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在以OFDMA为基本多址方式的第四代移动通信系统中,频率复用作为提高系统性能的有效方法受到了广泛的关注,特别是分数频率复用和软频率复用。然而,如何进一步优化基于这些频率复用方法的OFDMA系统还有待研究。本文分析了多小区OFDMA系统负载和频率集合分配比例对小区总吞吐量和小区边缘用户数据速率的影响。同时,给出了在保证小区边缘用户服务质量的条件下,使小区总吞吐量最优的小区中心频率分配比例,并用仿真进行验证。仿真结果还表明了,随着分配比例的增大,小区总吞吐量先增大后减小。  相似文献   

为了提高频谱效率,给二级认知用户提供更多的频谱接入机会,同时保证用户的服务质量(QoS),该文章基于传统的频率复用方法在多小区正交频分多址接入(OFDMA)系统的场景中提出了一种动态频谱分配(DSA)算法。该算法使得持有频谱执照者在认知无线电环境中在很大的区域内释放频谱给其他的二级市场,还建立了一个分配花费矩阵,使得小区间的干扰达到最小,保证了用户的服务质量(QoS)。与传统的频率复用方法相比,该算法有更好的频谱效率,并给二级市场的使用创造了更多的机会。  相似文献   

传统的软频率复用(SFR)无法适应长期演进(LTE)系统中业务的动态分布,可能导致小区中心和边缘区域频谱利用率不均。针对此问题,该文提出一种基于认知的LTE系统动态频谱分配方法(Cog-DSA)。该方法利用基站间的相互协作获得频谱使用状态信息,从而确定可用频谱集合,并评估来自邻小区的同频干扰,最终根据可用资源块的通信质量,对重负荷小区边缘进行频谱的动态借用和服务基站的灵活选择。仿真结果表明,所提方法能够有效改善频谱利用率,减少小区间干扰,显著提升边缘用户的传输速率。  相似文献   

毫微微小区(Femtocell)网络能够增强室内覆盖,提高系统容量,但是在频谱共享正交频分多址(OFDMA) Femtocell网络中,同频干扰严重限制了网络的性能。针对频谱共享Femtocell网络中的上行链路,基于网络效率和毫微微小区用户间的公平性,该文提出合作纳什议价功率控制博弈模型,该博弈模型不仅考虑了对宏基站的干扰,而且考虑了毫微微小区用户最小信干噪比(SINR)需求。根据该博弈模型,进一步分析了具有帕累托(Pareto)最优的Kalai-Smorodingsky(KS)议价解。仿真结果表明,该策略既能保证用户公平性、最小SINR需求,又能够有效提高网络频谱利用率。  相似文献   

协作多点技术(CoMP)是LTE-Advanced系统中用于提高小区边缘用户性能的一项关键技术.然而,小区边缘用户性能得不到保证甚至恶化.为此本文基于支持宏分集的频率复用方法提出了一种适用于CoMP-SU-MIMO模式的分数频率复用方法.该方法通过设置信道增益差门限将边缘用户分为两类,分别由两小区和三小区协作提供服务,...  相似文献   

为了解决多小区OFDMA系统边缘用户受到严重的同频干扰问题,提出了一种基于小区边缘用户数的半静态干扰协调算法SICUN。该算法用小区边缘用户数指示小区边缘业务量的大小,结合特定的频率资源优先级规划方案以确定系统中小区中心、边缘用户的可用频率资源,在此基础上进行了补偿式功率控制。仿真结果表明:SICUN能在保证小区边缘用户性能的前提下,较大地提高系统整体性能。  相似文献   

在LTE系统中,软频率复用是解决小区间干扰的重要技术.已有的方案为每个小区固定的分配主载波,频谱分配缺乏有效性和灵活性.本文基于软频率复用的频谱划分思想,提出动态频率协调方案,根据小区间负载变化自适应调整每个小区的主载波数目,并且依据小区边缘用户的信道质量动态配置每个小区的主载波频段.仿真结果表明,所提方案能够有效提高小区边缘用户和系统的吞吐量.  相似文献   

全频率复用的OFDMA系统中,小区间干扰严重降低了整个系统,特别是小区边缘的频谱效率。文中考虑了多小区放大转发系统下行链路的资源管理,须联合优化用户调度、载波和功率的分配,并设计了一个分布式的资源分配算法,算法基于本小区局部信息分步完成用户调度和功率控制,小区之间只需要较少的交互信息。仿真结果表明,文中算法较传统算法具有更好的系统性能。  相似文献   

宋燕辉 《电讯技术》2012,52(4):503-507
软频率复用(SFR)被认为是一种有效的频率复用方案,可以协调小区间干扰,同时也可保持频谱效率.通过考虑各种业务负载及不同功率比的配置,研究在LTE下行传输时SFR的性能,除了小区边缘用户的性能,还评估了整个小区性能和小区中心用户性能,通过仿真对SFR的优势和局限性进行了较全面的验证,并与经典频率复用方案进行了比较.  相似文献   

