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高浓度金属离子氯化物废水,使用膜法电沉积技术处理,不但可实现金属离子的资源化回收,还可以做到绿色环保无二次污染,但这一工艺的应用,对于阳离子交换膜的氯离子阻挡性能和耐氧化性能要求较高。基于这一问题,采用原位合成法制备出了内含磷酸锆的聚偏氟乙烯(ZrP/PVDF)杂化阳离子交换膜,实验针正对性地考察了杂化膜的氯离子阻挡性能和耐氧化性能,并使用扫描电镜(SEM)、傅里叶红外(FTIR)对膜的微观形貌和功能基团进行表征。结果表明,当聚偏氟乙烯膜骨架中合成磷酸锆的质量百分数为25%时,膜的离子交换容量为1.05 mmol/g,反离子迁移数为0.93,膜电阻为8.1 Ω·cm2,耐破度4.2 MPa,氯离子泄漏率为7.5%,耐氧化性能良好,具有应用于高浓度金属离子氯化物废水处理领域的潜力。  相似文献   

采用原位合成法制备了内含磷酸锆的聚偏氟乙烯(ZrP/PVDF)杂化阳离子交换膜,研究了膜的氯离子阻挡性能和耐氧化性能,并使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)对膜的微观形貌和功能基团进行了表征。结果表明,当聚偏氟乙烯膜骨架中磷酸锆的质量百分数为25%时,制备出的杂化膜综合性能最佳,膜的离子交换容量为1.05mmol/g,反离子迁移数为0.93,膜电阻为8.1Ω·cm~2,耐破度0.42MPa,氯离子泄漏率为7.4%,膜的氯离子阻挡性能和耐氧化性能均相对良好,具有应用于高浓度金属离子氯化物废水处理领域的潜力。  相似文献   

葛道才  刘彦华  张沛 《铀矿冶》2009,28(4):199-202,208
均相阴、阳膜及双极性膜在同位素分离、废水处理、高纯水制备、直接从矿石中提取金属、酸和碱的制备等领域获得了实际应用。介绍制备均相阴、阳离子交换膜的γ-射线辐射接枝法、含浸法、涂浆法,制备双极性膜的单片法。  相似文献   

研究了以镍基废合金板为原料,电流密度、温度、阳极液和阴极液的酸度、阳极液中NaCl和Ni2+的浓度对电解制备氯化镍溶液的影响.在电流密度200 A/m2、阳极酸度0.5 mol/L、阴极酸度1.5 mol/L、循环量40 L/h、Ni2+浓度0.85 mol/L左右和室温的条件下电解,平均槽电压1.3 V,电溶1 t镍合金板耗电813 kW·h,阴离子交换膜对镍的截留率大于99.5%.  相似文献   

镍基废合金膜电解法制备氯化镍溶液的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以镍基废合金板为原料,电流密度、温度、阳极液和阴极液的酸度、阳极液中NaCI和Ni2+的浓度对电解制备氯化镍溶液的影响.在电流密度200 A/m2、阳极酸度0.5 mol/L、阴极酸度1.5 mol/L、循环量40 L/h、Ni2+浓度0.85 mol/L左右和室温的条件下电解,平均槽电压1.3 V,电溶1 t镍合金板耗电813kW·h,阴离子交换膜对镍的截留率大于99.5%.  相似文献   

对用废旧电池熔铸的含镍废合金制备氯化镍溶液的工艺进行了研究.采用的工艺流程为:盐酸体系膜电解→化学沉淀法除杂→萃取除杂.通过该工艺流程获得的三级萃余液中镍含量大于30 g/L、铁为痕量、钴为0.51 g/L、铜含量小于0.0183 mg/L,该溶液可直接用于电镍生产.  相似文献   

为解决固化剂生产原料多羟基聚合物溶解过程缓慢和固化剂溶液粘稠的问题,采用催化氧化法和酒精碱法对原料淀粉进行化学改性和非晶化处理,实验结果表明:采用该方法改善了淀粉基固化剂溶液粘度的稳定性及其低温溶解性,使淀粉基固化剂固化抑尘性能良好.  相似文献   

