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针对传统纸质优惠券制作繁琐、成本高、传播速度慢、传播范围有限的问题,设计一款基于移动平台的电子优惠券系统.系统实现商家可方便地制作、分配、兑换优惠券的功能,并利用电子社交媒体快速广泛地传播.  相似文献   

暖暖 《电脑迷》2011,(23):38-39
现在物价涨到了让许多人巴不得一分钱掰成两份用的地步,买东西都会事先研究一下打折活动或优惠券。如果你现在还在排队等候打印优惠券或者手里拿着一叠厚厚的打印纸质优惠券,那么你就真的OUT了。如今流行掏出手机往收银台一拍,就能轻轻松松打折扣,这就是手机优惠券。用户只需将各种各样的优惠券统统装进手机,付款时只需要拿出手机给商家看一下,就能享受到相应的优惠。那么手机优惠券的使用和管理流程是怎么样的呢?下面笔者慢慢道来。  相似文献   

靖程 《电脑时空》2012,(9):37-37
生活在现代都市的人们对于优惠券已经毫不陌生了,只要我们行走在各个卖场中,手中就会被塞上各种类型的优惠券。而在像商场和地铁这类人流集中的地方,还出现了很多专用的优惠券打印设备,人们可以直接在这些打印设备上直接打印需要的优惠券,优惠券打印就成了目前在打印领域的新型应用,而大量的优惠券打印设备也应运而生。爱普生TM—C610也是一款为优惠券以及标签打印而设计的彩色微型打印机。  相似文献   

周末,外甥嚷着要吃KFC(肯德基)的葡式蛋挞,找 了半天也没有找到优惠券,怎么办?笔者突然想到Windows系统的照片打印功能,何不自己上网打点优惠券呢? 下面就和笔者一起来做做吧! Step1:登录KFC官方网 站(www.kfc.com.cn),KFC提 供了会员和非会员两种优惠券 (如图1)。  相似文献   

Passbook会自动整合来自各类服务的票据,包括电影票、登机脾和礼品卡(统称为“通行证”)等。比如,你在大众点评、美团和聚划算上获得的各种优惠券,Passbook都会集中进行管理。  相似文献   

在这个“人人都爱优惠券”的年代,关于网上获得优惠券的方法,前前后后我们已经说了不少。但其实在生活中,实体店优惠券同样也是好东西!  相似文献   

近日,国内最大的手机优惠券RPP——丁丁优惠发布2.4.5新版本,新版本最大的特色便是支持Passbook收藏优惠券以及到店提醒功能。这也是目前国内唯一支持Passbook的手机优惠券应用。  相似文献   

Q:系统中安装了TinyPDF虚拟打印机,在Office中可以正常识别并可将文档、网页等转换成PDF文档。但我在转换一个购物网站上的优惠券时,提示需要连接到物理打印机。请问这是什么原因?  相似文献   

麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客,提到这些名字你会想到什么?没错,快餐!但是很多朋友也会想到优惠券。这些快餐的优惠券我们几乎都使用过,现在如果你有一部安卓或苹果手机,那你就可以向手握有限的纸质优惠券精打细算的日子说拜拜了。因为现在有了快餐电子优惠券,我们不但可以节约纸张,还可以节省金钱,轻松做“低碳达人”。  相似文献   

到饭点了!打开优惠券App,你有找到自己想吃的了吗?App里通常除了连锁快餐,还是连锁快餐。想下好馆子,又想用上优惠券? MyVoucherCodes这个优惠券App加入的餐馆预订模式,或许可以帮你和好馆子预定好优惠,将这个梦想变成可能。MyVoucherCodes应用是一个主要针对英国本地优惠信息的优惠券App,在2010年就已经推出iPhone版App。与国内优惠券App类似,MyVoucherCodes的使用场景是  相似文献   

The popularity of mobile commerce has propelled e-commerce applications onto the mobile platform. This has led to the evolution of coupons into mobile coupons (m-coupons). In this paper, we propose an m-coupon sharing scheme that makes use of the popularity of mobile devices to circulate coupons among existing social networks and thereby increase the redemption of m-coupons. In this scheme, the firm first selects targeted members and then sends a virtual coupon book and a virtual sharable coupon book to each of these targeted members. The targeted member is encouraged to forward the sharable coupons to his/her peers. The recipient, who could be either a non-targeted member or a non-member, may redeem the shareable coupon directly and avail of an introductory discount. Alternatively, a larger discount is given to a non-member who registers as a member and then redeems the coupon or to a non-targeted member who redeems the coupon after updating his/her customer profile. If a forwarded m-coupon is redeemed, the sender of that coupon may receive rewards in future marketing campaigns. It is important to note that the value ascribed to the m-coupons could possibly render them the target of alterations and forgeries. Our implementation incorporates only lightweight computations and simple hash chains for security. The marketer can analyse used m-coupons through a marketing campaign that makes use of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication.  相似文献   

The management of coupon promotions is an important issue for marketing managers since it still is the major promotion medium. However, the distribution of coupons does not go without problems. Although manufacturers and retailers are investing heavily in the attempt to convince as many customers as possible, overall coupon redemption rate is low.

This study improves the strategy of retailers and manufacturers concerning their target selection since both parties often end up in a battle for customers. Two separate models are built: one model makes predictions concerning redemption behavior of coupons that are distributed by the retailer while another model does the same for coupons handed out by manufacturers. By means of the feature-selection technique ‘Relief-F’ the dimensionality of the models is reduced, since it searches for the variables that are relevant for predicting the outcome. In this way, redundant variables are not used in the model-building process. The model is evaluated on real-life data provided by a retailer in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).

