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管理信息系统建设中的信息编码标准化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息编码标准化是管理信息系统建设中的一项十分重要的基础工作。介绍了信息编码标准化对管理信息系统建设的重要性、编码原则、组织机构、编制方法、编码步骤和需要注意的事项,讨论了管理信息系统建设中信息编码标准化的有关问题。  相似文献   

3月5日,中国标准化协会物 流技术标准化工作组在北京 成立,该工作组的一条重要职能就是组织承担国家物流标准的制定工作。可以看出,物流标准化的问题已经引起了国家的高度重视,物流技术标准的出台将指日可待。 与会代表告诉记者,中国物流业为标准的制定付出了昂贵的代价。事实上,正是由于目前我国各类标准的不规范,导致了我国物流成本居高不下,与发达国家的差距愈拉愈大。 物流标准 国家之急  相似文献   

基于统一编码的信息孤岛集成技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
信息编码是信息孤岛集成的基础和关键技术。文章分析了信息集成环境对信息分类编码的要求,从信息编码多约束目标出发,采用AHP法分析了各约束目标对编码结构的影响权重,构建了一种基于面向对象技术的统一编码柔性结构模型,并对模型进行了描述和实例化,该模型最终实现了各类信息编码结构形式的统一。以统一编码结构模型为基础,提出了基于统一编码的信息孤岛集成技术实现方案,从基于统一编码的应用系统接口技术和基于统一编码的标准视图访问接口技术两个方面描述了集成方案的实现机理。  相似文献   

物流信息系统编码模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决企业内部信息编码问题,提高基础信息化实施水平,本文系统的介绍了物流信息系统中编码的定义、编码结构模型及编码分类,在层群码分类编码方法的基础上,提出了柔性层群码分类编码方法。以广西某粮油食品有限公司为例。应用柔性层群码编码方法对企业的产品进行了详细的编码,并给出了一种校验位的计算方法。最后对层群码分类编码方法及柔性层群码分类编码方法进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

企业信息分类与编码问题的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对企业信息的分类与编码问题进行研究 ,介绍了进行信息分类与编码时要使用的信息分类与编码技术 ,提出了建立企业信息分类与编码体系应注意的问题及解决问题的方法 ,这种方法对包装企业信息标准化建设有重要的参考价值  相似文献   

随着中国市场国际化程度的不断提高,标准化数据已经成为国内外贸易的基础,因为唯有商品信息格式、贸易信息交互规范等数据标准,才能实现信息深入挖掘、企业之间信息互联互通,才能促进供应链各参与方协同发展。6月11日,在第十二届ECR大会上,国家信息化专家咨询委员会委员、清华大学教授柴跃廷,国际物品编码协会总裁兼CEO Miguel A.Lopera,光明食品集团前董事长、国际物品编码协会副主席、中国连锁经营协会副会长王宗南,中国ECR委员会董事、沃尔玛(中国)高级副总裁Lesly Smith,中国ECR委员会供应链优化工作组联合组长、宝洁大中华区物流供应链总经理Luis Gonzalez,亚马逊(中国)零售运营副总裁Felix Liu一起探讨了如何更好推动商品信息标准化。  相似文献   

信息编码与面向对象的信息编码模型研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
首先对信息编码的原理进行了讨论,在此基础上用面向对象方法对信息编码进行分析并建立了面向对象的信息编码描述模型。通过该模型描述企业内部的信息编码,从而实现企业内部信息分类、编码的集成,达到信息编码和应用系统的分离,提高了信息编码的柔性。  相似文献   

4月16日,全国物流信息管理标准化技术委员会“现代物流与电子商务工作组”成立大会在北京交通大学举行,工作组的成员来自于现代物流企业、电子商务企业,行业协会、研究院所,标准化机构,相关机构等。物流信标委的秘书处设在中国物品编码中心,  相似文献   

信息分类与编码作为企业信息化的基础和前提,发挥着极其重要的作用,而今仍有编码体系不统一、企业内部编码信息不统一等系列的问题存在于信息编码过程中。文章从企业的实际应用需求出发,开展了适用于多类型的编码结构研究,研究了编码系统的框架结构、功能架构,提出了一种适用于多类型编码结构的编码系统,将促进信息分类编码的研究与发展,产生重要的应用价值和影响。  相似文献   

信息化是一个广泛的类别,它包括采集信息、传递信息和通讯,以及计算机信息的应用,信息化成为当代技术革命中最活跃的一个领域.对于企业而言,信息资源是指在生产和管理中所涉及的一切信息,如文件、资料、图表和数据,它涉及企业的生产和运营过程并在企业生产和运营过程中产生、获取、处理和传输.信息分类与编码标准化是利用标准化的思路与方...  相似文献   

