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本文以H面喇叭为例,研究了天线时域近场的运动状态,用谱域法分析了平面近场分布状况,得出采样原则,为平面近场扫描测量提供了理论依据。介绍了时域平面近场测量的近远场变换公式,包括时域和频域两种计算途径。对各自的优点作出了探讨。运用近远场变换方法计算了时域远场和频域方向图。  相似文献   

张勇强  刘舰  张士选 《电子科技》2005,(8):55-58,61
介绍了时域近场测量的基本原理以及时域近远场变换的两种计算方案.比较了时域近场测量和频域近场测量,得到时域近场测量的优缺点及适用范围.并对直接时域计算方案和间接频域计算方案两种计算方法进行简单的比较,得到了两种计算方法各自的优缺点.  相似文献   

马积福  高本庆 《微波学报》1996,12(4):247-252
利用拉氏变换和卷积的方法,导出了求解3-D和2-D时域散射远场的形式上统一的公式,使得2-D情况成为3-D的一个特例,这给编制求解时域散射远场的通用程序带来方便.同时这种3-D的近场-远场变换算法和原来的算法比较并没有增加计算量.对简单形体的计算验证了算法的可行性.  相似文献   

马积福  高本庆 《电子学报》1997,25(3):121-124
本文针对散射问题时域近场-远场转换问题。探讨了两种新的算法。其一是采用Stratton-Chu散射场物积分表示式,由表面感应直接求时域散射远场。其二是采用拉氏变换和卷积的方法导出求解3-D和2-D时域散射远场形式上统一的公式。  相似文献   

本文针对散射问题中时域近场一远场转换问题,探讨了两种新的算法.其一是采用Stratton-Chu散射场的积分表示式,由表面感应流直接求时域散射远场.其二是采用拉氏变换和卷积的方法,导出求解3-D和2-D时域散射远场形式上统一的公式.文中以规则形体为计算实例,验证了算法的可行性.  相似文献   

时域近场测试中的采样面截断误差分析与修正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采样面截断误差是影响近场测试结果的一个很重要的因素。本文结合频域近场测量中对采样面截断误差的分析结果,根据时域近场测量的时域近场特性,借助PSTD算法和PML技术,提出一种修正时域近场测量采样面截断误差的新方法,数值例子验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

天线时域近场测试技术是一种新兴、高效的天线测试技术,能够快速精确地测量出天线的时域场和宽带特性。目前我们已成功组建了国内第一套天线时域平面近场测试实验系统,并对L、S、C、X四个波段的标准天线方向图进行了验证测试,把测试结果跟频域近、远场测试系统上测得的结果进行比较,证明时域近场测试理论的正确性和测试系统的实用性。本文对这套系统的组成结构和天线的测试结果进行说明分析。  相似文献   

本文以H面喇叭为例,研究了天线时域近场的运动状态,用谱域法分析了平面近场分布状况,得出采样原则,为平面近场扫描测量提供了理论依据,并为平面近远场变换打下了基础。  相似文献   

天线时域近场测量技术与实验系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天线时域近场测试技术是一种新兴、高效的天线测试技术,能够快速精确地测量出天线的时域场和宽带特性。介绍了成功组建的国内第一套天线时域平面近场测试系统简单情况,给出了L、S、C、X四个波段的标准天线方向图验证测试结果,把测试结果跟频域近、远场测试系统上测得的结果进行了比较,证明测试理论的正确性和测试系统的实用性。  相似文献   

天线的远场对于研究天线辐射特性具有重大意义,近场测量技术因其能够避免直接测量远场而得到广泛应用,该技术采用近远场变换获得远场,然而,检验该远场的准确性也是很重要的.为了解决此类问题,文中以球面近场测量为例,提供了一种解决方案.该方案主要探讨了球面波模式展开理论,该理论是实现球面近远场变换算法的关键,其将待测天线在空间建立的场展开成球面波函数之和,天线的加权系数既包含了远场信息也包含了近场信息.因此,不仅能够利用近场测量信息获得远场辐射特性,同样能够利用远场辐射特性反推得到近场处电场,这样就能检验由近远场变换算法得到的远场是否准确.文中首先推算得到了近远场变换公式,随后进一步推算得到远近场变换的公式,最后将本文算法计算结果与FEKO测量结果进行比较,二者吻合良好,从而证实了本文两种算法的有效性.  相似文献   

The thought and formulation for near-field far-field transformation based on the direct time-domain computation scheme are given.The effect of the truncated scan plane is investigated by simulating time-domain measurement of an open-ended waveguide antenna, and a simple and effective criterion is derived for removing the truncation errors in the practical time-domain near-field measurements.  相似文献   

大目标的室内RCS测量不易满足远场条件,外推技术可将测试距离大幅度缩短,从而克服此缺陷。针对点频连续波方法测试RCS精度很有限,致使外推结果精度不高,本文提出基于扫频的时域法RCS外推技术。扫频测试能得到高精度的时域测试数据,通过对时域数据进行有效的变换,获取准确的频域幅相信息,从而外推出较高精度的远场RCS,实现大目标的RCS测量。通过对金属圆柱的测试,验证了该技术的优越性。  相似文献   

