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基于Coq的微内核操作系统程序验证方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载嵌入式程序的可信属性验证是新一代飞机研制最关注的软件质量保障问题;基于定理证明的程序形式化验证方法是一种可靠和严格的软件正确性验证技术;文中在深入分析微内核操作系统的基础上,应用霍尔逻辑针对机载嵌入式软件核心代码开展程序验证技术研究,根据霍尔逻辑的相关推理规则进行程序验证,并在定理证明辅助工具Coq中形式化表示霍尔逻辑的推理规则,针对机载操作系统的部分程序代码实例进行验证;实验结果表明基于定理证明的程序验证方法可以对软件程序代码的正确性进行验证,从而帮助软件提供商开发高可信的机载嵌入式软件。  相似文献   

计算几何算法经常用于机器人避碰运动规划等安全攸关领域,对这些算法进行正确性证明非常重要.用形式化方法对算法进行验证是一种十分有效的手段,尤其是定理证明的方法用严格的数学公理和定理推理证明逻辑模型的性质,对所验证的性质而言是完备的.基于GJK算法设计了计算空间两条线段间距离的算法,用定理证明器HOL4对其相关的定义和定理进行形式化定义和证明,进而基于霍尔逻辑完成形式化表示和证明,对该算法的正确性实现了形式化验证.最后,给出了这一经过验证的算法在双臂机器人无碰撞运动规划中的应用.  相似文献   

使用形式化方法对程序进行验证是保证软件可信的重要手段.对于像C语言这样的较低级的命令式语言可以直接对内存进行操作,对其操作语义或公理语义的形式化需要基于合适的内存模型.传统的字节内存模型可以很好地描述各种内存操作,但是无法保证安全性,同时使程序验证变得异常复杂.面向对象语言的内存模型则具有较高的抽象性,便于程序验证,但不适合描述低级的内存操作.结合字节内存模型和面向对象语言内存模型,提出一种安全的类型化的内存模型,既可用于对语义的形式化,也可用于基于霍尔逻辑的程序验证.此内存模型既允许指针算术、结构赋值、类型转换等内存操作,同时也可以有效减少因指针别名给程序验证带来的复杂度.基于Coq辅助定理证明工具,对内存模型进行了形式化实现和验证.  相似文献   

郭昊  曹钦翔 《软件学报》2022,33(6):2127-2149
霍尔逻辑作为计算机程序的逻辑基础,可以用于描述一般程序的验证.分离逻辑作为霍尔逻辑的扩展,可以支持很多现代程序语言中的高阶特性.步进索引模型被用于定义自递归谓词.步进索引逻辑被广泛应用于各种基于交互式定理证明器的程序验证工具中,然而,基于步进索引逻辑的推理却比经典逻辑复杂、繁琐.事实上,也可以在步进索引模型上定义更加简洁清晰的、与“步数”无关的经典逻辑体系下的非步进索引程序语义.人们希望找到步进索引逻辑和非步进索引逻辑之间的关系,但发现两种逻辑并不等价.对实际的程序验证工作中涉及的命题进行归纳总结,找出它们共同的特征,给出关于程序状态的断言的约束条件;分别定义步进索引逻辑和非步进索引逻辑体系中断言的语义,并证明在该约束条件下两种语义的等价性;在Coq中,形式化以上所有定义和证明;最后,对未来值得关注的研究方向进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

曹钦翔  詹博华  赵永望 《软件学报》2022,33(6):2113-2114
<正>随着计算机系统在工业和生活中越来越广泛的应用,软件和硬件的可靠性受到越来越多的关注.定理证明方法将程序和系统的正确性表达为数学命题,然后使用逻辑推导的方式证明正确性.不同于基于程序测试的技术,定理证明方法能保证覆盖所有边缘情况,完全排除一些特定类型的错误.而基于逻辑推导的交互式定理证明技术还能不受系统状态空间大小和复杂性的限制,验证非常复杂的系统和性质.因此,定理证明技术不仅是形式化方法领域,也是众多其他应用领域国内外学者的关注焦点和研究新热点.近年来,定理证明已经逐步用于越来越多的软件、硬件系统验证,这一方面为软硬件系统的安全性保障提供了新的有力工具,另一方面也成为定理证明技术发展的有利契机.目前,定理证明的规模化问题、定理证明工具本身的底层逻辑理论问题、适应于定理证明方案的程序验证理论问题等变得越来越重要,对于数学分析、离散数学、概率等基础定理证明库或求解方案的需求也越来越迫切.  相似文献   

