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塔里木河干流水资源问题与治理措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木河流域气候极端干旱 ,生态环境十分脆弱。由于近些年来对干流开发利用缺乏全面规划 ,上、中游水资源利用浪费严重 ,加上源流来水量减少 ,造成塔里木河下游断流 ,生态环境急剧恶化。塔里木河干流治理要以改善生态环境、确保绿色走廊、保护生态平衡为目标 ,采取必要的工程与非工程措施 ,加强节水工程建设 ,提高水资源利用率 ,控制上、中游耗水 ,增加下游生态用水 ,逐步恢复下游生态  相似文献   

基于分形和R/S分析的渭河干流径流变化特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
变化环境下日益突出的水资源供需矛盾对流域水资源管理提出更高要求。通过分析流域径流量变化特征,揭示流域水资源演变趋势,为流域水资源合理开发利用提供依据。以渭河流域为研究区域,采用Mann-Kendall非参数检验、分形理论和R/S等方法分析渭河干流6个典型水文站1956—2015年径流时空变化特征、持续性及两者之间的关系。结果表明:渭河干流各站点的月径流量均呈减少趋势,从上游到下游,月径流量减少趋势的显著性越来越弱,呈显著性减少趋势的月份越来越少。渭河干流各站点的月径流深Hurst指数均大于0.5,即未来与历史变化情况呈正相关性,各站点未来月径流量将呈持续减少趋势。汛期分维数大于非汛期,上游月径流分维数小于下游,中游月径流分维数最大。分维数越大,径流过程变化越复杂,河流调节能力越差,表明渭河干流在汛期和中游径流量调节能力相对较差。Hurst指数与分形维数之间有着显著负相关性,即径流量越复杂,分维数越大,Hurst指数越小。研究结果可为流域水资源科学调度提供依据,有利于促进流域内水资源严格管理。  相似文献   

深圳新洲河水质现状评价与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对深圳市新洲河5个断面进行监测,并对其水质进行评价与分析。结果显示,河流总体水质为劣Ⅴ类,有机物、氮磷污染物均超标。水质指标间的相关性则表明新洲河的污染主要来自固定的一个或几个生活污水的排放。新洲河水质随时间的变化波动幅度很大。上游到中游段,水体中污染物总体上沿程减少,其中有机物和氮磷污染物降解幅度达60%~85%;中游至下游,水体则沿程恶化,氨氮、总氮均上升30%以上,有机物和总磷均增加100%以上。  相似文献   

塔里木河干流水资源问题与治理措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塔里木河流域气候极端干旱,生态环境十分脆弱。由于近些年来和对干流开发利用缺乏全面规划,上、中游水资源利用浪费严重,加上源流来水量减少,造成塔里木河下游断流,生态环境急剧恶化。塔里木河干流治理要以改善生态环境,确保绿色走廊,保护生态平衡为目标,采取必要的工程与非工程措施,加强节水工程建设,提高水资源利用率,控制上,中游耗水,增加下游生态用水,逐步恢复下游生态。  相似文献   

丹江口水库清水下泄冲刷含沙量的特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丹江口水库蓄水以后,由于清水下泄,坝下游河道沿程产生了不同程度的冲刷,使得沿程的含沙量和级配组成发生了明显的变化。本文根据丹江口水库坝下游16年的实测资料,分析了坝下游河道清水冲刷含沙量和级配的变化特性。并对清水冲刷过程中,干流河段内的沉速及含沙量的衰减现象作了分析,建立了干流河段内冲刷含沙量的衰减关系.文中用衰减式对丹江至皇庄段、丹江至仙桃段的干流冲刷含沙量资料作了验算,实测与计算值比较,结果尚好.  相似文献   

塔里木河是我国著名的内陆河流,其水资源的合理开发利用对沿程的生产发展和生态环境的变化起着重要作用。特别是塔里木河下游长491km的绿色走廊,它是水草丰美、林木丰茂的条带绿州,是抗御风沙浸蚀的绿色屏障,是国家生态环境重点保护的绿色走廊。但是,近二十年来,塔里木河下游水量急剧减少,形势是严峻的。本文根据1986年6月至12月对塔里木河干流沿程水情的考察资料,对塔里木河沿程水量流失原因进行了详细的分析,并提出如下防治措施:(1)修建拦河分水枢纽,恢复“渭干塔里木河”主流;(2)采取截弯取直或改道措施,缩短河道流程,减少水量损失;(3)建罗乎罗克水渠,减少自乌斯满河来水量损失;(4)扩建卡尔其克和塔里木水库,解决尉犁东河滩地区在枯水期的用水问题;(5)全面规划巴州境内河段的农、牧业用水和草场、林场建设;(6)统筹好巴州境内塔里木河的来水用水,以保证铁干里克以下2.0~2.5亿m~3的水量。  相似文献   

在分析山西省沿黄河干流4市19县(市)利用黄河干流水资源现状以及开发利用中存在的主要问题的基础上,针对问题和沿黄地区发展需要,提出加大开发利用黄河干流水资源的工程措施和政策保障措施。  相似文献   

