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城市给水管网供水调度优化方法的研究硕士生:王亚军导师:王占生(清华大学环境工程系100084)本文从我国配水管网的实际状况出发,系统地讨论了适合我国国情的管网优化调度方法的实现。该方法分为管网时用水量预测模型、管网宏观模型和优化模型三个部分。管网时用...  相似文献   

将给水管网优化调度技术应用于城市供水系统当班调度 ,具有经济效益和社会效益。通过对南京市给水管网优化调度数学模型与计算方法的研究、软件设计、优化调度模型校验与生产实践试运行论证及效果分析 ,提出了南京市给水管网微观模型优化调度生产应用方法 ,并在供水管网运行调度中得到了验证  相似文献   

针对农村多水源供水系统恒压变频供水方式中存在的能耗浪费问题,提出了定末点水压优化调度模式,以管网末端最难供水点水压为参考,调节各水源供水量,使末端水压维持在最小服务水压左右。在具有3个供水水源的宿迁市宿城区南蔡乡供水系统进行了优化调度实践,比较了定末点水压调度法与定起点水压恒压供水调度法的管网水压、供水量和能耗,结果表明,定末点水压法在保障供水服务压力的前提下,降低了非最高用水时段的管网运行压力,能耗降低7.37%,水耗降低2.48%。  相似文献   

供水管网优化调度的目标是运用数据采集、优化决策支持和调度执行等信息化技术,安全可靠地将符合流量、压力和水质要求的水供应给用户.供水管网优化调度决策支持系统包括供水系统的模拟、用水量预测、优化调度决策和运行状态评估.该决策支持系统包括宏观水力模型、微观水力模型、水质模型、考虑供水经济性和水质安全性的多目标优化决策模型.采用单目标优化决策模型与多目标评估体系相结合的方法来考虑供水经济性和水质安全性,开发了供水管网优化调度决策系统,并进行了实践应用.  相似文献   

延时模拟技术在给水管网优化调度中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从给水管网分析的角度,通过延时水力模拟技术进行供水系统的优化调度研究,并编写WDOC软件系统。内容包括问题的提出及分析、问题的求解方法和策略、程序的实现过程,最后以算例的形式给出调度的控制要求、管网系统优化调度表和计算成果图。本文提出的延时模拟优化调度技术,可以为水司节能提供有效的帮助。  相似文献   

序列二次规划法在多水源管网优化调度中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
供水管网优化调度是一级优化是一个非线性优化问题,本文通过分析管网的水力关系,对管网水力关系进行合理的线性化,使目标函数和约束条件显式化,将问题转化为序列二次规划问题。在求解二次规划问题中,考虑到大部分节点水头的约束是非作用约束,利用线性化结果,将非作用约束从约束集中剔除,同时将齿行法的思想和水力学上的基本概念相结合,提出了一种适合本问题的修正齿行法,将二次规划结果拉回到原约束面,保证了解的可行性。最后还初步分析了优化计算的计算量。数值试验表明本文的方法计算量小、效率谪。结果可靠。  相似文献   

郑大琼  王念慎  杨军 《水利学报》2003,34(3):0001-0006
针对多水源的大型供水管网,运用两级递阶优化原理,建立了反映管网各种水力参数的数值仿真模型,运用该数值模型可达如下目的:对不同水源的供水量进行优化配置,并且对某一水源地泵站内水泵的运行进行优化调度,合理利用能源,以取得良好的经济效益和社会效益;通过计算对比,改变旧有管网的管路参数或增删管网内局部支路,为改扩建旧有管网提供科学合理的技术方案。最后以北京地区某大型石化集团的供水系统为实例,给出了计算结果。  相似文献   

多源大型供水管网的优化调度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对多水源的大型供水管网,运用两级递阶优化原理,建立了反映管网各种水力参数的数值仿真模型,运用该数值模型可达如下目的:对不同水源的供水量进行优化配置,并且对某一水源地泵站内水泵的运行进行优化调度,合理利用能源,以取得良好的经济效益和社会效益;通过计算对比,改变旧有管网的管路参数或增删管网内局部支路,为改扩建旧有管网提供科学合理的技术方案。最后以北京地区某大型石化集团的供水系统为实例,给出了计算结果。  相似文献   

简要介绍了优化调度的主要内容及研究现状,供水管网的优化建模及算法求解。优化调度能够确保管网处于最优运行状态,使管网运行及维护成本得到降低,最终社会及经济效益得到改善。  相似文献   

现介绍了城市给水系统优化调度的主要内容.用水量预测研究和给水管网数学模型研究是优化调度的基础.用水量预测模型是在分析城市用水量序列数据模式的基础上,综合利用统计回归的方法建立的数学表达式.给水管网数学模型是建立水厂出厂压力和流量与管网测压点之间的经验数学表达式,它反映了给水系统的运行工况.优化调度模型的建立和求解是优化调度的核心.  相似文献   

平原感潮河网水动力模型研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
利用一维Saint—Venant方程组、河网汊点连续方程及边界条件建立了河网水动力学模型;采用Abbott六点隐式差分格式离散控制方程组;求解河网时,将河段方程自相消元,得到以汊点水位为基本未知量的汊点方程组;采用汊点优化编码来降低汊点方程组系数矩阵的带宽以提高计算精度和节省计算耗时。对上海市平原感潮河网进行了合理概化,利用1999年6月~9月的实测水文资料进行了率定,结果表明计算值同实测值吻合较好。  相似文献   

