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太湖湖内综合治理技术   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
太湖流域水污染严重,加强治理刻不容缓,除加强陆域污染源(工业点源,生活污水,农业面源)治理外,湖内生态治理已是关键。对污染底泥采用生态疏浚,清除表层0~40cm高营养盐含量的表层沉积物,减轻底泥释放的二次污染,依据陆生植物的养分吸收特点,条用水上种植技术净化富营养化水体,美化水域景观,加强对流域湖泊湿地,河流湿地和河口湿地的保护和建设,实施滨湖水生植被修复是行之有效的措施。  相似文献   

三峡水库水体中氮磷影响研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
水域的富营养化是普遍的水环境问题之一.富营养化的主要征兆包括藻类迅速繁殖(即发生"藻类水华"),水体溶解氧量下降,水质恶化,鱼类大批死亡.水库、湖泊的富营养化与水体中的植物营养物富集水平、水文条件、气候条件等因素有关.其中营养物质氮、磷是大多数湖库富营养化的主要控制性营养元素.研究三峡水库氮、磷浓度变化特性和氮、磷物质贡献率,分析泥沙悬移质中的氮、磷的赋存形态和潜在活性,结合一些已发生富营养化的水库特征,与三峡水库形态和运行特点进行类比,探讨氮、磷物质对库区水体富营养化的潜在影响,为采取有效措施防止库区水体富营养化提供科学依据.  相似文献   

水库富营养化原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐晓凤 《四川水利》2006,27(5):32-33,36
1水库富营养化产生的机理及危害 在天然汇流过程中,水流会将氮、磷、腐植质等植物营养成分带入湖泊、水库,在人类的生产、生活活动过程中,一些植物营养成分(氮、磷)也不断补给湖泊、水库等水域,使该类水域中植物营养成分过量积聚,出现水体营养过剩的现象,称之为“水体富营养化”。  相似文献   

金高洁  高超 《人民长江》2008,39(6):80-82
巢湖生态环境问题主要体现在3方面:主要由氮、磷引起的水体富营养化等严重环境污染;水土流失导致泥沙淤积加速湖泊的逆向演化;诸如气象、地质及生物等自然灾害.针对上述问题,作者提出相应整治措施:控制污染源头排放量,提倡清洁生产工艺;转变经济增长方式,推动产业结构由资源型向质量效益型过渡;实施湖泊生态工程措施,采用底泥生态疏浚、浮床种植陆生植物净化水体、兴建湖岸绿化植被带等;整治流域生态环境,种植生态涵养林,提高森林覆盖率,加强行政监督管理等;增强公众环保意识,完善相关法规.  相似文献   

程冰冰  李典宝 《水资源保护》2017,33(S1):113-116
湿地植物根表铁膜对磷的有效吸收对控制水体富营养化具有重要影响,但其机理目前尚不明确,针对此问题,分析了湿地植物根表铁膜形成的因素及其对湿地植物磷吸收的影响,认为根表铁膜对湿地植物磷吸收的影响主要取决于磷浓度、铁膜的厚度等因素。在明确湿地植物根表铁膜对磷的吸收机理后,建议采用人工方法调节外部条件控制铁膜的形成,促进湿地植物对磷的吸收转化,降低水体富营养化水平。  相似文献   

洋河水库水体富营养化治理对策浅析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
河北省秦皇岛市洋河水库由于水土流失、水体更新较慢、生活污水和生产废水的排放等原因造成水体中营养物质氮、磷含量的增加,产生富营养化现象。只有采取生态修复手段,控制氮、磷等营养物质的排入,并适度养鱼和种植植物,实施水资源优化调度,才能从根本上改变水体富营养化现状。  相似文献   

1 水体富营养化现状市政及工业点源污染、农业面源污染中氮磷营养盐进入相对封闭的水域后, 在阳光照射下, 极易导致水体富营养化。纵观全球, 几乎所有湖泊和其他娱乐水体都存在着不同程度的富营养化问题, 藻类水华爆发 (algal blooms) 则是许多富营养化湖泊和水体面临的挑战, 世界各大洲自然水域、河流、湖泊 (水库) 及沿海水域均存在不同程度的富营养化问题, 而且大部分地区还相当严重。根据金相灿的研究成果, 我国主要的淡水湖除处于人烟稀少地区的原始状态的部分湖泊外, 其营养盐水平基本上达到了富营养化发生的标准浓度,水体的富营养化…  相似文献   

