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刘振帮  黄华  金晓  陈怀璧 《电子学报》2013,41(6):1198-1201
 设计了工作在X波段的同轴多注相对论速调管放大器,建立了带输入、输出波导结构的三维整管模型,采用三维电磁粒子模拟软件对其高频特性进行了优化设计,对电子束经过输入腔后的束流调制、注入微波吸收情况、中间腔对束流的调制以及输出腔的微波提取情况进行了模拟研究.在输入微波功率为70kW,电子束束压为600kV,束流为5kA,轴向引导磁感应强度为0.6T的条件下,输出微波功率达到了1.3GW,效率为43%,增益为42dB,在较低的输入微波功率和较小的轴向引导磁感应强度的情况下,模拟实现了X波段RKAGW级的微波功率输出.  相似文献   

针对空间功率合成中多个微波源的锁相问题,设计了一种带有注入结构的Ku 波段同轴渡越时间振荡器。在输入 腔与三腔结构的调制腔之间,加入了效率99.9%以上的反射腔以防止功率向输入腔和发射端泄露。射频信号沿磁场方向注 入同轴波导,既保证了磁场线圈的连续,又抑制了器件中的不对称模式。粒子模拟结果表明,当注入比为0.1、频率差为 67MHz 时可实现锁相。研究还发现,高功率的注入信号能使器件提前饱和,并且得到更高的输出功率。另外,相比Adler 经典锁相理论,仿真结果得到了更大的锁相范围。  相似文献   

为实现基于相对论返波管振荡器的高功率微波相干合成,开展了针对锁相的低磁场返波管优化设计。通过优化中间调制腔的位置,降低工作模式的Q值,达到降低种子微波功率的目的。以外注入微波锁相方式为例,优化后的器件锁定增益大于20 dB,20 MW的注入微波功率即可实现对GW级的微波输出的相位控制。研究结果对调制电子束锁相也具有参考价值。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种由低次级联形式构成的W波段宽带六倍频器。输入信号先经过MMIC得到二倍频,再由反向并联二极管对平衡结构实现宽带三倍频,从而将Ku波段信号六倍频到W波段。该倍频器的输入端口为玻璃绝缘子同轴转换接头,输出为WR-10标准矩形波导结构。仿真结果表明当输入信号功率为20dBm时,三倍频器在整个W波段的输出三次谐波功率为4.5dBm左右,变频损耗小于17dB。该设计可以降低毫米波设备的主振频率,扩展已有微波信号源的工作频段。  相似文献   

介绍了一种C波段脉冲功率放大器,可将小功率微波信号调制放大为大功率微波信号以驱动真空行波管或直接输出。调制信号由外部输入。该放大器相对带宽可达30%,并可工作于连续波或脉冲波2种放大模式。  相似文献   

实验研究了垂直腔面发射激光器(vertical cavity surface emitting laser,VCSEL)在闪耀 光栅作为外腔反馈时的直流和微波调制特性。VCSEL底部端面和外部闪耀光栅组成法布里- 珀罗(Fabry-Perot,FP)腔,由于闪耀光栅的反馈作用,可以提高VCSEL微波调制效率。在VCSEL仅有直流 电流驱动时,实验观察到了频率与FP腔长有关的边带功率,调节FP腔长,使FP腔谐振频率与 微波调制频率耦合,可在相同微波功率下得到2倍的有效边带功率。研究结果表明,闪耀光 栅外腔VCSEL可以在较宽的输入较小微波功率范围内得到较高的有效边带功率。本文研究将 为微波调制VCSEL及其他半导体激光器应用提供一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

为了实现相对论返波管振荡器(RBWO)永磁包装,本文采用Magic模拟软件在0.5T低磁场相对论返波管(RBWO)器件结构基础上,通过在器件慢波结构末端添加一个部分反射腔,减小电子束质量对束波转换影响,即减小引导磁场的影响,实现了Ku波段相对论返波管振荡器0.3T磁场下运行.当电子束束压600kV、电子束束流7kA时,模拟得到器件输出微波功率740MW,效率18%.尽管该器件的效率低于0.5T磁场下的效率(25%),然而0.3T引导磁场在工程上更容易实现.结合小型化的脉冲功率源进行实验研究,当二极管束压580kV、束流6.5kA,实验获得功率600MW,频率13.10GHz,脉宽25ns的微波输出,该器件的研制可以促进高功率微波(HPM)系统小型化的发展.  相似文献   

行波管中注波互作用的特点是电子的速度调制、群聚及其与高频场的能量转换等过程沿整个慢波结构连续且同时进行,这是行波管可以在很宽频带内得到大输出功率的原因。在研究冷腔特性的基础上,使用三维PIC粒子模拟软件定量分析了耦合腔行波管的大信号注波互作用过程,完成了X波段连续波行波管的设计。设计参数:工作频率7.18.5GHz,带宽18%,最大输出功率3kW。  相似文献   

