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近年来,单位实施水事违法行为呈上升势头。其原因之一在于,水行政处罚只针对单位而不涉及单位的有关责任人员,导致单位决策者"慷单位之慨",实施者"仗单位之势",无视水法律法规,实施违法行为。本文试图从行政处罚理论、行政处罚程序法与水行政实体法律法规规定以及水行政执法实践等方面,对单位水事违法行为实行"双罚制"作粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

左顺荣 《中国水利》2009,(20):43-44
为了切实维护水资源、水工程的安全与完整。保障经济社会持续稳定发展,水利从立法到执法都在不断完善和增强。在水行政处罚所依据的水法律法规中,动辄数十万元罚款的规定已不鲜见。这些规定对于打击水事违法行为起到了十分重要的作用。但是也应看到,由于行政处罚程序不尽完善,诸如对共同违法行为的认定、处罚等没有具体规定。给实践中的水行政处罚带来一定的困惑,亟需加以规范。本文仅以对河道违法采砂行为的处罚为例,就水行政处罚中共同违法行为的认定与处罚问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

在水行政执法实践中遇有大量的水事共同违法行为,但对共同违法行为的处罚,无论是行政实体法还是行政程序法都鲜有涉及,给水行政处罚的实施带来一定困难。本文试图以长江河道非法采砂为例,解构水事共同违法行为的困惑与对策。  相似文献   

马永恒 《治淮》2001,(4):25-25
水行政处罚决定书是水行政执法中最主要的法律文书之一,它既是对水事违法行为调查、认定之后所做的结论,也是促使违法行为人承担法律责任的重要形式,同时还是受处罚人行使行政救济权利,如申请行政复议、提起行政诉讼所直接指向的对象。一份质量较高的水行政处罚书,不但会使受处罚人清楚自己违法违在何处,应当承担何种法律责任,  相似文献   

<正>水行政处罚即水行政主管部门针对相对人的水事违法行为作出的处罚。然而,如何判断相对人的行为是否违法,倘若构成违法该相对人又应被给予何种处罚,水行政主管部门需要结合相关法律规定作出判断。裁量基准制度的出现,对执法人员来说多了一把“称手”的工具,但其使用的方法和场合应当得到规范。执法人员对违法行为人作出处罚的过程,实质是进行依法裁量的过程,裁量权和裁量基准是该过程的两个重要因素。水行政处罚裁量基准是指水行政主管部门在法律、法规和规章规定的范围内,对相对人的水事违法行为确定是否处罚,以及作出何种类别、幅度的处罚及其具体适用情形的细化、量化标准。水行政处罚领域设立裁量基准并非偶然现象,透过基准文本对设立动因和现存问题深入研究,提出应对之策以健全这一制度。  相似文献   

行政处罚是国家法律责任制度的重要组成部分。水行政处罚是各级水行政主管部门规范水事行为、管理全社会水事活动的重要手段。根据执法权限、程序,准确适用法律进行行政处罚,严厉打击各类违反水法规的水事违法行为,是摆在各级水行政主管部门面前的一项重要任务。高唐县水政工作起步较早,1997年在水政监察规范化建设工作中以优异的成绩通过部级验收,荣获全省、全国水政工  相似文献   

左顺荣  汤云 《江苏水利》2006,(12):32-33
依照《江苏省湖泊保护条例》(以下称《湖泊条例》)实施湖泊的保护与管理,势必要对湖区的水事违法行为进行水行政处罚。而要正确行使行政处罚权,管辖是首先要解决的问题。尽管《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》(以下称《处罚法》)和《水行政处罚实施办法》(以下称《处罚办法》)就(水)行政处罚的管辖作出了规定,但其毕竟是原则性的,与千差万别的湖泊现状相距甚远。笔者现仅以洪泽湖为例,对省管湖泊的水行政处罚管辖问题作点粗浅的探讨。一、目前省管湖泊水行政处罚管辖的现状与问题我省湖泊众多,其中0.5km2以上的列入江苏省湖泊保护名录的湖泊有16…  相似文献   