肖潇  汪朝辉 《人民长江》2011,42(9):33-37
利用遥感技术监测水域富营养化状况具有快速、及时、成本低的优势。为了更快捷、有效地监测丹江口水库的水质,在丹江口库区选择2处典型水域,利用叶绿素a光谱特征,根据现场人工实测资料和遥感影像建立了水域富营养化反演模型,以分析水域富营养化状态。对所采水样进行相应的数据分析、化验,结果表明:根据实测水样建立的遥感技术富营养化反演模型可以用于水体富营养化的评价。根据丹江口水库水体富营养化评价结果及库区的实际情况,分析了富营养化产生的原因,并提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

张文平  王成  吴芸 《治淮》2009,(12):32-33
湖泊、水库等水域的植物营养成分(氮、磷等)不断供给,过量积聚,致使水体营养过剩的现象称为水体"富营养化".由于水体中营养物质过多,水生生物(主要是藻类)大量繁殖,藻类的呼吸作用及死亡藻类的分解作用消耗大量的氧,致使水体处于严重缺氧状态,并分解出有毒物质,从而给水质造成严重的不良后果,影响水体周围人民生活和经济建设的发展.  相似文献   

2种浮床植物吸收不同N/P水体中氮磷的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取水稻、空心菜这2种常见植物作为研究对象,通过在容积为25 L的塑料水桶中设置浮床,在低、中、高3种N/P(分别为8∶1,25∶1,55∶1)富营养化水体表面种植植物,研究其对氮磷的去除效果。研究结果表明:①所选的2种试材--浮床水稻与空心菜能较好地吸收富营养化水体中的氮磷元素,可作为水体富营养化防治的浮床栽培植物进行推广;②在所选的3种N/P水体中,浮床水稻对TP的净去除率均大于浮床空心菜,而浮床空心菜对TN,NH3-N的净去除率大于浮床水稻,可根据富营养化水体的性质,选择适合的浮床植物进行栽种;③在低N/P(比值为8∶1)的水体中,2种植物对TN,NH3-N,TP的吸收能力最强,浮床水稻对其的净去除率分别为19.0%,91.4%,95.0%,浮床空心菜净去除率分别为28.2%,99.2%,87.2%。
  相似文献   

植物抑藻作用及抑藻物质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用植物体内的化感物质进行有害藻类的控制,是一种新型安全的生物抑藻技术,近年来成为水环境领域的研究热点。笔者综述了国内外植物抑藻作用及抑藻物质研究的主要成果,包括已发现的具有抑藻作用的植物种类、已鉴定出的抑藻物质类型,总结了植物抑藻研究中的常用方法及影响抑藻效果的因素,最后提出了植物抑藻技术应用于实践有待研究的问题。  相似文献   

Assessing the effectiveness of measures to reduce the phosphorus loads in bodies of water in the plains of catchment areas requires a comprehensive grasp of the interactions between human activities, resulting emissions, and their effects on those waters. A quantitative representation of the connection between emissions loads over different pathways and emissions concentrations, and which takes into account the retention in both land and water, is called for as an essential basis. Once this has been established, in the next phase the effects of local emission reduction measures can be evaluated, the suitability of said measures for implementation in a given region on the basis of the predominant local conditions and land use management can be determined, and the effectiveness of the respective models can be represented in the context of overall emissions and retention. The findings of related studies in Upper Austria show that erosion protection measures and/or measures to avoid erosive phosphorus emissions in running water bodies have the best potential for reducing phosphorus loads when they are precisely targeted (used in areas with a high degree of connectedness to bodies of water or adjacent to running waters).  相似文献   

我国流域水循环支撑的河流、湖沼湿地以及河口近岸海域,生态系统类型复杂。针对我国水生态保护方面存在的问题提出对策,一是水生态自然保护区的部分生态需水过程不能保障,区域生态用地问题凸显,建议加强水生态保护区上游的水利工程调度管理,尽快开展最小生态用地的研究与管理;二是水生态保护区部门分割,完整性差,需要整合不同目标的水生态保护区,以生态系统进行保护,纳入水功能区,实行以流域为单元的统一管理。  相似文献   

