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钼合金搅拌器的制作和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了钼合金搅拌器及其主要部件的研制、应用.采用粉末冶金制坯、自由锻开坯和精锻加工等工艺所制造的TZM(钛锆钼)钼合金搅拌器骨架,能满足彩色显像管玻壳熔炉中铂-铑包覆钼合金搅拌器的要求,可实现该产品的国产化,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

在对炼钢厂电磁搅拌器的修理过程中,应了解其内部结构和特点,对电磁搅拌器修理中的难点进行技术攻关,修复后对电磁搅拌线圈的各项技术参数进行测试、比较,及现场使用情况的反馈,结果证明各项技术指标能够满足要求。  相似文献   

搅拌设备的设计除应保证工艺要求外,以最小功率消耗达到搅拌目的亦是设计目标之一,本文就桨式搅拌器在不同桨叶倾斜角度工况下的功率进行计算,可以作为搅拌设备结构设计的参考依据。  相似文献   

近10年来,随着国内复合板材料生产规模的不断扩大,钛复合钢板制容器的使用也越来越多,它以价格低廉取代了许多全钛设备,大大降低了设备的一次投资费用.但同时我们也应该注意到,由于对钛复合钢板制容器的使用条件和缺点的认识不足,出现了一些难以解决的质量问题,造成了一些不必要的浪费.(1)钛复合钢板制容器在设计上钛材起耐腐蚀作用,不考虑其承受载荷,计算和技核时仅考虑钢材承受载荷,但实际在使用过程中钛材部分仍然承受一定的载荷.主要有两部分:一是介质压力;二是在一定温度的作用下,由于钛材和钢材热膨胀量的不同而形…  相似文献   

从钛制硬盘的技术规格、性能指标及优越性、发明专利等几个方面介绍了钛的最新应用领域-计算机硬盘用钛的情况,并预测了今后几年钛制硬盘的市场占有率以及应用前景。  相似文献   

钛是英国科学家格内戈尔于1791年首先从钛铁矿石中发现的,1795年德国化学家克拉普洛特也从金红石中发现了这一元素,并命名为”钛”。由于钛的化学活性高,在它被发现的120年后的1910年才首次提炼出金属钛,1940年用镁还原法制得了海绵钛,从此奠定了钛的工业生产方法的基础。  相似文献   

日本一家公司推出了一批钛制香味首饰.这些首饰的制造原料主要是钛合金烧结金属,含有数量极多的肉眼看不到的微小气孔,将香水滴在金属表面,被气孔所吸收,香气可持续数目.这种钛制香味首饰由于美观大方,经久耐用,加上价格不贵,因而深受欢迎.钛制香味首饰@李玲玲  相似文献   

氢化法制钛粉的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了氢化法制备钛粉的工艺中,吸氢温度、脱氢温度及相应时间对钛粉质量的影响,以海绵钛为原料,经清洗后,350-600℃,氢气氛中吸氢,再破碎成细粉,X射线衍射分析表明,吸氢后的钛粉形成TiH2化合物,然后在真空中800℃左右脱氢,可以制得纯度很高的优质钛粉。这种方法工艺可靠。设备简单。  相似文献   

从理论上分析了纯钛制品在黄金冶炼行业中应用的可行性,并从实际应用角度较完整地介绍了松衬钛制容器的设计、制造及其注意事项,可作为设计、生产的耐腐蚀压力容器的参考。  相似文献   

劳动部1990年颁发的“压力容器安全监察规程”(简称容规)中已经列入了有关钛制压力容器安全方面的内容,现在正在对容规进行修订,1999年可以定稿,将由国家质量技术监督局发布.其中对钛容器方面的内容作了不少修改和补充.目前我国尚没有钛容器的国标或行标.近年国家质量技术监督局已责成全国压力容器标准化技术委员会组织制订“钦制焊接容器”标准,1999年可以定稿,将作为国标或行标的强制性标准发布.此标准包括了铁制压力容器和钛制常压容器.标准的格式主要参照GB50-1998“钢制压力容器”和JB/T4735-1997“钢制焊接常任容器”…  相似文献   