通过对三峡水库蓄水前后坝下游水沙条件代表站--宜昌水文站的资料进行统计,分析了三峡水库蓄水前后坝下游河道造床流量的变化,并结合水力学计算对水流挟沙能力进行估算,简要分析了坝下游河道水流挟沙能力沿程的变化情况。分析认为三峡水库蓄水后引起的坝下游第一、第二造床流量变化和水流挟沙能力变化反映了坝下游河床以纵向冲刷为主的发展趋势;三峡蓄水前后同流量级条件下沿程水流挟沙能力的变化反映了三峡蓄水以来坝下游河段以中低水冲刷为主、中枯水位下降相对明显及河床沿程变化受节点控制的客观事实。  相似文献   

乌云河流域为黑龙江右岸中游段横跨山地、丘陵两类地貌类型区且开发利用程度较低的流域,水资源量相对较丰富。本文根据流域历年实测水文资料,从流域水文特性分析的角度对其可利用水资源量的时空分布特点和开发应用潜力及前景展望作了探讨性的论述。分析了现状条件下的水资源供需情况和水资源开发利用过程中存在的主要问题,对未来乌云河流域水资源的合理开发利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

大磁窑河是黑河水系黑河干流的一级支流,由于河流水资源问题涉及到区域内甘州区、肃南裕固族自治县的利益调整,分析计算大磁窑河水资源,并掌握其年内分配变化情况,为实行最严格水资源管理和流域水资源开发利用、统一管理提供依据。  相似文献   

The floodplains of lowland rivers contain diverse aquatic habitats that provide valuable ecosystem services but are perturbed when intensively cultivated. Hydrologic, water chemistry and biological (fish) conditions in five aquatic habitats along the Coldwater River, Mississippi, were measured for more than 4 years: the river, two severed meanders that functioned as backwaters, a managed wetland and an ephemeral channel draining cultivated fields. Off‐channel habitats were connected to downstream regions 0.10% to 32% of the dry season and 24% to 67% of the wet season. The median temperatures for the five monitored sites ranged from 18°C to 23°C, the median total solids concentration for all sites was 135 mg L?1, the median total phosphorus was 0.29 mg L?1 and the median total nitrogen was 1.56 mg L?1. Chemical and physical water quality displayed strong seasonal differences between the wet winter/spring and the dry summer/fall periods so that temporal variation consisted of gradual seasonal trends superimposed on strong diurnal variations. All off‐channel habitats exhibited periods of hypoxia and temperatures >30°C during the dry season. Between‐site gradients of water and habitat quality were strongly coupled to water depth and runoff loading. The rehabilitation of one backwater by increasing water depth and diverting agricultural runoff was associated with improved water quality and fish species richness relative to an adjacent untreated backwater. The diversion of polluted runoff and the use of water control structures to maintain greater water depth were observed to be effective management tools, but the former reduces the water supply to habitats that tend to dry up and the latter reduces connectivity. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) diffusive emissions were measured during two field surveys in Queensland and Tasmania, Australia, using the floating chamber method. Bubbling and degassing emissions in 2010 were estimated in Koombooloomba Dam reservoir using only inverted funnels and gas concentrations, respectively. A total of 14 reservoirs and 16 rivers and lakes were sampled from 2006 to 2010. Spatial variation was substantial within each water body, as well as between them. The main drivers of diffusive emission variation were physiographic region and climate, with a clear demarcation being observed between diffusive emissions from tropical Queensland and temperate Tasmania, and between the humid West Coast Range (Tasmania) and dry Central Plateau (Tasmania). Higher CO2 and CH4 diffusive emissions were observed during the dry season, when long water residence times would promote organic matter degradation. Estimated total gross emissions, including diffusive, bubbling and degassing emissions, for Koombooloomba Dam reservoir were about 1.5 × 106 t CO2eq km2 per year, or 24 × 106 t CO2eq per year. This corresponds to a plant emission factor of 3.18 kg CO2eq MWh?1. Using an estimate of terrestrial emissions derived from literature data for the Tully River catchment area, rough estimated net emissions from the catchment area are about 44 kt CO2eq per year, or 5.83 kg CO2eq MWh?1, which is in the lower range of the studied reservoirs.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
正As the eldest and most distributed professional journal of water industry,Water Wastewater Engineering(W WE)gained very wide acceptance from the colleagues working in this field in this country since start publication in 1964.Now it is administrated by the Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China and sponsored by the China Civil Engineering Society etc.  相似文献   

River regulation in the headwaters and middle reaches of the Gunnison River, Colorado, significantly altered distributions and abundances of Trichoptera fauna. Twenty-five species were collected from mainstream samples, with the greatest species richness occurring at an unregulated, rhithron segment above the central reach dams. At sites immediately below the three hypolimnial-release dams and a reregulation dam, species richness was reduced 35–90 per cent and abundance > 95 per cent. Net-spinning caddisflies were the dominant trichopterans at unregulated sites; Arctopsyche grandis in the upper reaches (218 organisms, 586 mg dry mass m?2) and Hydropsyche cockerelli, H. occidentalis and Cheumatopsyche pettiti in the lower river (9041 total organisms, 6621 mg m?2), downstream from the last dam. The observed distributional pattern of low trichopteran densities in dam tailwaters and high hydropsychid densities at sites 60–80 km below the central reach dams is a classic expression of continuum resets and adjustments in response to stream regulation as predicted by the Serial Discontinuity Concept.  相似文献   

