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Turbidity currents are flows driven by suspended sediment of flood-induced turbid river water with excess density. Such currents are often the governing factor in reservoir sedimentation by transporting fine materials over long distances and delivering the majority of deposition, which thus reduces the storage capacity. Therefore, the design and operation of a reservoir requires an accurate prediction of its occurrence condition and plunging position, which is the objective of the present study. This article presents a verified algebraic slip mixture model including momentum, continuity and algebraic velocity expressions to simulate 2-D turbidity currents. Test experiments in a multiphase flume were carried out. Reynolds number, sediment concentration and densimetric Froude number were used as parameters in the occurrence condition analysis. The plunging of turbidity currents may produce reflux and backflow due to the diving flow at the surface of the clear water. The similar experimental results were also obtained by PIV measurements  相似文献   

利用浊度仪测量水流含沙量时,泥沙颗粒级配和矿物成分是影响浊度仪标定结果的主要泥沙因素。采用黄河原型非黏性沙配制不同粒径、不同含沙量浑水水体,开展固定粒径、粗细沙、混合沙等多组次试验研究,对黄河天然沙粒径及级配对浊度仪输出浊度的影响进行定量分析和机制探讨。结果表明:固定含沙量条件下,非黏性泥沙粒径对水体浊度的影响特征符合Mie散射定律;含沙量变化对浊度仪输出浊度的影响数量级为10~102,泥沙颗粒粒径变化对浊度仪输出浊度的影响数量级为10-1~1;相同含沙量条件下,悬沙比表面积与浊度仪输出浊度符合线性分布。建立了考虑非黏性沙级配影响的含沙量与浊度关系模型,能够较准确地反映非黏性沙粒径及泥沙浓度对水体浊度的影响,可为浊度与含沙量关系的准确率定及测量结果的校准提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

The sustainable use of water resources requires clear guidelines for the management of diffuse pollution inputs to rivers. Without informed guidelines, management decisions are unlikely to deliver cost‐effective improvements in the quality of rivers as required by current water policy. Here, we review the evidence available for deriving improved guidelines on the loading of fine sediment to rivers based on the impact on macro‐invertebrates. The relationship between macro‐invertebrates and fine sediments is poorly defined. Studies of the impacts of fine sediment on macro‐invertebrates have been undertaken at various scales, which has an influence on the range of responses displayed and the reliability of the results obtained; results obtained from investigations at smaller scales may not manifest at the scale required to manage rivers and vice versa. Many of the identified effects of increased loading of fine sediment on macro‐invertebrates occur as a consequence of deposition on the river bed, yet many current management guidelines are based on suspended sediment targets. On this basis, existing water quality guidelines for sediment management are unlikely to be appropriate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the Hengsha East Shoal Promoting Siltation Project in the Yangtze River Estuary,this work developed a formula for calculating sediment carrying capacity based on variable coefficients and a mathematical model for suspended sedimentation using variable saturation recovery coefficients.Not only does the model yield good verification,preferably give the hydrodynamics and the sediment concentration,but also reach a good agreement between the simulation results and the measured topographical changes in the promoting siltation zone of the Hengsha East Shoal.Moreover,this article proposes a method for examing the net sediment transportation flux by tide for studying the effects of the project of promoting siltation and comparatively analyzes the current siltation of the Hengsha East Shoal and siltation mouth layouts,entrance widths,entrance bottom elevations,and the impact of the South Main Dike on promoting siltation through calculating the net sediment transportation flux by tide over the fixed bed and the direct movable bed numerical simulations.The results are in good agreement with each other,indicating that the method for calculating the net sediment transportation flux by the tide is also useful for assessing the project in promoting siltation.Finally,we use the modeling results to analyze the water and sediment diversion ratios and the changes in silting and scouring in riverbeds and draw the conclusion that the completion of the Hengsha East Shoal Promoting Siltation Project would not adversely affect the Yangtze River Estuary Deepwater Channel Project.  相似文献   