万良 《计算机工程》2014,(2):86-91,96
并行程序验证的复杂性在于执行流程的不确定性以及由此导致的执行规模变大,使得验证的内容和目标之间的关系不明确。为解决该问题,提出一种基于隔离逻辑的并行程序可靠性验证方法。通过变量的执行关系图,描述变量相关的语句及执行关系,将所需验证的程序性质逻辑式转换为变量并行语句序列的逻辑组合式,使得性质表达式与并发程序的语句相关联。根据逻辑组合式确定语句执行序列和前后件逻辑表达式,基于并发隔离逻辑的公理系统对语句执行序列进行验证,并根据验证结果对并发程序进行修改和完善。通过对银行柜台业务办理的功能模块验证结果表明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

基于逻辑推理的方法进行程序验证是形式化程序验证的研究热点.目前的自动验证工具为了保证自动性,对描述程序性质的断言语言都有较多限制,导致程序的某些递归性质难以用断言语言表述.本文在一个面向指针程序、基于先前自行设计的形状图逻辑、依赖于自动定理证明工具Z3的自动程序验证原型系统上,通过在断言语言中引入自定义谓词来增强断言语言的表达能力,使得该原型系统不仅能自动验证含操作易变数据结构的程序的性质,也能自动验证一些不含指针的程序的性质.  相似文献   

安全关键系统的失败会造成很严重的后果,确保其正确性非常重要.空间嵌入式操作系统是一个典型的安全关键系统,在其内存管理的设计上,必须保障其高效的分配与回收,同时对系统资源的占用降到最低.在传统的软件开发过程中,通常是在整个软件开发结束后再进行集中测试及验证,这样势必会造成开发进展的不确定性.因此,将形式化验证方法和软件工程领域内的“需求-设计-实现”的3层开发框架相结合,通过性质分层传递验证的方法,保证了各个层次间的一致性.首先,从需求层面的需求分析开始,引入形式化证明的思路,证明对需求层逻辑的正确性,从而可以更好地指导程序的设计.其次,在设计层面的验证可以极大地减少开发代码的错误率,证明设计算法和需要实现的函数之间调用逻辑的正确性.最后,在实现层,证明所实现代码与函数设计的一致性,并且证明代码实现的正确性.使用交互式定理证明辅助工具Coq,以某一国产空间嵌入式操作系统的内存管理模块为例,证明了其内存管理算法的正确性以及需求、设计、实现的一致性.  相似文献   

各类安全攸关系统的可靠运行离不开软件程序的正确执行.程序的演绎验证技术为程序执行的正确性提供高度保障.程序语言种类繁多,且用途覆盖高可靠性场景的新式语言不断涌现,难以为每种语言设计支撑其程序验证任务的整套逻辑规则,并证明其相对于形式语义的可靠性和完备性.语言无关的程序验证技术提供以程序语言的语义为参数的验证过程及其可靠性结果.对每种程序语言,提供其形式语义后可直接获得面向该语言的程序验证过程.提出一种面向大步操作语义的语言无关演绎验证技术,其核心是对不同语言中循环、递归等可导致无界行为的语法结构进行可靠推理的通用方法.特别地,借助大步操作语义的一种函数式形式化提供表达程序中子结构所执行计算的能力,从而允许借助辅助信息对子结构进行推理.证明所提出验证技术的可靠性和相对完备性,通过命令式、函数式语言中的程序验证实例初步评估了该技术的有效性,并在Coq辅助证明工具中形式化了所有理论结果和验证实例,为基于辅助证明工具实现面向大步语义的语言无关程序验证工具提供了基础.  相似文献   

可信性是各安全攸关领域软件的基础要求,例如航空航天飞行器控制软件、核电站控制软件和交通控制管理软件等,基于形式化方法的程序验证和分析是确保软件正确,具有可信性的重要手段。相比软件测试,基于定理证明的程序验证具有语法和语义的严格性,和属性相关的完备性。本文对程序形式化Hoare语义规约和相关的程序逻辑推理规则系统进行了详细的讨论。基于形式化验证平台Ke Y,采用完全自动化和交互式两种方法,对具有一定规模的,含有循环结构,并且具有实际意义的程序进行验证。研究证明过程的具体证明策略和方法,尤其是关于循环不变式的规约方法;对Ke Y的证明效率,先进性和局限性进行评估。  相似文献   

Analysis and verification of pointer programs are still difficult problems so far. This paper uses a shape graph logic and a shape system to solve these problems in two stages. First, shape graphs at every program point are constructed using an analysis tool. Then, they are used to support the verification of other properties (e.g., orderedness). Our prototype supports automatic verification of programs manipulating complex data structures such as splay trees, treaps, AVL trees and AA trees, etc. The proposed shape graph logic, as an extension to Hoare logic, uses shape graphs directly as assertions. It can be used in the analysis and verification of programs manipulating mutable data structures. The benefit using shape graphs as assertions is that it is convenient for acquiring the relations between pointers in the verification stage. The proposed shape system requires programmers to provide lightweight shape declarations in recursive structure type declarations. It can help rule out programs that construct shapes deviating from what programmers expect (reflected in shape declarations) in the analysis stage. As a benefit, programmers need not provide specifications (e.g., pre-/post-conditions, loop invariants) about pointers. Moreover, we present a method doing verification in the second stage using traditional Hoare logic rules directly by eliminating aliasing with the aid of shape graphs. Thus, verification conditions could be discharged by general theorem provers.  相似文献   

