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畲族古代服饰文化变迁   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
闫晶  范雪荣  吴微微 《纺织学报》2011,32(2):112-116
以历史文献为依据,以畲族服饰发展和演变的历程为经、不同时期畲族的生活文化背景为纬,梳理了汉唐、宋元、明、清时期的畲族服饰文化变迁轨迹.将古代畲族服饰发展和演变的整个历程大致分为原始时期、多源融合时期、流徙从简时期和涵化成型时期.分析了不同历史时期的畲族服饰在色彩、款式、装饰等方面所体现出的不同特色,以及畲族文化生活背景...  相似文献   

孙卓洋 《西部皮革》2022,(7):121-123
唐代是我国服饰艺术历史中一个极为重要的时期,唐朝服装的繁荣表现出国内外服饰文化的交流和融合,显示出唐朝服装的开放性和文化兼容性,放眼当代,唐服也是一直活跃在人们的日常装扮之中.文章旨在结合唐代服饰的时代背景和工艺文化,对各时期的服饰艺术特征、历史文化内涵以及对国外服装风格和现代服饰的影响进行解析.  相似文献   

西汉是中国古代社会的重大转变时期,又是文化发展的一个重要分水岭.通过回顾历史,探究服饰色彩的历史传承、西汉服饰色彩的概况,以长沙马堆一号汉墓服饰为例探究了西汉服饰色彩技术和社会思想的关系.  相似文献   

中国古代丝绸服饰纹样是民族文化的瑰宝。文章在翔实的史料基础上 ,整理出古代各个历史时期丝绸服饰纹样的特点 ,并据此认为 :在特定的历史背景下 ,由先人们创造的丝绸服饰纹样对当今丝绸纹样设计的重大影响 ,实际上正体现历史的延续和文化的继承 ,显示了我国古代高超的丝织技艺水平 ,反映了我国劳动人民的聪明才智 ,它是中国和世界的科学文化遗产的珍贵组成部分。  相似文献   

张东民 《西部皮革》2022,(7):142-144
甲胄是一种重要的战争防护用具,是古代服饰的重要组成部分,同样也是承载历史的重要工具.甲胄的形制与装饰体现了特定时代的社会生产水平与美学观念.龟兹是古西域的传统大国,其壁画是了解古代西域服饰文化的第一手资料.作为服饰体系中极为特殊的一部分,甲胄的形制依据于不同时期的服饰造型与文化而发生改变,为丝绸之路上中原地区、西域地区...  相似文献   

服饰的发展从最初的只是为了"以布蔽体"发展至今,各国的服饰变化都依据各国的历史文化的传承逐渐形成有自己文化底蕴的服饰体系。纵观古代的服饰体系,每个时代都有其独特的历史背景以及文化底蕴,形成不同时期不同特点的服饰体系,而这种风貌是现如今社会无法与之比拟的。服饰作为一个时期的文化载体,通过分析同一时期不同背景下的服饰特征,我们可以探析同一时期不同背景下中西服饰的对比差异以及对当代服饰的影响及借鉴之处。本文主要研究"宋代"服饰与"欧洲中世纪"时期的服饰对比探究。  相似文献   

本文首先概括了中国古代服饰“服以旌礼”的总特征,由此引出对中国传统礼乐文化的介绍。通过对服饰变迁背后的历史时期内经济、政治和文化状况的研究,使人们更为真切地感受到秦汉服饰的古朴庄重、魏晋服饰的飘逸娟秀,隋唐服饰的富丽堂皇,宋明服饰的高雅素朴和清代服饰简洁利落的独特魅力。而统治阶级与劳动人民之间在服饰上的巨大差异、统治阶级内部复杂严密的服饰制度也由封建礼乐文化所造成。纵观历史,在中国特定的文化背景下产生并不断发展的中国古代服饰不仅历史久远、形式完备,而且具有丰富的精神内涵,其传承的稳定性使之形成了一个具有独特风格的庞大的服装体系。对古代服饰文化的整理和研究,有助于继承优秀的文化遗产,推陈出新,实现我国服装事业在新时代的腾飞。  相似文献   

从物质文化角度进行服饰历史研究的书,近年来出版颇多。徐晓慧的《六朝服饰研究》是其中极具特色的一部新作。首先,从历史研究的角度,著作选取服饰作为切入点,是个非常新颖的研究角度,相当于横切面角度的历史研究,具有一定的研究意义。其次,从服饰研究的角度,以往对中国古代服饰研究多集中于通史研究,著作选取六朝之一极具时代特色的历史时期,对其服饰进行深入研究,具有针对性和全面性。  相似文献   

