻土时,未用脱氧水调浆,也未用CO2封闭加料罐口;系统中进酒,出酒管路过长等。控制要点,过滤前用清水充满进酒管路;清水注满捕集器和精滤设备,再用CO2顶尽其中的水,清酒罐采用CO2底部背压,过滤进,硅藻土应充分搅拌,尽可能排出其中空气;过滤清酒时,防止泵空转,清酒罐至灌装酒等管洗涤结束后走脱氧水,防止啤酒吸氧。  相似文献   

菊花啤酒的生产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王海明 《酿酒科技》2002,(6):63-63,62
以发酵度较高,苦味较轻,酒花香气不明显的10P淡爽型啤酒为酒基,加25%软化真空脱氧水稀释,以CO2背压,添加蛋白糖(50倍甜)100mg/L,柠檬酸15mg/L,菊花浸膏1ml/L,菊花浸膏先用酒精溶解,再加蒸馏水稀释,加热助溶,过滤后加入清酒管道,制成菊花啤酒,其特点,具有明显的菊花香气,口味纯正,甘爽宜人。  相似文献   

One of the problems in sorghum beer brewing is that of sugar production. This is because sorghum malts are low in diastatic activity, the grist contains a high proportion of adjunct and in some brewing processes conversion is carried out at pH 4. Since the positive effects of calcium ions on alpha-amylase activity are well described, the use of additional calcium in sorghum mashing was investigated. Mashing at pH 4.5 in the presence of 0.1% calcium acetate (227 ppm Ca) resulted in almost complete conservation of diastatic activity during conversion and higher reducing sugar production compared with tap water (31 ppm Ca). At a mash pH of 4, a calcium ion concentration of approximately 200 ppm gave maximum reducing sugar production and wort yield and increased extract. Under these conditions, some alpha-amylase activity was detected at the end of the conversion, whereas without calcium no alpha-amylase activity was detected. It, therefore, appears that improved conversion took place due to the conservation of alpha-amylase activity by calcium ions. The inclusion of additional calcium ions in sorghum beer mashes also enabled the same amount of sugar production compared with straight tap water but using a substantially lower proportion of malt in the grist.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing demand, the production of non‐alcohol beers is still limited by unsatisfactory or artificial flavour and taste. In this study, a novel approach to producing non‐alcohol beer is presented, in which the alcohol‐reducing techniques, limited fermentation and vacuum distillation were combined. Starting from barley and wheat malts, wort with a low level of fermentable sugars was prepared by infusion mashing and lautering. Limited fermentation was carried out by Saccharomycodes ludwigii at 18°C. When the level of fermentable sugar was reduced by 25%, the fermented wort was quickly cooled from 18 to 0°C and held at that temperature for two days. The young beer was obtained after degassing and removal of yeast and was then subjected to vacuum distillation at 0.06 MPa to remove the alcohol. The concentrated extract is suitable for storage and transportation. The final product of non‐alcohol beer was obtained by dilution with deoxygenated water and carbonation with 6.0 g/L CO2, followed by addition of 8–12% of regular beer and equilibration for 2–3 days to develop normal beer aroma. The results showed that the non‐alcohol beer had several favourable properties, including the alcohol level of <0.5% (v /v), colour 7.0 (EBC), thiobarbituric acid value of 1.05 and ratio of alcohols to esters of 1.08. Compared with other methods for the production of non‐alcohol beer, this novel approach produced a favourable alternative to regular beers with similar flavour characteristics and satisfactory stability. Copyright © 2017 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

锌离子在啤酒酿造中的作用与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祝忠付 《酿酒科技》2003,(6):65-66,64
啤酒中锌离子来源于麦芽、大米、酿造用水、酒花。Zn^2 在啤酒酿造过程中可起到催化荆作用,与氨基酸结合形成Zn-氨基酸螯合物。在啤酒酿造过程中,可激活酶提高酶的作用;促进糖化、发酵;促进蛋白质合成及其稳定性;缓解某金属离子的毒性作用,促进挥发物质的产生和双乙酰的还原,缩短发酵时间,提高啤酒质量;但含量过量会使啤酒非生物稳定性降低,影响啤酒质量。通过对糖化过程和发酵过程的控制,可降低醪液pH值。加入少量小麦芽,加入适量ZnCl2,ZnSO4及酵母营养盐等,可实现对Zn^2 的有效控制,达到最佳酿造浓度。  相似文献   

麦饭石矿化水及其在发酵酒中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了麦饭石矿化水制备条件,麦饭石矿化水对酿造米酒和啤酒质量的影响。结果表明:麦饭石粒度和麦饭石量是影响麦饭石水矿化度的主要因素,而酸量对其影响不大。使用麦饭石矿化水使米酒前发酵酒基体积增加5.7%,糖度增加9.5%,酒精度也增加30%,还原糖含量却降低16.8%,使用麦饭石矿化水可使啤酒中双乙酰含量下降,而使其酒精度升高,促进酵母发酵,提高发酵度。同时大大增加米酒和啤酒中K,Ca,Mg,Mn,Zn,Fe,Se等有益矿物元素。  相似文献   

卞猛  周广田 《中国酿造》2017,36(11):180
采用单因素及正交试验研究了藜麦啤酒糖化过程中不同的下料温度、料水比、投料水pH对藜麦麦汁总黄酮含量的影响,同时对藜麦啤酒的感官、理化及微生物指标进行了品评和测定。结果表明,最佳藜麦啤酒糖化工艺为下料温度60 ℃、料水比1∶5.0(g∶mL)、投料水pH值为5.0。在此最佳条件下,麦汁总黄酮含量可达0.32 mg/mL,原麦汁浓度为10.94 °P。藜麦啤酒具有藜麦特有的清香,泡沫洁白细腻,理化和微生物指标均达啤酒国家标准优级。  相似文献   

介绍一种新型的高浓度啤酒稀释混合装置。说明二氧化碳置换法制备脱氧水和啤酒稀释混合的工艺过程与自动控制原理。  相似文献   

Dielectric spectroscopy in microwave and radiofrequency region is an emerging control technique used to obtain information about the transformation of biological systems. In microwave region, the main interaction is produced with different food constituents and water molecule. In this context, the dielectric properties were analyzed during beer production in order to improve beer quality. There were also analyzed the most important physical and chemical properties of beer through the process. Good correlations were found between loss tangent at 10 GHz and the ethanol and sugars concentration. Therefore, this technique can be used as a fast, accurate and non-destructive control method of beer production.  相似文献   

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