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马骏  陶先平  朱怀宏  吕建 《软件学报》2012,23(11):2905-2922
如今,多agent系统(multi-agent system,简称MAS)被广泛用于开发各种应用系统.当前,开放、动态、难控的计算平台要求软件系统能够根据系统自身及其环境状态信息及其改变,动态地调节自身的行为,即具备一定的上下文感知能力.然而,现有工作并未就如何向既有的MAS应用系统引入上下文感知能力提出有效的解决方案.依照关注分离原则,结合面向上下文程序设计技术(context-oriented programming,简称COP)、反射技术(reflection)以及代码植入技术(code instrumentation),提出了一套MAS系统上下文感知增强框架和底层支撑技术.开发人员可以在既有应用源码不可得的情况下,自动地将指定agent类型转换为(扩展为)具有上下文感知能力的agent类型.此外,利用底层运行支撑环境,系统管理员可以在系统运行时刻动态地调整指定agent的上下文感知行为.  相似文献   

随着软件及其运行环境的复杂性和不确定性的上升,软件要求能够及时地感知环境的变化,并做出相应的反应。由于环境具有开放、动态、不可控、不可预测等特点,为了实现软件对不同环境的自动感知和适应,环境被独立建模,并定义为能够自维护和自演化的一级实体。为了简化软件与环境之间的交互,环境被实现为一个层次结构,为软件提供面向应用的抽象资源到环境资源之间的自动映射和配置机制,从而提高了环境和软件的复用性,同时也减轻了软件开发人员的负担。  相似文献   

基于Internet的多用户共享虚拟环境框架的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多用户共享虚拟环境是指网络化的协同虚拟现实系统,在该环境中多个用户之间通过各自的三维图形表示实现在虚拟环境中的多人感知,用户之间的交互以及对虚拟对象的协同操纵,在综合分析现有系统以及Internet的开放性标准化需求基础上,提出了一种基于Internet的多用户共享虚拟环境解决方案,即多用户共享虚拟环境框架(multi-user shared virtual envitonment framework,MSVEF),该框架描述了多用户虚拟环境的体系结构,定义了基于XML的相关交互协议,通过在原型系统中的初步应用,证明该框架可以支持不同网络平台的用户在同一个虚拟场景中的再现与交互。  相似文献   

长期以来 ,图形用户界面 (GUIs)一直是人机交互 (HCI)的主流平台。GUI风格的交互让用户使用计算机时更为方便 ,尤其对于办公自动化应用。然而 ,随着人们使用计算机方式的变化以及计算任务种类和数量的大量增加 ,GUIs已经很难实现满足用户需求所必需的所有交互形式。为了适应更多更广的情况 ,人们需要一种更自然、更直观、能自适应、更易为人们接受的界面形式。于是 ,感知用户界面 (PUIs—PerceptualUserInterfaces)成为人机界面中的新热点 ,其主要目的是使人机交互更像人与人之间的交互以及人与世界的交互。本文介绍了蓬勃发展的PUI领域 ,然后简要介绍了三个基于视觉技术的实际系统  相似文献   

侯富  毛新军  吴伟 《软件学报》2015,26(4):835-848
在开放动态的互联网环境下的云服务呈现出发散、动态演化、异构等特征,为了适应多样的应用需求以及持续变化的云环境,云需要以灵活、适应的方法来有效地管理和提供云服务.针对这一需求,提出了一种云服务自组织管理方法,该方法利用agent的环境感知和自主行为决策的能力,依据它的职责实现对云服务的自主管理,并通过agent间的交互以自组织的方式实现对服务资源的有效管理,进而适应云环境和应用需求的变化;提出了支持上述方法和机制的实现技术,包括云服务自组织管理的核心机制和实现框架、云服务汇聚和提供的运行机制及相关实现算法.利用支持语义Web服务发现匹配的公共测试数据设计并完成了两组验证实验,实验结果表明:所提出的方法可以在持续变化的云环境下有效地管理和提供云服务,进而满足动态多样化的应用需求.  相似文献   

基于CSCW的多媒体远程协同编辑系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机支持的协同工作(Computer-SupportedCooperativeWork,缩写为CSCW)主要研究如何利用计算机技术和网络通信技术支持工作组成员在共享环境下的分工合作、协同工作以及交互协商。文章主要讨论在CSCW的环境下,协同编辑系统如何实现多媒体对象的协同编辑及其版本控制。  相似文献   

为了解决多学科异构系统中产品设计模型之间设计修改的感知问题, 针对设计模型和分析模型提出由模型寻找到协同适应的模型感知应用方法,阐述了各学科之间协同感知过程、感知之后映射关系更新和分析模型修改的实现流程,将传统的人与人感知模式转变为模型到模型感知模式。通过分析模型修改方法实现设计模型到分析模型的感知处理,重新处理分析模型。最后通过感知表达方法实现分析模型到设计模型的感知表达,将分析结果可视化反映到设计模型上。  相似文献   

