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目的 了解河南省居民膳食中铜含量水平,评估河南省居民通过膳食摄入铜的情况及其潜在的健康风险。方法 利用2014—2021年河南省各类食品中铜含量数据和2012年河南省居民食物消费状况监测数据,采用简单分布模型(半概率评估)法计算河南省居民膳食中铜的摄入含量,并进行健康风险评估。结果 全人群膳食中铜的平均摄入量为1.75 mg/d,高食物消费人群(P97.5)摄入量为3.51 mg/d。全人群共有0.21%的人群通过膳食摄入铜的量小于估计平均需要量(EAR),1.16%的人群通过膳食摄入铜的量介于EAR和推荐营养素摄入量(RNI)之间,98.10%的人群通过膳食摄入铜的量介于RNI和可耐受最高摄入量(UL)之间,仅有0.53%的人群膳食中铜的摄入量超过UL。对膳食中铜的摄入贡献率较高的食物包括谷类(24.51%~40.50%)、蔬菜(15.88%~30.98%)、水果(4.14%~7.72%)、饮用水(4.70%~6.91%)。结论 河南省居民膳食中铜的平均摄入量整体处于适宜水平,对人群健康造成的风险较小,处于可接受水平。2~3岁组铜摄入量小于EAR和超过UL的比例相对较高,存在一定的健...  相似文献   

浅议加碘盐运销中的护碘补碘四川成都盐业分公司吴爱生,陈进思关键词:加碘盐,盐业运销食盐是碘元素极理想的载体.又是男女老幼一日三餐不可缺少的调味品。有关研究表明,只要保证每人每日食用10克加碘食盐.就可使人体的碘摄入量达到防病治病的需要。所以,食用加碘...  相似文献   

目的评价北京地区居民叶酸膳食摄入现状,为今后的膳食干预指导提供理论基础。方法利用2002年北京市居民营养与健康状况调查数据,调查人数为3664人,膳食调查采用连续3d24h回顾法,结合中国食物成分表(2002)中的食物叶酸含量,计算北京地区人群的叶酸摄入量。结果北京地区居民平均叶酸摄入量为241.5±124.4μg/(标准人.日),主要来源于蔬菜、谷类和蛋类食物;城区居民高于郊区居民;男性高于女性;大多数人的叶酸摄入水平只达到RNI的50%~65%;7~10岁组的叶酸摄入水平最高,18岁及以上年龄组人群的摄入水平呈现下降趋势。结论北京地区多数居民叶酸膳食摄入量不能满足RNI,建议更多关注18岁及以上人群,特别是郊区居民和中老年人叶酸的膳食供给,必要时通过其他途径补充。  相似文献   

<正>碘缺乏危害,是指由于环境缺碘、机体摄碘不足所引起的地方性甲状腺肿、地方性克汀病和对儿童智力发育的潜在性损伤。我国曾是全球碘缺乏病严重流行的国家之一,大部分地区外环境缺碘(碘缺乏病病区水碘含量10μg/L),部分省份存在水源性高碘地区(水碘含量100μg/L)。人体碘摄入主要来自饮用水、各种食物和食盐中添加的碘。如果人们生活在一个自给自足的封闭环境,且不食用碘盐,那么人  相似文献   

目的以河南省肉及肉制品中铜为例,演示采用简单分布评估方法,评价河南省居民肉及肉制品饮食中铜摄入情况及其潜在的健康风险。方法 2014—2015年在河南省16个省辖市随机采集肉及肉制品309份,按照食品中铜测定的原子吸收光谱法标准操作程序进行检测,结合河南省2010—2012年开展的居民营养与健康状况监测中肉及肉制品的消费量数据,采用简单分布模型(确定性评估)方法,借鉴文献发表的肉及肉制品对膳食中铜的贡献率,计算河南省不同年龄组人群全膳食中铜摄入水平及其潜在的健康风险。结果肉及肉制品中铜的平均含量为0.556 mg/100 g,中位数为0.060 mg/100 g,不同肉及肉制品中铜平均含量最高为内脏(1.561 mg/100 g),铜平均含量最低的为猪肉(0.068 mg/100 g)。河南省居民每天通过进食肉及肉制品的铜平均摄入量为0.046 mg/d,高端(P95)摄入量为0.144 mg/d。利用文献报道的肉及肉制品贡献率外推全膳食中铜摄入量后发现,河南省居民全膳食中铜的平均和P95摄入量分别为0.638和1.977 mg/d。个体评估结果显示,全人群铜摄入量处于推荐摄入量(RNI)与可耐受最高摄入量(UL)之间的个体比例为21.12%(801/3 792),处于EAR和RNI之间的个体比例为8.10%(307/3 792),而低于平均需要量(EAR)、大于UL的人群比例分别为69.75%(2 645/3 792)和1.03%(39/3 792)。结论河南省全人群膳食中铜摄入量缺乏的风险较高,铜过量的风险较低。  相似文献   

