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高精度太阳能跟踪控制器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前采用的传统太阳能跟踪控制器传感器形式单一、抗干扰性差、跟踪精度不高等问题,设计了一种基于可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC)的太阳能跟踪控制器系统。该系统将固定轨迹粗略跟踪方式与光电传感器精确跟踪方式有效地结合起来,并重点将光电传感器加以改进,从而有效地提高了太阳能利用率。由伺服电机作为执行机构控制太阳能板对太阳位置的跟踪,可以实现对太阳高度角和方位角的双自由度跟踪,使太阳能跟踪装置始终正对着太阳光线位置。通过对比实验表明,该跟踪控制器可以达到较高的跟踪精度。  相似文献   

本文研究了针对传感器故障的诊断与分布式预测控制(ModelPredictiveControl,MPC)容错控制方案。首先,利用分布式卡尔曼滤波对系统状态进行估计,构建故障诊断残差,在残差发生器中引入残差信号,生成故障信号,对传感器故障进行诊断。然后,利用MPC在线求解控制器的特点,设计容错控制器。最后,针对分布式框架下的容错控制问题,开展数值仿真分析,表明该方案能够在保持所需控制性能的同时,降低传感器故障的影响。  相似文献   

林俊  章兢  佘致廷 《电子技术》2004,31(4):41-43
文章介绍了S7-214可编程序控制器(PLC)在气体在线监测系统中的应用,对传感器与油气分离装置,系统的硬、软件特性,控制方式和故障诊断进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

在分析APS图像传感器STAR1000驱动时序的基础上,设计了一种基于FPGA的智能APS控制器.采用自上而下的设计思想,将该控制器分为3个模块:微处理器接口信号控制模块(McuCtrl)、静态存储器(SRAM)信号控制模块(SramCtrl)和APS信号控制模块(ApsCtrl).利用VHDL语言进行硬件描述,编译完成后利用Modelsim软件对所设计的控制器仿真分析,最后将其应用到星敏感器原理样机,通过实际系统检验它的有效性.  相似文献   

<正>盛世瑞恩推出两款新型传感器盛世瑞恩传感器公司(Sensirion AG)是CMOS基传感器器件及系统的世界级主要供应商。该公司的高质量产品范围涉及温湿度传感器、流量计、气液体流量控制器、用于组建自动化模块的差  相似文献   

基于FPGA提出一种将各种不同类型的传感器接口(如UART接口)转化为统一规范的USB接口的设计方案,从而实现PC机对传感器接口采集的数据快速读写。简单介绍USB控制器的Verilog HDL实现方法,并应用QuartusⅡ和NiosⅡ软件搭建自适应传感器系统模块,通过数据传输对该系统进行验证,模拟了UART接口转换为USB接口的实现方法。  相似文献   

传感器储能性能较弱,导致设计出的光伏发电中的传感器节能控制器网络延迟较长、节能效果不理想。因而,设计一种新型光伏发电中的传感器节能控制器,其对供电电路、无线通信芯片和太阳光传感器芯片进行重点设计。n RF905无线通信芯片对控制器中各设备、电路、元件之间的数据通信进行监控,保障节能效果、缩短网络延迟。供电电路为控制器的节能工作供应电能、优化太阳光光强的能量转化。优化后的太阳光能量,将通过太阳光传感器中的TSL2678芯片太阳光进行参数提取和分析,输出太阳能最佳采集方位和该方位的太阳光光强,实现光伏发电的最优节能。控制器软件设计部分给出了控制器的节能控制流程。分析实验结果可知,所设计的控制器具有网络延迟短、节能效果好的特点。  相似文献   

该控制器采集汽车进气歧管压力传感器(MAP传感器)的输出数据,经过单片机处理,控制汽车压缩机的断开与接通,实现了在汽车起步、急加速和爬坡时自动断开压缩机负荷,消除了这些情形下空调对动力的影响。由于利用了原车传感器,故成本低廉、电路简单。并且断开压缩机负荷的延时时长、介入灵敏度可调。经过多种不同车型车主的实际使用,基本不再感受到空调对汽车动力的影响。  相似文献   