LTE系统中基于无线接口的正交频分复用接入(OFDMA)方法在3GPP中有详细的介绍。OFDMA通过重复利用蜂窝当中的频带,从而有效提高了频谱利用率。然而,同时也导致了蜂窝边缘的相邻信号的干扰(ICI)。ICI不仅仅使得处在蜂窝边境用户的传输数据吞吐量下降,而且也同时会影响LTE系统当中的切换性能。在LTE系统当中主要是通过使用层3滤波器,迟滞和TTT机制采取的硬切换过程。为此,蜂窝边缘的干扰信号成了一个需要特别关注的问题。提出的蜂窝间干扰协调(ICIC)机制是一项可以有效克服ICI的技术,通过仿真分析使用ICIC可以有效提高LTE系统中的切换性能。  相似文献   

A graph‐based framework is proposed in this paper to implement dynamic fractional frequency reuse (D‐FFR) in a multicell Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) network. FFR is a promising resource‐allocation technique that can effectively mitigate intercell interference (ICI) in OFDMA networks. The proposed D‐FFR scheme enhances the conventional FFR by enabling adaptive spectral sharing as per cell‐load conditions. Such adaptation has significant benefits in practical systems where traffic loads in different cells are usually unequal and time‐varying. The dynamic adaptation is accomplished via a graph framework in which the resource‐allocation problem is solved in two phases: (1) constructing an interference graph that matches the specific realization of FFR and the network topology and (2) coloring the graph by use of a heuristic algorithm. Various realizations of FFR can easily be incorporated in the framework by manipulating the first phase. The performance improvement enabled by the proposed D‐FFR scheme is demonstrated by computer simulation for a 19‐cell network with equal and unequal cell loads. In the unequal‐load scenario, the proposed D‐FFR scheme offers significant performance improvement in terms of cell throughput and service rate as compared to conventional FFR and previous interference management schemes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the system performance is obviously improved by introducing the concept of relay into the traditional orthogonal frequency division multiple access(OFDMA)systems,resource scheduling in relay-enhanced OFDMA systems is worthy of being studied carefully.To solve the optimization problem of achieving the maximum throughput while satisfying the quality of service(QoS)and guaranteeing the fairness of users,a novel resource scheduling scheme with QoS support for the downlink of two-hop relay-enhanced OFDMA systems is proposed.The proposed scheme,which is considered both in the first time sub-slot between direct link users and relay stations,and the second time sub-slot among relay link users,takes QoS support into consideration,as well as the system throughput and the fairness for users.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has good performance in maximizing system throughput and guaranteeing the performance in the service delay and the data loss rate.  相似文献   

OFDMA系统静态软频率复用技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在OFDMA系统中,小区间同频干扰是主要干扰。在B3G/4G系统中,为了减少小区间干扰,静态软频率复用技术已得到了广泛的应用。介绍了2种静态软频率复用方案:经典软频率复用和基于功率重用的软频率复用。在此基础上,详细研究了使用改进型比例公平调度算法的功率重用软频率复用系统。通过仿真,分析并证实了静态软频率复用技术可对边缘用户吞吐量带来极大提升,同时给出并验证了系统中改进型比例公平调度器的最佳配置参数。  相似文献   

现有的多小区OFDMA中继通信系统资源分配的研究主要集中在单个小区的场景下,而不考虑由相邻小区引起的共信道干扰的影响。然而,实际系统中更高的频率复用因子和较小的小区半径,会导致严重的小区间干扰。该文考虑了多小区OFDMA解码转发中继通信系统的资源分配,它是一个混合离散型优化问题,即使在单小区场景下也是NP-hard难解的。由于全局最优求解的复杂性,该文提出一种分布式的次优的资源分配算法。算法分成两步:首先基于较低的信道反馈系统开销,分配子载波以满足用户的QoS要求;然后,将功率控制问题进一步简化并分解为多个凸优化的子问题,由椭球算法不断收敛的对偶变量迭代调整各个子问题的最优求解。仿真结果表明,与参考算法相比,所提算法的系统容量和边缘用户的吞吐量性能都有很大的提升。  相似文献   

该文考虑小区间业务均匀分布,提出了频谱功率分割(Frequency Power Partition,FPP)机制:小区间频率复用因子为1,2/3的频谱为低功率频谱,剩余频谱为高功率频谱,且相邻小区的高功率频谱相互正交。结合FPP特点,从吞吐量和公平性角度出发,分别提出了基于影响度的频谱分配(Influence-based Frequency Allocation,IFA)算法和基于收益与影响度的频谱分配(Profitability-and-Influence based Frequency Allocation,PIFA)算法。最后考虑到小区内用户和业务分布的不均匀性,设计了一种简单的功率控制机制。仿真和分析结果表明与软频率复用(SFR)相比,FPP+IFA和FPP+PIFA分别使系统吞吐量和公平性得到较大改善,且功率控制机制进一步提高了用户和业务分布不均匀时的系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