目的:了解3~6岁学龄前儿童膳食矿物质的摄入情况。方法:采用立意抽样及整群随机抽样的方法,选取全国7个城市及2个农村的各2所幼儿园的共805名3~6岁儿童,采用24h膳食记录法进行膳食调查,并使用食物成分表调查儿童钙、磷及其他矿物质的平均摄入情况,并对钙的食物来源进行分析。结果:钙的摄入量较低,其中3~4岁钙的摄入量仅达到RNI的56.28%、4~5岁为47.25%、5~6岁为48.46%,均未满足RNI标准;其中3~4岁钙磷比为0.50、4~5岁为0.49、5~6岁为0.48,不利于钙的吸收;钙的食物来源以植物性食物为主,乳类及动物性食物来源比例较低;其他矿物质摄入情况均基本满足RNI推荐标准。结论:调查的3~6岁学龄前儿童钙的摄入量较低且主要来源于植物性食物,未达到RNI推荐标准。其他矿物质摄入情况较好。  相似文献   

目的:评价天津市糖尿病人群膳食营养状况及类黄酮物质的摄入量,为其健康饮食提供指导。方法:采用连续5d的24h膳食回顾法,对糖尿病病人进行膳食营养调查,结合中国居民膳食营养素的推荐摄入量(recommended nutrition intake,RNI)、适宜摄入量(adaptive intake,AI)以及中国居民平衡膳食宝塔(Balance Diet Pagoda)对其膳食营养状况做出评价;根据膳食调查的结果,计算类黄酮物质的摄入量。结果:本次调查显示,糖尿病病人能量摄入量均偏低,脂肪的供能比例偏高。男性仅维生素C和烟酸的摄入量达标,女性维生素的摄入量均不达标。糖尿病病人存在钙摄入严重不足而钠摄入量严重超标的现象,且与男性相比,女性矿物质的摄入量要普遍偏低。除了钙以外,男性其余种类矿物质摄入量均达标;女性除了磷、钠、铁、锰的摄入量达标以外,其余种类均不达标。糖尿病病人类黄酮的主要食物来源为玉米、土豆、西瓜以及甜瓜等,男性每日类黄酮的摄入量为38.23mg、女性为38.27mg。糖尿病病人摄入的膳食种类主要包括粮谷类、蔬菜、水果、畜禽肉类、蛋类、豆制品、牛奶及奶制品、食用油以及食盐。其中水果类、鱼虾以及奶制品的摄入量偏低,蛋类以及食盐摄入过多;男性的畜禽肉摄入过多。结论:糖尿病病人能量摄入偏低,脂肪供能比偏高,维生素和钙摄入不足,而钠摄入偏高;类黄酮的主要食物来源为谷物、季节性水果蔬菜等;膳食结构存在不合理现象,水果、鱼虾、奶制品的摄入量过低,而畜禽肉、蛋类以及食盐的摄入量过多。  相似文献   

目的:分析2015年中国15省(区、市)老年居民膳食脂肪摄入状况。方法:数据来自2015年中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究。选取参加本次调查并有完整的调查数据的60岁以上老年居民作为研究对象,分析研究对象膳食脂肪摄入量、供能比和食物来源,并与《中国居民膳食指南(2016版)》膳食脂肪推荐摄入量进行比较。结果:我国15省(区、市)老年居民2015年膳食脂肪摄入量为69. 2g/d、膳食脂肪供能比为34. 2%、膳食脂肪供能比超过30%的人群比例为61. 7%;调查人群中来源于动物性食物、动物油、植物油和植物性食物的脂肪占膳食脂肪总量为32. 8%、3. 8%、43. 3%和20. 1%。结论:中国15省(区、市)老年居民膳食脂肪摄入量较高,脂肪供能比已超过《中国居民膳食指南(2016版)》膳食脂肪推荐摄入量的要求,应控制含脂肪高的食物的摄入量。  相似文献   