为了进一步规范水行政处罚办案流程,提高案件执法办理水平和执法案卷归档质量,为水事违法案件监督指导提供公开、透明、规范的信息化支撑,文章立足水利部黄河水利委员会水行政执法中水事违法案件的行政处罚业务需求,探索研究了立体化多层级权限管理模式、处罚流程动态可视化控制、文书审批流转、电子卷宗一键归档等关键技术在水事违法案件处置系统中的应用,实现了黄河水利委员会系统内部水事违法案件在线处置、水行政处罚过程动态可视化监督、法律文书在线签批流转、电子归档一体化管理等智慧化应用。  相似文献   

行政处罚是国家法律责任制度的重要组成部分。水行政处罚是各级水行政主管部门规范水事行为、管理全社会水事活动的重要手段。根据执法权限、程序,准确适用法律进行行政处罚,严厉打击各类违反水法规的水事违法行为,是摆在各级水行政主管部门面前的一项重要任务。高唐县水政工作起步较早,1997年在水政监察规范化建设工作中以优异的成绩通过部级验收,荣获全省、全国水政工作先进单位,实现了水政监察规范化建设的“八化”要求。下面就水行政处罚的程序适用问题,结合高唐县的执法实践作以浅析。  相似文献   

王迎建 《治淮》2011,(3):41-42
在日常的水利管理中,水利管理单位经常遇到水事违法行为,如何规范水行政处罚行为,保障和监督水行政主管部门有效实施水行政管理,是横亘在水利管理单位面前不能回避的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

分析了我国刑法对水资源保护的现状和刑法保护的价值基础.刑法与行政手段和民事处罚手段相比,其起着一种导向性的作用.作为一种最严厉的保护手段,刑罚体现着社会伦理价值观念和价值取向.针对我国水资源的刑事立法提出了以下建议:增设相关罪名,构建严密的水资源刑事法律保护法网;加强法律制度的有效衔接,完善水资源刑事保护法律体系;改变重大环境污染事故罪的举证原则,实现刑法的公正性等.  相似文献   

现行水法律法规对河道非法采砂行为仅规定了行政处罚,难以震慑获取暴利的非法采砂人员。济宁市通过采取完善制度、建立机构、落实责任、联合执法、督导检查等多种措施,使泗河采砂管理秩序得以根本好转,经济社会效益显著。对解决泗河河道采砂管理中存在的难题进行了分析,提出了进一步落实各县(市、区)政府责任、彻底清理取缔采砂运砂船只、加快制定河道砂资源管理办法、落实各级专职管理机构等建议。  相似文献   

Coupled Topology and Pipe Size Optimization of Water Distribution Systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper describes a new multi-objective evolutionary optimization approach to the simultaneous layout and pipe size design of water distribution systems. Pressure-deficient and topologically infeasible solutions are fully incorporated in the genetic algorithm without recourse to constraint violation penalties or tournaments. The proposed approach is demonstrated by solving three benchmark problems taken from the literature. New optimal layouts and/or new feasible solutions that are cheaper than the best solutions in the literature were found for both branched and looped network configurations. Specifically, a new best solution was generated for each of the above-mentioned benchmark problems. In addition, the case of the looped design of a hitherto branched network in the literature was considered. Detailed results are included that show that the proposed approach achieves good solutions efficiently and consistently.  相似文献   

《行政强制法》出台以后,省属水利工程管理机构处于只有地方性法规对行政处罚权的授权,而无行政强制措施权的授权状态。本文以行政执法程序中常用的责令相对人停止违法行为为例,分析可能造成的行政处罚权和行政强制措施的冲突,并针对这一冲突,提出解决方法。  相似文献   

In this study, an interactive multi-stage stochastic fuzzy programming (IMSFP) approach has been developed through incorporating an interactive fuzzy resolution (IFR) method within an inexact multi-stage stochastic programming framework. IMSFP can deal with dual uncertainties expressed as fuzzy boundary intervals that exist in the objective function and the left- and right-hand sides of constraints. Moreover, IMSFP is capable of reflecting dynamics of uncertainties and the related decision processes through constructing a set of representative scenarios within a multi-stage context. A management problem in terms of water resources allocation has been studied to illustrate applicability of the proposed approach. The results indicate that a set of solutions under different feasibility degrees (i.e., risk of constraint violation) has been generated for planning the water resources allocation. They can not only help quantify the relationship between the objective-function value and the risk of violating the constraints, but also enable decision makers (DMs) to identify, in an interactive way, a desired compromise between two factors in conflict: satisfaction degree of the goal and feasibility degree of constraints. Besides, a number of decision alternatives have been generated under different policies for water resources management, which permits in-depth analyses of various policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of economic penalties when the promised water-allocation targets are violated, and thus help DMs to identify desired water-allocation schemes under uncertainty.  相似文献   

