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吴限  王强  蒋云杨 《微电子学》2015,45(4):492-496
准谐振有源箝位正激变换器的有源箝位电路与常规的有源箝位正激变换器的结构类似,但实际工作过程存在许多差异。通过分析准谐振有源箝位正激变换器的工作过程,研究了准谐振有源箝位正激变换器的开关管零电压导通的边界条件,并进行了仿真和实验验证。  相似文献   

文章对采用峰值电流控制的磁集成有源箝位正激变换器进行了小信号分析。建立的模型不但包括复位电路和斜坡补偿电路部分,还包括集成磁件部分。最后给出了补偿器设计原则,完成了闭环设计。  相似文献   

在有源箝位ZVS-PWM正激变换器中,变压器的磁复位技术是其中最关键的一项技术。文章结合仿真和初步的试验结果对有源箝位ZVS-PWM正激变换器的整个工作过程中的能量流动进行分析,总结出使变压器有效磁复位以及开关管ZVS开通的方法。  相似文献   

在有源箝位反激变换器负载基本恒定的情况下采用前馈控制既可以减小变换器体积,又可降低变换器的成本。文中在分析有源箝位反激变换器工作原理的基础上,结合LM5025器件的前馈控制特性,深入研究了基于LM5025的有源箝位反激变换器前馈控制的实现方案,设计了前馈控制电路的参数,完成了有源前馈反激变换器电路设计。在此基础上进行了实验研究,实验结果证明了有源箝位反激变换器前馈控制的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

有源箝位正激变换器有很多优点,现在正得到广泛应用。本文介绍了有源箝位技术的工作原理与主要参数的设计方法,以及应用于正激变换器中的优势。  相似文献   

提出一种交错并联有源箝位ZVS-PWM正激变换器,它的最大优点是负载从零变化到最大时开关管的损耗非常小.这种变换器是由两个有源箝位正激变换器共同耦合一个高频变压器构成的,适用于大输入电压、大功率的变换器.分析其工作原理并用一台功率为3 kW的原理样机进行实验验证.  相似文献   

针对3.3 V/10 A低压大电流输出、高功率密度电源模块的设计要求,结合有源箝位正激拓扑理论和磁集成技术,提出采用磁集成技术的有源箝位正激变换器;对变换器中的主变压器和输出电感进行集成,得到高效率、高功率密度的有源箝位正激变换器。  相似文献   

介绍了同步整流技术的基本原理,结合具体电路,对栅极电荷保持技术在有源箝位正激变换器中的应用作了分析;阐述了同步整流芯片IR1176在正激变换器中的应用。  相似文献   

本文研究一种具有非线性电压转换的正激变换器,通过在有源箝位正激变换器的变压器二次侧增加一个续流二极管和一个输出滤波电感得到。该变换器保留了有源箝位正激变换器的优点,同时,具有更高的占空比利用率,使得其具有宽输入电压适应范围,软开关的实现和二极管电压电流应力的减小,使其功率转换效率进一步提高。研制了一台50~100V输入, 12V输出的原理样机,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性以及该技术的可行性。  相似文献   

孙闯闯 《电子器件》2020,43(1):88-93
提出一种同步整流有源箝位正激变换器。该变换器是在传统的同步整流有源箝位正激变换器的原边增加一个由箝位电容和电感构成的辅助网络得到。该辅助网络可以使变换器在全负载范围内更容易实现主开关管和辅助开关管的ZVS(Zero-Voltage Switching),副边采用自激式同步整流技术,能进一步提升变换器效率,适用于低压、大电流输出场合。详细分析了变换器的工作原理,搭建了一台8 V/100 W试验样机证明了理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

The authors point out the major differences between symmetrical topology magamps and the forward converter magamp. In a forward converter, a small portion of the magnetizing current of the power transformer is diverted to the secondary for reset of the magamp's saturable reactor. In symmetrical topologies, the transformer's magnetizing current is not used for reset of the saturable reactor(s). The magnetizing current shifts to the secondary where it causes a series of problems. The authors examine these problems, identify solutions, and explain why a half-bridge magamp supply is inherently less versatile than is the forward converter  相似文献   