In this paper, a resource allocation scheme is proposed for multi-cell OFDMA systems in downlink under the fractional frequency reuse environments. The objective considers balancing between the maximization of the system throughput and the satisfaction of the user’s data rate requirement. Due to the severe co-channel interference for cellular networks with full frequency reuse, a dynamic fractional frequency reuse scheme is adopted in the cellular network which divides all subcarriers in each cell into two groups: a super group and a regular group. The dynamic fractional frequency reuse scheme can guarantee the intra-cell orthogonality and reduce the inter-cell interference. Therefore, the procedure of the proposed resource allocation scheme includes two main parts: frequency partition and subcarrier allocation. First, each subcarrier is assigned to either the super group or the regular group based on designed functions in all cells. Second, we allocate subcarriers to users by utilizing the designed functions. The designed functions are developed based on the proportional fairness scheduling, the logarithm transformation, and the Lagrangian technique. The designed function is coupled with the instantaneous data rate, the average data rate, and the data rate requirement. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a higher system throughput and improves the outage probability compared with existing schemes.  相似文献   

In multi-user OFDMA systems, adaptive resource allocation has been identified as one of the key technologies to have more flexibility and higher efficiency. Several adaptive subcarrier allocation algorithms with the objective to maximize spectral efficiency or fairness have been proposed. However, quality of service (QoS) requirement of each user may not be supported. Some algorithms considering user’s QoS requirement have been introduced, but they do not consider the case that every user’s QoS requirement cannot be guaranteed with limited resources. In this paper, we propose a maximum achievement rate allocation (MARA) algorithm as a new adaptive resource allocation algorithm. The proposed MARA algorithm has a goal to improve overall throughput while maximizing achievement rate, i.e., maximize the number of users meeting QoS requirements. In addition, we investigate that MARA is more effective when fractional frequency reuse (FFR) is adopted as a frequency partitioning scheme. Simulation results show that the MARA algorithm improves the achievement rate as well as overall throughput. Moreover, further performance gains are achieved when FFR is adopted.  相似文献   


Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is extensively utilized for the downlink of cellular systems such as long term evolution (LTE) and LTE advanced. In OFDMA cellular networks, orthogonal resource blocks can be used within each cell. However, the available resources are rare and so those resources have to be reused by adjacent cells in order to achieve high spectral efficiency. This leads to inter-cell interference (ICI). Thus, ICI coordination among neighboring cells is very important for the performance improvement of cellular systems. Fractional frequency reuse (FFR) has been widely adopted as an effective solution that improves the throughput performance of cell edge users. However, FFR does not account for the varying nature of the channel. Moreover, it exaggerates in caring about the cell edge users at the price of cell inner users. Therefore, effective frequency reuse approaches that consider the weak points of FFR should be considered. In this paper, we present an adaptive self-organizing frequency reuse approach that is based on dividing every cell into two regions, namely, cell-inner and cell-outer regions; and minimizing the total interference encountered by all users in every region. Unlike the traditional FFR schemes, the proposed approach adjusts itself to the varying nature of the wireless channel. Furthermore, we derive the optimal value of the inner radius at which the total throughput of the inner users of the home cell is as close as possible to the total throughput of its outer users. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive approach has better total throughput of both home cell and all 19 cells than the counterparts of strict FFR, even when all cells are fully loaded, where other algorithms in the literature failed to outperform strict FFR. The improved throughput means that higher spectral efficiency can be achieved; i.e., the spectrum, which is the most precious resource in wireless communication, can be utilized efficiently. In addition, the proposed algorithm can provide significant power saving, that can reach 50% compared to strict FFR, while not penalizing the throughput performance.


Multichannel random access in OFDMA wireless networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) systems are considered promising candidates for implementing next-generation wireless communication systems. They provide multiple channels that can be accessed via random access schemes. However, traditional random access schemes could result in an excessive amount of access delay. To address this issue, we develop a fast retrial scheme that is based on slotted Aloha and exploits the structure of OFDMA. A salient feature of this scheme is that when collisions occur instead of retrials occuring randomly in time, they occur randomly in frequency, i.e., the scheme randomly selects the subchannels for retrial. To further achieve fast access, retrials are designed to follow the 1-persistent type, i.e., no exponential backoff. To achieve the maximum throughput, we limit the maximum number of allowed retrials according to the load condition. We also consider the issue of designing for an appropriate reuse factor for random access channels in order to overcome the intercell interference problem in OFDMA multicell environments. Our finding is that full sharing, i.e., a reuse factor of one, performs best for given random access channels. Through analysis and simulation, we confirm that our fast retrial algorithm has the advantage of high throughput and low access delay, and the full sharing policy for random access channels shows high throughput as well as low collision.  相似文献   

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