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许凤鸣  樊平 《肉类工业》1995,(10):26-26
俗语说“天上有龙肉,地下有驴肉”。我国是养驴最早的国家之一,目前养驴约800万头,以新疆产驴肉资源最佳。新疆驴普遍为小型驴,具有性情温顺、适于饲养、肉制脂肪较低的特点。为了利用新疆丰富的驴资源,发展驴肉制品生产,改善人们的膳食结构及市场经济下的消费需求,我们根据驴肉的理化特点,开发出适合大众口味的驴肉新产品,进行了驴肉腊肠的研究和加工。  相似文献   

目的为了保障食品安全和维护消费者合法权益,对网销市场中驴肉(鲜肉和制品)真伪及掺假情况进行分析。方法本研究根据现行行业标准SN/T 3730.4-2013和SN/T 3730.5-2013,分析市场中鲜驴肉(9份)和加工驴肉制品(18份)中的驴源性及马源性。结果 9份鲜肉样品中有4份为驴肉,剩余5份为马肉;加工肉制品中,7份含有驴源性成分,5份含有马源性成分,剩余6份既含有驴源性成分又含有马源性成分。结论市场中存在利用马肉冒充驴肉的欺诈现象,相关部门应加强监管,避免欧洲"马肉风波"在中国上演。  相似文献   

俗话说:“天上龙肉,地下驴肉。”可见这驴肉是人间的一道美味。下面就介绍几款驴肴美味。京葱驴筋原料:熟驴筋400克葱白100克精盐3克味精3克料酒15克白糖5克蚝油10克生抽5克胡椒粉1克鸡精2克鲜奶、湿淀粉、冬瓜萝卜卷、黄瓜各适量色拉油80克制法:1.熟驴筋改刀成5厘米长的条状,入沸水锅中焯一水;葱白切3厘米长的节;黄瓜切片。2净锅上火,注入色拉油烧热,投入葱节爆香,加入蚝油,放入驴筋,烹入料酒,掺入适量鲜汤,调入精盐、生抽、胡椒粉、鸡精等烧入味,再勾入温淀粉,然少许明油,拍匀起锅,盛在玻璃窝盘内,用冬瓜萝卜卷、黄瓜…  相似文献   

王连福 《烹调知识》2001,(12):18-19
在我的家乡内蒙古通辽,这个被誉为科尔沁草原明珠的城市,由于牧草旺盛,驴这种牲畜基本是半饲、半牧,不喂任何添加剂。在这里食驴肉不仅开始被人们接受,而且已兴盛起来。现将几款比较热销的驴肉菜肴介绍给广大读者,并请大家指正。  相似文献   

河间驴肉火烧是河北名吃。河间当地有一句俗话:要长寿,吃驴肉;要健康,喝驴汤。的确驴肉不仅味美.还兼具补气血、益脏腑的作用,对心悸、食欲不振也有一定的食疗效果。  相似文献   

驴肉是一种低脂肪、高蛋白 ,并具有保健功能的食品 ,民间早有“天上龙肉 ,地上驴肉”之说。随着人民生活水平的提高 ,在饮食上要求讲保健、换口味、吃稀特、饱口福的人越来越多。目前全国大部分城市兴起了吃驴肉热 ,驴肉店、驴肉馆逐渐增加 ,一些餐馆还将驴的生殖器官加工后高价出售 ,很受消费者欢迎 ,驴肉在市场上越来越俏。除驴肉外 ,驴皮的用途也很广 ,不仅是轻工业的好原料 ,而且用驴皮熬制的胶还是一种名贵的中成药 (阿胶 ) ,畅销国内外。因此 ,发展肉驴是一项致富的新门路。驴肉营养丰富 ,据测定每百克驴肉中含蛋白质1 8.6克 ,脂肪 0 …  相似文献   

驴,属马科动物,性情温驯,富忍耐力,食粗饲料,且寿命比马长,在我国主要分布在华北地区。可作乘、挽、驮及拉磨用,有大、中、小型之分。西北各地尚有少量野驴种群,已列为国家保护动物之一。驴虽然性情温驯,但也颇执拗,因此,常有人用驴脾气形容固执己见的人,说某人脾气犟得同驴一样。所以,古往今来,咏驴的篇章不多。驴,也可以说是上天赐给人类的物种。它除了可供役用外,亦可食用、药用,可谓全身都是宝。《本草纲目》记载驴肉:“补血益气,治远年劳损;煮汁空腹饮,疗痔引虫”。《中药大辞典》讲驴肉:“治劳损,风眩,心烦”…  相似文献   

驴肉在低温成熟过程中色泽变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以驴后腿肉为原料,研究(0~4)℃低温成熟过程中每天驴肉的色泽指标变化。结果表明:新屠宰的驴肉,肌肉颜色呈紫红色且红色均匀,脂肪洁白,在成熟7 d后驴肉表皮呈暗红色,脂肪发黄。在成熟过程中L*、a*、b*、△E_(ab)*值均有不同程度的变化。  相似文献   