在分步设计及大量计算的基础上,提出了一套考虑因素相对全面,指导性强,易于操作的梯级水库电力实用优化调度图。该调度图继承了传统时历法调度图直观,简明的优点,又具有其特有的优化功能。该方法以汛末蓄满水库为标准,确定典型来水过程的预测调度线和初始目标;以获得梯级电站最大长期调峰收益为目标,以变动目标水位控制为核心,开发出调度图长系列操作通用程序模块,并以此模块作为寻优计算的手段,提出了水库长期运行与短期实时调度有机结合,以及模拟计算,水位偏差最优反馈,来水预报,目标水位寻优等多种实用处理技术。  相似文献   

提出了用于水利项目方案评价的方法——基于相对最优方案的指标赋权模型,介绍了该方法的基本原理,建立了综合考虑保证出力、年发电量、单位千瓦投资等因素的基于相对最佳方案的指标赋权模型,并用实例加以说明,与模糊优选神经网络模型的评价结果相对比,研究表明该模型适合于水利项目方案的评价和优选。  相似文献   

In water supply systems there are many situations during normal operation that induce the occurrence of pressure transients, where high pressures are followed by low, sometimes even negative pressures. These transients may cause ruptures in pipes creating thus leaks or opportunities for contaminants to enter the water supply system. Thus severe pressures transients should be avoided or adequately controlled in potable drinking systems. The level of service provided by water distribution systems is an important matter in the water industry of today. However, the measure of the performance of a pipe system network is not a straightforward task. In this study the performance of pressures in two networks (a cast iron network and a polyethylene network) with the same typology was compared. The transient state conditions were induced by different typical hydromechanical devices operation characterised by a sudden pumps trip-off, a leakage occurrence and a closure of an automatic control valve. For the hydraulic simulations, advanced models based on numerical computation for steady and transient state conditions were used. A performance evaluation model was developed to analyse each type of situation since the simulation time period and the concerns regarding the system behaviour can be fairly different.  相似文献   

以常熟市尚湖镇虞西片区的典型约束型河网为研究对象,采用河网水动力模型对约束型河网的结构连通性和河流水资源调配进行了规划研究。结果表明,控制条件下,采用空间结构连通和河网水流计算相结合的方法能充分满足尚湖镇虞西河网水资源分配需求,优化局部河系功能;通过多方案的河网水资源配置,望虞河多口门引水和锡北运河套闸联合调度方案能充分增强河网流动性,保证各水系功能区内水资源需求平衡和潜在的生态环境需水。该方法还能为水系调整提供合理的河道工程规模和设计参数,为保护约束型河网提供技术支持。  相似文献   

The problems involved in the optimal design of water distribution networks belong to a class of large combinatorial optimization problems. Various heuristic and deterministic algorithms have been developed in the past two decades for solving optimization problems and applied to the design of water distribution systems. Nevertheless, there is still some uncertainty about finding a generally trustworthy method that can consistently find solutions which are really close to the global optimum of this problem. The paper proposes a combined genetic algorithm (GA) and linear programming (LP) method, named GALP for solving water distribution system design problems. It was investigated that the proposed method provides results that are more stable in terms of closeness to a global minimum. The main idea is that linear programming is more dependable than heuristic methods in finding the global optimum, but because it is suitable only for solving branched networks, the GA method is used in the proposed algorithm for decomposing a complex looped network into a group of branched networks. Linear programming is then applied for optimizing every branch network produced by GA from the original looped network. The proposed method was tested on three benchmark least-cost design problems and compared with other methods; the results suggest that the GALP consistently provides better solutions. The method is intended for use in the design and rehabilitation of drinking water systems and pressurized irrigation systems as well.  相似文献   

碾压混凝土坝施工机械配套方案的模糊优选   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吴庆鸣  何小新 《人民长江》1995,26(10):23-26
本文针对碾压混凝土坝施工机械配套方案的多样性,复杂性和选择方案时证券条件的模糊性提出采用模糊优选方法和层次分析法相结合,对多个待选方案进行综合评价和优选。论述了评价系统的建立,评价指标隶属度的确定,以及用层次分析法确定各评价指标间的相对权重。并介绍了模糊优选程序及一个应用实例。  相似文献   

随着水文信息化的不断推进,在深入研究物联网相关理论的基础上,提出了一种基于物联网架构的水文监测系统的设计方案。该方案利用ZigBee技术在小范围无线通信方面的优点,结合水文预报的实际现场情况,采用树形拓扑结构组建无线自动水文监测网络,对监测中的重要指标水位、流速等进行远程实时监测,经测试表明:系统运行可靠,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper presents an online optimization scheme for combined use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), hedging policies and harmony search algorithm (HS) in developing optimum operating policies for Tehran water resources system. Past efforts in this area are concentrated on using an offline approach. In that approach, an optimization method is first used to derive a long-term set of optimum reservoir releases. These releases are then used as the target vector for training the ANN model. The online method simultaneously uses the optimization and ANN methods and can adopt objective functions other than minimizing the error indices. Therefore, it requires methods other than the backpropagation for training the ANN model. Hence, under the proposed online approach the application of a heuristic method, such as HS, is inevitable for training the network. This is accomplished by using an optimization-simulation procedure where different objective functions and system constraints could be easily handled. The proposed approach is a novel and efficient method for finding the parameters of hedging policies where earlier methods suffered from high computational costs and the curse of dimensionality. The results show the superiority of the proposed online scheme. Moreover, a surrogate model for the hedging policy is presented, which by adhering to the principle of parsimony is more efficient in large scale systems involving many decision variables.  相似文献   

采用水污染指数评价法和供需平衡分析法对某地区水资源的水质及水量进行评价,发现当地水资源存在的问题,采用水环境承载力决策分析法找出解决当地水资源问题的最佳方案,并以唐海县为例,得出水质情况较好,对待唐海县水资源应采取综合策略方案。  相似文献   

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