The contributions of this study for retailers as well as manufacturers are three-fold. First, the possibility to classify customers concerning their coupon usage is shown. In addition, it is demonstrated that retailers and manufacturers can stay clear of each other in their marketing campaigns. Finally, the feature-selection technique Relief-F proves to facilitate and optimize the performance of the models.  相似文献   

The coupon subset collection is a generalization of the classical coupon collection, where instead of selecting (with replacement) a single coupon, a subset of at most k coupons (known as a “package”) is selected in each round. In this paper, we study how to design the pool of packages and assign probabilities to the packages, so as to minimize the expected number of rounds to collect all n distinct coupons. When k divides n, a seemingly optimal strategy is to choose a pool of non-intersecting packages, and assign equal probability to each package in the pool. We prove the optimality of this strategy when the size of the package is half the number coupons, that is, n=2k.  相似文献   

田应东  杨文胜  戴静怡 《控制与决策》2023,38(10):2987-2995
为了在社交网络中选择高价值代言人以达到尽可能好的移动优惠券投放效果,首先,根据粉丝数量和活跃状态对代言人社会传播能力进行建模,并利用移动优惠券类型的偏好程度和移动优惠券转发率对代言人个体分享意愿进行建模;然后,基于社会传播能力和个体分享意愿提出代言人价值的概念,设计代言人价值排序算法(endorser value rank algorithm);接着,在考虑代言人价值的基础上,针对企业利润和代言人收益最大化的多目标优化问题,建立移动优惠券投放模型,并设计基于遗传算法的HFNSGA算法,据此实现社交网络中基于代言人价值的移动优惠券投放;最后,通过在GitHub上的真实用户数据集对EVRank算法进行实验.实验结果表明,EVRank算法在准确率和匹配率上均优于其他相关算法,同时,算例分析表明,HFNSGA算法不仅可有效地求解高维多目标优化问题,且其解集有较好的分布性和均匀性,能够有效指导企业进行移动优惠券投放决策.  相似文献   

An increasing number of companies are focusing on e-mail and mobile marketing to promote offers. The aim of this study is to analyze a coupon campaign for a 67 % price discount on downloadable personal computer (PC) software. The campaign was carried out via e-mail and mobile text messages. Using an opt-in database, we gathered data from more than 37,000 participants and compared the response and conversion rates for both e-mail and mobile text messaging. The results indicated that the response rate for e-mail coupons is higher than the response rate for mobile text message coupons, but text messages yield a better conversion rate and a higher number of total purchases. After calculating the price elasticities for both communication channels, we found that the promotional price elasticity is higher for mobile text message coupons than for e-mail coupons.  相似文献   

Secure E-Coupons     
As the Internet is getting easier and faster to use, electronic coupon (e-coupon) distribution is becoming a more and more popular advertising technique. E-coupons are the digital analogue of paper coupons which are used to provide customers with discounts or gift in order to incentive the purchase of some products. Nowadays, the potential of digital coupons has not been fully exploited on the web. This is mostly due to the lack of efficient techniques to handle the generation and distribution of e-coupons. In this paper we discuss models and protocols for e-coupons satisfying a number of security requirements. Furthermore we present a lightweight implementation of our protocol, which preserves the privacy of the users, since it does not require any registration phase.  相似文献   

余刚 《计算机与现代化》2010,(10):106-108,112
探讨航空公司机票数字图像化管理的新模式及意义,包括系统主要功能和技术性能指标、系统设计与架构、关键技术等。  相似文献   

This paper examines the design of the online discount coupon, which is a popular marketing tool that offers consumers group‐buying (GB) discounts when they prepay for participating firms’ goods and services. We develop a two‐stage model for a market in which consumers are heterogeneous in their valuation of a product. In our setup, consumers make purchase decisions at the first stage and update their perceptions of the product. As a result, they adjust their repurchase decisions at the second stage. Through the analysis of price discrimination effect and advertising effect, we demonstrate that consumers make their purchase decisions based on not only the discount rate but also the degree of perceived ease of use of the coupons. We then examine both single‐time and double‐time GB mechanisms, and recommend the optimal design for the firm to increase its profitability. Our model also accommodates uncertainty of the degree of consumers' perceived ease of use and shows that the conditions for the optimal GB mechanism are robust.  相似文献   


Mobile commerce (m-commerce) represents an important area of business with a huge potential revenue for merchants and great opportunities for customers to achieve better offers. One of the topics within m-commerce that needs important improvements on usability and efficiency is electronic coupon systems. This is because solutions for electronic coupons are focused on their theoretical definition, overlooking both their performance evaluation and their viability analysis. In this paper, we provide an evaluation framework to test multicoupon solutions. Under this framework, we evaluate two particular multicoupon schemes, obtaining interesting performance results, such as the fact that cryptographic operations are not always the most costly processes, as usually claimed by authors of multicoupon schemes. We show that message encoding can help to improve the efficiency of multicoupon solutions, even up to 50% of the overhead over the network. Moreover, we solve other issues related to the viability of these schemes, for example, using a standardized way to distribute non-standard cryptographic key material. Therefore, the viability of a multicoupon solution should be validated considering all involved factors, such as internal processing, networking, message encoding and current technology support.


本文根据票据图像的版面特点,选取表格线、背景信息及纹理信息作为主要特征,采用粗糙集理论进行特征属性约简、规则提取及规则约简。并提出了一种基于多规则集的综合决策分类方法,巧妙的利用其分类及拒识的特点,有效地实现了票据图像分类。  相似文献   

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