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由于我国气候条件的差异,在北方冬季长达数个月的寒冷气候,给施工带来了很多困难,为保证工程正常施工,以下的一些办法能够有效的提高在较为恶劣的环境下的施工工效。本文主要分析了冬季施工应注意的问题及其在各个单项工程中应采取的技术措施。  相似文献   

寒冷地区某选厂磨浮车间大型振动筛生产过程中产生大量粉尘,为降低岗位粉尘浓度,改善工作环境拟设计施工除尘系统。综合考虑冬季保暖减少换气、半自磨加水降温产生蒸汽、车间生产系统布置、粉尘特性等条件,设计采用高效湿式除尘系统和振动筛整体密闭罩。通过实施前后粉尘检测结果对比分析,说明湿式除尘系统运行效果良好,改善了作业环境,达到了国家环保标准要求。  相似文献   

针对邯钢原料场自然减员严重以及料场生产环境恶劣情况,提出了刮板取料机智能化操作的改进措施。改进后实现了取料机岗位无人化值守,提高了生产效率,改善了料场作业环境,把操作人员从料场闷热、高粉尘的恶劣环境中解脱了出来。  相似文献   

介绍了八钢岗位粉尘的治理现状和在治理岗位粉尘的过程中取得的效益 ,为全面治理岗位粉尘提出几点建议  相似文献   

从解决烟尘排放问题和确保精炼效果角度出发,对原有LF炉用钢水改质剂进行改良优化,替换为新型环保钢水精炼剂,同时优化工艺操作,外排烟气粉尘含量明显降低,满足了日益增长的环保要求,改善了岗位工人的作业环境,减少了恶劣的作业环境对工人身体的伤害。  相似文献   

从解决烟尘排放问题和降低炼钢生产成本角度出发,在现有装备基础上,通过优化水冷炉盖结构、优化耐材炉盖下衬和水冷炉盖上的喂丝孔、在耐材炉盖的正上方增加一种改善除尘效果的设施等措施,同时优化工艺操作,外排烟气粉尘含量明显降低,满足了日益增长的环保要求,改善了岗位工人的作业环境,减少了恶劣的业环境对工人身体的伤害。  相似文献   

王旭  涂力强 《江西冶金》1993,13(2):61-64
本文分析了岗位粉尘的产生与危害,论述了岗位粉尘危害评价的目的、方法,提出了先急后缓、先重后轻,防治结合的综合治理方针  相似文献   

为最大限度保护粉尘区岗位职工身体健康,给职工创造一个健康的工作环境,首钢大石河铁矿积极推进小车布料岗位远程控制项目。从2007年11月开始,他们与计控室合作,以破碎7^#布料小车为试点开展小车远程手动控制改造试验。试验采用摄像头获取现场信息的方式,代替岗位现场监视,并通过电气改造将小车控制系统复制到远端,从而使岗位远离粉尘区。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了高挥发广汇动力煤煤粉自燃预防及岗位抑尘一些技术探索,提出了对高挥发广汇动力煤粉尘抑尘工作的一些思路和现场经验,为有效预防缓解煤粉自燃,降低岗位粉尘浓度,提供参考。  相似文献   

金属矿山井下卸矿站卸矿过程中产生大量粉尘,污染工作环境。针对某金矿-652 m水平卸矿站粉尘污染进行治理,采取密闭抽尘高效净化与云雾式干雾抑尘相结合的控尘方式,并降低卸矿站落矿高度,同时辅以岗位粉尘浓度超限控制与卸矿作业联动自动化技术。实践表明:卸矿站降尘率达到了90%以上,岗位粉尘浓度满足国家标准要求,可有效控制井下卸矿站粉尘污染。  相似文献   

