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为了保证郑焦铁路黄河大桥桥梁基础安全,同时尽量避免桥梁基础因设计偏于安全而造成工程投资的增加,按单宽流量、河势以及桥墩防护的多种组合,开展了桥墩基础局部冲刷试验研究,分析了桥墩局部冲刷的水流现象、冲刷坑形态和冲刷深度。结果表明:局部冲刷最深点在承台下的桩群之间,略偏向桥轴线上游部位;墩后形成带状淤积体,淤积体随单宽流量的增大而增大。水流方向与桥轴线正交时,桥墩周围的局部冲刷坑形态基本沿桥墩轴线对称分布;水流方向与桥轴线法线存在夹角时,冲坑范围扩大、冲坑深度明显增深,桥墩两侧马蹄形旋涡不再对称分布。墩前抛石护底后,局部冲刷坑深度明显变浅。  相似文献   

跨海大桥的地形冲刷是近年来的研究热点之一,对东海大桥2002-2015年间周围海床地形的监测成果进行分析。结果表明:东海大桥建桥后一直处于冲刷状态,研究区域内-10 m和-11 m等深线包络面积一直在扩大,大桥轴线西侧冲刷大于东侧,大桥北段和南段各有一个较严重的冲刷区,平均冲刷深度在1~2 m左右,南汇边滩围垦工程和洋山港陆连堵汊工程是导致这两个区域冲刷严重的主要原因。建议未来加强东海大桥桥墩局部冲刷地貌和大桥沉降及偏移的监测,并适时进行抛石等施工维护。  相似文献   

针对并线桥墩在多沙河流上的局部冲刷问题,采用1:100正态模型水槽对桥梁平面正交在不同形状、上下游不同桥梁间距的桥墩布置进行了系列试验研究,对上下游桥墩在不同水流强度、不同桥梁间距条件下的局部冲刷过程进行系统观测和分析。结果表明,桥墩并线时,桥墩周围水流流态较为复杂,受上游墩阻水绕流影响,下游墩周围水流紊动强度减小,流速减弱。当上下游桥墩距离较近时,上下游桥墩局部冲刷坑深度均小于相应单独桥墩,下游桥墩冲深小于上游桥墩冲深,这种差异随桥梁间距的增大而逐步减弱。随着水流强度及桥墩尺度的增大,下游桥墩不受上游桥墩影响的距离相应增大,当流速为2 m/s、墩径为2~8 m时,其影响距离约为350~660 m。  相似文献   

为研究嘉绍大桥对钱塘江涌潮形态及水动力的影响,在分析现场涌潮观测资料的基础上,建立基于KFVS格式的平面二维涌潮数学模型,计算比较了建桥前后涌潮及潮流场的变化。结果表明:受嘉绍大桥阻隔影响,涌潮经过桥位时其形态的整体性被破坏,过桥后约500m涌潮形态基本恢复,桥位下游涌潮高度增加,桥位上游涌潮高度降低;建桥对涨、落潮流的影响主要在桥位近区,对上下游的潮位和流向影响较小,桥位上下游涨、落潮流速减小0~5%,桥轴线断面桥跨中间流速增加2%~10%;建桥对涌潮的影响是局部的,桥位上下游近区的潮动力有所减弱。  相似文献   

在实施土石堤坝溃口快速封堵、河道截流等水利和防洪减灾工程时,口门或龙口处存在较强的局部冲刷。基于已有的经圆柱、丁坝局部冲刷试验结果验证的三维数值模型,模拟了单向、双向进占方式下龙口宽度B/H=4.3、5.8时堤头和河床的局部冲刷发展。根据水流特性与冲刷发展的关系,分析了加剧局部冲刷的水流结构和进占方式对局部冲刷发展的影响规律。研究结果表明:单向进占时,戗堤对水流和冲刷发展存在偏移效应;冲刷在初始阶段均表现为沿堤头上游、裹头下游形成的斜向轴线冲刷趋势,堤头上游绕流后的边界冲刷在整个冲刷过程中始终剧烈;进占长度对水流冲刷偏移效应产生影响,在B/H=5.8时剧烈淘刷区位于戗堤堤头上游的底部堤脚,但是在B/H=4.3时则位于裹头下游。双向进占时,水流沿龙口轴线对称分布;进占长度影响戗堤局部冲刷的剧烈程度。下潜水流和涡旋是造成戗堤局部冲刷的主要原因。  相似文献   

该文基于湍流与两相流理论,数值研究了海洋平台桩基冲刷的机理及其过程。分析了桩基周围的流场分布,重点讨论了圆柱扰流的压力及速度分布,并对桩基周围海床面上的泥沙随冲刷时间的变化进行分析,最后对冲刷坑的深度进行研究。研究结果表明:桩基周围的冲刷过程开始于圆柱两侧,上游先被冲断,最后下游逐渐被冲刷。  相似文献   