信息检索与过滤中的信息需求表示方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息需求的表示方法是影响信息检索和信息过滤结果的重要因素。介绍了一些基本的信息需求表示方法,并对各种表示方法对信息检索和信息过滤结果产生的影响进行了分析和比较,最后提出了改进这些方法的一些思想。  相似文献   

Information Requirements Analysis deals with defining the information needed for managerial purposes. It is considered as the first step of analysis in the development of an information system. This paper ties information requirements analysis with information evaluation. It is asserted that it is insufficient to simply find “needed” information items but also that such items should be evaluated in terms of their benefit.Three approaches to information evaluation are considered — realistic, normative and subjective. It is asserted that the normative approach may sometimes be applied in lower organizational levels, while at higher levels subjective evaluation is used. Some examples are discussed in this context. Finally, we discuss some procedures for applying evaluation in information analysis.  相似文献   

当前,保证网络信息安全是促进信息管理的前提,在计算机网络信息管理中占有拳足轻重的地位笔者结合自身工作实践,在本文中阐述了网络信息安全管理的概念及分类,分析了当前网络信息的安全问题,并在此基础上,提出了进一步加强信息管理的对策措施,以期对业内同行有所参考借鉴。  相似文献   

While much research has been undertaken on the impact and consequences of information systems on direct users of the systems and on their organizations, comparatively little recent work has addressed the impact on users of the information. For instance, accounting is the most widespread quantitative information system in use and one which has been profoundly affected by information technology (IT). Yet, existing studies of the impact of IT on accounting focus only on accountants themselves and internal financial reporting and they ignore external users of accounting information. As a first step toward a broader perspective, this paper empirically examines the effect of IT use on the information asymmetry (IA) between managers and external users by contrasting the role of IT in internal and external reporting. The paper suggests that IA has been aggravated, and IT use has played a role in this exacerbation. The implication is that the effect of IT use in accounting is not confined to accountants and individual organizations but extends to external stakeholders.  相似文献   

Various approaches to the definition of the concept “information,” viz., mathematical-physical, semantic, pragmatic, hermeneutic-existential, and angeletic, are considered. The relevance of the study of the history of philosophy in terms of information technology (IT) is noted. Two contradictory views of information technology, that is, engineering and anthropocentric, are addressed. The future promising lines in IT philosophy are considered.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of information fusion, specifically the task of fusing information from two different categories, information which is directly about an object of interest (OBJOIN information) and information about related objects (peer information). We discuss the representation of these different types of information, the first in terms of a possibilistic distribution and the second in terms of a probability distribution. We introduce an approach to information fusion based upon the use of the fuzzy modeling technology. In this approach we represent the fusion function in terms of rules which indicate when to use the different types of information. Particularly notable here is the role of information quality as a guiding factor in the fusion process. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Mobile information search for location-based information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated mobile searching for location-based information by carrying out two experiments in an airport. The independent variables were user context, information type, information requirement pressure, and location-based information type. Experiment 1 compared users’ search performance in different user contexts while searching for different types of information. The results indicated that when users searched for location-based information, the average number of clicks decreased, the importance of the first search result increased, and free recall was better compared with non-location-based information searching. Experiment 2 further investigated the users’ mobile search performance under different levels of information requirement pressure. The results indicated that users under low pressure clicked more search results compared with users under high information requirement pressure. Compared to transactional query searching, when users engaged in informational and navigational queries, the average number of clicks increased, the importance of the first search result decreased, and free recall was worse. There was no significant difference in the number of clicks when users chose the first two search results during a mobile searching process for location-based information.  相似文献   

郝彦彬  郭晓  杨乃定 《计算机应用》2015,35(4):1030-1034
根据属性上的函数依赖关系,提出了信息系统属性信息粒的概念,并给出了可分离信息系统的粒结构计算方法。首先,定义了信息系统可分离性,证明了如果一个信息系统是可分离的,则该系统的粒结构可分解为该系统的子系统粒结构的笛卡儿乘积;其次,给出了信息系统可分离性的判别方法及信息系统分解算法;最后,分析了该计算方法的复杂度。分析结果表明,与直接计算信息系统的粒结构相比,该计算方法可将计算复杂度从O(2n)降低到O(2n1+2n2+…+2nk),n=n1+n2+…+nk。理论分析和实例计算表明,该计算方法是可行的。  相似文献   

Research has shown that there are many barriers that hinder people to participate in online information exchange. We provide an overview about the research done so far and classify the found motivational factors. With two empirical studies we test the simultaneous impact of these factors in order to identify the most important ones. Study 1, a qualitative interview study with potential users investigates key motivational factors for information exchange. Study 2, a quantitative study with users of an established social information space relates all motivational factors to subjective and objective measures of participation in information exchange. We found that internal motivation, gain of prestige, quality and quantity of content and procedural fairness are the strongest motivational factors supporting participation, whereas time and effort requirements for contribution and fear of personal feedback are the strongest factors hindering contribution. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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