双极膜(Bipolar membranes,BPMs)是一种由阴离子交换层和阳离子交换层组成的特殊离子交换膜.双极膜由于其独特的水解离性能,使其在化工、环境保护、储能、食品加工等领域中发挥了不可替代的作用.在过去20 a,双极膜的商业市场不断扩大,双极膜的研究也迅速发展.本文总结了市场上商用双极膜的情况以及双极膜的应用...  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶技术,以[CH3(CH2)3O]4Ti、La2O3、CoCl2·6H2O为前驱体,在ITO(氧化铟锡)玻璃基板上成功制备了Ti、Ti/La、Ti/Co不同摩尔配比的复合膜,确定了电致变色玻璃膜基材料制备的最佳工艺参数。采用XRD、热重-差热分析(TG-DTA)及电化学检测其膜基材料的循环伏安特性,并分析其电致变色特征机理。研究表明:(1) TiO2薄膜试样的烧成温度、镀膜层数、[CH3(CH2)3O]4Ti掺量、掺杂类别是影响膜基材料结构和性能的主要因素;(2)使用二乙醇胺作为螯合剂能够有效抑制Ti (OH)4沉淀的生成;(3)掺杂La2O3和CoCl2·6H2O制备的TiO2玻璃膜基溶胶电致变色性能优良;(4)制备的TiO2变色膜基材料透过率好,循环可逆性高,循环伏安特性明显。研究结果为电致变色膜基材料的开发和应用提供了理论和基础实验依据。  相似文献   

从膨润土属性出发,在系统阐述蒙脱石成分、结构和理化性能特点的基础上,深入讨论了蒙脱石的深度加工技术和应用。研究表明,蒙脱石具有优异的可控改造性,通过钠化改性提高膨胀性后可使蒙脱石剥离分散制备凝胶,通过阳离子交换性可进行插层改性制备有机插层和柱撑蒙脱石,进一步可向蒙脱石层间域中引入有机单体和金属氧化物前躯体,通过原位聚合和水解、脱羟、成核结晶等制备蒙脱石/聚合物纳米材料和氧化物/蒙脱石纳米复合材料等,利用蒙脱石比表面积大、化学反应活性强的特性可在低温常压下合成沸石和方钠石等。通过可控改造和深度加工可制备系列功能性蒙脱石新材料,并在战略新型产业领域中具有广泛的应用。   相似文献   

渗析法从铀溶液中分离硫酸的初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用硫酸淋洗载铀树脂时,淋洗合格液中的硫酸浓度很高,扩散渗析可以用来分离回收其中大部分的硫酸,从而降低溶液的酸度,减少了沉淀产品的碱耗。通过初步试验,探讨了用离子交换扩散渗析膜有选择性地回收酸分离铀的机理及影响因素。  相似文献   

用硫酸淋洗载铀树脂所得的合格液,来考察在不同渗析条件下聚醚型阴离子交换膜的静态和动态行为,及影响渗析传质的有关因素。初步试验表明,扩散渗析可以用来分离回收其中大部分的硫酸,从而降低溶液的酸度,减少沉淀产品的碱耗。  相似文献   

用树脂回收铀矿石细菌浸出液中铀的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘金辉  刘亚洁  郑志宏 《金属矿山》2007,37(8):39-41,46
以相山铀矿石的细菌浸出液为对象,用717型强碱性阴离子交换树脂对细菌浸出液中的铀进行了静态和动态吸附试验,用抗坏血酸对吸附后与铀共存于树脂上的Fe3+杂质进行了动态淋洗试验。静态吸附试验结果表明,要提高树脂对铀的吸附容量,细菌浸出液的铀浓度应尽可能高,并应将溶液的pH值调至1.4左右,同时树脂与溶液的接触时间应尽可能长。动态吸附试验结果表明,717型强碱性阴离子交换树脂对铀有较强的吸附能力,当柱床体积倍数为206时,树脂上的铀吸附量达93.54 mg/mL。动态淋洗试验结果表明,抗坏血酸对Fe3+有较强的还原性,吸附后先用抗坏血酸从负载树脂上洗脱Fe3+,可取得良好的铀铁分离效果。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2000,13(6):623-642
Acid mine water from a South African gold mine was characterised and treated by the precipitation of heavy metals with lime and sulphides, followed by ion exchange. The novelty of the proposed process lies in the use of carrier magnetic materials for more effective separation of water and solids, as well as the oxidation pretreatment that is also used to sterilize the water. The process can generate very, pure water from acid mine water with a great flexibility and an acceptable cost. The oxidation and precipitation of heavy metals with lime and subsequent sulphide-carrier magnetic separation appeared to be particularly suitable for the removal of heavy metal ions from the effluent of the particular gold mine that was investigated. The cation exchange resin IR120 can be used to reduce the salinity of the effluent of mine water after removal of heavy metals by precipitation. Low cost sulphuric acid can be used as the cation resin regenerator. The anion exchange resin A375 could reduce the anions (sulphate, chloride, bromide and fluoride) to acceptably low levels in the mine water after precipitation of heavy metals. A combination of sodium hydroxide and saturated lime solution can be used as the anion resin regenerator. A mixture of acidic gypsum from the cation elution section and alkaline gypsum from the anion elution section could generate high quality gypsum as byproduct, which could be sold as a valuable raw material to the gypsum industry, to offset process cost. Although these experiments were conducted on the acid mine water of a specific mine, the process could be extended to other mine waters contaminated with heavy metals and high salinities.  相似文献   