The assessment of the radiological impact of the liquid discharges from nuclear power plants is a major issue for the environmental protection. In this study, a numerical model for the radionuclide transport in the aquatic environment is built, based on the hydrodynamic equations, including the complete set of Saint-Venant equations, the sediment transport equations, with consideration of several different particle sizes and the deposition and erosion of the suspended sediments, and the radionuclide transport equations. The exchanges of radionuclides between water, suspended matter and bed sediments are described in terms of kinetic transfer coefficients. The model is used to simulate the transport of the radionuclides discharged from a planned nuclear power plant project to be sited along the lower Yangtze River. From the model results, one may see the detailed temporal-spatial evolution of the radionuclide contamination in the solution, in the suspended matter and in the bed sediments. The model can be used as a basic tool for studying the environmental impacts of the liquid discharges from nuclear facilities on a river system.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲河网与河口夏季水沙通量的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用一、三维水动力与泥沙耦合模型,计算珠江三角洲河网与河口夏季水沙通量,构建其收支模式,并分析水沙迁移路径与泥沙沉积特征。研究表明,西江为最主要的水沙输入源,磨刀门为最主要的水沙输出口门,蕉门次之。夏季泥沙以淤积为主,上游汇入的泥沙,有39.4%沉积于河网区,其余60.6%经八大口门输入珠江口后,有59.5%发生沉积,另外1.1%输入外海。河网区的水沙输送由径流控制,而河口区则由径流、潮汐、季风等因素控制。河网区各区域的沉积特点因动力条件的差异而呈现不同的规律,大量泥沙在西江干流、虎门水道淤积。珠江口中以内伶仃洋与磨刀门海域的沉积量最大,泥沙在西滩周边和磨刀门海域快速沉积,其中磨刀门海域淤积最为强烈。  相似文献   

The fine‐scale structure of the water–sediment boundary in fluvial environments is dynamic and complex, influencing near‐bed flows, sediment transport and instream ecology. However, accurate high‐resolution surveying of marginally or partially inundated areas of river channels is problematic. Previous work has shown that terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) through relatively shallow‐water columns using standard green‐wavelength equipment introduces errors of <5 mm in a static, clear water column. This paper presents seven laboratory and field tests of through‐water TLS under variable flow velocities, depths, suspended sediment concentrations, water colour levels and scan ranges. Flow velocity decreased point accuracy only for supercritical flows, whereas point density decreased as a function of both water depth and suspended sediment concentration. A similar point return threshold was observed for water colour variations with no grains in suspension. Conversely, point precision and accuracy were a function of suspended sediment concentration alone (a threshold of 0.11 g L?1 was observed). Field tests showed larger errors (<10 mm) and lower point precisions. A clear‐water depth‐penetration limit of 0.68 m was identified. Fluvial bathymetry acquired from through‐water TLS is presented for a gravel/boulder bed reach. Despite observed limits, these experiments demonstrate that our approach provides centimetre‐resolution bathymetry and sub‐aerial survey in an integrated dataset without the need for the following: (i) additional financial resources; (ii) concurrent depth measurements; or (iii) extra field effort for bathymetry acquisition, thereby enabling regular surveys to characterize the fine‐scale structure of channel beds and to constrain the geomorphic effect of individual flood events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a process-based distributed modelling approach for estimating sediment budget at a river basin scale with partitions of suspended and bed loads by simulating sediment loads and their interactions. In this approach, a river basin is represented by hillslopes and a network of channels. Hillslopes are divided into an array of homogeneous grid cells for modelling surface runoff and suspended sediments. Channels are defined by incorporating flow hydraulic properties into the respective hillslope grids as sub-grid attributes for modelling both suspended and bed loads. Suspended sediment transport is modelled using one dimensional kinematic wave approximation of Saint-Venant’s principles of conservation of mass and momentum. Transport capacity of runoff or streamflow is used to set the limit of suspended sediment transport rate. Bed load in channels is estimated based on the instantaneous water and hydraulic parameters. Fractional interchange between suspended load and bed load is then back calculated. The performance of the model was evaluated through a case study application in a large river basin in Japan. The model satisfactorily calculated the sediment transport and total sediment budget in the basin. The simulated bed load was found to be reasonable and consistent with the water flow and suspended sediment flux. The results showed the bed load can be expressed as a linear function of the suspended load. The fractions of different sediment loads also exhibit linear relationships with water discharge for the rising and recession limbs of the flood hydrographs. The case study has demonstrated that the process-based distributed modelling approach can efficiently describe the basin-scale sediment budgets with due consideration of the suspended and bed loads and their interactions in the hillslopes and channels.  相似文献   

