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浅谈降低包装瓶颈空气和生酒溶氧增量的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在啤酒灌装期间,瓶颈空气和生酒溶氧增量过高,会对啤酒造成很多不良影响,如啤酒中双乙酰含量反弹,破坏啤酒的非生物稳定性,造成啤酒早期混浊,使啤酒产生老化味、纸板味等。因此,降低包装瓶颈空气和生酒溶氧增量是每一个啤酒生产厂家都必须认真对待的问题。下面谈谈我公司在这方面采取的一些措施。  相似文献   

氧在有机化学和生物化学是起重要作用的因素,而啤酒酿造过程中主要是有机化学与生物化学反应,啤酒的化学组成是有机化合物,其中的许多物质极易与氧反应而生成氧化物,因此,氧不仅对啤酒酿造过程,而且对啤酒的质量,都有着十分重要的影响。空气中的氧对啤酒的损害是多方面的包括:呈)可以增加冷混浊并形成永久混浊,缩短啤酒保存期;2)可以增加啤酒的色度,甚至形成红褐色;3)产生不良的苦味、涩味和氧化味;4)破坏啤酒的香味,甚至诱发异常气味的产生;5)可以诱发啤酒喷涌。为此,不少啤酒厂采取相应的防止氧的吸入和过度氧化的措…  相似文献   

黄酒的非生物性混浊及预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘剀  王霖 《酿酒科技》2004,(5):98-99
黄酒是我国的国粹,酒香浓郁,口味独特,营养丰富。黄酒的非生物性混浊主要包括热混浊、冷混浊、氧化混浊等,缘于黄酒中的不稳定性物质如蛋白质、多糖、多酚、单宁、铁、铜等由于温度变化、溶氧等引起。预防措施有:降低原料中蛋白质及多酚含量;使用适宜硬度的酿造用水、高质量的焦糖色素,合理使用麦曲和药曲;加强生产过程中储酒、过滤设备及成品酒储运管理;严格控制发酵及煎酒时间和温度;提高黄酒勾兑水平;采用啤酒等其他酒类处理新技术;添加澄清剂.加强黄酒的澄清速度和程度;防止氧化作用。(孙悟)  相似文献   

本文结合工作实际经验,谈谈影响啤酒非生物稳定性引起的混浊如下:1.蛋白质混浊啤酒中的蛋白质混浊可分为热冷混浊、灭菌混浊、氧化混浊、铁-蛋白质混浊。1.1 热冷混浊:热冷混浊通常为“可逆混浊”。热混浊主要是热麦汁在沉降过程中静置时间不够,使热凝固物残留于啤酒中。冷混浊主要是β-球蛋白和δ-醇溶蛋白,当啤酒受冷时,这些蛋白质与多酚结合形成多酚—蛋白质复合体,使啤酒失光,而当温度升温时,恢复啤酒光泽。1.2 灭菌混浊:因啤酒中溶解的蛋门质分子量较大,M>60000以上。在 pH 值较低、温度大于  相似文献   

韩龙 《啤酒科技》2011,(6):26-28
文中结合DPPH和TBA两种分析方法,阐述了硅藻土消耗量、铁离子含量、单宁添加量及啤酒pH值等因素对过滤后啤酒抗氧化力的影响。结果表明,溶入啤酒中铁离子增加,pH值低等会降低啤酒DPPH自由基清除率,即降低了啤酒抗氧化力。  相似文献   

邓靖 《啤酒科技》2012,(10):37-37
溶解氧是影响啤酒新鲜度和口感的重要因素,氧是成品啤酒产生胶体混浊的主要因素.除影响啤酒风味、产生老化味外,还可引起成品酒双乙酰反弹、色泽加深、诱发啤酒喷涌等。  相似文献   

铁离子可促进酵母生长发育;又可引起啤酒混浊、产生金属味,降低啤酒质量.啤酒中的铁离子主要来源于原辅材料、设备管件及酿造用水等.铁离子在酿造过程易发生氧化还原、催化和络合反应,对麦汁糖化、发酵及成品啤酒质量产生影响.控制铁离子含量的方法有:控制原辅料及所用水的铁离子含量;适当提高糖化醪液的pH值;选用优良、强壮的酵母种;选用含铁较少的硅藻土助滤剂;选用耐酸不锈钢容器和管道,并作好防腐措施.(孙悟)  相似文献   

