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为满足汽车轻量化、节能减排和抗冲撞安全对高强塑性车身结构材料的需求,各国钢铁业与汽车业合作开发应用第3代先进高强度钢AHSS汽车板取得重要进展。由于金属晶体结构的本质特征,任何提高强度的方法均会导致其塑性的降低,因此第3代AHSS钢超高强度汽车板的开发,面临着金属晶体材料强塑化机理的难题:在大幅度提高汽车板强度的同时如何获得必要的塑性延伸能力及其相应的显微组织?以抗拉强度TS 1 000~1 500 MPa级超高强度汽车板在强塑化机理研究方面取得的两次突破性进展为线索,讨论了第3代AHSS汽车板在淬火碳分配(Quenching Partitioning)QP处理钢、非均质性纳米组织钢(Heterogeneous Nanostructure Steel)和高强塑性热成形钢(Ductile Press Hardened Steel)在研究开发与生产应用方面的国际前沿进展。  相似文献   

为满足新一代汽车对轻量化、节能和抗冲撞安全的需求,开发了一种新型先进热成形处理(AHFT)技术,以制造强塑积达15~30 GPa·%的超高强塑性汽车构件。基于先进高强度钢AHSS塑性化热处理技术和残余奥氏体相变诱导塑性TRIP效应,在传统热冲压成形后随即控制淬火冷却速率和温度,并进行贝氏体等温淬火处理(AT)或淬火-碳分配-回火处理(Q-P-T),使热成形淬火构件获得超高强度(抗拉强度不小于1.0 GPa)铁素体-残余奥氏体型的F-TRIP钢、贝氏体-残余奥氏体型的B-TRIP钢、马氏体-残余奥氏体型的M-TRIP(或Q-P)钢,可以显著提高热成形超高强度构件的伸长率和强塑性。这种先进热成形处理AHFT技术,可以采用22MnB5、TRIP钢、Q-P钢和Q-P-T钢为基础的化学成分,通过传统热连轧宽带钢机组或者短流程CSP薄板坯连铸连轧机组,生产热轧超薄(1.2~2.0 mm厚)酸洗板作为原料。先进热成形处理AHFT技术与短流程CSP相结合,生产超高强塑性汽车构件,是高效、节能、环保的短流程深加工技术,可以显著缩短汽车构件的整体制造流程,降低生产成本,大幅度减少汽车构件制造过程中和汽车使用过程中的CO2排放,并拓宽热成形构件产品的种类及其强度和塑性级别范围。  相似文献   

现代汽车工业的发展趋势是在保证安全性能不变的前提下尽可能轻量化以降低油耗和排放,汽车轻量化的首选材料就是高强度钢。文章介绍了当前汽车工业中普遍使用的各种传统高强度钢——IF钢(HSSIF)、烘烤硬化钢(BH)、各向同性钢(IS)、高强度含P钢和低合金高强钢(HSLA),以及先进高强度钢——双相钢(DP)、复相钢(CP)、相变诱导塑性钢(TRIP)、铁素体-贝氏体(FB)钢和马氏体钢(M)、TWIP钢以及热成型(HF)钢、预成型热处理钢(PFHT)的特点及优异性能,并简要分析了未来汽车用钢的发展方向。  相似文献   

超高强钢在减小车身质量的同时能保证汽车的安全性。热冲压成形超高强钢尺寸精度高、使用寿命长,已被广泛应用于汽车制造领域。目前热冲压成形钢常用的焊接技术为电阻点焊和激光焊接等。为避免热冲压成形过程中表面氧化和脱碳,通常在钢板表面预制Al-Si镀层。然而镀层的存在会导致焊接接头力学性能降低。概述了可热冲压成形的超高强度钢及其镀层技术、热冲压成形钢常用的焊接技术以及焊缝组织和焊接接头的性能,探讨了改善热冲压成形超高强度钢焊接接头性能的途径。  相似文献   