魏娜  崔荣荣 《纺织学报》2007,28(5):109-112
近代中国是一个特殊的历史时期,各种思想和文化交流空前繁荣,此时社会经济的转型、国外文化与艺术思潮的影响都促使传统思想意识和生活方式发生了历史性转变,开始了东西方的交流与融合,对这个时期的研究有助于复原当时人们的着装历史原貌,具有文化传承的作用。运用列举法、比较法、统计法对近代山东地区教会学校的学生装扮及文化影响进行分析,阐述了山东半岛地区中西服装并行不悖的服饰特征和中西服饰混杂现象的成因,研究发现此时的服饰除了具有浓郁的齐鲁文化传统之外,又有西方服装元素和审美思想的融合。  相似文献   

中国服饰文化源远流长,不同时期的着装也是不同时期人们的社会生活的缩影.蜀地环境造就了蜀人特殊的心态和文化环境,结合成都博物馆馆藏对蜀地陶俑极其陶俑服饰作简要探讨,以不同时期蜀地陶俑服饰为载体,分析陶俑所代表的当时人们的社会生活以及服饰风格成因,以期为古代蜀地服饰发展研究作参考.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of the Na+-K+ pump inhibitor ouabain on water and electrolyte transport in the rabbit distal ileum and proximal colon in vitro and in vivo. Under in vitro conditions, ouabain markedly reduced the absorption of water, sodium, chloride and bicarbonate, and reduced potassium secretion in both the ileum and the colon. In vivo results were similar but less marked than those obtained in vitro, with significant differences only at the level of the distal ileum.  相似文献   

This study of quantitative determination of nitrite and nitrate contents is based on spectrophotometric measurement of the red colour formed when sulphanilic acid is diazotised by the nitrite to be determined and coupled to 1-naphthylamine-7-sulphonic acid (Cleve's acid 1-7). Nitrate is first reduced to nitrite in a cadmium reducing column. Good results have been obtained with some horticultural and meat products and samples of soil.  相似文献   

目的 建立超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定蔬菜和鸡蛋中氟虫腈及其代谢物(氟甲腈、氟虫腈砜和氟虫腈亚砜), 并对深圳市售的蔬菜和鸡蛋中氟虫腈及其代谢物残留状况进行抽样检测。方法 采用QuEChERS前处理方法, 以C18色谱柱为分离柱, 以乙腈和10 mmol甲酸+6 mmol甲酸铵水溶液为流动相进行梯度洗脱, 用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry, UPLC-MS/MS), 电喷雾电离(electrospray ionization, ESI), 多反应监测(multiple reaction monitoring, MRM)模式检测, 外标法同时定量测定氟虫腈及其代谢物。结果 方法的线性范围为0.1~2.0 μg/L, 线性相关系数均大于0.9994, 检出限0.0005 mg/kg, 定量限0.001 mg/kg; 蔬菜中3个水平的平均加标回收率88.0%~101.2%, 相对标准偏差(relative standard deviation, RSD)均小于8.5%; 鸡蛋中3个水平的平均加标回收率86.1%~104.8%, 相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于9.2%。结论 该方法具有操作简单、干扰少、快速、准确可靠等特点, 可适用于蔬菜鸡蛋中氟虫腈及其代谢物的检测。  相似文献   

The work presents the content and composition of free lipids and carotenoids in spring and winter classes of wheat flour. It discusses genetical and physiological aspects of their synthesis and accumulation in wheat kernels and also indicates how methodological differences explain differences in results presented in the literature. It has been reported that spring wheat flours are richer in free lipids, especially in the non-polar fraction. The content of glycolipids ranged from 134 to 215 mg/100 g flour and was more stable within the winter wheat class. The percentages of the two main fractions, namely DGDG and MGDG, were similar in both wheat classes and reached ca. 77%. Phospholipids constituted the smallest fraction of the flour free lipids in both wheat classes; however, spring wheat flours were richer in these compounds, which is likely associated with a greater content of spherosomes in the endosperm of this wheat class. The free lipids of spring wheat flour contained more oleic and slightly less linoleic and linolenic acids. Spring wheat flour was also richer in carotenoids, although there were varieties in both classes that deviated from this. The main carotenoid was lutein, whose total percentage in the form of different isomers ranged from 71.3% to 83.3% and was slightly lower for spring wheat flour. Lutein, in the form of a trans-isomer, constituted about 62% and 70% of all carotenoids in spring and winter wheat flours, respectively.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of the Na(+)-K+ pump inhibitor ouabain on water and electrolyte transport in the rabbit distal ileum and proximal colon in vitro and in vivo. Under in vitro conditions, ouabain markedly reduced the absorption of water, sodium, chloride and bicarbonate, and reduced potassium secretion in both the ileum and the colon. In vivo results were similar but less marked than those obtained in vitro, with significant differences only at the level of the distal ileum.  相似文献   