SCOOP is a concurrent programming language with a new semantics for contracts that applies equally well in concurrent and sequential contexts. SCOOP eliminates race conditions and atomicity violations by construction. However, it is still vulnerable to deadlocks. In this paper we describe how far contracts can take us in verifying interesting properties of concurrent systems using modular Hoare rules and show how theorem proving methods developed for sequential Eiffel can be extended to the concurrent case. However, some safety and liveness properties depend upon the environment and cannot be proved using the Hoare rules. To deal with such system properties, we outline a SCOOP Virtual Machine (SVM) as a fair transition system. The SVM makes it feasible to use model-checking and theorem proving methods for checking global temporal logic properties of SCOOP programs. The SVM uses the Hoare rules where applicable to reduce the number of steps in a computation. P. J. Brooke, R. F. Paige and Dong Jin Song This work was conducted under an NSERC Discovery grant.  相似文献   

为类C小语言PointerC设计的指针逻辑是Hoare逻辑的一种扩展,可用来对指针程序进行精确的指针分析,以支持指针相等关系确定的程序的安全性验证.通过增加相等关系不确定的指针类型访问路径集合,可扩展这种指针逻辑,使得扩展后的指针逻辑可以应用于有向图等指针相等关系不确定的抽象数据结构上的指针程序性质 证明.  相似文献   

Hardware interrupts are widely used in the world’s critical software systems to support preemptive threads, device drivers, operating system kernels, and hypervisors. Handling interrupts properly is an essential component of low-level system programming. Unfortunately, interrupts are also extremely hard to reason about: they dramatically alter the program control flow and complicate the invariants in low-level concurrent code (e.g., implementation of synchronization primitives). Existing formal verification techniques—including Hoare logic, typed assembly language, concurrent separation logic, and the assume-guarantee method—have consistently ignored the issues of interrupts; this severely limits the applicability and power of today’s program verification systems. In this paper we present a novel Hoare-logic-like framework for certifying low-level system programs involving both hardware interrupts and preemptive threads. We show that enabling and disabling interrupts can be formalized precisely using simple ownership-transfer semantics, and the same technique also extends to the concurrent setting. By carefully reasoning about the interaction among interrupt handlers, context switching, and synchronization libraries, we are able to—for the first time—successfully certify a preemptive thread implementation and a large number of common synchronization primitives. Our work provides a foundation for reasoning about interrupt-based kernel programs and makes an important advance toward building fully certified operating system kernels and hypervisors.  相似文献   

A pointer logic and certifying compiler   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Proof-Carrying Code brings two big challenges to the research field of programming languages. One is to seek more expressive logics or type systems to specify or reason about the properties of low-level or high-level programs. The other is to study the technology of certifying compilation in which the compiler generates proofs for programs with annotations. This paper presents our progress in the above two aspects. A pointer logic was designed for PointerC (a C-like programming language) in our research. As an extension of Hoare logic, our pointer logic expresses the change of pointer information for each statement in its inference rules to support program verification. Meanwhile, based on the ideas from CAP (Certified Assembly Programming) and SCAP (Stack-based Certified Assembly Programming), a reasoning framework was built to verify the properties of object code in a Hoare style. And a certifying compiler prototype for PointerC was implemented based on this framework. The main contribution of this paper is the design of the pointer logic and the implementation of the certifying compiler prototype. In our certifying compiler, the source language contains rich pointer types and operations and also supports dynamic storage allocation and deallocation.  相似文献   

对高可信软件需求的增加使得指针程序的验证成为近期的研究热点.指针逻辑作为Hoare逻辑的扩展,可以对指针程序进行精确的分析.介绍一个针对指针逻辑的自动定理证明器的设计和实现,描述了一些算法.实验结果表明,该定理证明器可以完全自动的证明用类C语言编写的关于单链表,双链表和二叉树的指针程序的验证条件,并生成机器可检查的证明.  相似文献   

Partial-order reduction methods form a collection of state exploration techniques set to relieve the state-explosion problem in concurrent program verification. Their use often reduces significantly the memory needed for verifying local and termination properties of concurrent programs and, moreover, for verifying that concurrent programs satisfy their linear-time temporal logic specifications (i.e. for LTL model-checking). One particular such method is implemented in the verification system SPIN, which is considered to be one of the most efficient and most widely used LTL model-checkers. This paper builds on SPIN's partial-order reduction method to yield an approach that enables further space reductions for verifying concurrent programs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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