干勇  李光瀛  马鸣图  毛新平  罗荣 《轧钢》2015,32(4):1-11
在近年来国内外薄板坯连铸连轧TSCR和先进热成形处理AHFT技术发展的基础上,提出了先进的短流程与深加工技术相结合的工艺途径,为高强塑性汽车构件的生产制造开发了一种高效率、低能耗、低排放、低成本的新工艺。首先采用先进短流程工艺,包括以CSP、FTSR、ISP半无头轧制为主要特征的第2代TSCR技术和以ESP无头轧制技术为主要特征的第3代TSCR技术,生产高强度薄规格汽车板作为热冲压成形的原料; 然后采用先进热成形处理AHFT技术,对短流程薄规格热轧酸洗板进行热冲压与热处理相结合的深加工,制作高强塑性汽车构件。本文简要介绍了短流程薄板坯连铸连轧TSCR技术的发展,先进热成形处理AHFT技术的强塑化工艺与主要技术特征。讨论了采用短流程TSCR新工艺生产先进高强度钢AHSS薄规格汽车板,为先进热成形处理AHFT提供热冲压成形板料的主要技术关键。介绍了在超短流程的双辊薄带连铸工艺线上开发高强塑性TWIP钢的试验进展。短流程TSCR新工艺与先进热成形处理AHFT深加工新技术相结合,开发与生产超高强塑性汽车构件,需要钢铁与汽车行业的密切合作。这项短流程—深加工新技术不仅可以满足新一代汽车对轻量化节能减排和抗冲撞安全的要求,而且可以显著降低汽车板构件生产制造过程中的能耗与温室气体排放。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,随着各工程领域对高性能钢铁材料需求的多样性和要求的提高,新一代先进钢铁材料研发随之展开。其相应的焊接材料和焊接技术成为材料应用的关键。本文重点介绍了超细晶粒钢、低碳贝氏体钢、高氮奥氏体不锈钢、高强汽车钢等先进钢铁材料的焊接工艺与接头组织性能的研究现状与进展。就焊接接头的微观组织演化、焊接接头性能、夹杂物和马氏体-奥氏体(M-A)组元的形成与影响、合金元素和热输入对焊缝组织性能的影响等进行了详细评述。研究表明,焊接热影响区是影响焊接接头性能的主要区域,同时要采用适当的焊材及工艺才能获得性能匹配的焊缝。并对焊接接头的强韧化机理、疲劳裂纹扩展机理、焊接热过程对钢材组织和性能的影响等方面的研究进行了评述。最后,对焊接材料和工艺的未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Q&P钢是新一代汽车用先进高强钢,其高强度和高塑性的性能有助于提高汽车碰撞的安全性并大幅降低汽车重量,在汽车领域应用前景广阔。文章阐述了Q&P钢的成分主要有硅锰系、低硅含铝系和低硅含磷系等,指出合理的成分设计是实现Q&P钢优异强塑性匹配及良好应用性能的关键;综述了Q&P钢的"淬火—配分"生产工艺以及在Q&P工艺基础上发展起来的Q&P&T、I&Q&P及Q&P&B工艺研究现状;分析了Q&P钢抗拉强度以及组织和性能的影响因素及研究和生产现状,并展望了Q&P钢的应用前景。  相似文献   

陆斌  陈芙蓉  智建国  耿如明 《金属学报》2020,56(9):1206-1216
在高强钢中加入5×10~(-6)和23×10~(-6)稀土Ce,研究了Ce对焊接热影响区冲击韧性、微观组织、原奥氏体晶粒以及焊接接头断口形貌的影响与机理。钢中含Ce量为5×10~(-6)时,能在镁铝夹杂物外围生成少量CeAlO_3夹杂物,但不能完全改性镁铝夹杂物,当Ce添加量达到23×10~(-6)后,Ce能够完全改性MgO-Al_2O_3尖晶石,生成(CeCa)S+MgO-Al_2O_3+MnS稀土夹杂物。对含有Ce的高强钢板进行模拟焊接,结果表明,在4组不同焊接热输入条件下,钢中加入23×10~(-6)Ce后,比钢中加入5×10~(-6)Ce的钢焊接热影响区的Charpy冲击功有所提高。微观组织分析发现,23×10~(-6)Ce含量的高强钢试样焊接热影响区断口形貌呈现韧窝状,韧性更好;当热输入从25 kJ/cm逐步提高到100 kJ/cm时,含5×10~(-6)Ce的高强钢热影响区原奥氏体晶粒平均尺寸增加了75.6%;含23×10~(-6)Ce的高强钢的原奥氏体晶粒平均尺寸增加了52.4%,即钢中Ce含量的增加抑制了焊接热影响区原奥氏体晶粒的长大。通过微观组织分析对比,说明稀土Ce在高强钢中起到了延迟焊接热影响区上贝氏体组织形成的作用,同时抑制焊接过程中原奥氏体晶粒的长大。利用高温共聚焦显微镜观察到了稀土夹杂物钉扎于原奥氏体晶界,抑制焊接过程中晶粒的长大,验证了稀土Ce对高强钢焊接热影响区性能改善的机理。本工作表明应用稀土氧化物冶金可以改善稀土高强钢的焊接性能。  相似文献   