本文提出的“分布式认知系统中的协同感知交互”以系统作为分析单元,考虑人与媒介、媒介与媒介之间的交互,强调系统中的各个构成要素的相互作用在交互过程中的重要地位,这对于减少人在交互过程中的认知负担、创造自然高效的交互环境具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

由于现有的协同感知模型存在计算感知强度能力有限、缺乏对任务间关系的具体描述等问题,无法满足复杂产品研制过程中在任务分配方式、感知强度等方面的特殊需求.针对这一情况,提出一种基于对象的协同感知模型(OBCA模型),并对OBCA模型的工程化使用方法进行说明.在此基础上给出了OBCA模型的实现机制和应用示例,并实现了一个可将协同感知信息进行可视化的原型系统.实验结果表明,OBCA模型能具体描述任务结构关系并细化感知强度,弥补了其他感知模型的应用缺陷.  相似文献   

针对现有计算机真实感图形学及虚拟现实主流显示算法不能表现当环境光强骤变时人眼对场景感知变化的缺陷,提出并实现了一个基于人眼感光细胞亮度响应机制的明暗适应过程模拟的增强显示新算法.该算法首先针对人眼中视锥细胞和视杆细胞不同的生理反映机制,利用了双边滤波方法建立起感光细胞接受光刺激后同周边细胞之间的作用关系模型,然后在不同亮度环境下建立起亮度随时间响应的变化模型.结合图像高动态范围图像的色调映射处理模型及实验心理学中的经验模型,并经实验调整不同环境亮度下的生理适应值,通过逆响应变换及颜色适应变换,最终在三维场景中较为逼真地模拟出人眼在明暗适应过程中的对场景的动态感知变化.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, agile or lightweight software development methodologies have experienced a meteoric rise of interest among systems developers who consider traditional systems development methodologies (such as Structured Systems Development, Information Engineering, and Rational Unified Process) too inflexible for building systems having unpredictable and changing requirements. Agile methodologies try to adapt to rapid requirement changes by having short, iterative development cycles and by encouraging frequent, open communication with customers. However, agile methodologies are still in the process of devising systematic approaches on how to be adaptive to unpredictable and changing requirements and how to incorporate customers into the systems development process. In this study, we show how an ethnographic research process called Strip Resolution can be applied as a systematic complement to projects applying agile development principles. We illustrate, in detail, how the Strip Resolution Process (SRP) enabled us, in the role of systems developers, to adapt to changing and unpredictable user requirements and to incorporate customers into the systems development process.  相似文献   

随着智能终端设备以及移动互联网的发展,智能手机等设备越来越普遍,其上的应用也越来越丰富. 如何能够更快、更高效的开发智能终端上的应用成为开发者面临的巨大问题之一. 在分析了当前存在的跨平台混合应用开发的基础上,设计并实现了一种Android平台混合应用运行环境,利用该运行环境可以实现只用HTML、CSS和JavaScript开发Android应用,为开发者带来极大的便利. 同时该运行环境兼容桌面系统上的混合应用运行环境,利用该运行环境开发的应用经过不同屏幕适配同时可以运行在桌面系统上.  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is the provision of intelligent product support within the distributed Intranet/Internet environment. From the point of view of user requirements, the limitations of conventional product manuals and methods of authoring them are first outlined. It is argued that enhanced product support requires new technology solutions both for product manuals and for their authoring and presentation. The concept and the architecture of intelligent product manuals are then discussed. A prototype system called ProARTWeb is presented to demonstrate advanced features of intelligent product manuals. Next, the problem of producing such manuals in a cost-effective way is addressed and a concurrent engineering approach to their authoring is proposed. An integrated environment for collaborative authoring called ProAuthor is described to illustrate the approach suggested and to show how consistent, up-to-date and useroriented product manuals can be designed. The solutions presented here enable product knowledge to be captured and delivered to users and developers of product manuals when, where and in the form they need it.  相似文献   

QUE, QUerying the Expert system, is designed to provide a collaborative exploratory environment for a variety of types of users of expert systems. Explanation in intelligent systems has long been the subject of research from a number of different approaches, each of which has shown promise as well as problems. This paper describes how QUE, which is currently under development, approaches the problem of providing explanation by providing tools for both developers and users that enable explanation and user understanding of the underlying expert system's reasoning.  相似文献   

基于三星公司生产的ARM11内核的S3C6410,在移植后的Linux系统下开发设计了环境智能监测模块,具体开发了基于Qt的底层应用程序界面,完成模块与现场传感器的串口通信,获得农作物大棚的温度、CO2、湿度和光照度等参数.利用双缓冲技术,以像素映射的方式编写了具有缩放功能的曲线显示控件,实时反映各类参数的整体和局部变化趋势.通过开发字符设备驱动程序,控制现场继电器设备使环境指标到达适宜标准.利用ASP.NET技术和异步刷新方式在服务器上编写并发布监测网页,以socket的通信方式完成与智能模块的数据交互,供用户远程登录访问,确保农作物生长环境的适宜性和设备运行的安全性.  相似文献   