张勇  张旭 《中国食品》2013,(15):70-71
驴肉火烧是河北名吃、保定特产,而河北最正宗的驴肉产自漕河。漕河是河北驴肉的发源地,一提起漕河全驴宴,保定人几乎没有不知道的。很多来冀游客在享受了一番这保定传统的美味后,大发感慨:"到保定不吃漕河驴肉等于虚此一行"。说到漕河全驴宴,就不得不说到  相似文献   

俗话说"天上龙肉,地下驴肉",驴肉独特的营养和鲜美的风味以及驴产品的保健价值,在我国许多地方形成了独具特色的传统食品和地方名吃,如河间驴肉烧饼、广饶肴驴肉、保定驴肉卷火烧、曹记驴肉、上党腊驴肉、高唐驴肉等。在鲁南享誉盛名的南石驴肉已成为枣庄的地方名吃,制作精细讲究,选用十几种名贵作料,香而不腻,烂而不散,鲜美可口,色味俱佳。南石驴肉最早源于薛城区南石镇石菜村,已有200多年的历史,祖传方法制作,配料讲究,风味独特,有清香怡人,美而不腻之感。南石最有名的要数烫驴  相似文献   

史传超 《中国油脂》2020,45(7):130-136
研究了驴脂的元素谱库、营养成分组成,测定了驴脂提取分离产物驴油的品质指标。以电感耦合等离子体质谱技术(ICP-MS)对驴脂中37种金属元素进行扫描分析,形成样本的元素谱库,结果表明驴脂中各金属元素均未达到检出限。以多质量分析器组合式质谱仪对驴脂进行MSn级扫描,最终获得驴脂中主要成分信息,发现驴脂主要成分中包含16种氨基酸及其衍生物类、11种有机酸、46种脂质以及糖类、维生素类等多种成分。采用超声辅助溶剂提取法得到的驴油相对密度为0. 908,水分含量为0. 68%,酸价(KOH)为0. 58 mg/g,过氧化值为0. 018 g/100 g,碘值(I)为85g/100 g。研究储存温度对驴油过氧化值的影响,结果表明驴油常温下即可储存。驴脂可作为食品、化妆品的研发原料,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用气相电子鼻和气相色谱—质谱联用分析仪等对4种畜腿肉挥发性风味物质进行定性和定量检测,并通过气相色谱分析仪进行脂肪酸组成测定。气相电子鼻结果表明驴腿肉与猪腿肉风味差异最小,与牛腿肉差异最大。GC-MS共检出76种挥发性物质,以醛类为主,驴、猪、牛、羊腿肉中醛类占比分别为70.71%,75.36%,48.76%,55.94%,其中具有清香和青草气味的正己醛含量最高,贡献风味比例依次为29.89%,20.46%,12.74%,10.78%。驴、猪、牛、羊腿肉中的主要饱和脂肪酸总含量依次为30.01%,39.05%,36.34%,48.42%;不饱和脂肪酸总量依次为63.19%,57.10%,49.03%,43.71%。综上,影响驴腿肉风味特征的主要化合物为正己醛,其来源于亚油酸的氧化分解。  相似文献   

研究驴骨酶解产物蛋白多肽对小鼠的抗疲劳作用,对利用废弃驴骨蛋白资源来开发其深加工产品具有重要意义。通过对小鼠灌胃不同剂量的驴骨蛋白多肽粉(专利申请号:201010198758.2),经30d后测定小鼠体重、负重游泳力竭时间、肝糖原和血乳酸的含量,研究驴骨蛋白多肽的抗疲劳生理活性。结果表明:驴骨蛋白多肽粉对小鼠体重增长无明显影响,但是能明显延长小鼠负重游泳时间,降低血乳酸含量,增加肝糖原含量。说明驴骨蛋白多肽粉具有缓解小鼠疲劳反应、增加小鼠抗疲劳的作用,为利用驴骨资源提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

驴肉标准化问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伯钧 《肉类研究》2000,14(2):10-10,19
本文就驴肉的生产和肉品质量标准化问题进引了探讨和呼吁.  相似文献   