新一代汽车对使用的超高强度钢材料提出了更高的要求,需要兼顾轻量化和更好的安全性能,材料的强韧性匹配是实现这一目标的重要途径。钢铁材料的强度越高,越容易发生脆性断裂。通过成分设计优化和合理的热处理工艺匹配可以有效提高材料的强韧性,减少事故发生。本文综述了热冲压成形钢、淬火延性钢和冷成形马氏体钢的研究发展,总结了近年来超高强度钢的研究现状,为高强度、高塑性的先进钢铁材料的研制开发提供参考,并针对超高强度钢的优化控制思路提出介绍和建议。最后,从超高强度钢的生产应用、开发现状等方面对超高强度钢的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

高强钢具有高强度、高韧性的优点,被广泛用在液压支架、汽车车壳上,其焊接性被国内外学者广泛关注及研究。介绍了高强钢中厚板焊接时的难点,讨论了目前国内外不同焊接方法、焊接参数及焊材匹配等因素对焊缝性能的影响,并分析了焊接时易出现的各种缺陷,提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

Arc welding technology for dissimilar joints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most widely used metal underpinning modern industry is steel (carbon steel). Low-alloy steel designed to increase the strength and heat resistance of basic carbon steel and stainless steel to offer improved corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance are extensively used in the manufacture of thermal and nuclear power plants, chemical plants, etc. An extremely important and unavoidable practical requirement in modern steel construction technology is to be able to perform dissimilar welding of stainless steel to carbon and low-alloy steels (welding of dissimilar metals). This article profiles the basic principles and noteworthy features of dissimilar welding of stainless steel to carbon and low-alloy steels.  相似文献   

Prestressing steels can be exposed in prestressed concrete structures in construction stage (ungrouted duct) to environmental conditions causing formation and growth of hydrogen induced cracks with brittle fracture of the steel. The risk of this hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking can be minimized by appropriate treatment, but there is a requirement for construction to approve only prestressing steel having no enhanced susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. The paper describes the historical development of the different test methods proposed in the past and gives an overview on the general requirements for a suitable test method to assess the hydrogen‐induced stress corrosion susceptibility of prestressing steels. Since 1982, based on investigations on construction sites and transfer of the results into laboratory tests, a test method is available enabling realistic estimation of suitable application possibilities of prestressing steels. This so called DIBt‐test is approved to distinguish between prestressing steels susceptible to hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking and those suitable and therefore approvable steels at practical environmental conditions. Furthermore the test enables estimation of corrosion risk for newly developed prestressing steels with higher strength.  相似文献   

先进机械制造用结构钢的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
先进机械制造用钢是先进制造业发展的基础,今后十年将是我国机械制造用钢产量及质量迅速发展乃至机械装备制造业迅速发展的重要时期。先进机械制造用结构钢应具有优良的力学性能、加工性能及服役性能。综合评述了渗碳钢、调质钢、非调质钢、超高强度钢、弹簧钢、轴承钢以及其力学性能、加工性能、服役性能方面的进展。  相似文献   

基于TWIP钢高的强度、好的塑性性能,针对潜在石油工业可膨胀管技术应用背景,对孪生诱发塑性TWIP钢的国内外研究现状、TWIP钢目前的研究方向进行了综述,并提出今后在理论研究方向上的几点设想和展望。  相似文献   

高强度桥梁结构钢及其焊接技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐向军 《焊接》2007,(6):37-41
结合近年来一些高强度结构钢在钢桥制造上的应用实例,介绍了高强度桥梁结构钢的焊接性、焊接技术以及焊接接头的力学性能要求.高强度结构钢在桥梁上的应用推动了大跨度钢桥的发展,为满足高强度桥梁用结构钢的焊接接头高标准力学性能要求,需要采用高韧性的焊接材料及较低的焊接热输入量.作者认为在研发高强度桥梁结构钢的同时,研发与其相匹配的高性能的焊接材料是当务之急.  相似文献   

High strength steels have provided a unique opportunity for the automotive industry to achieve weight reduction via reduced material thickness whilst maintaining performance requirements such as crash worthiness. However, the initial success of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels was constrained by inconsistencies in the final mechanical properties. Although significant improvements in both mechanical and dimensional properties have been made, increasingly stringent customer specifications for high strength steels mean that the challenge to reduce variability in automotive HSLA steel products and enure their continued competitiveness has never been greater.

This paper addresses the issues concerning the controlled hot rolling of Nb-HSLA strip steels through a series of laboratory and commercial trials. Both sets of data established that: (i) the strength was decreased by reducing the soak temperature from 1250 to 1150 °C; (ii) the presence of furnace skid chills during soaking locally reduced the strength; (iii) lowering of the finishing temperature towards the Ar3 reduced the overall strength, but improved the coil width property consistency; and (iv) the existence of an optimum coiling temperature developed higher strengths and improved property consistency.

