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钱慧  李娜萍  余轮 《信号处理》2013,29(8):977-983
压缩感知是一种基于亚奈奎斯特率的信息采样方法。基于压缩感知的符号检测方法通常先将亚奈奎斯特率样本重构为奈奎斯特率信号,然后再依据传统符号检测的原理检测接收符号。本文针对基于重构的压缩感知符号检测方法采样率过高的问题,研究广义似然比检测和信息采样样本之间的关系,提出了一种不需要重构奈奎斯特率信号的压缩检测方法。该方法首先通过双通道时延结构分离接收信号的参考部分和信息符号部分,然后依据两部分信号的稀疏相关特性,对亚奈奎斯特率接收符号进行检测。实验结果说明本文提出的方法能够有效地抵抗多径衰弱和符号间干扰(Inter Symbol Interference,ISI)。   相似文献   

压缩感知(Compressed Sensing或Compressed Sampling,Cs)理论突破了经典的奈奎斯特采样定理的极限,提出一种全新的采样理论,通过开发信号的稀疏特性,在远小于Nyquist采样率的条件下,用随机采样获取信号的离散样本,然后通过数值最优化问题精确重构出原始信号.本文综述了CS基本原理,介绍了信号稀疏表示、测量矩阵的设计和信号的重构算法等内容以及CS理论研究现状和在相关领域的应用.  相似文献   

无线电作弊信号具有频段范围分布广、使用频率基本无规律可循、信号功率以及出现时间具有随机性等特点,使传统的基于奈奎斯特-香农采样理论的监测设备面对采样率要求越来越高的挑战。压缩采样理论能够以随机方式,用远低于奈奎斯特采样率的采样频率实现对稀疏信号的理想重构,是解决无线电考试作弊信号检测难题的有效手段。  相似文献   

童露霞  王嘉 《电视技术》2012,36(11):38-40
传统的奈奎斯特采样定理规定采样率必须是频率带宽两倍,浪费大量采样资源。如果信号可以稀疏表示,那么可以采用压缩传感技术重构原始信号,压缩传感能在采样的同时对数据进行适当压缩,节省系统资源。现存的压缩传感重构算法对图像边缘和纹理的重构效果都不太理想,提出一种基于全变差的图像重构算法,该算法能稳定有效地重构图像的边缘和纹理。  相似文献   

基于压缩感知的医学图像采样新方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
压缩感知基于信号的稀疏性或可压缩性,能够以低于奈奎斯特采样率的频率进行采样,从而直接获得压缩后的采样信号。本文将压缩感知的思想应用于医学图像,对已获得的图像进行压缩采样,以降低医学图像的存储空间。基于正交匹配追踪思想,提出分块双阈值正交匹配追踪方法,根据图像不同区域信息量的不同,采取分块处理并加入采样阈值,针对不同子图像块采取不同采样率,提高了采样效率;同时,在重构时加入判断阈值,可降低重构效果对采样阈值的依赖,减小了由于图像的特殊性或人为经验不足而使得采样阈值选取不当对图像重建质量的影响。实验表明,本文方法能够以较低的采样率实现较高的重构精度。  相似文献   

压缩感知理论指出,稀疏信号可以通过以低于奈奎斯特采样的测量数据重建出原始信号。针对高分辨率SAR成像在奈奎斯特理论下所面临的高速A/D采样、大数据量存储、传输等问题挑战。本文提出了一种基于压缩感知理论的多发多收高分辨率SAR二维成像算法。该算法减轻了高分辨率SAR成像的压力,采用压缩感知处理降低了A/D采样速率、数据量...  相似文献   

基于优化贝叶斯压缩感知算法的频谱检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王臣昊  杨震  肖小潮 《信号处理》2012,28(5):750-756
近年来,压缩感知理论依旧是信号处理领域的研究热点之一。将压缩感知应用于频谱检测技术可以突破传统的奈奎斯特采样定理,降低检测时采样率,因此可以减轻硬件处理的压力。因此适合用在频谱检测技术中,特别是宽带信号的频谱检测。本文对贝叶斯压缩感知理论(BCS,Bayesian Compressed Sensing)进行研究,并将其引入频谱检测技术中。在BCS算法的基础上,通过进一步减小高斯随机观测矩阵列向量的相关度,实现对观测矩阵的优化,得到一种优化的贝叶斯压缩感知算法(称其为OBCS算法,即Optimized BCS)。在MATLAB仿真中,本文提出将数零法作为频谱检测判决规则,并使用BCS和OMP算法作为对照,验证了OBCS算法无论在重构误差、检测概率还是虚警概率等指标上都具有最佳的效果。   相似文献   