生物技术在制浆造纸中的应用与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了生物技术在制浆造纸工业的应用与研究进展,包括生物制浆、生物漂白、生物脱墨及造纸过程中的生物技术等。  相似文献   

Capacities of limestones of differing particle size to neutralize acid in vitro and to modify pH and utilization of feedstuffs in vivo were compared. Acid neutralization during pH-stat titrations was faster for fine than for coarse limestone, and mixed microbial cultures were more resistant to pH change when they contained fine calcium carbonate. Diets containing 25:75 corn silage to concentrates and .95% calcium from either coarse or fine limestone were fed to rumen-fistulated heifers. Total ruminal volatile fatty acid concentrations were higher for the fine limestone treatment. Ruminal volumes, dry matter disappearance, and ruminal fluid pH and dilution rate did not differ between fine and coarse limestone treatments. Ruminal fluid volume, osmolality, ratios of acetate to propionate, and concentrations of total volatile fatty acids were unaffected in rumen-fistulated Holstein cows fed 60:40 corn silage to concentrates and either .5% calcium (control) or 1.0% calcium from either coarse or fine limestone. Ruminal pH increased .07 to .10 units with limestone supplementation. Ruminal fluid dilution and particulate turnover rates were slower for the coarse limestone than the control treatment. Differences between coarse and fine limestones in vitro were observed under some conditions in vivo, but they were not consistent.  相似文献   

了解开封市畜禽肉中沙门菌的污染状况及血清学分布,为沙门菌引起的食源性疾病的防控提供依据。方法 依据GB 4789.4—2010《中华人民共和国国家标准食品卫生微生物学检验方法》和2011年国家食源性疾病监测网监测方案,定期对开封市畜禽养殖场和屠宰场进行随机采样监测。结果 在691份样品中,沙门菌检出率为35.9%(248/691);分离出沙门菌253株,有17个血清型。结论 开封市生鸡肉和生猪肉不同程度受到沙门菌的污染,以生鸡肉污染最严重。应加强禽畜类养殖、屠宰加工等过程的卫生监管,减少食源性疾病的发生。  相似文献   

Mammary uptake of insulin from blood was quantified near parturition in nine dairy cows, some of which were milked prepartum to induce prepartum lactogenesis. Milk samples were immunoassayed for concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, and insulin-like growth factor II. Cows milked prepartum, but in which prepartum lactogenesis did not occur (denoted as unsuccessful group), had higher arterial concentrations and greater mammary uptake of insulin during several days immediately preceding parturition than did those with prepartum lactogenesis. Although mammary uptake of insulin was measurable before parturition, estimated uptake on postpartum d 4 through 6 was negligible. Colostrum and milk contained very substantial quantities of insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, and insulin-like growth factor II. Cows in which prepartum lactogenesis was induced (denoted as successful group) had lower concentrations of both forms of insulin-like growth factor in prepartum samples of milk. Cows of the successful group also had a decreasing prepartum profile of milk insulin, but the unsuccessful group had an increasing trend until parturition. Milk concentrations of insulin and both forms of insulin-like growth factor declined rapidly after parturition and completion of lactogenesis.  相似文献   


Biofortification aims to improve the micronutrient concentration of staple food crops through the best practices of breeding and modern biotechnology. However, increased zinc and iron concentrations in food crops may not always translate into proportional increases in absorbed zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe). Therefore, assessing iron and zinc bioavailability in biofortified crops is imperative to evaluate the efficacy of breeding programs. This review aimed to investigate the advantages and limitations of in vitro and in vivo methods of iron and zinc bioavailability evaluation in the assessment of biofortification program effectiveness. In vitro, animal and isotopic human studies have shown high iron and zinc bioavailability in biofortified staple food crops. Human studies provide direct knowledge regarding the effectiveness of biofortification, however, human studies are time consuming and are more expensive than in vitro and animal studies. Moreover, in vitro studies may be a useful preliminary screening method to identify promising plant cultivars, however, these studies cannot provide data that are directly applicable to humans. None of these methods provides complete information regarding mineral bioavailability, thus, a combination of these methods should be the most appropriate strategy to investigate the effectiveness of zinc and iron biofortification programs.  相似文献   

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