研究了阳离子交换树脂净化含大量贱金属的铂族金属溶液的工艺条件, 结果表明, 在pH=1~1.5时001×7阳离子交换树脂吸附贱金属的次序为: Ni>Cu>Co>Fe; Fe、Ni、Co、Cu的穿透容量分别为(g/kg): 0.13, 1.25, 0.42, 0.87; 饱和容量分别为(g/kg): 0.32, 6.65, 2.33, 4.72, 合计为14.02 g/kg; 贱金属的分离效率主要取决于贵贱金属浓度及交换柱的数量; 吸附在树脂上的贱金属极易被6 mol/L HCl洗脱, 所有贱金属的最大洗脱均发生在洗脱液体积与床体积之比为1.0/1.7处, 当洗脱液体积为床体积的2.0倍时贱金属被完全洗脱。实验结果为离子交换分离贱金属净化铂族金属溶液的工业化应用提供了强有力的理论依据。  相似文献   

矿山酸性含铜废水的处理研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简述了矿山酸性含铜废水的来源、特点和危害及矿山酸性含铜废水的处理方法。在此基础上,选择离子交换法作为处理工艺,设计了实验室用离子交换处理装置,研究了过滤速度、pH值、原水Cu^2+浓度等因素对离子交换法处理酸性含铜废水效果的影响,确定了实验室条件下的合理工艺条件。并对某铜矿实际含铜废水进行了处理研究,取得了理想的处理效果,处理后废水可以达标排放。  相似文献   

采用阴离子交换膜分离提硒后废液中的酸, 通过扩散渗析静态实验, 考察了所选定1#和3#阴离子交换膜对H+和Na+的平均扩散速度; 研究了扩散渗析过程中, 扩散室与渗析室中H+浓度随时间的变化关系, 计算出1#阴离子交换膜和3#阴离子交换膜酸与盐的分离系数分别为5.87和10.98, 3#阴离子交换膜分离酸与盐的效果优于1#阴离子交换膜。  相似文献   

研究了用弱碱性阴离子交换树脂从硫酸浸出液中吸附铀,NaOH预处理负载树脂,碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠解析负载树脂的酸性吸附-碱性淋洗工艺。研究结果表明:该工艺能有效吸附溶液中的铀酰离子,选择性高;NaOH预处理工艺在中和树脂中氢离子的同时,能有效去除硫酸根离子,并降低钼、硅、铁等杂项元素含量;通过控制碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠溶液的流速,可成功将树脂上的铀淋洗到溶液中,实现铀的净化提取。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2000,13(4):401-414
Adsorption tests were conducted with a quaternary ammonium group ion exchange resin to determine the equilibrium adsorption of precious- and base metals. The resin used is a macroreticular polystyrene type 1 strong base anion exchange resin. The adsorption was determined for synthetic single metal solutions as well as for multi-component solutions. The effect of the Cl concentration on the equilibrium adsorption was determined for three different HCl concentrations, i. e. 6, 8 and 10%. The effect of chloride strength in the solution was also determined for mixed and base metal solutions. Pure metals, i.e. platinum, palladium and gold, were dissolved in aqua-regia and diluted to 2000 ppm (as metal) in 4M HCl. Ruthenium, rhodium and iridium were dissolved from pure salts in HCl. A 2000 ppm base-metal solution was prepared by dissolving all the required components, including precious metals, to match an in-plant industrial base-metals solution composition. For each precious metal the equilibrium adsorption was determined for typically two solution concentrations. Data points were established by varying the amount of resin added to the solution. The equilibrium concentrations were determined by ICP analysis after 24 hours exposure using the bottle-roll technique.  相似文献   

The typical hydrometallurgical processing of nickel and cobalt ores involves the precipitation of a mixed nickel–cobalt intermediate product. Alternatively, cobalt could be separated from nickel while in the aqueous phase using solvent extraction. However, solvent extraction has some problems including the need for considerable area for the separators, management of fire hazard, and operational issues such as contamination with organic cross-over with sequential solvent extraction unit operations. The use of an ion exchange resin can mitigate some of these issues; however, conventional cation exchange resins are not sufficiently selective for cobalt over nickel. Solvent impregnated resin offers the engineering advantages of ion exchange resin and the chemical selectivity of the solvent extraction process. This paper describes key properties of a new commercial solvent impregnated resin, Lewatit® TP272, including cobalt and nickel loading as a function of pH and cobalt loading isotherms at pH 5.5 and 5.0 which are identified as the ideal conditions to recover cobalt. The chemical degradation of this solvent impregnated resin was also determined by exposing the resin to greater than pH 6 solutions, which are conditions outside the recommended operating range for this resin. The capacity of the degraded resin was restored by reimpregnating the resin using a Cyanex® 272-ethanol–water mixture. Optical images of resin containing the blue cobalt complex reveal the porous structure.  相似文献   

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