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近年来,陕西省无委延安市管理处在无线电通信基站管理中大力推进依法行政和规范管理,在行政执法中以事实为依据、以法律为准绳,严格按法律程序办事。对违法案件依法查处,维护了法律的尊严,遏制了电信运营商滥设基站的势头,有效地解决了电信运营商监管难问题。目前,延安空中电波秩序明显好转,基站管理逐步纳入法制化、规范化轨道。[编者按]  相似文献   

人民检察院是我国宪法定位的法律监督机关,人民检察院作为国家机构的重要组成部分,对维护国家法制的统一和尊严、保障法律的正确实施、保卫社会主义现代化建设事业的顺利进行,发挥着重要的作用。根据《人民检察院组织法》,我国的检察机关分为最高人民检察院、地方各级人民检察院和专门检察院,最高人民检察院领导地方各级人民检察院和专门检察院。  相似文献   

冯翔 《科普研究》2013,8(1):25-30
本文概述了21世纪初我国几个典型的"神医"事件,初步分析了21世纪初我国"神医"的基本特征,并在法律层面和科技工作者层面上提出了相关对策,指出:在法律层面上,应进一步完善相关法律法规;而在科技工作者层面上,应进一步加强媒体、科技工作者、政府的合作。  相似文献   

儒家理想人格是以儒家思想为基础, 追求理想的人生境界和终极目标的一种理想人格, 其基本内涵包括仁、 义、礼、智、信。儒家代表人物孔子和孟子所提倡的“仁者爱人”、“义礼为先”、“智信合一”的思想, 不仅于当世有益, 也对当代法律人的品格塑造具有重要的启示。当代法律人的品格塑造既要继承历史, 又要 尊重现实。为此, 必须注意以下三点:其一, 当代法律人的品格塑造要与建设法治强国相统一;其二, 当代法 律人品格塑造是一项系统的工程;其三, 当代法律人品格塑造要在实践中完成。  相似文献   

当前法学教育对学生驾驭法律信息资源能力培养在不同程度上缺失,学生使用的检索方法单一,弊端显明。随着现代信息技术的飞速发展,掌握利用计算机网络获取法律信息资源的方法已经成为提升学生法律职业能力的重要手段和途径。  相似文献   

玩家在游戏里的收入是否应该纳税、游戏币与现实货币之间的兑换可能引起的洗钱问题及由此对现行货币法律制度和货币政策的影响等,给人们带来了许多困惑。这些问题是否需要现行的法律来调整,如果需要的话。其法律适用问题、哪个国家来行使管辖权等。都对传统法律体系和理论带来巨大挑战。  相似文献   

阐述了计划经济和市场经济体制下标准与法律的关系,并对标准与法律的现实关系进行了探讨,从不共层面对标准和法律的关系进行了梳理和归纳.  相似文献   

随着计算机软件产业的蓬勃兴起,世界上许多国家尝试通过法律来规范和保护软件的知识产权,中国也制定了相关的法律和条例来保护软件版权,并且把软件正版化知识产权保护提到了议事日程。加大软件版权的保护力度、推进使用正板软件、营造健康规范的市场环境,是实施知识产权战略、促进软件产业发展的重要工作。  相似文献   

数据时代,App作为互联网衍生产品已得到普及,但App侵权行为的频发暴露出我国个人信息保护法律制度的不完善。基于此,文章从司法实践案例入手,基于个人信息的人身利益属性、财产利益属性和公共利益属性,分析得出App用户个人信息保护面临的法律规制困境,包括损害赔偿认定标准模糊、用户法律救济途径缺失、企业自我监管力度不足、特殊群体保护措施缺位等问题,并最终提出完善用户司法救济途径、提升企业信息管理水平、构筑儿童权利保护体系等一系列举措,推动App用户个人信息权益在法治轨道上得到充分保障。  相似文献   

阐述了计划经济和市场经济体制下标准与法律的关系,并对标准与法律的现实关系进行了探讨,从不共层面对标准和法律的关系进行了梳理和归纳。  相似文献   

Utilitarianism, the ethical system of free-market capitalism, is limited in that it sanctions contingencies. Immanuel Kant's second formulation of the categorical imperative-to treat ourselves and others not merely as means but also as ends-offers a clear and powerful ethic that enables technical communicators to subordinate contingencies to an understanding of people as rational entities possessed of full human dignity. John Rawls's (1971) model of an ideal society derives from and extends Kant's thinking on the primacy of human dignity in an ethical system  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2006,43(11):10-10
This paper discusses the controversy surrounding the soundness of Metcalfe's law. The paper presents an alternate version based on theoretical as well as empirical evidence obtained from a number of tests. Having more than a mathematical significance, the difference of opinion about Metcalfe's law has a direct bearing on the value of dot-com businesses that exploit expanding social networks  相似文献   

