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李春晓 《电子测试》2014,(Z2):53-54
科学技术的发展现在一个国家的发展中显的极为的重要,对于科学技术的研究是体现一个国家的综合国力的表现,本文主要针对LISA数据库收录的有关云计算机的文献进行的研究,通过这些的研究分析来关注它的起源,发展历程极其研究的最新动态。并且在一定的范围内探讨出在以后的研究道路上的目标以及我们应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

城市发展的好与坏与城市的设计规划有着巨大的联系,这是不容置疑的,发展好的城市的规划设计就是要比其他城市的规划设计更加的合理。但是在这个城市遍地的时代,不是所以的城市都发展的很好,这主要就是城市的设计规划的不同所导致的,譬如:城市中的道路;建筑;楼房的建设;环境的创建等,这些东西的不同直接导致了两个城市的发展结果截然不同,这就说明城市规划对城市的发展是有很大的意义的。  相似文献   

网络的规划及计算机的维护工作主要涉及到了计算机的软硬件的管理及维护的工作还有网络的相应的规划和管理的工作,此外还有中心机房的规划和布置的相关的内容以及计算机的外部设备相应的维护及管理的工作等内容。本文就局域网的建设和维护工作做了很好地分析,并针对其中的问题提出了很好地建议。  相似文献   

我国的数字卫星电视经过了一个漫长的发展才达到了目前的程度,有效的提高了我国人民的能够收看到的电视品质,本文从我国早期的的卫星电视与我国卫星电视的数字化过程对我国的数字卫星电视的发展做出了一定的论述。  相似文献   

对于宁波大学的体育馆的扩声系统的设计进行了详细的介绍.考虑到体育馆内部的空间大,混响时间长的建筑结构的缺陷.在吊顶上采用了大量的吸声体解决了混响时间过长的问题.同时,采用集中式的阵列扬声器的布局模式解决了声压级的覆盖以及对语言清晰度要求的矛盾.同时在系统中采用了大量的数字音频处理器设备简化了系统的结构,提高了系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

2010年的国产鸿篇巨制<孔子>,以强大的演员阵容,扣人心弦的故事情节,具有和谐思想的人性解读,再现出中国二千五百年前的春秋争霸以及一位"去圣"的凡人颠沛流离的晚年生活.视听震撼之外,是灵魂深处的碰撞:天下大同的圣人思想、仙境岸边的子见老子、虔诚执着的门徒弟子,灰飞烟灭的红颜知己,颠沛流离的晚年生活、皓首苍颜的衰老终回……从人心的最深处不断敲打的人性的灵魂.  相似文献   

随着时代的飞速发展,科技的不断进步,人们越来越意识到虚拟现实的重要作用,校园是培养人才的地方,如何给学生更好地学习环境,更好的保障学生在上学时的安全,更加有效地提高学生学习的效率,都是可以通过虚拟现实的技术得以实现的。人们通过虚拟现实的技术,更好的更直观了解校园中一些具体的情况,获取相应的信息,以往仅仅只是对校园环境的模拟已经无法满足人们的需求,人们需要教学,教务,校园生活三者相结合的一种虚拟校园的出现,而目前的科学技术已经足以实现这样的效果,真实性,互动性,有着特有的情节是虚拟技术的一个很重要的表现形式。  相似文献   

传统的无线通信系统空中接口的高层协议采用简单的分层结构,每层进行独立的设计和操作,各层间的接口是静态的。这种设计方法简化了网络设计,具有很好的通用性,但是无线通信系统的信道是随着时间、空间和频率而随机变化的,同时用户的多媒体业务和整个网络状态也是动态的、变化的,而传统的分层协议结构不能很好的适应无线通信的特点,不能保证用户多媒体业务的QoS(服务质量),传输的可靠性和提高无线资源的利用率,本文针对此问题阐述了跨层无线资源管理的思想,跨层设计能够根据用户多媒体业务的QoS和信道的随机变化特性等,跨过层间功能进行优化,更好的保证了不同多媒体业务的QoS,利用各个用户间信道的独立随机变化的特性,最大化系统的传输效率。  相似文献   

传统的传输数据的方式是应用有线的方式。传统的数据信息的传输方式存在一定的弊端,在这些弊端的存在以及时代的发展之下,我们进入了无线的时代。数据信息于无线传输的采集与控制的方式具有速度快,噪音小、效率高等优点,给我们的生活带来了巨大的便利。  相似文献   