Given a fast changing electronics goods marketplace, designers of integrated circuits and components need to be more competitive, efficient, flexible, and use collaborative workflow to reduce time-to-market and a project’s life cycle. In recent years, agent-based workflow management systems (WfMS) have been widely used to monitor and control business design processes. In this paper, intelligent agents are applied to the collaborative system-on-chip (SoC) design environment. The proposed JADE-based autonomous workflow management system (JAWMS) uses a workflow coordination mechanism and an agent integration mechanism to enable the analysis, management and interaction of automated design processes. The workflow coordination mechanism uses five domain specific agents to perform the workflow enactment services and a generic agent to control the system flow logic. The system kernel of JAWMS follows the specifications of the workflow reference model provided by the workflow management coalition (WfMC). The agent integration mechanism supports an agent to interact with other JADE-based agent platforms and to coordinate and monitor workflow coordination messages. All agents are written in the Java language using the JADE platform and work together to perform flexible, adaptive and dynamic design tasks in an autonomous and collaborative way. JAWMS facilitates SoC design and team interaction in a collaborative but distributed product development environment.  相似文献   

Interactive Humanoid Robots for a Science Museum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One objective of the Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories is to develop an intelligent communication robot that supports people in an open everyday environment by interacting with them. A humanoid robot can help achieve this objective because its physical structure lets it interact through human-like body movements such as shaking hands, greeting, and pointing. Both adults and children are more likely to understand such interactions than interactions with an electronic interface such as a touch panel or buttons. To behave intelligently during an interaction, a robot requires many types of information about its environment and the people with whom it interacts. However, in open everyday environments, simple recognition functions such as identifying an individual are difficult because the presence and movement of a large number of people as well as unfavorable illumination and background conditions affect the robot's sensing ability. We integrated humanoid robots and ubiquitous sensors in an autonomous system to assist visitors at an Osaka Science Museum exhibit  相似文献   

基于WiFi的非接触感知系统利用环境中广泛存在的WiFi信号在自然情况下对用户活动进行感知,具有十分广阔的应用前景。从细粒度活动到粗粒度活动,现有工作进行了大量的探索,但尚未理解和解决感知系统稳定性不足的问题。当感知对象、收发设备位置、测试环境等发生变化时,系统性能会受到严重影响。实际上,人体活动对应的接收信号模式因位置和朝向的变化而带来的不一致性导致了系统不能稳定工作。为了理解这种现象的本质,利用团队提出的基于无线感知的菲涅尔区衍射和反射模型,精确定量刻画了目标物体相对于收发设备的位置、运动轨迹和无线信号波形模式之间的关系。通过两个应用实例,即细粒度的手指动作识别和粗粒度的健身活动识别,在模型的指导下,分别解释了系统不能稳定工作的原因,说明了如何得到一致的感知波形,以及如何构造可区分的感知波形,并给出了提升感知系统性能的方法。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on comprehensive application of artificial intelligence robots for community-based leisure interaction. We propose a multiple-layer perceptron network to design and implement the intelligent interactive home robot system, which includes establishment of an environment map, autonomous navigation, obstacle-avoidance control and human–machine interaction, to complete the positioning and perception functions required by the robot in the home environment. With this system, community residents use an interactive interface to manipulate robots remotely and create an environmental map. In order for the robot to adapt in this changing environment, the robot needs to have a completely autonomous navigation and obstacle-avoidance-control system. In this study, a long-distance obstacle-avoidance fuzzy system and a short-distance anti-fall obstacle-avoidance fuzzy system were used to enable the robot to accommodate unforeseen changes. This technology proved itself capable of navigating a home environment, ensuring that the robot could instantaneously dodge nearby obstacles and correcting the robot’s path of travel. At the same time, it could prevent the robot from falling off a high dropping point and thereby effectively control the robot’s movement trajectory. After combining the above-mentioned multi-sensor and image recognition functions, the intelligent interactive home robot showed that it clearly has the ability to integrate vision, perception and interaction, and we were able to verify that the robot has the necessary adaptability in changing environments and that the design of such interactive robots can be an asset in the home.


随着智能驾驶技术的研究与发展,单车智能感知的局限性逐渐显现出来,基于V2X的感知技术解决了单车感知在遮挡等场景下的局限性。介绍一种基于V2I/V2N的感知融合系统技术方案,阐述其在智能驾驶系统中发挥的作用。重点讨论路侧感知与车载感知融合技术的算法架构及功能,研究利用V2I/V2N技术搭建智能网联汽车感知系统的可行性,研究基于V2I/V2N的感知融合系统在前车跟车行驶场景、车辆穿越交叉路口场景、高速路匝道车辆汇入场景三种典型场景下的应用。可以为车路协同感知技术应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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