The interest in milk originating from donkeys is growing worldwide due to its claimed functional and nutritional properties, especially for sensitive population groups, such as infants with cow milk protein allergy. The current study aimed to assess the microbiological quality of donkey milk produced in a donkey farm in Cyprus using culture-based and high-throughput sequencing techniques. The culture-based microbiological analysis showed very low microbial counts, whereas important food-borne pathogens were not detected in any sample. In addition, high-throughput sequencing was applied to characterize the bacterial communities of donkey milk samples. Donkey milk mostly composed of gram-negative Proteobacteria, including Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, Mesorhizobium, and Acinetobacter; lactic acid bacteria, including Lactobacillus and Streptococcus; the endospores forming Clostridium; and the environmental genera Flavobacterium and Ralstonia, detected in lower relative abundances. The results of the study support existing findings that donkey milk contains mostly gram-negative bacteria. Moreover, it raises questions regarding the contribution of (1) antimicrobial agents (i.e., lysozyme, peptides) in shaping the microbial communities and (2) bacterial microbiota to the functional value of donkey milk.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6422-6430
The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Mo, Co, Li, B, Ti, Cr, Rb, Sr, Cd, and Pb in donkey milk and their distribution in major milk fractions (i.e., fat, casein, whey proteins, and aqueous phase). Individual milk samples were provided by 16 clinically healthy lactating donkeys. Subsequent centrifugation, ultracentrifugation, and ultrafiltration were carried out to remove fat, casein, and whey proteins to obtain skim milk, a supernatant whey fraction, and the aqueous phase of milk, respectively. Concentrations of the elements were measured in whole milk and fractions by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, and the concentrations associated with fat, casein, and whey proteins were then calculated. The effect of removal of fat, casein, and whey proteins was determined by repeated-measures ANOVA. The fat fraction of donkey milk carried a small (~4.5% to 13.5%) but significant proportion of Mo, Co, Ti, Cr, and Sr. The casein fraction in donkey milk carried almost all milk Zn, a majority of Cu and Mn, and most of Mo, Ti, and Sr. Relevant proportions, between 20% and 36%, of Se, Co, and Cr were also associated with caseins. The majority of Se, Co, Li, B, Cr, and Rb, and relevant proportions of Mn, Mo, Ti, and Sr were found in soluble form (ultracentrifuged samples) and distributed between whey proteins and the aqueous phase of milk (ultrafiltered samples). Whey proteins in donkey milk carried the majority of milk Se and Co. All Li and B was present in the aqueous phase of milk, which also contained most Rb and Cr, and 17% to 42% of Mn, Se, Mo, Co, Ti, and Sr.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):7697-7706
Nutrition plays a crucial role in human gut health through the improvement of gut barrier functionality. Donkey milk represents an interesting source of natural antimicrobial factors such as lysozyme. Recently, anti-inflammatory properties of donkey milk lysozyme activity were described in a mouse model of ileitis. The current increase of donkey milk consumption highlights the necessity to propose a healthy milk compliant with microbiological standards. This study aims to define a heat treatment of donkey milk, retaining its high lysozyme activity, and to evaluate its beneficial effects on a gut barrier impairment model due to chronic stress in mice. To perform this experiment, samples of raw donkey milk were collected in 15 distinct French farms. Microbiological analysis and lysozyme content and activity were evaluated for each sample. Then, several heat treatments were carried out to define a time and temperature combination that allowed for both a reduction in the number of total micro-organisms, increasing the shelf-life of the product, and preservation of lysozyme activity. The beneficial effect of heated donkey milk on the gut barrier of mice was evaluated and compared with raw donkey milk. We found that samples of raw donkey milk showed low total mesophilic microbial counts, and no pathogens were detected. Among the different heat-treatment procedures tested, a 2-min, 72°C combination was determined to be the most optimal time and temperature combination to preserve lysozyme activity and increase the shelf-life of donkey milk. Oral administration of this heat-treated donkey milk in mice counteracted chronic stress-induced intestinal damage, illustrated by gut hyper-permeability and low-grade inflammation, similar to raw donkey milk. We have demonstrated for the first time that oral intervention with donkey milk, optimally heat-treated to retain enzymatic lysozyme activity, improves intestinal barrier damage linked to psychological stress in mice.  相似文献   

在驴乳中添加牛乳粉制作酸奶,通过单因素试验和响应面优化法研究了风味驴乳酸奶最佳发酵工艺。结果表明,以牛乳粉添加量、发酵温度和发酵时间为自变量,以感官评价为因变量,响应面法优化出风味驴乳酸奶的最佳发酵工艺为:牛乳粉添加量10%、发酵温度42 ℃、发酵时间5.5 h。在此优化条件下,风味驴乳酸奶口感细腻爽滑,酸甜适口,有浓郁的驴乳香味与滋味,感官评分达到92分,与预测值(90.85分)相差较小。产品的理化及微生物指标均符合相关国标要求。  相似文献   

目的探究驴肝与猪肝、鸡肝和鹅肝之间的营养成分差异。方法测定驴肝、猪肝、鸡肝和鹅肝的水分、灰分、蛋白质、粗脂肪、氨基酸、脂肪酸、矿物质元素、维生素的含量,并将驴肝与其他3种肝脏的营养成分作对比分析。结果驴肝蛋白质含量比猪肝、鸡肝和鹅肝高,不饱和脂肪酸含量和占总脂肪酸的比例均优于猪肝、鸡肝和鹅肝,矿物质元素中Zn含量明显高于其他3种肝脏。胆固醇含量、总脂肪酸含量均低于其他畜禽肝脏。结论从营养学角度看,驴肝是较优的动物性食品原料。  相似文献   

To better understand the fermentation kinetic of Arabian donkey milk, its physicochemical properties, conductivity and viscosity were assessed during acidification, and compared to that of the bovine milk. Donkey milk showed a shorter latency phase and slightly lower acidification rate than bovine milk. Measurement of electric conductivity during acidification showed that maximum demineralisation of casein micelles occurred at around pHI 5.44 for donkey milk and pHI 5.16 for bovine milk. Donkey milk was also found to be less viscous. The technological characteristics of donkey milk were different from those of bovine milk due to intrinsic physicochemical properties of both milks.  相似文献   

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