首先结合中国专利法的相关法律条款解释了发明专利申请保护范围的判定和发明专利申请文件的修改条件;同时结合经验丰富的公司申请人的撰写方式给出较好的撰写方式的实例.然后,根据在多年进行发明专利申请的实质审查过程中总结出的已有公司的较好的申请文件的撰写经验,对国内的发明专利申请人提出发明专利的权利要求书和说明书的撰写方式建议.  相似文献   

A self-aligned gate notched channel GaAs m.o.s.f.e.t. structure on semi-insulating substrate is presented. Device operation is mainly in enhancement mode. The transconductance is comparable to enhancement-mode m.e.s.f.e.t.s, j.f.e.t.s and s.i.g.f.e.t.s; however, the output-current capability is essentially increased.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles: Principles of Rhetoric . By Richard E. Hughes and P. Albert Duhamel. The Complete Stylist . By Sheridan Baker. The Writer's Manual : The Grammar and Mechanics of the English Language . By Archibald Jordan. Language , Rhetoric, and Style . By Phillip Damon, John Espey, and Frederick Mulhauser. Writing By Patterns . By Helen E. Lefevre and Carl A. Lefevre. Public Speaking . By George W. Fluharty and Harold R. Ross. You Don't Say : Studies of Modern American Inhibitions . By Benjamin DeMott. The Ill -Spoken Word : The Decline of Speech in America . By Leonard A. Stevens with an introduction by Ralph G. Nichols. Public Speaking : A Rhetorical Perspective . By Jane Blankenship of Mount Holyoke College The Art of successful Communication : Business and Personal Achievement Through Written Communication . By Norman G. Shidle. This Is Reading . By Frank G. Jennings. Perspectives on persuasion . By Wallace C. Fotheringham. Perspectives on Argumentation . Edited by Gerald R. Miller The Mass Media and Modern Society . By Theodore Peterson and Jay W. Jensen, of the University of Illinois, and William L. Rivers, of Stanford University. Personal and Organizational Change Through Group Methods : The Laboratory Approach . By Edgar H. Schein and Warren G. Bennis. Group Problem -Solving Through Discussion . By William S. Smith Report Writing (fourth edition). By Harold F. Graves and Lyne S. S. Hoffman. Report Writing for Business (revised edition). By Raymond V. Lesikar. Communication in the Business Organization . By William Scholz The Penguin Dictionary of English . Compiled by G. N. Garmonsway with Jacqueline Simpson. Clinical Aspects of Remedial Reading . By Clifford J. Kolson, State University College in Potsdam, New York, and George Kaluger, Shippensburg State College in Pennsylvania. Culture in American Education . By Ruth Landes. Freedom and Communications . By Dan Lacy. Introduction to the Field of Speech . Ronald F. Reid Contemporary Controversy : Readings for Composition and Discussion . By Morris Freedman and Paul B. Davis Speech Preparation Sourcebook . By Robert T. Oliver, Carroll C. Arnold, and Eugene E. White, Pennsylvania State University. The Conduct of Inquiry . By Abraham Kaplan. Signal Detection and Recognition by Human Observers . Contemporary readings edited by John A. Swets. Character and Crisis : A Contemporary Reader . Edited by Philip Levine, of Fresno State College, and Henri Coulette, of California State College at Los Angeles. Written Communications for Business Administrators . By Robert D. Hay.  相似文献   

GaAs semi-insulated-gate f.e.t.s (s.i.g.f.e.t.s) have been fabricated by Ar+ bombardment in the gate region. The d c. characteristics and microwave performance are compared with those of conventional power m.e.s.f.e.t.s fabricated from the same slice. Up to 2.9W output power with 4dB gain has been obtained from s.i.g.f.e.t. devices at 8 GHz.  相似文献   