对W波段三槽梯形线耦合腔慢波结构(包括大功率输入输出耦合器和射频窗)的加工和冷测进行了研究。此慢波结构由一个矩形波导耦合器馈电,该耦合器由放置在输入腔短边上的三阶阶梯变换矩形波导组成。首先,利用仿真方法研究了慢波结构的色散、互作用阻抗、传输特性和注-波互作用。结果表明,采用三槽梯形线耦合腔慢波结构的行波管能够在91~96 GHz的频率范围内提供大于1000 W的饱和输出功率,并且在94 GHz频点,饱和输出功率最大,可以达到1125 W。其次,采用高精度数控铣床加工出三槽梯形线慢波结构,并将其固定在非磁性不锈钢外壳中。文中给出了带有耦合器和射频窗的三槽梯形线慢波系统的测试结果,表明在90 GHz到100 GHz的频率范围内,S11<-10 dB。因此,三槽梯形线慢波结构在W波段大功率行波管方面具有应用前景。  相似文献   

对W波段三槽梯形线耦合腔慢波结构(包括大功率输入输出耦合器和射频窗)的加工和冷测进行了研究。此慢波结构由一个矩形波导耦合器馈电,该耦合器由放置在输入腔短边上的三阶阶梯变换矩形波导组成。首先,利用仿真方法研究了慢波结构的色散、互作用阻抗、传输特性和注-波互作用。结果表明,采用三槽梯形线耦合腔慢波结构的行波管能够在91~96 GHz的频率范围内提供大于1 000 W的饱和输出功率,并且在94 GHz频点,饱和输出功率最大,可以达到1 125 W。其次,采用高精度数控铣床加工出三槽梯形线慢波结构,并将其固定在非磁性不锈钢外壳中。文中给出了带有耦合器和射频窗的三槽梯形线慢波系统的测试结果,表明在90 GHz到100 GHz的频率范围内,S_(11)-10 dB。因此,三槽梯形线慢波结构在W波段大功率行波管方面具有应用前景。  相似文献   

The output circuit section of a traveling-wave tube (TWT) routinely contains an RF phase velocity taper for the purpose of increasing RF output power and efficiency. By slowing the RF phase velocity in approximate synchronism with the decelerating electron beam bunches, the taper increases power transfer from the beam to the RF wave. Recently, the computational optimization technique of simulated annealing was shown to be very effective in the design of an RF phase velocity taper that significantly increased computed RF power and efficiency of a coupled-cavity TWT. In this paper, two new broadband simulated annealing algorithms are presented that optimize (1) minimum saturated efficiency over a frequency bandwidth and (2) simultaneous bandwidth and minimum efficiency over the frequency band with constant input power. The algorithms were incorporated into the NASA 2.5-dimensional (2.5-D) coupled-cavity TWT computer model and used to design optimal phase velocity tapers using a 59-64 GHz coupled-cavity TWT as a baseline model. Compared to the baseline taper design, the computational results of the first broadband algorithm showed an improvement of 73.9% in minimum saturated efficiency. The second broadband algorithm indicates an improvement of 272.7% in minimum RF efficiency with constant input power drive and an increase in simultaneous bandwidth of 0.5 GHz over that calculated for the baseline TWT  相似文献   

从线性化的Vlasov方程出发,研究了相对论返波管中产生的微波功率与磁场的关系,给出了低引导磁场相对论返波管振荡器的设计准则;设计了一个高效率的高功率返波管振荡器,通过采用过模的分段、非均匀慢波结构,实现器件的高效率、高功率运行,同时通过在慢波结构末端添加部分反射腔来降低引导磁场强度.当引导磁场强度为0.6T、电子能量和束流分别为800 keV和7.6kA时,采用2.5维Particle in Cell(PIC)程序模拟得到频率为9.6 GHz、功率为1.85 GW的微波输出.  相似文献   

以折叠波导行波管作为大功率回旋行波管的前级激励信号源,利用电磁仿真软件HFSS和粒子模拟软件(CST粒子工作室),对0.14 THz微电真空折叠波导行波管慢波结构的色散特性、耦合阻抗进行计算分析,然后对折叠波导行波管束波互作用过程进行粒子模拟,最后通过粒子模拟得到该折叠波导行波管的增益、工作电压、电流等工作特性参数。在电压为13.9 kV、电流为16 mA,输入功率为5 mW的条件下,输出功率为5 W,线性增益为30 dB,带宽3.7 GHz,最大输出功率为6.2 W,该结果为0.14 THz大功率回旋行波管实现kW量级的功率输出提供功率足够的前级馈入信号奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Eulerian hydrodynamics was developed to study the nonlinear problem of second harmonic generation in a helix traveling-wave tube (TWT). A closed-form expression for the second-harmonic component of RF output power was obtained. The method required the specification of the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the helical slow-wave structure (SWS) used in the device, obtainable by the field analysis of the SWS. Care was taken however to restrict the present Eulerian theory to the correct regime, which was found in terms of the RF input power drive and the device interaction length, by validating the theory against the more accurate Lagrangian theory. Within this regime, that was below the saturation level of the device, the effect of the dispersion of the SWS on the second harmonic generated in the device was studied. It was found that, irrespective of whether the dispersion of the SWS is positive or negative, the second harmonic content of the device decreased with the amount of the dispersion. Furthermore, though both the fundamental and the second harmonic content of the device decreased with the distributed loss on the SWS, the second harmonic relative to the fundamental showed a minimum at an optimum value of the distributed loss  相似文献   