Peter M. Gibbs 《国际水》2013,38(4):547-557

A professional Land Surveyor (Geomatician) describes the Hydrogeologists' survey requirements of a major water resources assessment for the government of The Sultanate of Oman (1992 to 1996). The need for objective specifications is stated. Specialist terms like geoid, spheroid, Mean Sea Level are explained and how to relate spheroidal levels to the geoid. Methods like traditional survey, satellite survey, and photogrammetry are introduced. The paper encourages coordinated working for the benefit of water resource assessment and recommends employment of the professional land surveyor for major studies.  相似文献   

解析法是库岸边坡地下水浸润线计算中便于实际应用的方法,但该方法须基于若干假定并对潜水运动基本方程线性化后才能求解。针对各假定和线性化过程建立不同的地下水渗流数学模型,用解析法和有限元法解答上述数学模型,分析各误差大小及其规律。结果表明:库岸垂直处理带来的误差要小于方程线性化处理和不考虑非饱和渗流带来的误差,而且它们都随渗透系数变大而减小;在三峡库区库水调度情况下,假定库水位等速变化带来的误差对大多岸坡而言可以忽略;计算库岸边坡地下水浸润线时,解析法只适用于水位变化幅度相比含水层厚度较小,且几何边界规则、岩土结构简单、岩土体渗透性较好时的情况。  相似文献   

Changes in summer irrigated cropland acreage and related water use are estimated from satellite remote sensing and ancillary data in semi-arid Southeastern Turkey where traditionally dry agricultural lands are being rapidly transformed into irrigated fields with the help of water from the Euphrates-Tigris Rivers. An image classification methodology based on thresholding of Landsat NDVI images from the peak summer period reveals that the total area of summer irrigated crops has increased three-fold (from 35,000 ha to over 100,000) in the Harran Plain between 1993 and 2002. Coupled analysis of annual irrigated crop area from remote sensing and potential evapotranspiration based estimates of irrigation water requirements for cotton indicate a corresponding increase in agricultural water use from about 370 million cubic meters to over one billion cubic meters, a volume in accordance with the state estimates. These estimates have important implications for understanding the rapid changes in current agricultural withdrawals in Southeastern Turkey and form a quantitative basis for exploring the changes in future water demands in the region. For example, expansion of irrigated lands have led to a steady decrease in potential evaporation due to increased roughness and decreased humidity deficit in the Harran Plain. Assuming that the changes in future evaporation conditions will be of similar nature, water use for irrigation is expected to decrease over 40 percent in future irrigation sites. Incorporating this decrease in overall planning of the irrigation projects currently under construction should lead to improved management, and by extension, sustainability of water resources in the region.  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of development activities on water pollution in Malaysia. Hence, the main objective of this paper is not just to examine the trends of development-induced water pollution around the region of the country but to know where the problems are and the policy measures taken by the government. It evaluates the probable causative relationship between problems introduced due to technology employed in water pollution control and governmental policy measures. It examines the relationship between development indicators as sources of pollution and polluted rivers over a period of 12 years. The findings of the paper have shown that despite the policy enforcement actions against the identified sources of water pollution, all the three development indicators (chosen based on those identified sources) still accounted for high percentage of river pollution in Malaysia. The findings of the paper were used to identify the central fact of the location of the problem. Some crucial conclusions of where the problems likely to be, as reflected in the findings, are: (a) the issue of interactive-effects between pollutants that many policy-makers are not aware of. This is when policy measures concentrate only on one source of water pollution; (b) the enforcement strength and/or effectiveness of policy measures themselves; (c) financial constraints to invest in appropriate technology especially sewerage systems for controlling human source of water pollution in the country; as well as those confronting small polluting industries (d) finally, lack of cooperation between government and private business firms to comply with regulatory policies for water pollution control.  相似文献   

溢洪道改扩建和进行溢洪道方案布置,要择优选取溢洪道进口型式、防冲消能工,以使其工程量省、施工快、运行管理方便  相似文献   

Intangible Flood Damage Quantification   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Flooding is a natural disaster that may cause tremendous tangibleand intangible damage to the national economy. The tangible damage assessment, i.e. the monetary value of all direct and indirect physical damages, has already been studied, whileintangible damages have not yet been taken into account. Thisarticle, therefore, is the first systematic attempt to assess bothtangible and intangible damages. The new proposed Anxiety-Productivity and Income Interrelationgship Approach (API) has been developed to quantify the intangible damage in monetary terms. The Bangkok area has been selected as the research area because several severe flood events have occurredthere over the last two decades. The 1983 Bangkok flood caused 6600 million baht in damage, according to estimates by the National Statistical Office (NSO). This article examines the totalflood damage (including the intangible damage) at different flood magnitudes. Case studies with and without flood mitigation projects are studied and compared. Furthermore, thisarticle also discusses the improvements over the conventional approach offered by the new API methodology.  相似文献   

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