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一种低功耗的社区机会网络消息路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区机会网络中节点的移动具有一定的相关性且不同的节点往往具有不同的移动特点,当前机会网络中主流的多拷贝路由算法并未充分考虑到这些特点,将该算法直接应用于这类网络会导致资源消耗较高、传输成功率低等问题。针对这些问题,提出一种基于社区的低功耗消息路由算法,其能自适应地控制消息拷贝数量,并根据节点与目标社区节点和本地社区节点相遇的历史信息来设置其目标社区和本地社区的活跃度,依靠活跃度较高的节点来完成消息传输。仿真结果表明,在延迟要求比较宽松的社区机会网络中,该算法在消息传输的成功率及占能耗最主要部分的消息转发次数方面明显优于Spray and Focus算法。  相似文献   

一种基于社区机会网络的消息传输算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由人携带的具有短距离通信接口的移动设备所组成的网络具有社区性质.当前机会网络中主流的多拷贝路由算法并没有考虑到节点的社区性质,如果将这些算法直接应用到社区机会网络中会造成传输延迟大、消息丢失率高等问题.针对这些问题,提出了一种基于社区机会网络的消息传输算法(CMTS),能够根据节点之间的通信频繁程度,自动将节点划分成不同的社区,自适应地控制消息的拷贝数量并依靠活跃节点将消息传输到目标社区.仿真结果表明,在延迟要求宽松的社区机会网络中,与Spray and Focus算法相比,CMTS算法能够在保证较高消息传输成功率的同时,减少了约20%的消息转发次数,有效地降低了网络资源的消耗.  相似文献   

针对机会社会网络中现有基于社区的消息传输算法(OSNCMTS)在社区内存在节点积压消息分发任务、在社区间存在盲目选择活跃节点转发信息的问题,提出一种基于社区的高效机会网络路由算法(HECMTS)。在HECMTS算法中,首先,采用极值优先(EO)算法划分社区并将划分的社区矩阵分发给社区节点;其次,采用社区矩阵和消息到目的节点成功率相结合的方法分配社区内消息副本数;最后,利用活跃节点往返不同社区的机会收集活跃节点信息,然后查询这些活跃节点信息从中选取合适的活跃节点完成社区间消息传输。仿真结果表明,与OSNCMTS算法相比,HECMTS算法在路由开销性能和平均端到端时延性能上分别至少下降了19%和16%。  相似文献   

针对移动社会网络中节点移动形成的成簇特性和节点参与活动表现的周期特点,提出了一种基于活动的消息机会转发算法(activity-based message opportunistic forwarding,简称AMOF).算法思想是:当消息携带节点与目的节点存在相同活动时,选择消息交付概率高的中继节点转发消息;当消息携带节点与目的节点不存在相同活动时,选择消息间接交付概率高的链路来转发消息.仿真结果表明,与经典路由算法(如Epidemic,PRoPHET,CMOT和CMTS)比较,所提出的路由算法不仅能够提高消息的传输成功率,还能有效地降低传输时延和网络负载.  相似文献   

为了解决机会社会网络中数据传输成功率低、平均传输延迟大等不利因素,文章提出一种基于网络编码的机会社会网络路由(OSN-NC)算法,OSN-NC路由算法的中间节点只将目标节点相同的编码数据包进行再次编码,因此这样可以降低全局编码系数数量和高斯消元的复杂度,增加数据传输的可靠性。社区内我们采用PROPHET和网络编码相结合的消息传输策略,将编码数据包传输给网络中相遇概率值更大的下一跳转发节点,直到遇到目标节点。在社区间我们选择累积相遇概率值大的节点作为编码节点完成消息的转发,直到遇到具有相同社区的中间节点后采用社区内消息传输策略。仿真结果表明,OSN-NC算法在提高网络吞吐量和数据传输成功率、降低平均传输时延等方面具有明显的改善。  相似文献   

针对机会网络中消息转发的特点,综合考虑节点移动的社区特性和能量有效传输策略,提出基于社区的能量有效消息转发算法(EEMF),将节点的剩余能量与节点间的相遇概率作为消息是否转发的关键因素,并在社区内和社区间采取不同的消息转发策略,在提高消息传输成功率的同时,降低网络负载,减少节点能耗,延长网络的生命期。仿真实验结果表明,该算法与PRoPHET, MaxProp, CMTS, CMOT等经典算法相比,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