目的:了解结核病患者各类营养素摄入情况及膳食多样化水平。方法:采用横断面调查方法,随机抽取山东省临沂市结核病患者1095人,采用24h膳食回顾方法及食物频率法调查结核病患者营养素摄入情况。膳食多样化评分(DDS),按1周内每消费1类食物计1分,2类食物计2分,总分不超过9分,分析并评价其饮食行为。结果:结核病患者DDS均值为5.06分,得4分者比例达到20.9%;不同性别的DDS值存在差异,女性显著高于男性(p<0.05)。结核病患者的DDS值与年龄之间存在显著负相关关系,相关系数为-0.145(p<0.05)。体重指数在18.5—25.0之间的肺结核患者DDS分值逐渐降低,相关系数为-0.73(p<0.05)。膳食调查结果显示:结核病患者每人日能量平均摄入量为1681kcal,仅为推荐摄入量(RNI)的70.03%。钙和锌摄入量分别为272.27mg和7.53mg,仅为RNI的34%和49%,视黄醇当量(238.67μg)、硫胺素(0.49mg)和核黄素(0.51mg)摄入水平严重偏低,不足RNI的50%。结论:结核病患者多种营养素摄入不足,膳食结构有待改善。  相似文献   

正我国居民碘的摄入量是否超标?食盐加碘的政策是否应该停止近年来,有关我国碘营养过量、停止食盐加碘的呼声不断。国家食品安全风险评估中心重点实验室今天上午发布报告,称我国依然存在碘缺乏病的风险,必须坚持食盐加碘政策。2005年,世界卫生组织根据我国儿童尿碘中位数的监测结果,将中国描述为"超过适宜量"。此后沿  相似文献   

碘是人体必需的一种微量元素。但是由于碘在自然环境中的分布不均匀,不同地区人群的碘摄入会产生缺乏或过量的现象,进而引起一系列的疾病。我国是世界上碘缺乏最严重的国家之一,因此实施食品及相关水体中碘含量的监测是一项长期的基本任务。然而碘在自然环境中的存在形式复杂,不同形态碘的生物有效性及毒性差异很大,因此开展不同形态碘含量的监测对于科学、准确评估人群的碘摄入具有重要意义。本文总结了近十多年来碘形态分析技术的发展,比较了各种前处理技术及分离分析技术的优缺点及适用范围,以期为相关科研工作者开展进一步的工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Calves were fed milk replacer containing .57, 10, 50, 100, or 200 ppm iodine (from ethylenediaminedihydroiodide) in DM, from 3 to 38 d of age, to estimate the minimum toxic concentration of iodine. Only the 200 ppm iodine intake reduced weight gains, DM intake, feed efficiency, and DM digestibility. At the 100 and 200 ppm iodine intakes, protein digestibility was reduced, and calves showed typical symptoms of iodine toxicity (nasal discharge, excessive tear and saliva formation, and coughing from tracheal congestion). Thyroid iodine increased with every elevation in iodine intake. Iodine in plasma, bile, and non-thyroid tissues started to increase at the 50 ppm intake and, except for muscle, tended to increase again at the 100 and 200 ppm intakes. Thus, the preruminant calf tolerated up to 50 ppm iodine in milk replacer DM for 5 wk postpartum. However, as iodine concentrations in plasma and nonthyroid tissues started to increase at 50 ppm iodine, an upper limit of 10 ppm would be more preferable.  相似文献   