 提出了估算大桥对河道防洪影响的水力学方法,采用这一方法,可以在河道地形和水文资料缺乏的情况下,估算出中、小型河道建桥后桥址上游水位壅高值和壅水范围。具体水力学方法包括:断面流量模数法、宽顶堰淹没出流法、局部水头损失法和恒定渐变流法。应用这些方法,成功地进行了洪湖市汉洪公路新滩东荆河大桥对桥址上游河道防洪影响的计算分析。  相似文献   

康立荣 《江苏水利》2002,(11):10-12
1 工程概况 青口河挡潮闸位于江苏省赣榆县青口河入海口处。该闸设计流量500m~3/s,校核流量600m~3/s。闸孔总数为7孔,单孔净宽5.0m,底板顺水流方向长14.0m。闸室采用整体式平底板结构,分3块底板,两侧2孔一联,中间3孔一联,底板面高程-1.5m,(废黄河基面,下同),底板底高程-2.7m。下游侧闸墩顶高程4.8m,上游侧闸墩顶高程3.0m。闸上游侧设净宽4.5m公路桥连接两侧海堤,桥面高程5.9m。  相似文献   

在我国近海海域,跨海桥梁基础冲刷是影响大桥安全的重要因素之一。基于金塘大桥2014、2015和2017年桥墩基础冲刷实测资料,并结合建桥前地形测验资料进行了案例分析,解析出了往复潮流条件下桥墩基础的一般冲刷及局部冲刷深度,金塘大桥中引桥桥墩一般冲刷深度为3.3~3.6 m,平均局部冲刷深度约8.3 m。往复潮流条件下桥墩基础局部冲刷坑受双向潮流影响向上下游延伸,形状呈椭圆形,各墩冲刷坑纵向长度与最大局部冲刷深度呈近似线性关系,长度约为局部冲刷深度的10~12倍,而各墩冲刷坑横向宽度则基本一致,约为桥墩基础宽度的4~5倍,与最大局部冲刷深度无明显相关性。跨海桥梁基础冲刷深度计算方法及冲刷坑形态特征的研究成果可供跨海大桥基础设计、运行维护及基础冲刷防护参考。  相似文献   

桥梁基础冲刷是导致桥梁破坏的首要原因,因而有必要对营运期桥梁水下地形进行监测。以苏通大桥为例,对感潮河段大型桥梁营运期水下地形的监测目的、范围及方案做了详细的介绍。通过对桥区河床地形的多波束监测结果数据的处理和分析并建立桥区数字高程模型,经分析研究,能直观地反映出大桥桥墩基础的局部冲深、主墩周边和桥位区河床的冲淤变化规律。根据研究结果对大桥桥墩基础安全和桥区的河势变化趋势做出科学的预测,为大桥工程的安全运营和养护工作提供决策依据,同时还为相关科研工作提供重要的原型基础资料。  相似文献   

潮流作用下复合桥墩局部冲刷研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桥墩冲刷是桥梁水毁的重要原因之一,准确地计算桥墩冲刷深度具有重要意义.为了比较准确地计算桥墩局部冲刷深度,结合某跨海大桥,采用非结构网格技术和大、小模型嵌套的方法建立该大桥海区的平面二维潮流数学模型,采用潮位、流速、流向等实测资料进行验证.在此基础上,对该海区的潮流动力进行了模拟研究,分析了大桥工程对周围海域的潮流动力影响,并采用我国行业标准推荐的2种公式以及美国现行规范推荐的公式计算多座跨海大桥桥墩的局部冲刷计算.结果表明:大桥工程对桥区附近水域流速和潮位影响不大,桥墩可能发生最大局部冲刷深度的位置均位于主墩深槽附近.  相似文献   