Many present and future military and commercial systems operating at millimeter wave frequencies require the use of sophisticated electronically controllable antennas for maximum capability and flexibility. Electronic control of the antenna pattern is provided by electronically switchable phase control of each radiating element such as that achieved in phased array antennas or via electronically reconfigurable antenna feeds referred to as beam forming networks (BFN). Multibeam antennas provided by BFN'S can be realized using switches, variable power dividers (VPD), and phase shifters. Ferrite materials and associated application technology are being utilized to achieve these switchable RF control components at millimeter wave frequencies. The performance achievable in ferrite switchable circulators, variable power dividers and phase shifters in the frequency region from 20 to 100 GHz is discussed.  相似文献   

In a practical helix millimeter wave traveling-wave tube (TWT), there are always magnetic focusing system for constraining the electron beam as it passes through the interaction region and attenuator for suppressing the oscillations, including backward-wave oscillation (BWO) and improving the output power. In view of the attenuator and magnetic focusing system, a 2D linear theory is employed to analyze BWO start oscillation condition. Numerical results show that the start oscillation length of the millimeter wave TWT decreases when the start position of the attenuator is close to the input section of the slow wave structure (SWS), and that it increases with the decrease of the attenuation length or the increase of the attenuation quantity. Therefore, in order to predict the BWO accurately, we should take into the attenuator and magnetic focusing system account.  相似文献   

Procedures have been developed which enable the accurate computation of the cold-test (absence of an electron beam) parameters and RF output power for the slow-wave circuits of coupled-cavity traveling-wave tubes (TWT's). The cold-test parameters, which consist of RF phase shift per cavity, impedance, and attenuation, are computed with the three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation code MAFIA and compared to experimental data for an existing V-band (59-64 GHz) coupled-cavity TWT. When simulated in cylindrical coordinates, the absolute average differences from experiment are only 0.3% for phase shift and 2.4% for impedance. Using the cold-test parameters calculated with MAFIA as input, the NASA Coupled-Cavity TWT Code is used to simulate the saturated RF output power of the TWT across the V-band frequency range. Taking into account the output window and coupler loss, the agreement with experiment is very good from 60-64 GHz, with the average absolute percentage difference between simulated and measured power only 3.8%. This demonstrates that the saturated RF output power of a coupled cavity TWT can be accurately simulated using cold-test parameters determined with a three dimensional electromagnetic simulation code  相似文献   

建立了自洽的考虑波导璧损耗的折叠波导等效电路模型,用来计算该慢波结构周期TE10模式中各次空间谐波的相速度,耦合阻抗和线衰减系数.分析结果将会用到220 GHz折叠波导返波管一维束波互作用模型的计算中.当微波频率上升到太赫兹波段时,粗糙波导表面电流导致的壁损将不能再忽略不计.进一步研究表明,起振电流和输出功率水平将和损耗特性的计算密切相关.从原有模型发展而来的有损电路模型可以给出更准确损耗估计.建立了折叠波导慢波线三维谐振腔模型来验证本文的等效电路理论,有较好的吻合.采用了该理论导出参数的一维束波互作用模型和三维数值PIC方法同样有很好的一致性.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于开槽介质基底的卷绕微带线慢波结构.由于金属曲折微带线印制在介质基底的半圆形槽中,这种卷绕微带线慢波结构非常适合圆形电子注行波管,从而使得采用这种新型慢波结构的行波管可以利用传统的周期永磁磁场进行聚焦.文章对提出的卷绕微带线慢波结构的色散特性,耦合阻抗,传输特性及注-波互作用进行了分析.和传统的平面微带线慢波结构相比,提出的卷绕微带线慢波结构具有更低的相速、更弱的色散和更高的耦合阻抗,从而使得其适合于低电压、宽频带、小型化的毫米波行波管.将同步电压及直流电流分别设置为6 550 V及0.1 A的情况下,基于该卷绕微带线慢波结构的Ka波段行波管在35 GHz处能够输出42.32 W的功率,对应增益为26.26 dB,且均匀聚焦磁场只需0.4 T.  相似文献   

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