人文精神与科普创作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文在总结了近百年来我国学者对“人文科学”的有关论著的基础上,说明了“人文精神”的内涵,以及自然科学与人文科学的关系;探讨了在科普创作中体现人文精神的方法与技巧;特别是引用了现代著名科普作家的创作实例,佐证了文章的立论。通过本文的论证,可以得出以下3个观点:(1)早在20世纪初叶,已经出现关于科学与人文的论述,已有学者对之加以研讨,并有重要著作;(2)20世纪30年代以来,我国著名科普作家的创作实践已经自然地融汇了人文精神;(3)科普作品若在传播科技知识的同时,使读者感悟到人的自身价值和尊严,以及“做人的道理”,那就大致做到了科学与人文的融合。  相似文献   

通过对我国14个城市2 648名消费者的实证调查,从消费者心理层面出发,基于生活方式和价值观的差异性,并结合地理行政划分与经济发展水平,将我国消费者划归到三大区域。研究表明,3个区域的消费者在"身份/尊贵"、"基本/实用"、"时尚/个性/娱乐"和"价格关注"4个3G手机购买和需求动机因子上存在显著的区域性差异,最后对上述需求差异进行了归纳。  相似文献   

This article offers a socio-legal argument that the emerging intellectual property rights regime of the European Union (EU) sweeps away constraints on proprietary accumulation of expression by altering notions of property rights over content in a way that would inhibit rather than stimulate the diversity of ideas, expressive forms, opinion, and representations of social reality in the Information Society. In order to understand the socio-legal significance of intellectual property rights in shaping and naturalizing the information age, the article explores unexamined premises in diverse political-legal models governing the production and diffusion of expression. The emerging EU and global intellectual property rights (IPR) regime is examined for the form in which it deals with a set of serious complexities in regulating content ownership rights in the construction of the information society, and for its approach to balancing the economic rights of the content industry as against the human rights of creative labor and the information rights of the public. This is illustrated in the transformation of the political and social aims of IPR at the global level and in EU policy and law. The article concludes by addressing the ascent of contractual law as an ordering principle regulating ownership rights over content in the public sphere of the information society.  相似文献   

Today, excimer laser ablation and etching techniques have found use in applications ranging from semiconductor processing to correcting human vision problems. This article discusses these techniques, as well as some relevant engineering issues. The progress of excimer lasers in patterning technology is briefly presented, and the article concludes by discussing several applications of ablation and etching that have high potential industrial use and significance  相似文献   

An adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control (AFSMC) is presented for the robust antisway trajectory tracking of overhead cranes subject to both system uncertainty and actuator nonlinearity. First, a fuzzy sliding-mode control (FSMC) law is designed for the antisway trajectory tracking of the nominal plant. In association with a conventional trajectory tracking control law, this FSMC law guarantees asymptotic stability as well as improved transient response of the load sway dynamics while the trolley tracking error dynamics is rendered uniformly asymptotically stable. Second, a fuzzy uncertainty observer is designed to cope with system uncertainty as well as actuator nonlinearity present in an actual plant, and it is incorporated with the FSMC law for the development of the AFSMC law. In addition to stability analysis, the robust performance of the proposed AFSMC law is verified via numerical simulations and experiments.   相似文献   

利用折射定律和菲涅耳公式,采用光线追迹的方法,推导了格兰-泰勒棱镜的透过率与发散光束入射的方位角、入射角及棱镜结构角之间的计算公式,并指出与棱镜消光比的关系。通过Matlab 仿真,分析了全方位角范围内,棱镜的消光比特性以及消光比随入射角和结构角的变化关系。仿真结果发现,在垂直棱镜光轴的方位上,消光比不受入射角大小的影响,且消光比随棱镜结构角的增大而变差。理论计算结果与实际系统出现的问题相符,验证了理论公式的正确性,解释了工程项目出现的问题,对格兰-泰勒棱镜的设计与应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

大数据时代数据战略价值凸显,同时数据安全问题给经济、政治、社会等各领域带来巨大风险,有法可依是数据安全治理法治化的前提。为深入贯彻总体国家安全观要求,保障数据安全,维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,全国人大常委会审议通过了数据安全法。文章探析了当前我国数据安全面临的风险与挑战,梳理总结数据安全法值得关注的要点和亮点,便于更好地认识我国当前数据安全形式以及与颁布实施《数据安全法》的重要意义,提高数据安全意识。  相似文献   

Recursive methods well suited for the numerical computation of the coefficients appearing in the approximation of a probability density function (pdf) with the aid of a known and well behaved reference pdf and its successive derivatives are presented in this letter. The use of the normal law as a reference law is examined.  相似文献   

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