浅议城市雨水渗透   总被引:66,自引:4,他引:62  
随着城市的发展 ,不透水地面面积不断增加 ,雨水径流量也相应增加。雨水是宝贵水资源 ,应通过渗透等方式充分利用雨水以涵养地下水、调节城市生态环境后 ,再使用雨水管系将剩余径流安全、合理地排除。对各种雨水渗透设施及其选址、堵塞、污染控制等问题作了简略论述  相似文献   

漓江流域城市污水处理技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用系统分析的方法,从流域水污染控制角度出发,对漓江流域的城市污水处理有关问题进行了系统研究。结合漓江流域城镇经济、技术水平特点,对流域的城镇排水的体制、出路进行了分析;根据污水排放和污染物排放情况以及水环境容量分布,确定了流域内城市污水处理厂规模;在分析了几种适合中小城市特点的典型城市污水处理工艺后,提出了4种城市污水处理工艺作为流域不同类型城镇的城市污水处理的优选技术;为保证流域水污染有效控制,建议实行流域水环境的统一管理。  相似文献   

国务院《核电中长期发展规划(2005--2020年)》的发布,标志着我国核电由“适当发展”转向“积极发展”,除在滨海地区按规划继续新建一批核电站外,同时在国内很多省市进行内陆核电站的规划方案和选址工作。核电站的选址工作要科学、细致、严格,选址不仅要符合核电区域布局,而且在地质、气象、水文水工、自然环境和安全等方面要符合核电建设的技术要求。内陆核电站厂址更要慎重研究区域地质、水文气象和水工方案,为节省水资源,可采用自然通风和机力冷却塔节水设施,确保核电站供水安全和满足排放要求。  相似文献   

Managing water scarcity is a major challenge for regions all over the world. In the European Union, robust methodologies are needed to establish effective programmes of measures aimed at achieving the “good status” of water bodies according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD). These programmes often target the current gap between the actual status of water bodies and the “good” status without accounting for uncertainty in water demand. We develop a new methodological framework that enable to account for uncertainty in future water demand and design programmes in order to increase their likelihood of attaining the good quantitative status. The foresight approach enables to construct and quantify future water demand scenarios hand-in-hand with stakeholders during workshops. They consist in identifying drivers, debating pre-constructed scenarios, reconstructing scenarios and estimating water demand. The impact of the co-constructed scenarios is simulated with a resource-demand balance model for all water resources and a cost-effectiveness analysis makes it possible to construct programmes that target the estimated future water deficits at least cost. The methodology is illustrated with an application to Reunion Island (Indian Ocean, France) considering agriculture (Ag) and urban water (Uw) demand. Three combinations of sector scenarios (Uw, Ag) were produced and coherence was eventually ensured by fitting the land use parameter. This solution can accommodate case studies faced with a binding land constraint for housing and agriculture. As each scenario implies significantly different programmes of measure in terms of intensity and spatial distribution, results demonstrate the importance of taking uncertainty on water demand into account.  相似文献   

Conversion of high mountain forests into pastures or croplands and changes in land uses have produced changes in hydrology, vegetation cover and terrestrial aquatic linkages, resulting in increased nutrient loads on water bodies. The developing countries today need to obtain an indicator response signature under multiple stressor scenario, to identify causes of water bodies impairment. Intermountain land use impact on a Subtropical Andean River was studied in Tucumán province, Northwestern Argentina. Benthic macroinvertebrates were used as indicators of diffuse alterations produced by anthropic activities on a small valley at ca. 1000 m.a.s.l. The objectives were: (a) test the effect of land use on macroinvertebrate assemblages; (b) test the response of benthic fauna to diffuse organic pollution and (c) test the accuracy of the current biological water quality indices. Nutrient levels were higher than international standards. First axis in multivariate analysis shows an important upstream–downstream gradient meanwhile the second axis shows seasonal effects. These effects are specially produced by monsoonal regime of rainfall (ca. 80% in summer). No effect of the land use or diffuse pollution was detected on the macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, probably due to the good oxygen availability. Of the several biotic indices (BI) and metrics tested, only one worked on acceptable levels being ‘affected’ by small oxygen variations. Dry winter, dry and warm spring with high sunlight exposure plus high levels of nutrients could be an undesirable combination for standing waters of a reservoir projected in this watershed. A correct monitoring of water quality and alternatives as management of reforested margins is the right beginning. These actions and more studies represent interesting alternatives for poor regions of undeveloped countries. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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