In this paper, the flood regulation by operating the downstream sluice gates for a reservoir with a water intake is studied. The two-dimensional depth-averaged flow equations are solved by the boundary fitted finite volume method (FVM) based on MacCormsck prediction-correction scheme. The bed deformation caused by both the bed load and incoming suspended sediment is determined in a coupled way. The model is used to simulate the practical flood regulation operation of a reservoir. The results have been compared with the physical experiment.  相似文献   

通过在徐闻港区内进行潮位、潮流、含沙量等同步水文全潮观测,以及悬沙和底沙取样及颗分等工作,对港区的自然水体条件进行分析,表明港区潮流具有较明显的东西向往复流性质,流速普遍较小且水体含沙量小,有开发建设深水大港的优越条件。  相似文献   

长江口枯水期最大浑浊带形成机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用ADCP获得了长江口最大浑浊带内的高频率和高分辨率流速和悬沙浓度数据,对不同定点站位和走航断面的悬沙浓度、流速和盐度数据进行了分析,同时对不同站位的再悬浮通量以及悬沙输运机制也进行了计算,进而讨论了长江口枯水期最大浑浊带的形成机制。结果表明,枯水期的长江口处于淤积状态,再悬浮通量较小,其数量级介于10-4-10-7kg·m-2s-1之间;平均流输运在整个悬沙输送中占主导地位,斯托克斯漂移效应、垂向环流和潮振荡的垂向切变作用对悬沙输运也有着重要作用;通过分析走航断面的数据确定了枯水期中潮期内最大浑浊带的显著分布区域,“潮泵”作用和河口重力环流作用均在该地区最大浑浊带形成中都发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

河流水体中的含磷营养物质与较细颗粒的悬移质泥沙发生吸附作用,将对水质循环过程产生影响。基于拟合磷与泥沙颗粒吸附过程的Langmuir方程和修正Langmuir方程分别推导了计算颗粒态磷(PP)和溶解态磷(DP)的计算公式。并采用香溪河泥沙样品的磷吸附实验数据和野外观测数据验证了推导公式,计算结果与实测值符合良好。研究结果表明:当悬移质泥沙浓度较低时,可采用线性吸附方程近似计算颗粒态和溶解态磷浓度,但当悬移质泥沙浓度较高时,需要采用本研究推导的计算公式,特别是解吸和吸附现象并存时,需要使用基于修正的Langmuir模型推导的计算式。研究成果可用于水质或水生态模型建模。  相似文献   

黄河中游多沙粗沙区高含沙水流的粒度组成及其地貌学意义   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
通过野外实测资料的分析,发现在黄土高原的高含沙水流中,存在着某种最优的悬移质泥沙粒度组成,使得含沙量达到最大。这一最优粒度组成的出现,与流域中黄土、风成沙和基岩这三种物源的特定搭配有关,也是风力-水力交替区特有的外营力作用的结果。与悬移质泥沙的最优粒度组成相对应,出现了黄河中游多沙粗沙区产沙模数最大值。  相似文献   