TI出售传感器和控制器部门最近《华尔街杂志》日前报道称,市场分析机构RW贝尔德公司的分析师TristanGerra最近指出,德洲仪器已经达成协议,计划出售它的传感器和控制器部门,还包括公司的无线视频识别(RFID)产品。私有资本企业美国投资公司BainCapital正在讨论收购德洲仪器公司的  相似文献   

主要对火灾报警控制器的理论做了深入的研究,使用单片机,选用烟雾传感器、红外传感器等多个传感器作为敏感元件,结合信息融合技术,全面阐述了研制火灾报警控制器硬件部分和软件部分的方法。采用protel99绘制电路图并进行电路仿真,证明整个系统电路设计合理,性能安全可靠。  相似文献   

针对发动机平均值模型进行控制仿真以验证所设计的控制策略对发动机控制的有效性,首先在MATLAB/Simulink中建立发动机的平均值模型,其次分别建立PID控制器和模糊PID控制器对发动机平均值模型进行控制仿真,最后对两种控制器的仿真结果进行比较分析。通过最后的仿真结果可以看出两种控制器都可以稳定控制发动机模型,但模糊PID控制器具有更好的控制效果。发动机是一个非线性、时滞的动力学系统,而模糊控制不需要了解被控对象的特性,故它能精确控制发动机模型。  相似文献   

A potentially useful method of reducing pollutants in automobile exhaust gas and reducing fuel consumption is the optimum control method for ignition timing of the mixture. Optimum ignition timing varies with the state of engine operation. Moreover, it is a complex function involving parameters of engine operating state. Ignition timing is usually expressed as the measure of angular displacement of the engine shaft with varying rotational speed, so that its control must depend on continuous phase control techniques. Dual-slope integration as a method of this phase control is proposed. A special feature of this method is that the phase angle between signals for each reference angle input intermittently can be determined in terms of linear functions of repetition frequency of the signals. By varying the time constants of integration and the level of comparison with the integration value, even more complex multivariant functions can be generated. The principle of phase control by dual-slope integration is described. An ignition timing controller applying this principle is discussed, the controller meeting the optimum ignition timing characteristics required in actual automobiles.  相似文献   

李海平 《电子设计工程》2013,21(18):115-117
为了解决甲醇汽油燃料在汽车发动机上冷启动困难,使用范围小等问题,提出了一种带有温度检测的自适应型补偿喷油控制方法,并基于MC9S12系列单片杌完成了控制器的设计。该控制器主要通过采集发动机启动时的进气口温度和转速,实时的调整汽车ECU原始喷油信号的有效喷油时长,使发动机快速平稳的启动,最终实现多比例甲醇汽油在汽车发动机上对汽油的替代。实验应用表明,该控制器具有冷启动顺利、适应燃料多样、控制精确、运行平稳安全、节约燃料开支、节能减排的特点,达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

Maximization of the catalyst efficiency in automotive fuel-injection engines requires the design of accurate control systems to keep the air-to-fuel ratio at the optimal stoichiometric value AF/sub S/. Unfortunately, this task is complex since the air-to-fuel ratio is very sensitive to small perturbations of the engine parameters. Some mechanisms ruling the engine and the combustion process are in fact unknown and/or show hard nonlinearities. These difficulties limit the effectiveness of traditional control approaches. In this paper, we suggest a neural based solution to the air-to-fuel ratio control in fuel injection systems. An indirect control approach has been considered which requires a preliminary modeling of the engine dynamics. The model for the engine and the final controller are based on recurrent neural networks with external feedbacks. Requirements for feasible control actions and the static precision of control have been integrated in the controller design to guide learning toward an effective control solution.  相似文献   