在影响啤酒质量的诸多因素中,氧对酒的内在质量和外观质量起着举足轻重的作用。结合多年生产实践,就氧与啤酒质量的关系谈谈认识和体会。1.氧与啤酒的非生物稳定性啤酒的混浊沉淀分为两大类,即生物混浊(主要指酵母混浊)和非生物混浊(主要指蛋白混浊、氧化混浊)。而造成非生物混浊沉  相似文献   

啤酒酿造过程中铁离子(可溶性铁)对麦汁的组成,发酵性能和成品啤酒质量有不同程度的影响。糖化过程中铁离子含量较高,会抑制糖化的进行,加深麦汁色度;发酵阶段铁离子含量过高影响酵母的生长和发酵;清酒灌装以后如果铁离子含量过高,会加速氧化作用。优质成品啤酒中铁离子含量应〈0.10ppm,当铁离子含量〉0.20ppm时,会对成品啤酒产生不同程度的负面影响,当铁离子含量〉0.40ppm时,就有明显的金属腥味和氧化味。[第一段]  相似文献   

啤酒过滤是通过过滤介质,把啤酒中的酵母、大分子悬浮颗粒、粘性物质及混浊物质滤掉,以使啤酒液清亮透明,提高啤酒的非生物稳定性。本文通过对过滤过程中影响啤酒质量因素的分析,结合生产实践,探讨了硅藻土板框过滤机的操作要点: 1.过滤对啤酒质量的影响 (1)过滤过程中氧的引入,会对啤酒质量产生严重影响,因此过滤过程中要尽量减少氧气的引入,吸氧量应控制在0.3mg/L 以下。 (2)色泽及 pH 值的变化:在过滤过程中由于色素及多酚物质被吸附,其色度降低值一般为0.5~1.5EBC,pH 值一般改变不大。  相似文献   

The kinetics of quercetin oxidation in air were determined spectrophotometrically in the pH region 4 to 7 in 50% alcohol solution at 50° C. The rate at constant pH, found to be first order with respect to quercetin, exhibited pH dependence, with the rate rising with decreasing hydrogen ion concentration. Decrease in oxygen concentration was found to decelerate the reaction. Experiments using diphenyl picrylhydrazyl indicated the presence of free radicals. The mechanism of quercetin oxidation could be fitted into the model consistent with initial ionization of quercetin to its anion and its subsequent reaction with oxygen in a fast step, followed by a unimolecular decomposition to the oxidized quercetin and hydroxyl ion via a one electron transfer mechanism. The primary step in the formation of chill haze in beer appears to be the oxidation of the phenolic entity.  相似文献   

啤酒中过量溶解氧的存在,易发生老化、氧化作用,使啤酒出现老化味,降低其风味稳定性.溶解氧过量对啤酒产生的危害主要有:①促使啤酒胶体浑浊;②促使多酚物质氧化、聚合;③使连二酮回升;④破坏酒花的香味和苦味;⑤产生老化味等.控制啤酒中的溶解氧的主要措施:①在下酒、贮酒及过滤过程中,加强对管路的巡视;②在下酒过程中,排除贮酒罐中的空气;③避免过滤机排气不彻底;④提高CO2纯度,以最大限度地减少对啤酒溶解氧的影响.  相似文献   

高沈啤酒稀释工艺是指糖化的高浓麦汁在发酵前或发酵后,与定量的无菌脱氧水混合至所需浓度的啤酒生产工艺。该工艺生产的啤酒清爽、口感纯正、杀口力强,非生物稳定性高,工艺、质量便于控制;可大幅度降低水、电、煤的消耗;提高设备利用率和劳动生产率,提高产量15%-50%。其缺点:(1)糖化收得率低;(2)成品CO2含量偏低;(3)溶解氧控制不好,易造成啤酒老化味;(4)必须控制稀释水中各离子含量。(孙悟)  相似文献   

Simple and polymeric polyphenols differ in the way in which they influence the development of chill and permanent hazes in bottled beer. The addition of simple anthocyanogens to beer causes a marked increase in the rate of haze formation whereas added polymeric materials induce immediate and intense turbidities. Beer anthocyanogens constitute a class of materials ranging in complexity from simple compounds to heterogeneous polymers which sometimes include polyphenolic units that are incapable of yielding anthocyanidins with acid. The extent to which the various anthocyanogens present in beer are involved in haze formation is not reflected by their contributions to the overall anthocyanogen value of the beer. Haze-inducing polymers which contain no anthocyanogen residues may also be present in beer. The nature and origin of polyphenolic substances in beer and the methods by which they may polymerize to give immediate haze precursors are discussed.  相似文献   