碘是人体甲状腺激素合成的必需元素,也是人体必需的微量元素之一。依据世界卫生组织提出的食盐加碘补碘策略, 1994年我国颁布了《食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例》。但长期过量摄入无机碘,不仅会引起甲状腺功能失调,增加患甲状腺癌的几率,还会导致其他组织器官病变。海藻是天然的食用碘资源,有机碘含量最高达80%。通过海藻碘、有机碘和无机碘的毒性研究发现,长期大量摄入海藻碘和有机碘对甲状腺的危害要小很多。本文分析了我国补碘现状及国内外碘的限量,对比海藻碘、有机碘和无机碘的毒性差异,阐述当前海藻碘的毒性研究进展,为进一步开展海藻碘的食用安全性评估和制定碘的限量提供参考。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Iodine is an essential trace element for humans. Two billion individuals have insufficient iodine intake. Biofortification of vegetables with iodine offers an excellent opportunity to increase iodine intake by humans. The main aim was to study the effect of iodine form and concentration in the nutrient solution on growth, development and iodine uptake of lettuce, grown in water culture. RESULTS: In both a winter and summer trial, dose rates of 0, 13, 39, 65, and 90 or 129 µg iodine L?1, applied as iodate (IO3?) or iodide (I?), did not affect plant biomass, produce quality or water uptake. Increases in iodine concentration significantly enhanced iodine content in the plant. Iodine contents in plant tissue were up to five times higher with I? than with IO3?. Iodine was mainly distributed to the outer leaves. The highest iodide dose rates in both trials resulted in 653 and 764 µg iodine kg?1 total leaf fresh weight. CONCLUSION: Biofortification of lettuce with iodine is easily applicable in a hydroponic growing system, both with I? and IO3?. I? was more effective than IO3?. Fifty grams of iodine‐biofortified lettuce would provide, respectively, 22% and 25% of the recommended daily allowance of iodine for adolescents and adults. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mild deficiencies and excesses of iodine have deleterious effects in both females and males. The iodine status of the population after implementation of the universal salt iodization program in Sri Lanka is not known. OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the iodine status of pregnant women and female adolescents, with urinary iodine concentration used as the measure of outcome. METHODS: The participants were 100 women in the first trimester of pregnancy and 99 female adolescents in Kuliyapitiya, Kurunegala District, North-Western Province, Sri Lanka. The urinary iodine concentration was measured in a casual urine sample from each subject. The iodate contents of salt samples collected from households of the adolescents participating in the study were also measured. RESULTS: The median urinary iodine concentration of 185.0 microg/L and the prevalence of values under 50 microg/L of only 1% among the pregnant women indicate adequate iodine intake and optimal iodine nutrition. The median urinary iodine concentration (213.1 microg/L) among female adolescents indicates a more than adequate iodine intake and a risk of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism. Approximately 8% and 4% of the adolescents and pregnant women, respectively, had urinary iodine concentrations in the range of mild iodine deficiency (51 to 100 microg/L). More than half of the adolescents (56%) and 39% of the pregnant women had urinary iodine concentrations higher than optimal. The median iodine content in salt samples was 12.7 ppm. Only 20.2% of the samples were adequately iodized, and 10.1% of the samples had very high iodine levels. CONCLUSIONS: Female adolescents and pregnant women had no iodine deficiency, but a considerable proportion of them, especially female adolescents, were at risk for iodine-induced hyperthyroidism. There is thus a need for proper monitoring of the salt iodization program to achieve acceptable iodine status.  相似文献   

Calves were fed milk replacer containing .57, 10, or 200 ppm iodine (from ethylenediaminedihydriodide) to determine the effects of excess dietary iodine on composition of lipids in blood plasma, liver, and heart. High iodine intakes had no effect on plasma total lipids or lipid classes, but caused lipid class concentration changes in liver and heart. Both 10 and 200 ppm iodine increased concentration of liver phosphatidylethanolamine and heart phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, and total lipids, and the 200 ppm intake also increased concentration of liver phosphatidylcholine, total lipids, and heart phosphatidylethanolamine. Both iodine treatments tended to increase all the other minor lipid classes in liver and heart as well. Both 10 and 200 ppm iodine treatments increased some of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the major phospholipids of plasma, liver, and heart. For the preruminant calf, liver and heart may be more useful than blood plasma for indicating excess iodine effects on lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