许晓东 《水资源保护》2010,26(2):97-100
针对上海市郊区镇级以下河道大量被阻断填埋,引发水质下降和积水问题造成极大的经济损失,以及执法难度大而企业违法成本低,地方政府出于发展经济的考虑,往往对一些违法行为不重视甚至听之任之的现状,结合具体的违法填堵河道的案例,运用博弈理论和工具,根据不完全信息动态博弈理论,建立水务部门检查与不检查、企业办理与不办理填河手续的两方动态博弈模型,求出模型均衡解,通过均衡解得出影响两方博弈关系的几个重要参数,并对这些参数进行逐个分析,指出存在问题的症结,并提出一些对策建议。  相似文献   

受利益的驱动,长江流域非法采砂行为屡禁不止,给采砂有效监管造成很大的困扰。采砂监管水平的提高需要高效准确的跟踪识别技术作支撑。提出了一种基于相关滤波器的可变跟踪框智能算法。该算法可以准确快速地跟踪江河湖面上的非法采砂船,计算量少,鲁棒性高,对硬件的要求并不严苛,可以自由应用于从低性能到高性能的各种设备。基于该算法开发了非法采砂船追踪器,再配合百度深度学习平台Easy DL后,可构成一套采砂船监控系统,能够实现对长江水域非法采砂船24 h的有效监控,从而大大提高监控非法采砂行为的效率。  相似文献   

An assessment has been made of the stock conditions of five major component fishery species (Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Chrysichthys auratus, Hemisynodontis membranaceus, Oreochromis niloticus and Schilbe intermedius) exploited with illegal purse‐seine (winch‐net) gear in the Yeji sector of Lake Volta, Ghana. Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus was clearly found to be overexploited, but the others were being exploited near to, or under, optimum harvest levels. All five species were harvested at an inappropriate age‐at‐first‐capture of ≈ 6 months, suggesting overfishing of young fishes. Consequently, the computed Lm:L ratios were > 0.64. For most fish species, such a ratio implies their exploitation when at early maturity and at very small sizes. The estimated range of mesh sizes in the cod‐ends was far lower (5–8 mm) than the legal mesh size of 25 mm, calling for urgent enforcement of rules and regulations. Single‐species yield‐per‐recruit analyses indicated that yields could be improved by the reduction in the current fishing effort. As the fishery of the lake is not segmented to allow fish to be taken by the illegal small‐mesh purse seines, studies on the interactions between the different fishery sectors need to be undertaken, alongside the proposed ban of the gear as enshrined in the Fisheries Law of Ghana.  相似文献   

In this study, an inexact multistage joint-probabilistic programming (IMJP) method is developed for tackling uncertainties presented as interval values and joint probabilities. IMJP improves upon the existing multistage programming and inexact optimization approaches, which can help examine the risk of violating joint-probabilistic constraints. Moreover, it can facilitate analyses of policy scenarios that are associated with economic penalties when the promised targets are violated within a multistage context. The developed method is applied to a case study of water-resources management within a multi-stream, multi-reservoir and multi-period context, where mixed integer linear programming (MILP) technique is introduced into the IMJP framework to facilitate dynamic analysis for decisions of surplus-flow diversion. The results indicate that reasonable solutions for continuous and binary variables have been generated. They can be used to help water resources managers to identify desired system designs against water shortage and for flood control, and to determine which of these designs can most efficiently accomplish optimizing the system objective under uncertainty.  相似文献   

陈奕江 《中国水利》2007,(12):46-48
听证是现代行政程序的核心制度,对促进行政机关依法行政、保护相对人合法权益有重要作用。《行政处罚法》首次以法律形式为我国确立了听证制度,《水行政处罚实施办法》在该法构建的总体框架内,从水行政工作实际出发.较详细地规定了水行政处罚听证程序。在听证程序一般原理的基础上,结合水行政处罚实践,对水行政处罚听证程序的适用范围、主持人、听证笔录等几个问题进行简要探讨并提出建议。  相似文献   

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