在基于节点社交信息移动机会网络路由算法的设计中,存在不能有效平衡数据的传输成功率与平均传输时延的问题。为此,提出一种基于社交关系的路由算法。利用改进的桥接中心度重新评价节点的异质中心性,通过引入社区内的转发判别因子加快社区内消息的转发,结合带有老化机制的Simple社区识别算法选择转发节点。仿真结果表明,与经典算法Bubble Rap及其改进算法BiBubble、BridgingCom相比,该算法能够有效提高消息投递成功率并减小消息平均传输时延。  相似文献   

针对机会网络中的主流转发协议未考虑到节点移动社会性的问题,提出一种基于副本限制和人类社会特性的路由算法。该算法根据节点间的社会关系强度,动态自适应地将节点划分为不同的社区,通过限制消息副本数来减少网络中消息的冗余,并利用活跃性高的节点带动消息的转发和传递。仿真结果表明,该协议能够保证较高的消息传输成功率和相对较低的传输时延,降低网络的资源消耗。  相似文献   

提出一种在机会网络中基于周期性间歇连通的数据传输策略PICD(periodic intermittently connectedbaseddata delivery in opportunistic networks).通过有效利用节点间的周期间歇连通性改善数据传输性能.节点传输概率的计算则充分考虑了其与汇聚点间存在的间歇多跳路径,并将其与消息容忍的传输延迟相结合.首先,采用随机动态规划的方法建立与延迟相关的传输概率模型;然后,通过基于多跳的函数空间迭代法求出一个周期内的与延迟相关的传输概率分布矩阵;节点面向不同消息延迟的传输概率则基于分布矩阵计算获得,以此作为选择下一跳的依据.与延迟相关的概率转发机制提高了消息在容忍的延迟内被成功递交的可能.仿真实验结果表明,与现有的几种数据传输算法相比,在节点具有循环运动特征的环境下,PICD具有较高的数据传输成功率和较低的递交延迟.  相似文献   

机会网络是一种具有延迟容忍网络特征的移动自组织网络。随着各种具有短距离通信功能的便携式移动设备的迅速普及,具有社会性的机会网络应用场景增多。机会网络中具有类似于节点聚集的现象,节点表现出的某些特征呈现出了社区结构的特性。然而,现有的路由算法没有考虑到节点社会性对网络中消息传递的影响,其传输成功率较低且造成大量的时延和网络开销。针对该问题提出了一种基于社区和社会性的数据转发机制,根据节点间的社会关系将网络划分成若干个社团结构,通过分析社区内节点的重要程度删除一些低效节点,并对这些社区结构进行再收缩,使社区结构紧密,提高传输效率。仿真结果表明,该算法相对Spray and Wait算法、PRo PHET算法和SCR算法(effective social relationship measurement and cluster based routing in mobile opportunistic networks),具有较高的传输成功率和较低的传输延迟。  相似文献   

The topology of in-home power line communication (PLC) networks varies frequently, which makes traditional routing algorithms failure. To solve this problem, an end-to-end transmission time for remaining path (TTRP) metric-based opportunistic routing (TTRPOR) is proposed. Since a local broadcasting scheme is adopted, the algorithm can find the optimal path for forwarding packets in a dynamic PLC network. The closed-form of the outage probability for a PLC channel is derived to estimate the TTRP. It is proved that the average throughput can achieve maximum as the metric TTRP is utilized to sort candidate forwarding nodes. Numerical results show that the end-to-end throughput of networks with TTRPOR, outperforms that of the network adopting DSR and EXOR, especially for the case of varying-topology in-home PLC networks.  相似文献   

容迟网络是一种新型网络,其概率路由算法根据历史相遇频率对相遇概率进行计算与更新,通过相遇概率判断是否转发报文。当节点缓存受限时,在网络中采用概率路由算法使得节点很容易发生拥塞,对报文的传送产生影响。为了减小拥塞对概率路由算法的影响,提出了一种考虑节点拥塞情况的概率路由算法,将节点相遇的概率和节点拥塞的情况综合起来,得到一个报文的递交概率,降低了由于拥塞对网络性能的影响,提高了报文的递交率,减小了报文在缓存中排队等候的时间。仿真结果表明,与传统的概率路由算法相比,在改进后的概率路由算法中报文递交率显著提高,平均延迟也在降低。  相似文献   

在移动机会网络中,节点进行机会式的连接通信,该方式被广泛应用于移动社交网络、车载智能网络、移动自组网络等场景中。移动机会网络群组通信在抢险救灾、社区消息分发及智能交通等领域具有极高的应用价值,组播路由技术是其关键技术之一。将移动机会网络组播路由分为传统组播路由和智能组播路由两类,重点介绍了智能组播路由的研究现状,并采用通用的性能指标对各组播路由策略进行了比较分析。分析结论为:智能组播路由由于考虑了移动机会网络的社会特性、节点缓存、能量及安全等特性,因此具有较好的综合性能。最后展望了组播路由在大数据缓存管理、群组安全策略、车载自组网及动态感知方面的研究前景。  相似文献   