A highly significant relationship was established between milk iodine content for bulk milk of the herd and the calculated daily iodine intake of cows in the herd. It is suggested that where bulk milk iodine content is less than 25 μg/litre the probability exists that what are at present suggested as the iodine requirements for dairy herds with average yields are not being met.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine the effects of dietary iodine and teat-dipping practices on iodine concentrations in milk. In the first study, 63 cows in mid lactation were assigned to a 3×3 factorial design in which the main effects were dietary iodine levels (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 mg of dietary I/kg of dry matter) and 3 different postdip managements (chlorhexidine with dip cup, 1% iodine dip cup, and 1% iodine by manual spray). During the 13-d pre-experimental period and the 15-d experimental period, noniodized sanitizers were used in premilking management. During the pre-experimental period, the levels of milk iodine averaged 241.2±5.8 μg/kg, and no relationship was found with lactation number, days in milk, or milk production. Milk iodine concentrations increased linearly with iodine intake. Although teat dipping with 1% iodine had no effect on milk iodine concentration, the same solution applied by spraying greatly increased milk iodine levels. The second study was conducted to determine the effects of udder preparation before milking on milk iodine concentrations. Thirty-two lactating cows were assigned to 4 treatments: no predip (Con); predip with a predip solution containing 0.5% iodine+complete cleaning (Comp); predip with a postdip solution containing 1% iodine+complete cleaning (Post); and predip with a predip solution containing 0.5% iodine+incomplete cleaning (Inc). During the 14-d pre-experimental period and the 19-d experimental period, cows were fed the same diet, and noniodized sanitizers were used for postmilking dipping. During the last week of treatment, milk iodine averaged 164, 189, 218, and 252±9.8 μg/kg for Con, Comp, Post, and Inc, respectively. Preplanned orthogonal contrasts indicated that predipping with a 0.5% iodine predip solution completely wiped off (Comp) tended to increase milk iodine content above that of the control and that the iodine content of Post and Inc were higher than that of the Comp treatment. The results of the first experiment confirm that, to preserve milk safety, iodine should not be fed above requirements. Spraying iodine-based teat-dipping solutions results in large increases in milk iodine content and should be avoided. Predipping teats with an iodine-based sanitizer is an acceptable practice, but must be performed with the appropriate product and completely wiped off before milking.  相似文献   

An insufficient intake of micronutrients has massive and permanent nature and influence negatively to health, growth and vitality of the entire nation. One-third part of Russian schoolchildren suffer from deficiency of iron and iodine. Every year in Russia 215,000 children are born with brain damages associated with iodine deficiency. Raising the public awareness regarding the risks and prevention of micronutrient deficiency is the key issue of public health and nutrition. The study which included 4500 respondents in the Urals Federal District showed 2-4-fold increase awareness of the respondents in different positions after the communication campaign for prevention of micronutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

In a previous study, milk iodine concentration from 501 farms across Canada was found to vary considerably and appeared to be influenced by feeding practices. Farms with contrasting levels of milk iodine from a subset of 200 participating farms were used to determine the relationship between milk iodine concentration and the concentration of this mineral in different feeds and complete diets given to lactating dairy cows. The 30 farms with the lowest levels of iodine in milk (low group) and the 30 farms with the highest levels (high group) were selected. Samples of bulk tank milk, all feed ingredients, and water were collected. Additionally, each farmer completed a questionnaire providing information on feeding management. The iodine offered on each of the farms was estimated from the amount of the feed in the diet recommended by the Ration’L software (Valacta, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada) and the iodine concentration in the feed sampled and analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The dietary concentration of iodine offered daily was 33% lower for the low group compared with the high group; that is, 1.20 ± 0.099 versus 1.81 ± 0.195 mg/kg of dry matter (DM), respectively. Milk iodine concentrations averaged 146 ± 13.9 μg/kg for the low group and 487 ± 44.6 μg/kg for the high group. A linear relationship was found between dietary iodine concentration and milk iodine level, as follows: milk iodine (μg/kg) = 145 (±66.9) + 113 (±39.4) dietary iodine concentration (mg/kg DM). However, the low R2 value (0.15) indicates that other factors, such as milking management and the presence of goitrogens, may have affected the concentrations of iodine in milk. Forages supplied approximately 17% of iodine requirements in the average lactating cow diet. Therefore, variations in the iodine content of forages are unlikely to cause iodine overfeeding. In contrast, 27% of the mineral mix samples presented iodine concentrations >100,000 μg/kg of DM (and up to 322,000 μg/kg of DM). More than 85% of the farms tested were feeding iodine levels higher than the dietary iodine recommendations (0.5 mg of iodine/kg of DM). Iodine supplements should be used with caution in lactating cow diets.  相似文献   

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