脉冲超宽带(IR-UWB)能够在无线定位中取得较高的精确度,但是存在ADC瓶颈问题,利用压缩感知理论(CS)对信号压缩采样可以显著降低信号采样速率。本文将贝叶斯压缩感知应用于UWB单站定位,接收节点利用L型天线阵列接收信号,对信号压缩采样,由贝叶斯压缩感知重构算法(BCS)还原信号并估计时延参数,最后由定位算法解算位置信息。基于IEEE 802.15.4a信号模型的仿真结果表明,该方法最低能以20%的奈奎斯特采样速率获得分米级的定位精确度。  相似文献   

压缩感知是近几年出现的一种新型信号处理方法,它能够以远低于奈奎斯特采样速率进行采样,而且在采样的同时对信号进行了压缩。但它却是以解码端的复杂度为代价,复杂的重构算法对设备提出了较高的要求,此外,重构时间也限制了压缩感知在实际中的应用。利用GPU的强大运算能力,对现有算法进行优化的同时,在不同的并行环境下进行实验对比,将重构算法中复杂的矩阵操作模块转移到GPU上并行执行。实验结果表明,该算法可以有效地提高重构效率。  相似文献   

李新慧  朱燊  郭文彬 《信号处理》2017,33(4):595-600
压缩感知技术是近年来信号处理领域最热门的技术。传统的压缩感知理论并未考虑到稀疏信号本身可能具有的某种结构,块稀疏就是其中的一种。本文针对压缩感知的多带块稀疏流信号,将稀疏信号重构算法与调制的DPSS(Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequence )基扩展相结合,建立了多带块稀疏模型,并利用压缩感知AIC结构,在远低于奈奎斯特速率下对多带宽模拟信号进行采样。结合压缩感知获得的观测方程和利用前后窗内信号的相关性建立的信号状态转移方程,采用降阶的卡尔曼滤波算法恢复原始信号。相对于傅里叶基扩展,DPSS基扩展在降低采样结构复杂度的同时,克服了频谱泄露的问题。仿真结果表明,多带信号在DPSS基下的恢复性能优于多带信号在FFT基下的重构。   相似文献   

压缩感知是一种新的信号采样理论,突破了传统的Nyquist采样率须为信号最高频率的2倍以上的定理。对于稀疏信号,它能够以远低于Nyquist采样速率对信号进行采样,并通过重构算法恢复出原信号。提出了一种基于压缩感知的红外与可见光图像融合算法,对图像进行测量,并通过融合算法对测量值进行融合。仿真实验显示,压缩感知能较好地实现图像的融合。  相似文献   

按照Nyquist采样定理,信号的采样率必须为信号最高频率的2倍以上,这会产生大量的冗余数据。压缩感知是一种新兴的采样理论,对于可以稀疏表示的信号,它能够以远低于Nyquist采样速率对信号进行采样,并通过优化算法实现重构。介绍了压缩感知的基本理论,并分别选取时域稀疏、频域稀疏和图像信号进行了仿真分析,实验结果显示,压缩感知理论能较好的重构原始信号。  相似文献   

Sampling, data transmission, and the Nyquist rate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sampling theorem for bandlimited signals of finite energy can be interpreted in two ways, associated with the names of Nyquist and Shannon. 1) Every signal of finite energy and bandwidth W Hz may be completely recovered, in a simple way, from a knowledge of its samples taken at the rate of 2W per second (Nyquist rate). Moreover, the recovery is stable, in the sense that a small error in reading sample values produces only a correspondingly small error in the recovered signal. 2) Every square-summable sequence of numbers may be transmitted at the rate of 2W per second over an ideal channel of bandwidth W Hz, by being represented as the samples of an easily constructed band-limited signal of finite energy. The practical importance of these results, together with the restrictions implicit in the sampling theorem, make it natural to ask whether the above rates cannot be improved, by passing to differently chosen sampling instants, or to bandpass or multiband (rather than bandlimited) signals, or to more elaborate computations. In this paper we draw a distinction between reconstructing a signal from its samples, and doing so in a stable way, and we argue that only stable sampling is meaningful in practice. We then prove that: 1) stable sampling cannot be performed at a rate lower than the Nyquist, 2) data cannot be transmitted as samples at a rate higher than the Nyquist, regardless of the location of sampling instants, the nature of the set of frequencies which the signals occupy, or the method of construction. These conclusions apply not merely to finite-energy, but also to bounded, signals.  相似文献   