精确模拟山区河流非均匀沙质河床桥墩的局部冲刷对桥梁设计和安全运行具有重要的意义。以黑石渡大桥河床床沙特征为背景,采用Flow3D软件开展非均匀沙质河床上双排圆柱形桥墩冲刷三维数值模拟研究。为考虑河床非均匀泥沙的悬移质运动、泥沙挟带、推移质输运等过程,在数值模拟过程中,根据非均匀沙质河床的颗粒分布曲线,对所筛取的各个级配范围内的颗粒采用其对应的中值粒径来表征。模拟得到了双柱排桥墩局部流场结构、河床的冲淤变化和上下游桥墩周围冲刷坑形态。研究表明:受桥墩阻水作用影响,墩前壅水、墩后跌水现象明显。墩周冲刷坑基本贯通整个墩周区域,受上游墩保护作用影响,下游墩冲刷坑的发育深度和规模小于上游墩。将数值模拟结果与试验结果进行了对比分析,二者吻合较好。研究成果可为深入开展非均匀沙质河床桥墩局部冲刷研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Local scour around bridge piers and abutments is one of the most significant causes of bridge failure. Despite a plethora of studies on scour around individual bridge piers or abutments, few studies have focused on the joint impact of a pier and an abutment in proximity to one another on scour. This study conducted laboratory experiments and flow analyses to examine the interaction of piers and abutments and their effect on clear-water scour. The experiments were conducted in a rectangular laboratory flume. They included 18 main tests (with a combination of different types of piers and abutments) and five control tests (with individual piers or abutments). Three pier types (a rectangular pier with a rounded edge, a group of three cylindrical piers, and a single cylindrical pier) and two abutment types (a wing–wall abutment and a semi-circular abutment) were used. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter was used to measure the three-dimensional flow velocity for analyses of streamline, velocity magnitude, vertical velocity, and bed shear stress. The results showed that the velocity near the pier and abutment increased by up to 80%. The maximum scour depth around the abutment increased by up to 19%. In contrast, the maximum scour depth around the pier increased significantly by up to l71%. The presence of the pier in the vicinity of the abutment led to an increase in the scour hole volume by up to 87% relative to the case with a solitary abutment. Empirical equations were also derived to accurately estimate the maximum scour depth at the pier adjacent to the abutment.  相似文献   

It is essential to predict the scour depth around bridge piers for hydraulic engineers involved in the economical design of bridge pier foundation. Conventional investigations have long been of the opinion that empirical scour prediction equations based on laboratory data over predict scour depths. In this article, the Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN) was applied to predict the scour depth in order to overcome the problem of exclusive and the nonlinear relationships. The observations obtained from thirteen states in USA was verified by the present model. From the comparison with conventional experimental methods, it can be found that the scour depth around bridge piers can be efficiently predicted using the BPN.  相似文献   

Large amount of literature is presently available on the topic of scour around uniform piers and its control. However, relatively fewer studies have been carried out so far on the topic of flow field and scour around compound piers. The state of art on the topic of flow structure and scour around circular compound piers is presented herein. The available literature reveals that variations in foundation and pier geometry significantly affect the maximum depth of scour and its temporal variation. In case of compound piers the scour depth is highly sensitive to the change in elevation of the top surface of the foundation well. As compared to uniform piers, a reduction is observed in maximum depth of scour around compound pier when the top surface of the well is kept below the general level of river bed. These observations however are yet to be quantified. Results from an experimental study on flow field around the compound piers are also presented.  相似文献   

The probability of pressurized flow conditions occurring in existing bridges is forecast to increase due to possible changes in extreme precipitation, storm surges, and flooding predicted under climate change scenarios. The presence of a pressure flow is generally associated with scouring processes in proximity to the bridge. Scouring can also occur around bridge piers, possibly causing infrastructure failure. Although there is a vast literature on bridge pier scour and pressure flow scour, only a few studies have investigated their combined effect. This study will provide a new overview of the main features of bridge pier scour under pressurized flow conditions, based on laboratory experiences. Special focus is placed on the analysis of the flow features under pressure and free surface conditions and to the temporal evolution of the scour. A comparison with existing literature data is also conducted. The results highlight the nonlinear nature of scour processes and the need to consider pressurized flow conditions during structural design, as the interaction between pressure flow and the bridge pier strongly influences scour features and leads to scour depths much greater than the sum of the individual scours created only by pressure flow or pier presence.  相似文献   

Experiments of the local scour around twin piers are carried out under steady clear-water conditions, including 95 tests to observe the influence of the pier spacing and the flow velocity on the local scour characteristics of the twin piers. It is shown that the start of the transition region is synchronous with the sediment transport from the upstream scour hole to the downstream one. The equations for the critical velocities are derived to quantify the velocity range of each of four different scour regions. Finally, a prediction formula of the downstream pier scour depth in the radical-deviation region is established.  相似文献   

圆柱桥墩局部冲刷机理试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为进一步探索圆柱桥墩局部冲刷机理,分别从桥墩附近水流流速分布特性、桥墩冲刷特性以及冲刷与流速相互关系对圆柱桥墩顺水流向不同布置方式的局部冲刷水力学特征进行了模型试验研究.结果表明:两排10桥墩顺水流(桥墩轴向与水流方向夹角分别为90°,60°,30°,0°)均匀布置时,桥墩轴向与流向夹角越小,流速在桥墩上下游紊动越小,对下游影响范围越大,且流速越大,冲刷深度和范围越大.顺水流布置0°夹角时,冲刷程度最小,在相同流量下,冲刷稳定历时最短;垂直布置(90°夹角)时,冲刷程度最严重,所需冲刷稳定历时最长,且随着流量的增大,桥墩墩前冲刷坑最深位置逐渐向水槽中间偏移.  相似文献   

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