介绍了马钢A高炉(4 000 m3)的炉前设备自动化改造的过程及效果,并从智能化炉前作业方面进行探讨分析。改造实现了炉前三机的HMI手动+操作台手动+遥控功能,极大改善了操作环境,操作更加便捷和安全,并达到了炉前操作减员增效、泥炮的“一键式堵口”、铁口数据库模块化的改造效果。改造后的马钢A高炉,炉前设备自动化、智能化仍有提升空间,可从泥泡自动加泥、开铁口机自动换钎、摆动流槽自动切换3方面入手,提升工作流程的稳定性。目前,出铁场主要生产设备已基本实现远程操作和一键操作,智能化炉前作业已成为炼铁发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

韩伟刚  胡长庆 《钢铁》2021,56(5):122-128
 钢铁制造流程运行有序性的定量评价,是钢铁制造过程优化管控中的一个重要问题。为从流程中工序/装置之间的衔接、匹配状态方面定量研究流程运行有序性,结合信息熵的概念,定义钢铁制造流程中单元装置i输入端和输出端的平均不确定性为其运行状态熵E(i),以运行状态熵与最大运行状态熵的比值E(i)/Emax(i)为其运行无序度,相应地以R(i)=1-E(i)/Emax(i)为其运行有序度。在此基础上,定义所有单元装置运行有序度的加权平均值为钢铁制造流程的运行有序度,作为钢铁制造流程运行有序性的评价指标。最后,以某钢铁企业炼钢厂转炉-连铸区段为例,计算得某月中的运行有序度为0.396 1。  相似文献   

Postoperative fatal pulmonary embolism caused thrombi from low extremity deep veins of patients after abdominal operation remains a major cause of death. Blood biorheology in 34 patients having pelvic operation and 41 patients having non-pelvic operation was studied. Blood viscosity was significantly higher in pelvic operation than in non-pelvic operation. The low extremity venous blood viscosity was significantly higher than the upper extremity venous blood viscosity. These suggest that hyperviscosity status and hypercogulable of low extremity veins may be an important cause that deep venous thrombogensis occurs prone to the low extremities in patients with pelvic operation.  相似文献   

胡长庆  闫龙格  赵凯 《钢铁》2017,52(3):88-92
 针对烧结余热发电系统运行稳定性差及停机率较高的问题,基于概率理论建立了多台烧结余热锅炉并联运行发电系统数学模型,分析了余热锅炉工作状态对余热发电系统稳定运行的影响,提出了烧结余热锅炉与发电系统稳定运行方案和蒸汽量调控策略。现场数据表明,多台余热锅炉并联运行,发电机组运行稳定性改善;4台余热锅炉并联共用1台发电机组的烧结余热发电系统,3台及以上余热锅炉正常工作,即可保证系统稳定运行概率大于0.98;当系统蒸汽量不足时,通过管网调入蒸汽,发电系统稳定运行概率可达到0.96以上。  相似文献   

We examined the changes in ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) immunoreactivity in the hydrocephalic cerebral cortex of HTX rats after decompression by shunt operation. The ODC immunoreactivity reached a very low level after the completion of cortical layer formation, and only faint staining was found on postnatal day (Pd) 11. The ODC immunoreactivity re-appeared after the shunt operation when the operation was done in the early days of life: the ODC immunoreactivity was first found on day 2 after shunting and persisted until day 8 after shunting. However, this was not apparent when the operation was not performed until Pd 14. The re-expression of ODC in hydrocephalic brain after shunting appears to cause resumption of the developmental process by relieving neurons from increased hydrostatic pressure. The dependence of ODC re-expression on the timing of the operation indicates that there may be a period of neocortical decompression that is critical for effective compensatory development, so that when delayed, decompression fails to re-activate the ODC-dependent development.  相似文献   