无人机在光电侦察领域的应用越来越广泛,设计可靠的飞行控制器是完成侦察任务的必要手段。提出了一种基于模型匹配和遗传算法寻优的以非线性模型为被控对象的飞行控制器设计方法。通过该方法可以实现无人机飞行控制器与飞行仿真模型的一体化快速设计与仿真,与经典的飞行控制器设计方法相比,该方法能够比较快速、便捷地获得所需控制器。建立了包含气动、发动机和环境模型的某型无人机六自由度非线性全量数学模型,然后基于此模型,应用上述方法设计了无人机的飞行控制器,基于有限状态机理论建立了飞行管理模型,设计无人机飞行剖面并实现控制器切换,最后进行了六自由度非线性仿真,验证了所设计控制器的有效性。  相似文献   

使用MC33816新型可编程电磁阀控制器可以简化高压燃油喷射控制器的硬件设计,论文讨论了基于MC33816的航空发动机高压燃油喷射器的设计。用LabVIEW开发的上位机软件,可以对MC33816的相关参数进行灵活调整,从而标定出不同参数下GDI喷嘴的喷油量来满足航空活塞发动机在不同工况下的供油量。高压燃油喷射控制器的软硬件相关设计方案及设计细节具有较好的参考价值,同时实验最终也验证了基于MC33816设计的高压燃油喷射控制器对喷油嘴控制的相关性能。  相似文献   

A new strategy for traction control in turning via engine modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The driving stability is affected by driven wheel slip, which can be controlled by the driven wheel torque. In a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine, the torque can be controlled by an engine management system. The sliding mode algorithm is the mechanism behind the design of the traction control system (TCS). The longitudinal slip is controlled by the position of the throttle valve. The vehicle model used has seven degrees of freedom and a two-state engine model, i.e., the mass of air in the intake manifold and the engine speed. Time-delay transport is considered in the engine model used. A nonlinear tire model for combined slip is used for tire force computation. Due to the nonlinear dynamic of the tire, vehicle, and engine, the control method of sliding mode is used for its robustness. A controller is designed based on the dynamic surface control, for which two first-order surfaces are defined. The effectiveness of the controller is demonstrated with simulation results for different maneuvers. Results show that for different road conditions, the acceleration performance, directional stability, and steerability of a vehicle equipped with TCS is improved. The reason is that the slip is controlled by keeping it in a desired range  相似文献   

在汽车发动机起动时,若发动机起动后起动机不能及时断电,将会烧毁起动机或损坏飞轮齿环;若变速器不在空档位置起动,则起动机的瞬间动力将使汽车位移,还可能引起交通事故和人身安全.为此介绍一种利用NXP P89LPC901单片机控制的汽车起动保护控制器,通过检测汽车起动开关、变速箱档位、发动机转速,实现对汽车发动机起动过程检测和保护.起动保护控制器在发动机起动过程中通过采用逐个关闭打开负载系统,解决汽车发动机过程中因起动电流大而对汽车电源的冲击影响,延长了电瓶寿命.  相似文献   

An automotive engine calibration system has been developed to aid in development and evaluation of a control algorithm for electronic spark advance. It consists of the programmer, controller, and measurement units. Given the spark advance and the dwell time in the form of function subroutines written in BASIC, the programmer unit makes the advance and dwell tables as a function of engine speed and load. Referring to these tables, the controller unit operates the engine under calibration. The measurement unit measures the resultant engine performance and anlayzes the control algorithm. This process is repeated until the optimum algorithm is reached. A few test examples are also presented to demonstrate the system capability. This system features an easy operation and an accurate calibration.  相似文献   

The start of combustion (SOC) in the combustion chamber has a considerable influence upon all performances of the engine. In this paper, cylinder pressure was investigated as a means for the closed-loop SOC control of a common-rail direct injection (CRDI) diesel engine. In order to detect the SOC, the crank angle position where the difference pressure became 10 bar was selected as the pressure variable. Using this pressure variable as a feedback variable, an adaptive feedforward control was proposed. The feedforward controller consisted of the radial basis function network (RBFN) and the feedback error learning method, which was used for the training of the network. The proposed SOC control strategy showed a far better regulation performance than that of the linear feedback controller. A further extension of the strategy based on the individual cylinder pressure feedback, the individual cylinder SOC control strategy, effectively reduced cylinder-by-cylinder SOC variation in steady and transient engine operations.  相似文献   

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