The programme of work conducted also indicates that, by finishing near the Ar3 temperature, very fine ferrite subsurface grains are created which limit the fall in strength. Additionally, the commercial trials highlight the need to compensate for the exposure-related cooling effects of the inner and outermost laps of the hot rolled coil, thereby reducing any potential for developing further inconsistencies.  相似文献   

Recently, one of the most important issues in the automotive industry is lightweight construction. While maintaining safety standards, the fuel consumption can be decreased by reducing the weight of the vehicle. To manufacture lightweight vehicle components with high strength, hot stamping with quenchable boron steels is becoming more common in automotive industries. However, the high strength achieved in the press-hardened parts causes severe wear and sometimes unexpected premature failure in the blanking tools during the trimming and piercing processes. Because of high costs for repairing blanking tools, laser cutting has been used in almost all automotive industries in spite of the long process time. Thus, the aim of this work is to develop economical shearing methods for use on the press hardened ultra high strength steels which will enhance the tool life and meanwhile to achieve good product quality. As a preliminary investigation into the blanking strategies of the hardened boron steel 22MnB5, the conventional mechanical blanking process was carried out to predict the sheared edges of the parts and the wear evolution of blanking tools versus the number of blanking strokes. Subsequently, warm blanking was performed with a developed tool, while simultaneously applying hot stamping process to improve the tool life by reducing the shearing load.  相似文献   

The structural steels used in critical construction applications have traditionally been heat-treated low-alloy steels. These normalized and/or quenched and tempered steels derive strength from their carbon contents. Carbon is a very efficient and cost-effective element for increasing strength in ferrite-pearlite or tempered martensitic structures, but it is associated with poor notch toughness. Furthermore, it is well known that both the overall weldability and weldment toughness are inversely related to the carbon equivalent values, especially at high carbon contents. The stringent control needed for the welding of these traditional steels is one of the major causes of high fabrication costs. In order to reduce fabrication cost while simultaneously improving the quality of structural steels, a new family of high-strength low-alloy steels with copper additions (HSLA-100) has been developed. The alloy design philosophy of the new steels includes a reduction in the carbon content, which improves toughness and weldability.  相似文献   

热处理工艺对含Nb焊缝金属组织与力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用含Nb及不含Nb两种焊丝对高速列车转向架用S355J2G3钢板进行焊接,分析了焊态下接头各区域的性能差别,研究了合金元素Nb和焊后热处理制度对焊缝金属组织和性能的影响.结果表明:焊缝金属的韧性是焊接接头性能的薄弱环节.焊态下Nb的加入提高了焊缝金属的强度,但对塑性和韧性无明显影响.经去应力退火后,不含Nb焊缝金属的强度降低,延伸率和冲击功升高,而含Nb焊缝金属的强度升高,延伸率和冲击功降低,退火后含Nb焊缝金属中NbC颗粒析出是影响焊缝金属组织和性能的主要因素.在焊后正火处理条件下,随着正火温度的升高,不含Nb焊缝金属的组织和性能均无明显变化,而含Nb焊缝金属的强度明显升高,延伸率和冲击功显著降低.严格控制正火温度是含Nb焊缝金属获得高强韧性的关键.含Nb焊缝中魏氏组织的含量随正火温度的升高而明显增多.电镜观察表明,经920℃正火处理后,焊缝中的NbC颗粒尺寸大于退火态焊缝金属中的NbC相,而在1200℃正火处理后NbC颗粒溶解消失.  相似文献   

Duplex stainless steels are successful in a variety of applications such as the food industry, petrochemicals and plants for desalination of seawater, where high corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength are required. However, the beneficial microstructure may change during fusion welding steps, and it can compromise the performance of these materials. Friction stir welding is a solid-state process avoiding typical problems concerning solidification such as solidification cracks, liquation and segregation of alloying elements. Superduplex stainless steels can avoid unbalanced proportions of ferrite and austenite, formation of secondary deleterious phases and grain growth of ferrite in the heat-affected zone. Consolidated friction stir welded joints with full penetration 6 mm thick were obtained for UNS S32101 and S32205 duplex and S32750 and S32760 superduplex stainless steels. The friction stir welds were submitted to tensile tests indicating an improvement of strength in welded joints, showing increased yield and tensile strength for all studied cases. Regarding the microstructural characterization, an outstanding grain refinement was observed in the welded joint, achieving grain sizes as small as 1 μm. This refinement was associated with the combination of microstructural restoration mechanisms in the dual-phase microstructure promoted by severe deformation associated with a high temperature during the welding process.  相似文献   

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