通过对重庆钢铁股份有限公司生产的低合金钢Q345R硫氢比与钢板探伤合格率关系的综合分析,得出随着硫氢比的提高、钢板探伤合格率呈上升趋势的基本结论。  相似文献   

Using survey data from 2,000 low-income adult respondents in each of five states, this DataWatch assesses how uninsured, low-income adults differ from low-income adults who have public or private insurance and how Medicaid expansions have affected insurance coverage patterns across states with different eligibility policies. Findings show that the proportion of low-income uninsured adults is two to three times higher in states that have not expanded Medicaid eligibility beyond relatively low welfare levels. Compared with persons who have either Medicaid or private insurance, uninsured persons report more difficulties getting needed care, are less likely to have a regular provider, and rate the care they do receive as lower quality.  相似文献   

本文介绍了生活饮用水生产过程中查找影响综合合格率的因素,及对查找出的问题进行逐步解决的过程,使生活饮用水综合合格率达到目标。  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the recruitment, eligibility screening, and enrollment of African American and White smokers into an intensive smoking cessation intervention trial [The Chicago STOP Smoking Trial (C-STOP)]. Methods: We compared demographic, smoking, substance use, and medical/psychiatric screening data from the recruitment records of 1,189 non-Hispanic, African American and White smokers screened for eligibility in the last year of a randomized pharmacological and behavioral smoking cessation trial. The study took place at a large urban medical center and two satellite locations within the Chicago metropolitan area. Results: Interest levels in the study were high among African American smokers, with twice as many African Americans as Whites contacting study staff for information and an initial screening. However, African Americans were nearly three times as likely not to be enrolled in the trial as Whites, because of higher ineligibility rates, failure to attend a screening session, and lower participation rates even among those meeting eligibility requirements. Conclusions: Racial differences were observed nearly at all levels of enrollment determination. These critical barriers to inclusion of African Americans in smoking cessation research limit our understanding of treatment efficacy and ultimately the ability to reduce the health disparities in tobacco-related disease experienced by African Americans. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the degree to which school study teams (SSTs) considered and used results from traditional psychoeducational measures in determining eligibility or ineligibility for special education. Research definitions based on authoritative criteria were used to define 3 groups of students: 47 learning disabled students, 43 students with mild mental retardation, and 60 low achieving students. These groups were then compared to SST classification decisions to determine relative rates of agreement and disagreement. Results show that SSTs show relatively low rates of agreement with authoritative definitions of mild disability groups. Results also suggest that SSTs are making classification decisions based on perceived educational need rather than test scores provided by school psychologists, and the extent to which these scores meet arbitrary eligibility criteria. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent events have challenged our health system to increase access to and provide high quality care for patients near the end of life. Simultaneously, Medicare is developing review policies to determine eligibility for hospice patients with select noncancer diagnoses. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the proposed policies met one of their chief goals: accurate identification of patients with a less-than-six-months prognosis. Only 35 percent of 104 patients who died within six months of admission to the hospice used for this study, LifePath Hospice, met the Medicare proposed criteria for hospice eligibility. The median and mean survival time of the sample was 14 and 30 days respectively. Based on this review, it is recommended that Medicare alter their proposed review policies and not limit access to hospice eligible patients who desire and are in need of such services.  相似文献   

崔保 《有色冶金节能》2004,21(3):22-23,19
本文在氟盐定容添加设备的基础上,通过对相应的输送设备进行改造,并改进操作方法,真正实现电解槽所需氟盐的单台添加,提高分子比合格率。  相似文献   

The recognition of Helicobacter pylori as etiologic for most cases of peptic ulcer disease requires a reevaluation of policies for flying eligibility and waiver status in affected aviators. We present a suggested algorithm for managing military aviators with ulcer disease.  相似文献   

This research is an examination of how person characteristics mentioned in personnel advertisements influence the judgments of male and female students with regard to their subjective eligibility for, and the attractiveness of, a particular vacancy. The first study showed that many frequently mentioned person characteristics in personnel advertisements applied differently to men and women, but that female characteristics were more in demand than male characteristics. The second study examined to what degree male and female participants felt that they themselves possessed male and female characteristics; results showed that the men were more confident about the degree to which they possessed male and female characteristics than the women were. The third study examined how the type of person characteristics mentioned in personnel advertisements influenced men's and women's judgments regarding their eligibility for and the attractiveness of a particular position. The men found all positions about equally attractive, whereas the women found "male" positions considerably less attractive. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

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