In bright beer, haze formation is a serious quality problem, which reduces beer storage and shelf life. In this study, haze‐active proteins, alcohol chill haze formation ability, α‐amylase activity, the contents of total polyphenol, protein and its fractions and amino acids were analysed using 23 barley accessions to investigate the relationship between the quality components in the malt and the haze character in beer. The results showed that there were largely genotypic variations for all examined traits among the 23 barley accessions. However, there was no significant correlation between the haze character and α‐amylase activity. All haze characteristics were significantly and positively correlated with total protein content, albumin, globulin and the hordein content, as well as the glutamic acid (glutamine), proline and phenylalanine content, and were not correlated with total polyphenols. A model describing the relationship between the chill haze in the beer and the protein content in the malt was developed. Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The tannoid content test, introduced by Chapon, is accepted as a recommended MEBAK analytical method for the detection of haze‐forming polyphenols in beer and other intermediates. Under certain conditions, the results can be used directly for predicting the colloidal stability of beer. Its disadvantage is that it does not provide detectable results for beers stabilized by high doses of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). A test modification is proposed that increases the test sensitivity and gives non‐zero results, even for highly stabilized samples that are not measurable by the standard test. The modification is based on adding saturated ammonium sulphate solution (SASS) to the sample to reach 9% saturation (0.5 mL of SASS to 5 mL sample volume) before the actual test performance. The results of the modified test can simply be converted to results obtained by the standard method. Tannoid content correlates linearly with the content of haze‐forming polyphenols and with chill haze produced after defined accelerated aging. In a set of beer samples of one brand having different degrees of stabilization, a high correlation was determined between test results and long‐term colloidal stability. The modified test can be used as a rapid and simple test for checking the stabilization process. It is particularly suitable for Pilsner type beer of long (more than 6 months) colloidal stability controlled by stabilization on the side of polyphenols.  相似文献   

Malts which conform to most commercial specifications can be prepared from Galant barley, which is low in anthocyanogens. However, the malting performance of this variety is only medium and considerable care is required during kilning in order to avoid excessive colour development. Beers brewed from Galant malt have greatly improved chill haze stability, although flavour stability is not significantly affected. Fining and filtration studies on rough beer and forcing tests for the development of non-biological haze in finished beer indicate that the use of Galant malt greatly reduces the extent of precipitation of particulate matter during brewing, conditioning and subsequent storage. This can result in considerable savings in the use of finings, and in longer filter runs since levels of addition of body feed can be reduced. It is suggested that the use of low anthocyanogen malts could, with some beers, reduce the necessity for chilling prior to and during filtration.  相似文献   

王志坚 《酿酒科技》2005,(7):117-119
啤酒的喷涌指包装啤酒(瓶装或罐装)开盖后二氧化碳突然冒出,引起大量很细的泡沫溢出,导致泡沫状啤酒流出容器之外。影响啤酒喷涌的因素有:原料、酒花、草酸钙结晶、金属离子、肽及含肽物;影响喷涌强度的因素包括:搅动与振荡、温度、容器、二氧化碳、瓶颈空气;预防啤酒喷涌的方法:选用优质原料、尽量杜绝金属离子进入啤酒、采取沉淀或溶解法除去啤酒中草酸钙结晶、使用抗氧化剂除去啤酒中溶解氧、减少瓶颈空气含量和正确运输、贮存及装卸。  相似文献   

An earlier supposition that catechins (flavan-3-ols) can favourably influence the stability of a beer by co-polymerizing with flavan-3: 4-diols has been experimentally justified. D-(+)-Catechin, however, is also a direct haze precursor, particularly of chill haze, and its effect is most marked under conditions of high air content when it polymerizes relatively rapidly by an oxidative mechanism. The haze-inducing behaviour of a biflavan anthocyanogen isolated from barley is a little different from that described previously for a very similar anthocyanogen (component 12) from beer. A synthetic 5:7:3′:4′-tetrahydroxyflavan-3:4-diol appears to differ only slightly as a haze precursor from its stereo-isomer, beer component 73. These findings are considered in terms of probable chemical structures. Traces of an anthocyanogen, identical on paper chromatograms with a synthetic 5:7:3′:4′-tetrahydroxyflavan-3:4-diol, and thus stereo-isomeric with beer component 73, are present both in polyamide-beer adsorbates and in barley.  相似文献   

对高浓度酿造后稀释啤酒生产中稀释前后 ,以及稀释酒和非稀释酒的可凝固氮、pH值、苦味质、溶解氧进行了测定比较。重点研究了这些因素对酒的品质、风味和保质期的影响 ,并利用计算机对试验数据进行了一元和多元线性回归处理。  相似文献   

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