Double-loop networks are widely used in computer networks. In this paper, we present an optimal message routing algorithm and an optimal fault-tolerant message routing algorithm for weighted bidirectional double-loop networks. The algorithms presented are novel, and they do not use routing tables. After a precalculation of O(log N) steps to determine network parameters, the algorithms can route messages using constant time at each node along the route. The algorithm presented can route messages in the presence of up to three faulty nodes or links. The fault-tolerant routing algorithm guarantees an optimal route in the presence of one node failure.  相似文献   

针对DTN网络中的消息传输问题,结合概率路由算法PROPHET和社会性路由算法SimBet的基本思想,提出一种DTN网络路由算法——ProSimbet。在选择转发节点时,综合考虑基于历史相遇记录的概率估计和节点的社会性这2个指标,从而降低消息转发次数。实验结果表明,在密集数据集INFOCOM06上,ProSimBet、SimBet、PROPHET和ER这4种路由算法的消息成功转发数目比较接近。在稀疏数据集MIT上,ProSimBet在消息转发次数上比SimBet降低26.1%,在消息成功转发数目上比PROPHET提高7.83%。  相似文献   

In infrastructure-less opportunistic networks (Oppnets), the routing of messages is a challenging task since nodes are not aware of the network topology and they look for an opportunity to send the message by finding or predicting a best temporary path at each hop towards the destination. As nodes perform various computations for next hop selection, a lot of battery power gets consumed, which in turn reduces the network lifetime. Thus, there is a clear demand for routing protocols for such networks which are energy-efficient and consume lesser power of nodes in forwarding a message. In this paper, a novel routing protocol named genetic algorithm-based energy-efficient routing (GAER) protocol for infrastructure-less Oppnets is proposed. This protocol uses a node’s personal information, and then applies the genetic algorithm (GA) to select a better next hop among a group of neighbour nodes for the message to be routed to the destination. With the application of GA, optimal results are obtained that help in the selection of the best possible node as the next hop, which in turn, leads to prolonged battery life. Simulation results show that GAER outperforms the Epidemic, PROPHET, and Spray and Wait protocols in terms of messages delivered, overhead ratio, average residual energy, and number of dead nodes. The results obtained for average latency and average buffer time using GAER are comparable to those obtained for the aforementioned protocols.  相似文献   

Random Walk Routing in WSNs with Regular Topologies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Topology is one of the most important characteristics for any type of networks because it represents the network's inherent properties and has great impact on the performance of the network. For wireless sensor networks (WSN), a well-deployed regular topology can help save more energy than what a random topology can do. WSNs with regular topologies can prolong network lifetime as studied in many previous work. However, little work has been done in developing effective routing algorithms for WSNs with regular topologies, except routing along a shortest path with the knowledge of global location information of sensor nodes. In this paper, a new routing protocol based on random walk is proposed. It does not require global location information. It also achieves load balancing property inherently for WSNs which is difficult to achieve by other routing protocols. In the scenarios where the message required to be sent to the base station is in comparatively small size with the inquiry message among neighboring nodes, it is proved that the random walk routing protocol can guarantee high probability of successful transmission from the source to the base station with the same amount of energy consumption as the shortest path routing. Since in many applications of WSNs, sensor nodes often send only beep-like small messages to the base station to report their status, our proposed random walk routing is thus a viable scheme and can work very efficiently especially in these application scenarios. The random walk routing provides load balancing in the WSN as mentioned, however, the nodes near to the base station are inevitably under heavier burden than those far away from the base station. Therefore, a density-aware deployment scheme is further proposed to guarantee that the heavy-load nodes do not affect the network lifetime even if their energy is exhausted. The main idea is deploying sensors with different densities according to their distance to the base station. It will be shown in this paper that incorporating the random walk routing protocol with the density-aware deployment scheme can effectively prolong the network lifetime.  相似文献   

机会网络中的节点大多是由人携带的具有短距离无线通信能力的设备,因此节点具有人的社会属性,机会网络也具有社区特性。而现有的社区划分算法多数来源于社会网络,不能直接用于节点稀疏、网络拓补结构不断不化、节点的计算和存储资源有限的机会网络中。本文通过提出节点的朋友关系,利用节点自身的相遇历史信息,将网络划分为不同的朋友社区。在两种不同数据集下的实验结果表明朋友社区的划分可有效减低路由开销,同时保持较高的传输成功率。  相似文献   

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