受奈李斯特采样定理的约束,传统通信设备在提高分辨率和满足实时性要求时,面临高采样率、快处理速度等问题的挑战.而根据压缩采样(Compressive Sensing,CS)理论构建的模拟信息转换器(Analog to Information Converter,AIC)只需进行远低于奈奎斯特采样率采样信号,即可实现对原信...  相似文献   

Conventional approaches to sampling signals or images follow Shannon's theorem: the sampling rate must be at least twice the maximum frequency present in the signal (Nyquist rate). In the field of data conversion, standard analog-to-digital converter (ADC) technology implements the usual quantized Shannon representation - the signal is uniformly sampled at or above the Nyquist rate. This article surveys the theory of compressive sampling, also known as compressed sensing or CS, a novel sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common wisdom in data acquisition. CS theory asserts that one can recover certain signals and images from far fewer samples or measurements than traditional methods use.  相似文献   

The emerging compressive sampling (CS) theory makes processing ultra-wide-band (UWB) signal at a low sampling rate possible if the underlying signal has a sparse representation in a certain basis. The feasibility of model based compressive sampling for ultra-wide-band (UWB) signal is investigated. In this paper, a multichannel compressive sampling architecture is developed to capture UWB signal at a rate much lower than Nyquist rate. The proposed framework considers sub-Nyquist sampling stream of delayed and weighted versions of a known signal with finite support in time domain. A basis function is constructed to realize sparse signal representation. To reduce the hardware cost, a segmented architecture is suggested. In addition, a joint signal recovery algorithm is presented. Experimental results indicate that, with this system, a UWB signal sampled at about 4% of Nyquist rate still can be recovered with overwhelming probability.  相似文献   

A major challenge in ultra-wide-band (UWB) signal processing is the requirement for very high sampling rate. The recently emerging compressed sensing (CS) theory makes processing UWB signal at a low sampling rate possible if the signal has a sparse representation in a certain space. Based on the CS theory, a system for sampling UWB echo signal at a rate much lower than Nyquist rate and performing signal detection is proposed in this paper. First, an approach of constructing basis functions according to matching rules is proposed to achieve sparse signal representation because the sparse representation of signal is the most important precondition for the use of CS theory. Second, based on the matching basis functions and using analog-to-information converter, a UWB signal detection system is designed in the framework of the CS theory. With this system, a UWB signal, such as a linear frequency-modulated signal in radar system, can be sampled at about 10% of Nyquist rate, but still can be reconstructed and detected with overwhelming probability. The simulation results show that the proposed method is effective for sampling and detecting UWB signal directly even without a very high-frequency analog-to-digital converter.  相似文献   

Bagshaw  P.C. Sarhadi  M. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(14):1228-1230
A modified discrete Fourier transform is stated for estimating the spectrum of a signal sampled at irregular intervals. Additive pseudorandom sampling is proposed as an irregular sampling scheme. The transform periodicity and symmetrical properties are derived for the scheme. Alias-free spectral analysis of a bandlimited periodic signal is possible when using additive pseudorandom sampling with a maximum sampling rate below that specified by the Nyquist criterion.<>  相似文献   

为了降低硬件设计的难度,采用有限新息率(FRI)理论,通过选择合适的采样核函数,对太赫兹脉冲信号以高于信号的新息率的速率进行采样,进而利用子空间算法对它的自由参量进行估计,重建出原始信号。一般信号的新息率远远低于信号的带宽,这样就大大降低了采样速率。通过延时估计误差,验证FRI采样理论对太赫兹脉冲信号采样的正确性以及子空间算法对信号重建的有效性。  相似文献   

A band-limited signal can be recovered from its periodic nonuniformly spaced samples provided the average sampling rate is at least the Nyquist rate. A multirate filter bank structure is used to both model this nonuniform sampling (through the analysis bank) and reconstruct a uniformly sampled sequence (through the synthesis bank). Several techniques for modeling the nonuniform sampling are presented for various cases of sampling. Conditions on the filter bank structure are used to accurately reconstruct uniform samples of the input signal at the Nyquist rate. Several examples and simulation results are presented, with emphasis on forms of nonuniform sampling that may be useful in mixed-signal integrated circuits.  相似文献   

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