For part 1 see ibid. vol.47, no.9, p.1280 (1994). Two computation schemes for calculating the far-field pattern in the time domain from sampled near-field data are developed and applied. The sampled near-field data consists of the values of the field on the scan plane measured at discrete times and at discrete points on the scan plane. The first computation scheme is based on a frequency-domain near-field to far-field formula and applies frequency-domain sampling theorems to the computed frequency-domain near field. The second computation scheme is based on a time-domain near-field to far-field formula and computes the time-domain far field directly from the time-domain near field. A time-domain sampling theorem is derived to determine the spacing between sample points on the scan plane. The computer time for each of the two schemes is determined and numerical examples illustrate the use and the general properties of the schemes. For large antennas the frequency-domain computation scheme takes less time to compute the full far field than the time-domain computation scheme. However, the time-domain computation scheme is simpler, more direct, and easier to program. It is also found that planar time-domain near-field antenna measurements, unlike single-frequency near-field measurements, have the capability of eliminating the error caused by the finite scan plane, and thus can be applied to broadbeam antennas  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to the time-domain near-field far-field transformation technique introduced by Hansen and Yaghijan (1994) and is based either on a time-domain or frequency-domain scheme. The approach presented here attempts to overcome the main drawbacks of this technique related to the computer time and memory requirements, which could make unrealistic the application of the technique to cases of practical interest. To this end, the advanced representation of the (time and frequency domain) near field previously introduced by the authors, which requires a minimum number of nonequispaced field samples, are exploited. This leads to new relationship between the near-field measured samples and the far field, which requires a minimal set of time-space measurements. Various computational schemes are considered and compared showing that the presented algorithm requires a reduced measurement effort, computer time, and memory occupancy, while allowing a lower far-field reconstruction error for a fixed number of measurements  相似文献   

田野  练秋生 《电子学报》2016,44(10):2440-2448
现有信源定位方法大多假定信源是远场源或近场源,而实际定位系统中往往存在远场源和近场源共存的情况。为实现远、近场源分离及高精度信源定位,本文在稀疏信号重构理论框架下提出了一种新的远近场混合源定位算法。该算法利用阵列协方差矩阵反对角线元素和重加权l1范数惩罚获得所有信源的到达角(Direction Of Arrival, DOA)估计。在DOA估计的基础上,根据远场与近场源距离参数位于不同区间的特点利用一维搜索实现远、近场源分离以及近场源距离参数的估计。从理论角度分析了重加权l1范数惩罚算法的重构性能。本文所提算法不仅同时适用于高斯和非高斯信号,而且无需多维搜索和参数配对,也无需信源数的先验信息,同时还可以获得较好的定位精度。计算机仿真结果验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

A new way to carry out numerical cellular telephone simulation in the presence of the head is presented. Here, two finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations with different spatial and time resolutions are sequentially combined to perform a dual-grid FDTD (DG-FDTD) simulation. The DG-FDTD approach has the significant advantages to remain stable along the computation and to be easy to implement in a typical FDTD code. When compared with classical FDTD analysis, the DG-FDTD approach exhibits a reduction in computation time and memory requirements by a factor of 2.3 and 3.2, respectively, while providing accurate results both in near-field and far-field radiation.  相似文献   

针对6G超大规模多输入多输出(Extremely Large-scale Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,XL-MIMO)系统信道特性变化造成现有的近场和远场信道估计方案不能准确估计XL-MIMO混合场信道的问题,同时考虑到实际系统中稀疏度难以获取,提出了一种基于分段弱正交匹配追踪的混合场信道估计(Hybrid-field Stagewise Weak Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,HF-SWOMP)算法。该算法利用XL-MIMO混合场中近场和远场区域不同的信道特性,分别对近场和远场信道分量进行估计,从而得到混合场信道。仿真结果表明,所提XL-MIMO混合场信道估计算法性能相对于仅考虑近场和远场信道估计方案分别提高了约3.5 dB和3 dB,更符合实际信道场景。  相似文献   

Passive source localization is one of the issues in array signal processing fields. In some practical applications, the signals received by an array are the mixture of near-field and far-field sources, such as speaker localization using microphone arrays and guidance (homing) systems. To localize mixed near-field and far-field sources, this paper develops a two-stage MUSIC algorithm using cumulant. The key points of this paper are: (i) in the first stage, this paper derives one special cumulant matrix, in which the virtual ?steering vector? is the function of the common electric angle in both near-field and far-field signal models so that source direction-of-arrival (DOA) (near-field or far-field one) can be obtained from this electric angle using the conventional high-resolution MUSIC algorithm; (ii) in the second stage, this paper derives another particular cumulant matrix, in which the virtual ?steering matrix? has full column rank no matter whether the received signals are multiple near-field sources or multiple far-field ones or their mixture. What is more important, the virtual ?steering vector? can be separated into two parts, in which the first one is the function of the common electric angle in both signal models, whereas the second part is the function of the electric angle that exists only in near-field signal model. Furthermore, by substituting the common electric angle estimated in the first stage into one special Hermitian matrix formed from another MUSIC spectral function, the range of near-field sources can be obtained from the eigenvector of the Hermitian matrix. The resultant algorithm avoids two- dimensional search and pairing parameters; in addition, it avoids the estimation failure problem and alleviates aperture loss. Simulation results are presented to validate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种能够加速收敛的助推法,把助推法应用于时域非线性优化方法求解二维有耗介质体的逆散射问题,获得了很好的结果。  相似文献   

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