对湘钢4#1 800 m3高炉开炉生产实践进行了总结,通过前期详细的开炉前准备和精心的开炉操作,做到了安全高效科学有序地开炉,于送风后24 h出第一次铁,渣铁物理热充沛,流动性良好,取得开炉第五天达产(利用系数达2.2),第二月燃料比降至515 kg/t的效果。  相似文献   

武钢8号高炉投产4年多来一直保持良好操作炉型,对8号高炉的维护经验进行总结,认为合理的高炉炉型设计及生产维护是保证良好操作炉型的关键,介绍了武钢8号高炉维持良好操作炉型的相关技术和生产实践。在生产过程中关注炉型变化,通过软水管理,炉料优化,装料制度调整,加强炉前渣铁排放等手段稳定渣皮,从而达到维持良好操作炉型的目的。  相似文献   

Seckel syndrome is a rare syndrome of chromosome aberration, in which bird-headed dwarfism, microcephalus and other minor deformities are recognized. A 24-year-old male patient with Seckel syndrome underwent both abdominal and orthopaedic surgeries in 1 year under general anesthesia. The first operation was an emergent operation under preshock state and enterostomy was performed. The second was arthrodesis of the hip joint. Before the second operation, laryngeal CT, tomography and fiberscopy revealed stenosis just below his vocal cord. During the second operation, the anesthesia was unsatisfactory with inhalation of nitrous oxide and sevoflurane and intravenous vecuronium, because of intraoperative abnormal hypertension. But the recovery from the anesthesia was prompt. Although we experienced no difficulty in intubation except for intraoperative abnormal hypertension, preoperative laryngeal and renal examinations are necessary in the anesthetic management of this syndrome.  相似文献   

高炉冶炼受生产过程运行规律和生产技术人员操作方式支配,由于对高炉的认识还不充分,在高炉冶炼操作过程中有时忽略了工艺指标与参数之间的相互关系,造成能源的消耗。寻求高炉冶炼喷煤过程的操作规则对生产节能降耗就显得尤为重要。选取蕴含有客观规律和生产技术人员操作决策模式等重要信息的生产历史数据,选出满足优化标准的数据,运用模糊C均值聚类将数据分成子集,分别建立相应的支持向量机子模型,将输入对应每一类的隶属度值再作为权值进行加权求和得到模型最终的输出值,从而建立起高炉冶炼喷煤的操作规则模型。通过规则挖掘实现对高炉现场冶炼过程的指导,达到优化高炉生产操作模式的目的。  相似文献   

A practical procedure for hypophysectomy of the mouse by paraphyaryngeal approach has been developed by modifying the technics of Motizuki [5] and Lostroh and Jordan [4]. Postoperative care in C3H/He strain of female mice was also studied. The main points improved are as follows: (a) The dental drill bar made of a needle with 2mm outer diameter was devised for making a hole in the cranium (Fig. 2). The bar does not grind the cranium, but cuts it in the circle, resulting in speeding up of the operation and in little bleeding, since the hole is very small. (b) Special attention was paid in breathing of mice during the operation. A longitudinal midline incision of about 1cm was made in muscle encircled the trachea and a pinhole was made by sewing needle into the trachea. A small piece of cotton wool was put on the pinhole and covered by the muscle. It admirably keeps the tracheal hole open for breathing during operation (Fig. 1). (c) After the operation, the mouse was placed in a chamber filled with an atmosphere of 95% O2-5%CO2 gas until recovered, otherwise, all mice died in a few days after operation with inflamation of the lung. The temperature of the recovery chamber is recommended to be kept at about 28 degrees C for ensuring the resuscitation. The intraperitoneal injections of hydrocortone-acetate (0.25mg/0.1ml) just before and 2 days after operation further ameriolated the survival rate.  相似文献   

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