三峡库区悬移质泥沙对TP、TN等的吸附影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为系统地研究三峡库区悬浮泥沙与营养盐、有机污染物浓度关系,更有效地控制水污染,在2002年9月至2003年6月和2004年7~9月,长江上游水环境监测中心对三峡库区水质与悬移质泥沙进行同步监测.介绍了水质采样点的分布情况和水样分析方法.对水样中的N、P污染成份及COD进行了分析.结果表明:三峡库区水体中CODMm的浓度受水土流失与点污染源的影响较大,TP浓度受水土流失的影响较大;悬移质泥沙对CODMm和TP的影响大,对TN的影响相对较小.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION Due to the fact that three-dimensional (3D) numerical models are quite expensive to simulate flow and sediment transport processes, vertically-integrated two-dimensional (2D) models are extensively applied at present, even to the predictio…  相似文献   

悬移质分选沉降及其在工程上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
悬移质泥沙占河流输沙的大部分,由于泥沙的重力作用及水流的紊动混掺的双重作用,悬移质沿垂线的分布呈上稀下浓,上细下粗的规律。在水流的不平衡输沙条件下,趋饱和水流中必然有一部分泥沙沉降落淤,其中较粗的泥沙必然率先沉降,较细的泥沙仍随水流悬浮前进。  相似文献   

利用近年长江口地区的SPOT遥感影像,对长江口表层悬浮泥沙浓度的空间分布和动态变化规律进行分析,绘制了长江口表层水体含沙浓度分级图.结合同步监测数据,对长江口表层悬浮泥沙扩散规律、高混浊水域的范围、河流泥沙入海形态等方面进行了深入的探讨,为长江口泥沙现状调查和近期运动规律反演和预测提供一条新的研究途径.  相似文献   

The effect of 11% thinning on selected stream water properties in an oak-beech forest ecosystem in the Belgrad Forest of Istanbul, Turkey was studied with a paired catchment experiment. Regression equations for some physical properties of the stream water were developed between control (W-I) and treatment (W-II) watersheds for calibration (with their 95% confidence limits) and treatment periods. The study discovered significant linear regressions between control and treatment watersheds for color, turbidity, air and water temperatures, suspended sediment concentration, pH and electrical conductivity in the calibration period but not turbidity and suspended sediment concentration in the treatment period. The impact of the timber removal was calculated as the difference between measured and predicted values derived from calibration equations. Results showed that timber harvest caused significant decreases in the color, turbidity, temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity values of the stream water and air temperature under the canopy but did not affect the suspended sediment concentration in the stream water.  相似文献   

基于2013年枯季大潮期间在长江口北槽河道现场定点观测数据(包括潮流、悬沙浓度、盐度),通过对盐水入侵影响水流结构及泥沙运动过程的分析,对北槽河道盐淡水混合与悬沙输运进行了研究。结果表明:观测期间,北槽河道纵向及垂向受不同程度的盐度梯度影响,涨落潮过程中垂线流速不再保持无潮河流的分布规律,河口水流结构发生改变,促使出现上层水流向海、下层水流向陆的河口环流。在多重因素作用下,特别是环流阻碍了河流泥沙的正常下泄,并有利于底层泥沙上溯,出现上层输沙向海、下层输沙向陆的现象。各段河道中,垂向净环流项均向陆输沙,但向海的平流输沙及潮泵输沙作用更强,所以观测期间悬沙表现均为向海净输移。  相似文献   

Based on the Estuarine, Coastal and Ocean Modeling System with Sediments (ECOMSED) model, a 3-D hydrodynamic-transport numerical model was established for the offshore area near the Yangtze Estuary in the East China Sea .The hydrodynamic module was driven by tide and wind. Sediment module included sediment resuspension, transport and deposition of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment. The settling of cohesive sediment in the water column was modeled as a fimction of aggregation (flocculation) and deposition. The numerical results were compared with observation data for August, 2006. It shows that the sediment concentration reduces gradually from the seashore to the offshore area. Numerical results of concentration time series in the observation stations show two peaks and two valleys, according with the observation data. It is mainly affected by tidal current. The suspended sediment concentration is related to the tidal current during a tidal cycle, and the maximum concentration appears 1 h-4 h after the current maximum velocity has reached.  相似文献   

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