提出了Sagnac光纤水听器锯齿波主动相位偏置方案,分析了锯齿波2π复位误差对系统性能的影响。采用频率为94.05kHz,复位电压为10.84V的锯齿波对信号进行调制,将系统偏置在π/2附近。为抑制2π复位误差的影响,采用与锯齿波同步的脉冲信号控制模/数(A/D)转换器定时采样,采样结果就是所需的声音信号。实验表明,该系统在10kHz频率响应处信号幅度平均值为0.067rad,方差为3.08×10-5rad,信号幅度相对变化仅为0.046%,系统相位偏置十分稳定。  相似文献   

采用有源箝位复位方式能够有效提高变换器的效率,然而箝位开关管的增加提高了控制电路的难度,文章中设计了一种简单的驱动电路,解决了开关管之间的延时问题,实验结果证实该方案有效提高了变换器的效率。  相似文献   

在电力电子技术课程中,推挽式、半桥式和全桥式隔离型变换器电路属一类变压器磁芯双向磁化的基本电路,在实际中得到广泛的应用。如何给学生解释清楚铁心双向对称磁化的原理是一个教学难点。本文以推挽电路为例分析了铁心双向对称磁化工作机理。从带磁复位绕组的单端正激变换器的变压器铁心磁化工作原理出发,将推挽变换器看成是两个带磁复位绕组的单端正激变换器的组合。并从空载时占空比小于四分之一情况出发,循序渐进地全面细致地分析了各种负载情况下的工作原理,这种讲解思路严谨且易于被学生理解和接受。  相似文献   

The forward converter with the active-clamp reset offers many advantages over the forward converters with other transformer-reset methods. However, during the line and load transients, the maximum magnetizing current of the transformer and the peak voltage of the primary switch are strongly affected by the active-clamp circuit dynamics. As a result, the design of a forward converter with the active-clamp reset cannot be optimized based only on its DC characteristics. Due to the nonlinearity of the circuit, it is very difficult to derive the closed-form equations for the transient response of the active-clamp circuit. In this paper, an average-state-trajectory approach is proposed to analyze the transient behavior so that the trends of the maximum magnetizing current of the transformer and the peak voltage of the primary switch can be easily predicted under worst-case conditions and parameter variations  相似文献   

This paper investigates the application of reset voltage feedback for reducing errors due to droop in the signal derived from a current transformer sensing unidirectional current pulses in switched-mode power converter applications. Droop is minimised by applying a correcting voltage in series with the transformer's output terminals during the current pulse. The magnitude of the correcting voltage is based on the transformer's reset voltage sensed during the power converter's previous switching cycles. A model of the scheme is presented and a circuit is implemented. Reductions in both peak and average current droop are demonstrated.  相似文献   

A self core reset and zero voltage switching (ZVS) forward converter topology is presented in this paper. By employing a simple auxiliary circuit, the proposed topology is able to achieve self reset of the power transformer without the use of the conventional tertiary reset winding, and its main switch can be turned on and turned off under ZVS independent of line and load conditions. This simplifies the power transformer, and the switching losses are substantially removed to improve the overall efficiency. Steady state analysis of the circuit is performed. Based on the analysis, a design procedure is presented, and the effects of the circuit parameters on the flux excursion of the power transformer are investigated to make sure self reset can be achieved without increasing the core losses. Simulation and experiment on a 5 V, 100 W prototype circuit operated at 200 kHz are carried out to verify the design, about 5% higher overall efficiency is obtained in the prototype converter than in its conventional counterpart  相似文献   

This paper presents a forward converter topology that employs a small resonant auxiliary circuit. The advantages of the proposed topology include soft switching in both the main and auxiliary switches, recovery of the leakage inductance energy, simplified power transformer achieving self-reset without using the conventional reset winding, simple gate drive and control circuit, etc. Steady-state analysis is performed herein, and a design procedure is presented for general applications. A 35-75-Vdc to 5 Vdc 100-W prototype converter switched at a frequency of 200 kHz is built to verify the design, and 90% overall efficiency has been obtained experimentally at full load.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new topology named zero-voltage switching (ZVS) resonant reset dual switch forward dc-dc converter, which, compared with resonant reset single switch forward dc-dc converter, maintains the advantage that duty cycle can be more than 50%, at the same time disadvantages of high voltage stress for main switches and low efficiency are overcome. In addition, ZVS is achieved for all switches of the presented topology. Therefore, this proposed topology is very attractive for high voltage input, wide range, and high efficiency applications. In this paper, the operation principle and characteristic of this topology are analyzed in detail. Next, the design consideration is presented. Finally, the advantages mentioned above are verified by experimental results  相似文献   

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