Das  J. Bose  S.C. 《Electronics letters》1968,4(3):48-49
Possibilities of using incoherent carriers, amplitude-modulated by the message-modulated p.f.m., r.f.m. and p.l.m. have been investigated. It has been shown that, for noise bandwidths much smaller than the transmission bandwidth, efficient communication is possible, and s.n.r.s of 50?60dB are obtained for practical p.f.m.-a.m. and r.f.m.-a.m. systems. Some comparisons are also given.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
P sychopathology of C ommunication . By Paul H. Hoch and Joseph Zubin. (Editors.)
T he S tudy of L eadership . By C. G. Browne and Thomas S. Cohn. (Editors.)
M echanics of E nglish . By R. G. Lowery, Charles Moorman, and Robert Barnes.
on A ssignment : R eading and W riting . By Herbert Hackett and William Baker.
C urrent T hinking and W riting . (Fourth Series.) By James M. Bachelor, Ralph L. Henry, and Rachel Salisbury. (Editors).
T echnical R eporting . (Revised Edition.) By Joseph N. Ulman, Jr., and Jay R. Gould.
B etter R eport W riting . By Willis H. Waldo.
T echnical E diting . By B. H. Weil. (Editor.)
L anguage : A n E nquiry into its M eaning and F unction . By Ruth Nanda Anshen (Editor).
T heart of L istening . By Dominick A. Barbara.
H uman R elations in B usiness . By Keith Davis.
E ssays on L anguage and U sage . By Leonard F. Dean and Kenneth G. Wilson. (Editors.)
T he W riter's R esource B ook . (Revised Edition.) By John Gerber. (Editor.)
T he F low of I nformation . By Melvin L. DeFleur and Otto N. Larsen.
T he M ass C ommunicators . By Charles S. Steinberg.
T he S tatus S eekers . By Vance Packard.  相似文献   

R obert H aakenson , Editor D ictionaries and T hat D ictionary . By James Sledd and Wilma R. Ebbitt.
T he L anguage of the L aw . By David Mellinkoff.
N ew D evelopments in P rograms and P rocedures for C ollege -A dult R eading . Edited by Ralph C. Staiger and Culbreth Y. Melton.
D ynamic S peaking . By Martin Bryan, Ph.D.
M ethods and M eans of P ublic S peaking . By William S. Smith and Donald J. Canty.
F our T heories of the P ress . By Fred S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm.
U nderstanding M edia : T he E xtensions of M an . By Marshall McLuhan.
T he A rt of P ersuasion in G reece . By George Kennedy.
C ommunicative S peech . By Robert T. Oliver, Harold P. Zelko, and Paul D. Holtzman.
F our in D epth . By Ken Macrorie.
L anguage and L ogic . By Milos Prazak.
K ant 'S I ntroduction to L ogic . Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, B. D.
L anguage and P hilosophy . By Mikel Dufrenne. Translated by Henry B. Veatch.

Kohn  E. 《Electronics letters》1975,11(8):160-160
The idea of gate shaping in f.e.t.s was implemented into the GaAs-m.e.s.f.e.t. structure. A m.e.s.f.e.t. with 2 ?m gate length was fabricated, the measured m.a.g. data of which allow an extrapolation to an fmax of about 45 GHz.  相似文献   

A new equivalent circuit is given for the GaAs m.e.s.f.e.t., which includes resistive loss in the feed back elements. The circuit values are given for several 1 ?m-gate GaAs m.e.s.f.e.t.s. A method for fitting s12 to the measured data is described. Finally, the gain and stability factor of several GaAs m.e.s.f.e.t.s. are extrapolated to 24 GHz from the present model.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
C ausality . By Mario Bunge.
T he P rocess of C ommunication . By David K. Berlo.
I ntroduction to M ass C ommunication . By Edwin Emery, Phillip H. Ault, and Warren K. Agee.
T he O pen and C losed M ind . By Milton Rokeach.
A natomy and P hysiology of S peech . By Harold M. Kaplan.
M an and O rganization . By William Foote Whyte.
P ractical S peech F undamentals . By Eugene E. White.
I mproving Y our V oice . By John Grasham and Glenn Gooder.
S peech for E veryday U se . (Revised Edition.) By Elizabeth G. Andersch and Lorin C. Staats.
G uide to G ood S peech . (Second Edition.) By James H. McBurney and Ernest J. Wrage.
T he P sychological R eport . By Walter G. Klopfer.
A merican F orum : S peeches on H istoric I ssues , 1788–1900. By Ernest J. Wrage and Barnet Baskerville. (Editors.)
S mall -G roup D iscussion in O rientation and T eaching . By Randall W. Hoffmann and Robert Plutchik.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
the truth about your child's reading . By Sam Duker and Thomas NaIly.
magazines in the united states , 2nd Edition. By James Playsted Wood.
communication: handling ideas effectively . By Roy Ivan Johnson, Marie Schalekamp, and Lloyd A. Garrison.
college english: the first year . By J. Hooper Wise, J. E. Congleton, Alton C. Morris, and John C. Hodges.
intormation theory in psychology . By Henry Quastler, editor.
logic and language . By Bernard F. Huppe and Jack Kaminsky.
guides to straight thinking . By Stuart Chase.
a concise dictionary of english slang . By William Freeman.
United States Air Force Dictionary, ed. W. A. Heflin
present-day psychology . By A. A. Roback  相似文献   

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